My Life As A Teenage Wizard by wizardanon



Even with arcane power at your beck and call, you still cannot escape dealing with high school drama, teenage crushes and all sorts of shenanigans. Such is life.

Your name is Connor Renwick, and you are a young wizard. Currently a ninth-grader, you will move into a place with all sorts of mysteries and wonders, and in addition to honing your skill as a wizard, you will also have to deal with high school drama and shenanigans.

Will you uncover the mysteries within the town of Oakenwood? Are there any other wizards, witches and magic-users in this town? Will you find the love of your life there? Or perhaps several?

Tune in to find out.

Welcome to Oakenwood

"Ah, hello… mageling. Please, do not be alarmed. I am currently meeting you in your dream."

Seated before you is a peculiar woman with green hair dressed in blue. She has an air of mystery to her. And of course, you can't help but stare at her, as she is a beautiful woman dressed in something that barely hides her figure. She smiles knowingly, as if aware of what you are doing.

"Aah… please, there is no need to be so discreet…" The woman says in amused tone. "It is only normal for a boy like you to stare. Still, we have much to discuss, no?"

You keep looking at her, trying to ascertain her intentions.

"Connor Renwick, age fifteen…" The woman begins. "For a boy as young as you to be capable of performing arcane arts, you are pretty much the very definition of a prodigy. Of course, you still have much to learn. First, why don't you tell me how you became a wizard in the first place?"

How you became a wizard? -Voting closed - 26 voters

VOTESI was taught by a powerful wizard who pretended to be a hobo.10/144I learned magic on my own. Nobody taught me anything.5/81I found a living book called a grimoire that taught me the basics and unlocks new lessons as I become more skilled.5/71You've been tutored by a non-human (talking cat?)7/71I am a part of a wizard family with a rich history and background.4/5I was taught by a powerful wizard who was an actual hobo.3/4It just spawned in my mind1/1

"I was taught by a powerful wizard who pretended to be a hobo." You say. The circumstances behind you learning magic are kind of suspicious, to say the least. While you were the one who approached the hobo first, showing concern to him, it was him who offered to teach you magic as he revealed himself to be a wizard.

Of course, you thought that he was so full of shit, at first, believing that he was delusional at best, batshit insane at worst, but when he demonstrated what he was capable of, you were captivated. So, you came under tutelage of the wizard who was masquerading as a hobo.

"I see…" The woman muses. "Well, most wizards tend to hide themselves from others. Of course, the most important thing is is the things that you have learned from him." She focuses her golden eyes on you. "Now, tell me, boy… how much you have grown after you were mentored by this powerful wizard…"


As a wizard, you have six stats; Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.

Strength: Your physical strength, like how hard can you punch a guy or how much can you lift something.

Constitution: Your fortitude, like how much can you withstand a punch or how robust your body is.

Dexterity: Your speed, agility and reflexes, like how fast can you run or how expert can you handle something complex.

Intelligence: Your ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. One of the three stats that you use to cast spells.

Wisdom: Your ability to make sound judgement, essentially being wise. One of the three stats that you use to cast spells.

Charisma: Your force of personality and strength of character to compel others. One of the three stats that you use to cast spells.

You have 23 points to spend on all these six stats. Please name your plans in the suggestion box. Make sure that none of these stats exceed 9.







Stats- Closed - 4 posters

Basic Strength:3 Constitution:3 Dexterity:3 Intelligence:7 Wisdom:6 Charisma:3

Plan Scrawny Blank Slate Strength: 3 Constitution: 4 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 4 Wisdom: 4 Charisma: 4

Plan: Average Wizard Strength: 2 Constitution: 3 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 6 Wisdom: 6 Charisma: 3

Plan: Hobo Trained Strength: 4 Constitution: 4 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 8 Charisma: 1 Plan: Namby Pamby Strength: 1 Constitution: 1 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 8 Wisdom: 8 Charisma: 1 Plan: Wise Ass Boy Strength: 1 Constitution: 2 Dexterity: 1 Intelligence: 9 Wisdom: 1 Charisma: 9

Stats -Voting closed - 8 voters

VOTESPlan Average Wizard4/5Plan Hobo Trained1/2Plan Basic1Plan Scrawny Blank Slate0Plan Namby Pamby0Plan Wise Ass Boy0

Somehow, the vote is not multiple selection. Redoing the vote.

