Oak & Audience by Obloquy

Words: 17k+

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/oak-audience.1182010/

(Sammy Oak grew up always remembering the boy and his Pikachu who saved him and Celebi, but he never really expected to hear from them again.

Given that they shared some other stories of what they'd survived to reassure him -- pacifying Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno with help from the Beast of the Sea?! -- he kept an eye out for sightings of Legendaries and disasters, but he never saw that boy with the Pikachu.

Not until Gary's friend Ash won a very distinctive hat in a contest, and then he found a Pikachu chewing wires and knew the two were connected.

When Ash arrived late, he gave Ash a partner in Pikachu... and then he gave Ash a phone too, with a Chat App, to keep in touch.

(Lance, Lorelei, and Bruno had to wonder why he insisted on adding them under stupid screen names, while Agatha just grumbled that maybe Oak hadn't hallucinated the whole thing after all.) )

Chat App (I Choose You!)

OldManOak (mod) created this Chat!

OldManOak added NotDeadYetCoolCapeRageCandy, and PrimaDonna to the Chat.​

OldManOak: Greetings! Are you a boy, or are you a girl?


*OldManOak is typing*

CoolCape: Professor?

NotDeadYet: He's finally gone senile, someone fly over and make him take a nap

RageCandy: Male

RageCandy: at Fuchsia

PrimaDonna: He's cognitive enough to remember that I let slip my pen name and use it here

PrimaDonna: Girl

CoolCape: I'm flying over, ETA 40

OldManOak: For decades, Agatha has insisted that I hallucinated an event in my childhood where I time-traveled with a Celebi and we were rescued from a Team Rocket poacher by trainers in the future. After years of watching and waiting, I have found a child -- same name, same appearance, same distinctive outfit -- whom I believe will grow to be one of the trio who rescued me. He begins his journey tomorrow. While I was a frightened child, he and his friends reassured me with stories of how they had overcome far scarier threats than a poacher with a large robot, including an event where the Legendary Birds went on a rampage that they had to stop by finding a Beast of the Sea (Lugia) to calm them down, and an event where Johto's Entei seemed to be brainwashed by a horde of psychic Pokemon. As those events and others happened during his journey, I expect they will occur within the next year or two. As they may be a public safety issue, I will be issuing the young man -- Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town -- a device with this chat app to keep us all updated on his progress throughout his journey. I do not wish to alarm him or to swell his head with thoughts of future glory, so I believe it is wisest not to tell him that I intend to use him as a disaster detector, nor that the others in the chat are the Elite Four, and simply allow his journey to progress organically while keeping the chat handy in case he finds an emergency.

OldManOak: I am NOT SENILE!

OldManOak: My apologies for startling you, @CoolCape, please feel free to cease your flight to my home

PrimaDonna: You mentioned the Legendary Birds going on a rampage and you expect him not to see you in person for details?

RageCandy: @ me if it gets interesting

RageCandy has left the chat.

RageCandy has muted the chat.​

NotDeadYet: You've absolutely gone senile

NotDeadYet has left the chat​

PrimaDonna: Cape isn't likely to check his chat on a high-speed flight, so you have some time to prepare

PrimaDonna: Care to tell me about this young man, and about your time-travel adventure as a child?

*OldManOak is typing*


OldManOak (mod) has locked the Chat history

OldManOak added Ash_Pikachu to the Chat.​

Ash_Pikachu: Hello?

Ash_Pikachu: Is this right?

OldManOak: Quite right! Good luck, and just keep me updated on your adventures.

PrimaDonna: Good morning, and good luck. I still remember setting out on my journey with Eddy.

PrimaDonna: We may not always be on, but I like to help young trainers and watch them grow, so feel free to ask for advice

Ash_Pikachu: Thank you miss

Ash_Pikachu: @OldManOak Mom said I shouldn't give my information to people online, but if you know her then she's trustworthy, right?

OldManOak: Prima and the other three are quite trustworthy! Although often headstrong and opinionated

CoolCape: Using @ doesn't make a message private to that person, it just nudges them to pay attention.

Ash_Pikachu: SORRY!!

Ash_Pikachu: I didn't mean to insult you!

PrimaDonna: No offense taken, it is smart to be safe

CoolCape: You need to PM someone if you want to ask a private question

CoolCape: Good luck on your journey

PrimaDonna: Good luck

Ash_Pikachu: Thank you! Good luck to you too


PrimaDonna: You stayed the night at Oak's ranch, right? How is he?

