The Domestic Life of Counter Guardians by FairyNChevalier

Words: 35k+


(If EMIYA's future self told him Alaya ordered him to take a vacation with his fellow Counter Guardian—Okita Souji Alter, he wouldn't believe him and probably fire a Caladbolg II for that poor joke. Jokes on him, he'll be living in a house with Okita too!)

Chapter 1


It's been... some time since the last time Archer heard someone call him that. Where was the voice coming from? All he could see was darkness. The faker felt like he was floating in an infinite void, alone and lost. The silver-haired man's memory was fuzzy, and he could barely recall his most recent memories.

It was most likely about being summoned to "save" humanity and clean their mess again. The usual, he supposed. Though, the man couldn't rule out being summoned for a Holy Grail War. Agh, the details of his departure were too fuzzy to remember.


Ah, that voice again. Was she calling out to him? Or were the very few memories he could recall of his past echoing throughout this darkness? Hmm, EMIYA swore her tone was sweeter the last time he remembered.


The voice called out once more, slightly louder this time around. Archer heard it clearly. It was more monotoned than the sweet and soft voice he was used to.

He suddenly felt a hand caress his right cheek. The faker noticed the sensation of calluses rubbing his face, yet they were still soft and, dare he say, comforting. Such a familiar feeling. What the hell was going on...Was she here beside him?

Despite the darkness that enveloped his vision, EMIYA lifted a hand and placed it over the one who held his cheek. He gave a squeeze. His lips curled into an amused grin. His sight might have been rendered unusable, but he could almost see strands of purple hair falling onto his face. Maybe Rin and Taiga were present? Illya and Saber? In a world where there was no conflict or chaos humanity itself created? Ha! Well, he could dream.

Underneath his cynical outlook and nihilism, he was capable of having such thoughts.

Now that he was thinking about it, when was the last time he thought about them? He couldn't remember...

Suddenly, light pierced through the world of black.



Archer groaned as his eyes fluttered open, feeling sluggish. The bowman was greeted by a pair of steel-grey eyes similar to his own. Their gaze was blank, though he knew that was but one layer behind those grey jewels. His own steel orbs saw the worry and concern behind them. As his vision finally returned, EMIYA realized who was in front of him.

A young woman with silvery-white hair accompanying her similarly-colored optics was kneeling beside him, a crimson tassel accessory attached on the left side of her locks. Her tanned skin seemed to glisten at the ceiling light that rained on them. She was clad in a red off-shoulder dress over what looked like a black sleeveless turtleneck.

The man noted that her top was partnered with a pair of grey shorts. He called them shorts, but they barely concealed her thighs. Speaking of thighs, they were covered by ebony thigh-high stockings— Okay, he's starting to sound like a pervert with these observations. He should be inspecting his surroundings—


EMIYA was snapped out of his thoughts by the silver-haired woman as he shook his head.

"Sorry, Okita. It looks like I spaced out." She bobbed her head slightly before her usually blank face showed a frown.

"Are you okay? You've been mumbling in your sleep earlier..." The woman asked in concern as his lips curled downwards.

The male Counter Guardian shook his head once again and shrugged. "Just remembering some people from my past, I guess."

"I thought you couldn't remember your past?"

"That's technically half-true. I can't remember everything, but there are some things I can't forget." His first meeting with Saber and the day his adoptive father saved him from that accursed fire. "Most of my memories are foggy at best."

"I take it what you were remembering was one of those things you can't forget?" His fellow Guardian tilted her head.

"No, more like the latter." He sighed before glancing around where they were.

To Archer's surprise, the interior looked like something he would find in a domestic household. And considering he was lying on the floor instead of the couch he just saw, he assumed they were in a Japanese-western living room.

The walls lacked anything personal, but everything else was furnished. EMIYA looked down at himself. He thought it was time to start questioning some things.


"Yes, Senpai?" Ugh, so she is the one calling him that. He thought he was hearing things.

"Were you the one who changed my clothes?"

Archer gestured to his current attire: his casual set of an unbuttoned dark blue shirt over a white t-shirt and his bottom clad in a pair of denim pants. They were not clothes used by a Counter Guardian on a mission. Hell, he wouldn't be wearing anything other than his shroud and armor unless there was a reason to...

Was there a reason?

Okita was wearing pretty casual clothes too, which was a rare sight. They weren't particularly close, but he assumed from their previous conversations in joint missions that she was just like him. Again...

Was there a reason why they were wearing casuals instead of their combat gear?

The silver-haired woman gave him a frown as she placed her palm against his forehead.

"Oi, what are you doing?"

"Checking if you have a fever."

"We don't get sick!"

"Oh." She retracted her hand, but her frown remained. "You really don't remember? You were the one who put those clothes on, Senpai."

That got him to be slightly concerned. A scowl plastered on his face as he pressed his own palm against his temple, only noticing that his usual slicked-back hair was ruffled down. His scowl deepened. "I can't seem to recall much right now...Aren't we on a mission?"

She nodded her head and folded her hands on her lap.

"All right. Care to share the details of what we're supposed to do? The threat we have to clean up this time? And does it explain why we're inside an expensive-looking house with these clothes?" EMIYA knew he was asking back-to-back questions, but he couldn't help himself. He needed answers.

Okita closed her eyes for a moment, then nodded lazily.

"What is it then?"

"Brace yourself, Senpai. If you truly can't remember our mission, then you might... not be prepared to hear it."

"I have grown used to the crap that's constantly being thrown at us. I can handle it." The bowman gestured for her to continue.

Okita, a bit reluctant, eventually conceded and continued. "All right, if you say so, Senpai." She took a deep breath. No amount of mental preparation could have prepared him for what she said next. "Our mission is to relax and enjoy our vacation."

This is my first Fate fic! I just needed to start writing something after being addicted to Fate and Type-Moon for some time now. This will mostly be fluff, humor, and probably occasional angst and serious themes but mostly a light-hearted story! This was definitely inspired by that one EMIYA and Majin-san fic XD

Just like the title says, it's about these two Counter Guardians. Of course, there's a possibility the other CGs might make an appearance *wink wink*. Anyways, I hope you all look forward to future chapters!