Stats Mk.II -Voting closed - 14 voters

VOTESPlan Average Wizard6/8Plan Hobo Trained3/5Plan Namby Pamby2/3Plan Scrawny Blank Slate3/3Plan Basic2/3Plan Wise Ass Boy1/2

Your stats

Strength: 2

Constitution: 3

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 6

Wisdom: 6

Charisma: 3

January 31st 2024's Note: There is a slight miscalculation on the stats distribution as the total amount of the stats above is 24 and not 23, but at this point, I'll just leave it be. Consider this a freebie.

"I see…" The woman nods in understanding. "Now then, why don't we have a little game for a little?" She smiles mysteriously as she conjures a deck of cards on the table in front of her.

She then waves her hand, rearranging the cards on the table. There are four cards placed in front of you.

"Pick up a card. The card will be your boon in your upcoming journey." The woman says.

You hesitantly reach out to one of the card. Taking a look at the card, you see…


Ace of Swords

You gain +2 bonus to all your physical stats (Strength, Constitution and Dexterity)


Ace of Wands

You gain +2 bonus to all your mental stats (Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma)


Ace of Cups

You gain 13 starting spells rather than 6. You will also gain +2 bonus to any of your mental stats of your choice.


Ace of Pentacles

You gain 3 magic artifacts. You will also gain + 2 bonus to any of your physical stats of your choice.

Boon -Voting closed - 21 voters

VOTESAce of Cups10/15Ace of Pentacles4/5Ace of Wands2/5Ace of Swords1/4

You have chosen the Ace of Cups as your boon. In addition to more spells, you also get +2 bonus to any of your mental stats of your choice.

Where do you wish to put this +2 bonus?

+2 bonus -Voting closed - 23 voters


Your stats

Strength: 2

Constitution: 3

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 6

Wisdom: 6

Charisma: 5=3+2

"Interesting…" The woman muses. "Well… let us continue. What do you think is your greatest virtue?" She asks.

A virtue? You think about it for a second.

Your greatest virtue -Voting closed - 27 voters

VOTESDiligence (you see the virtues in hard working and have a great work ethics)10/161Humility (you are nothing more than a simple man who is no better than others)6/102Temperance (you know self-restraint and never overindulge in things)4/6Patience (you never lose your temper, always keeping a cool and calm head)2/4Kindness (you will help others without hesitation, never expecting any reward)2/3Charity (you are quick to share with others and never attached to your possessions)2/2

"Aahh… so you are a diligent young boy, aren't you?" The woman smiles after you told her about your supposed greatest virtue. "What about your greatest flaw, then?" She smiles knowingly. "There's no need to be shy here. After all, even if you don't say it, I can tell."

Well, since she already knows your name, you might as well tell her about your supposed flaw. You think about it for a second before you answer her question.

Your greatest flaw -Voting closed - 25 voters

VOTESLust (you are weak at the sight of sexy women, and you are a pervert at heart)8/122Wrath (you are so easy to anger, and your anger is not a pretty thing)5/11Pride (you consider yourself superior compared to others, being wizard and all)3/10Gluttony (you tend to overindulge in the finer and not-so-fine things in life)3/7Gullibility (you are quick to trust others, even those you shouldn't trust)3/5Greed (you want many things, whether they are rightfully yours or not)31Envy (you are always jealous of others and often wish that it was you who have it good)2

The woman chuckles. "My, you're quite a perverted little boy, aren't you?" She smiles teasingly at you. "Not that I mind. A bit of perversion is healthy once in a while."

You look away, trying your best to not appear embarrassed in front of the sexy, mysterious lady. Now that you think about it, she hasn't told you her name yet.

"Anyway, what's your name?" You ask her.

"Oh, how careless of me! Well, you can call me Philomena." She introduces herself. "I suppose you can consider me a… spirit guide of sorts. A mageling like you is rare these days, and I wish to see your growth. You definitely have the potential of becoming something much greater."

"So… you're watching me for entertainment?" You ask.

Philomena chuckles. "Something like that, but we will see each other a lot. I will see you again, Connor." Your surroundings start to blur before everything goes dark.

You open your eyes and you find yourself seated in a car. Next to you is your aunt, Gianna. You recall her picking you up from the train station.

"Ah, you finally wake up, Connor." Your aunt says. "How are you feeling?" She asks. Apparently, you still haven't arrived at your destination, and you somehow dozed off earlier.

Speaking with your aunt -Voting closed - 23 voters

VOTESI'm feeling fine. How long until we arrive?12/16I'm feeling fine. I dreamed of a big boobed lady.6/71+ Even bigger than yours.4/4I'm feeling depressed. Existential dread, you know?1/21I'm a wizard, auntie.1

"I'm feeling fine. How long until we arrive?" You shrug before you ask her.

Your aunt tilts her head before she answers, "Well, we'll be home about ten minutes from now." She focuses on driving. You check on the time. It's already 4 PM.

You did take the train earlier. And starting today, you will be living in Oakenwood, a town you're entirely unfamiliar with.

Now that you think about it, there's a reason why you somehow end up in this town. And you will be living with Aunt Gianna. Well, she's not actually related to you by blood as she was married to your uncle, Rodrick, who passed away a year ago. She has two children, Aubrey and Marian, though considering that you rarely met them, you don't really know them too well besides them being your cousins.

Putting that aside, why are you going to Oakenwood in the first place?

Why are you here? -Voting closed - 29 voters

VOTESHobo-sensei told you to go out and touch grass14/16There was a school shooting, your parents decided to move you to a 'safer' school afterwards9/122A change of pace. And you want to get away from your parents for a while.7/8+That's the official story at least. Secretly it's a mission from your Hobo-Sensei. Something about the fate of the magical world?4/5A tragic accident, both your parent's died in a car crash, and Aunt Gianna was the only one willing to take care of you4/41A fresh start. You did have a reputation back then in your own town, after all.2/3You got sold.1/2

Well, it all started because of the shooting at your old school, and while the shooter was quickly apprehended, your parents were worried about you and decided that you should go to a 'safer' school instead. Also, at the same time, it happened that your hobo magic teacher had told you that you should go out so that you can learn more about magic on your own, telling you that the environment of your old place was hindering your growth as a wizard.

Hence the reason behind you moving to Oakenwood in the first place. You will be living with Aunt Gianna and her children. Hopefully, you will be able to get along with them just fine. Also, you will be enrolled into Oakenwood High, though you will be entering the school in the middle of a semester.

Both you and your aunt have small chats as she drives you home before you finally arrive at your destination. "We're home." Your aunt says. Getting out of the car, you somehow hear the sound of waves before you realize that the house in question is a beachside house.

The house looks quite luxurious as it overlooks the beach. You remember that your uncle was a very successful businessman before he died a year ago due to a car accident. The fact that Aunt Gianna and her children are living in such a luxurious place indicates that your late uncle was loaded with money that your aunt didn't have to work to support her two children.

"Come on, Connor. Let's get inside." Your aunt says to you, inviting you to enter the house. You take your bag and follow her inside.

"First of all, welcome to our house." Your aunt says, smiling at you welcomingly. "Just treat this place like your own house, okay? Also, as you can see, the beach isn't too far away, so if you ever wish to hit the beach, feel free to go there, though you gotta stay safe while you're at it, you got it?"

"Yes, auntie." You say. You're thankful that you didn't forget to bring your swimsuit with you.

As you look around inside the house, someone shows up.

"Oh, Connor." It is a girl with the same shade of hair as your aunt. She seems pleased as she sees you. "It's been a while. How are you?"

It is your older cousin, Aubrey Foster. She is an 11th grader or a junior in high school, so she is two years older than you. While you rarely interacted with her before, you remember that she is very kind, respectful and ladylike. From what you've heard about her, she is a straight A student who is also active in sports, particularly swimming.

Well, considering that she's living near the beach, you assume that she's very good at swimming because she's been practicing a lot.

"I'm good. Please don't mind me." You say. Aubrey giggles.

"Well, you're family, so please don't be too reserved around us, okay?" She says kindly. "Plus, we'll be going to the same school too, so I'll be looking out for you there." You can tell that she is a very caring young woman, though you're not so sure if you want to be doted on even at school.

Speaking to Aubrey -Voting closed - 13 voters

VOTESThank you. I'm lucky to have such a dependable older cousin.6/81Thank you, but there's no need for you to do that.2/6

You smile at Aubrey. "Thank you. I'm lucky to have such a dependable older cousin." Well, since you're new here, and she's your older cousin, you will have to rely on her once you're at school. Some may think it's uncool for a boy to be doted on by an older girl, but you don't really mind that.

"Oh? Is that Connor?"

You hear a voice before another girl shows up. This girl also has the same shade of hair color as both your aunt and Aubrey. And she's wearing a cropped tank top and short shorts, showing off lots of skin.

"Heh, getting taller, ain'tcha?" It is Aubrey's younger sister who's around the same age as you, Marian Foster. From what you can remember, she's a cheeky little gremlin who loved teasing you, especially after she learned that you were hanging out with a local hobo.

Also, she seems to have grown bustier, and she doesn't seem afraid to show herself off.

Just like you, she is also a freshman. Cheerful and outgoing, she's one of those gals who loves socializing. And you have learned sometime ago that she's also a cheerleader.

"It's been a while, Marian." You say to your other cousin.

Grinning mischievously, Marian looks at you and says, "Well, if you're looking for a hobo to hang out with in this town, you're out of luck, Connor. Maybe you should hang out with your cute little cousin for a change?" She has this classic bratty attitude, though you somehow find it cute.

"Marian, be nice to your cousin." Your aunt reprimands her.

"Don't be mean." Aubrey scolds her. Marian pouts.

"You two are only defending him 'cause he's cute!" Marian protests. Well, you're kind of flattered to be called cute, but that's besides the point. What do you say to her?

Speaking to Marian -Voting closed - 30 voters

VOTESSo, you're actually saying that I'm cute, Marian? Is that true?16/21+ Maybe if you would volunteer in homeless shelter you could find a boyfriend you cheeky gremlin9/102Yeah, don't be mean. That hobo's actually a swell guy, you know?5/6+ sure, as long as you ask kindly I'll hang out with you almost any time.3/3Cute!? I challenge you squirt to a pose off! *Strips and Flex to Zyzz*2/3+Wanna go lifting in the gym?1/2Sure, you're basically a hobo anyway.1/1I'm cute defend me more Aubrey.1/1+ promise a big hug to whoever agrees your the cutest, and kiss on the cheek to whoever agrees your also the handsomest1

Two can play this game. "So, you're actually saying that I'm cute, Marian? Is that true?" You grin at her teasingly, and her eyes widen after hearing you.

"W-wait, t-that's-" Marian stammers. Then, she stomps her feet childishly as she pouts and glares at you.

"Hey, this ain't fair!" Marian complains. "You're supposed to be all flustered and act silly!" Well, the way she pouts is pretty cute. Of course, there's no changing the fact that she is a gremlin. "Stupid Connor! Hmph!"

"Oh yeah? Maybe if you would volunteer in homeless shelter you could find a boyfriend, you cheeky gremlin." You shoot back, and Marian has a scandalized look on her face.

"Y-you… m-mama! Look, Connor's mean to me!" Marian latches herself to her mother, your aunt as she points her finger at you accusingly. "Scold him, mama! Tell him he's a bad boy! Spank his butt!"

Your aunt just sighs and smiles tiredly. "Connor, that's not nice." Well, you have to admit that you might overdo it.

"Yeah, yeah…" You grumble as you scratch the back of your neck. "Sorry, Marian." You apologize to Marian halfheartedly.

"Hmph!" Marian huffs, crossing her arms under her ample chest.

"Play nice, you two…" Your aunt says before she looks at her oldest daughter. "Aubrey, will you show Connor his room?"

"Sure, mom." Aubrey nods. "Let's go, Connor." She beckons you to follow her. Carrying your bag, you follow your older cousin towards where your room will be. Heading upstairs, you are treated with the sight of Aubrey's plump butt.

You try your best to not stare. Alas, you are but a man, and you have your fill staring at those plump, squeezable cheeks.

"Connor…" Aubrey sighs. "Are you staring at my butt?" She doesn't sound angry, just resigned.

Aubrey caught you staring at her butt -Voting closed - 23 voters

VOTES"Yes. It's in front of me."12/16+ "We are literally both walking up the stairs. Where else am I supposed to look?"10/13I can neither confirm nor deny such slanderous allegations.7/91"Am I supposed to be all flustered and act silly now? Oh no big sis Aubrey you caught me tehe..."3/3"I was wondering where that corporate aesthetic came from? Are you in some internship program? You look very professional!"3/3+ "It's too nice not to stare at..."1/2"Sorry." Look away.0"No." Avert eyes quickly.0

"Yes. It's in front of me." You reason. "I mean, we are literally both walking up the stairs. Where else am I supposed to look?" You ask.

"Connor, you…" It looks like Aubrey is about to scold you, but she stops herself as she sighs. "Never mind. Try to not stare too much, okay?" She reminds you. "He's lucky he's cute…" You can hear her mumbling to herself as she continues leading you onward.

Soon, the two of you arrive at your designated room, which is actually a guest room. It looks plain, though the bed, pillows and mattress are already prepared. There's also a wardrobe in the room as well.

"So, here's your room." Aubrey tells you. "Sorry that it's plain."

"It looks good to me." You say, looking around after putting down your bag.

Aubrey smiles before she points at one direction. "Over there's the bathroom. We have three bathrooms here, so there's no need to worry about walking in while someone's bathing. If you want anything, feel free to tell us."

"Got any question?" Aubrey asks, flashing a kind smile at you.

Speaking to Aubrey -Voting closed - 21 voters

VOTESIs there anything I could help with around the house?13/19Any people I need to be careful about?5/81+ Do you have family meals or do you guys eat on your own?4/6Do I need to do house chores too?1/2Do you all have any spare surfboards? Is this stretch of beach good for surfing?1/2None at the moment. Thanks.0

You don't like being idle, so you've decided to ask her if there's anything you can do here in this house. "Is there anything I could help with around the house?"

"Oh?" Aubrey doesn't seem to expect that question from you. "Well, mom's the one who does all the work here, though you can help out if you want. I help out occasionally if I have time, and Marian… well, let's just say she's not really well-suited at housekeeping."

"Ah, got it." You nod. "I'd like to help around when I have the chance too."

Aubrey nods in approval. It seems that she appreciates your diligence. "That's good to hear. Well, just ask around if you want to do something." Smiling at you, she is ready to leave you room. "If that's all, I gotta go for now. I want to help out mom cooking dinner. Join us later, okay?"

After that, Aubrey leaves you in your room. Sighing, you plop yourself onto your bed. Resting your arm over your eyes, you try to recall the last time you focus on your magic.

You are a wizard, a practitioner of arcane art. Your teacher is a great wizard who pretended to be a homeless guy. You're not sure what his deal is, but you know that he's a genuine article after seeing him casting some spells.

Thanks to him, you have learned some spells under his tutelage. You're not particularly an expert, but you can adequately cast the spells after learning them from your wizard master.

Waving your hand, you take out your spellbook from your bag, and you let it fly towards you before it floats above your face. The first spell that you learned from your teacher is telekinesis, which is moving an object with your magic.

Besides telekinesis, what spells did you learn from your wizard teacher? Including telekinesis, you currently have thirteen spells in your spellbook.

Air Magic (basic)

The ability to control air and wind. Can be developed and expanded into the more advanced spells.

Alchemy (basic)

The knowledge and ability to transmute and transform matters. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.


The ability to divine the future through playing cards or tarot cards. It is perfect as it is.

Earth Magic (basic)

The ability to reshape and control earth and dirt. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Electricity Magic (basic)

The ability to conjure electricity and lightning. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Enhancement Magic (basic)

The ability to enhance self or others physically or mentally. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Fire Magic (basic)

The ability to conjure and control fire. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Golemancy (basic)

The ability to create and manipulate golems. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Healing Magic (basic)

The ability to heal wounds and injuries. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Ice Magic (basic)

The ability to conjure and control ice. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Light Magic (basic)

The ability to produce and manipulate light. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Necromancy (basic)

The ability to control and manipulate corpses. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Plant Magic (basic)

The ability to control plants and growth of plants. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Shadow Magic (basic)

The ability to reshape and manipulate shadow. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Suggestion (basic)

The ability to magically influence a creature to do your bidding. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Summon Magic (basic)

The ability to summon or invoke otherworldly creatures. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Symbol Magic (basic)

The ability to create magical effects through symbols and sigils. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Water Magic (basic)

The ability to conjure and manipulate water. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Witchcraft (basic)

The branch of magecraft that focuses on the sacrifice of flesh and blood. Can be developed and expanded into more advanced spells.

Choose 12. Write-in in suggestion box.

Your spells (choose 12)- Closed - 3 posters

Plan Minion Mancer Synergy Alchemy (basic) Earth Magic (basic) Electricity Magic (basic) Enhancement Magic (basic) Golemancy (basic) Healing Magic (basic) Necromancy (basic) Shadow Magic (basic) Suggestion (basic) Summon Magic (basic) Symbol Magic (basic) Witchcraft (basic)

Plan: General Practitioner - Summon Magic (Basic) - Symbol Magic (Basic) - Water Magic (Basic) - Suggestion (Basic) - Earth Magic (basic) - Golemancy (Basic) - Air Magic (Basic) - Fire Magic (Basic) - Enhancement Magic (Basic) - Plant Magic (Basic) - Shadow Magic (Basic) - Light Magic (Basic)

Plan King of the Castle Air Magic (basic) Earth Magic (basic) Water Magic (basic) Light Magic (basic) Plant Magic (basic) Symbol Magic (basic) Summon Magic (basic) Enhancement Magic (Basic) Witchcraft (basic) Alchemy (basic) Suggestion (basic) Golemancy (basic)

Your starting spells -Voting closed - 25 voters

VOTESPlan Minion Mancer Synergy13/18Plan King of the Castle4/5Plan General Practitioner3/4

Your spells

Alchemy (basic)

Earth Magic (basic)

Electricity Magic (basic)

Enhancement Magic (basic)

Golemancy (basic)

Healing Magic (basic)

Necromancy (basic)

Shadow Magic (basic)

Suggestion (basic)

Summon Magic (basic)

Symbol Magic (basic)

Telekinesis (basic)

Witchcraft (basic)

You sigh as you close your spellbook. At the moment, you have learned thirteen spells from your teacher. If you wish to expand more on those spells, you can train yourself, though you must find the time for that. Also, if you wish to learn new spells, you need to find the grimoires for them, or find any wizard who can teach you the spells, though you doubt that you can find any wizard here in Oakenwood.

Time passes uneventfully, and you join your aunt and cousins at dinner. Marian has cooled down considerably, though she's still pouting at you. Both your aunt and Aubrey are treating you kindly.

Tomorrow, you will go to Oakenwood High School to be enrolled there, and your aunt will be bringing you there. You're wondering what kind of high school it is. At the very least, you can expect it to be much safer than your old school, though you're not sure what to expect from it.

So, you go to sleep around 11 o'clock, preparing yourself for the next day.

"We meet again, mageling…" You find yourself meeting Philomena again, presumably in a dream. "Tell me, how do you feel settling down in a new place?"

"Well, it feels good, I suppose?" You say. Philomena chuckles.

"I'd say. Well… would you like to do a fortune-telling?" Philomena asks. A deck of tarot cards can be seen placed on the small table in front of her. "A simple divination of what is to come…" She chuckles enigmatically.

You look at the cards on the table and mull over your decision.

Tarot cards with Philomena -Voting closed - 18 voters

VOTESSure, please read my future10/141No, I make my own future4/5

Roll three 1d23

Tarot cards- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d23

1 = 1

Dice: 1d23

1 = 1

Dice: 1d23

11 = 11

Dice: 1d23

22 = 22

Edit: Mistake was made. It should be d22, not d23. I miscounted the number of Major Arcana. Changing the World into the Fool.

Magician, Strength and Fool

Roll three 1d2 (1 is upright, 2 is reversed)

Upright or reversed- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d2

2 = 2

Dice: 1d2

2 = 2

Dice: 1d2

2 = 2

Philomena flips the first card, and you see the Magician in a reversed position. Sensing your trepidation, Philomena chuckles as she then speaks to you reassuringly.

"Worry not, little mageling…" Philomena chuckles. "Reversed position doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. Now let's see… the Magician in a reversed position. There is uncertainty in you, which prevents you from taking immediate actions. You are unsure if you are wholly prepared for everything the world has in store for you." Her golden eyes regard you with curiosity. "Or perhaps you are struggling to reach your goal or success. Perhaps a brief introspection is in order, though let's see what's coming next."

Philomena flips the second card, revealing Strength in the reversed position.

"Ah, perhaps this is the answer to my questions earlier…" Philomena says as she studies the card. "Strength typically represents, well… strength and courage. But in the reversed position, it can also mean self-doubt and low energy." She regards you curiously again. "So, the reason behind your struggle and uncertainty is due to your own self-doubt?"

You look down. Back then in your old place, you don't really have much belief in yourself, thinking that you are nothing special. This is one of the chief reasons why you learned magic and became a wizard in the first place. It is to find the confidence in yourself to be someone you can be proud of. But, is it truly the best way to go?

"Now, let's see where this will lead you to…" Philomena then reveals the third card, which is the Fool in the reversed position.

"Ooh, the Fool in the reversed position. How curious." Philomena chuckles. "As you can see, the Fool represents beginnings, innocence and spontaneity, but a reversed Fool indicates that you may want to solve all your problems through quiet contemplations rather than active actions. Of course, that's not to say that you should be passive and wait for things to come. Though you should watch out for your own recklessness, as it may cost you and those who are dear to you…"

Philomena waves her hand and the cards disappear.

"I hope this will give you something to think about." Philomena says. "Of course, the future is never set in stone. Even a gentle flap of a butterfly's wings can cause a great change in the future. Just think of it as something to look forward to."

Your surroundings start to shimmer, and you can feel that your consciousness starts to drift away.

"Now then, we shall meet again someday. Farewell, Connor Renwick, my dear mageling…"

Next: Going to High School →