CoolCape: His mind is as keen as ever, and he even produced some sketches and notes he made in his childhood to help him later identify his savior

CoolCape: Also, I recognized another description as potentially resembling Gym Leader Brock

CoolCape: it looks like the Pewter Gym situation with flint is going to resolve itself some time in the next few months

PrimaDonna: Remember to tell Rage that he can delay his inspection a month or two

PrimaDonna: Unless the resolution is revoking their license?

CoolCape: TBD

PrimaDonna: How was Ash?

CoolCape: Morbidly hilarious disaster

PrimaDonna: ??

CoolCape: He woke up late and ran in 20 minutes after the next latest trainer had already got their Pokemon

CoolCape: I think he was still in his pajamas

CoolCape: Also, as evidenced by his username, Oak decided to start him off with a freshly caught, non-domesticated Pikachu instead of one of his usual set of starters

CoolCape: He even did a sadistic comedy routine of putting out three labeled Pokeballs to choose from, let the kid try each one, and explaining they were empty because other trainers who got there on time chose those Pokemon first

PrimaDonna: ????

CoolCape: Ash fell for it, kept getting more freaked out

CoolCape: I felt sorry for him, but I was also corpsing like crazy backstage

PrimaDonna: Wouldn't those just have been empty Pokeballs to start with, since most trainers take the Pokemon with the Pokeball?

PrimaDonna: *Pokeball with the Pokemon

CoolCape: Kid didn't know Oak has five or six of each starter at his ranch

CoolCape: Yes

CoolCape: Ash was getting Pikachu no matter what "because he and Pikachu were clear comrades when they saved me and Celebi"

CoolCape: The routine was just an excuse for the abnormal starter + a "scare him straight" to be on time

CoolCape: Plus, one of the other sponsored trainers didn't even even show up at all, so he's asked me if I want to stick around and help a "respect people's time" Scare Her Straight routine

CoolCape: I'm tempted. Opinions?

PrimaDonna: I'll remind Ash to feed and groom his Pokemon on time too.

PrimaDonna: I want videos of what you do

PrimaDonna: But make sure you hear out the excuse in case the kid had a broken leg tripping on stairs or something

CoolCape: Good point

PrimaDonna: How did this future savior handle having a non-domesticated starter thrust upon him for his lateness?

CoolCape: Poorly

CoolCape: Pikachu shocked him several times and is also refusing to get into a Pokeball

CoolCape: Batted the ball back at Ash several times like they were playing catch, then shocked Ash and their audience when Ash picked him up

PrimaDonna: I'll advise Ash about how to have a talk with Pikachu about respecting each other's boundaries

CoolCape: I just realized, Oak ducked, which basically means it's the first time I've ever seen Oak not get injured when a Pokemon got rowdy while he was nearby

PrimaDonna: new trainer withstood multiple Pikachu shocks? He might be special already

CoolCape: Actually, Ash did stay standing despite being at ground zero of the crowd shock, even though the rest of the crowd got knocked off their feet

CoolCape: Oak-level resilience at his age might be a super-power

PrimaDonna: Think Surge has a potential replacement coming up?

CoolCape: If he really gets a Lugia to pacify the Holy Birds' rage, I might have a replacement in him

CoolCape: Though he'll need better skills than rubber gloves and a clothesline leash like he's using now

PrimaDonna: I'll go ping him about that boundaries talk


[Scroll up to read earlier messages]​

PrimaDonna: Fourth, you have to understand that any true partnership ought to have some give and take, and consideration for the other party. Oak mentioned your Pikachu was recently wild, so he probably doesn't;'t respect you as much for not having captured him yourself, and might not be used to a partnered human lifestyle. If he likes being out of his Pokeball, don't hesitate to let him roam around, exercise, and stretch his legs.

PrimaDonna: You'll need some extra Pokemon food if you do, but Pikachu can also forage his own food, and he eats little enough that it shouldn't make a difference in funds or diet.

PrimaDonna: Ask Pikachu to stay in vocal range, to check in every so often, and to let you know which direction he's exploring.

PrimaDonna: Lastly, don't forget to include Pikachu by asking him questions, and working out a way to get Yes and No answers or other responses. For instance, Pikachu will probably have a much better sense of whether he can fight and beat a wild Pokemon than you will, so deferring to whether or not he's willing to try is a good way to show trust. Engaging with him even in simple ways, like "which direction should we explore?" or "hey, race you to the bend in the path" will help the two of you better grow to understand each other

PrimaDonna: Please let me know when you get this, and how it goes.

PrimaDonna: I'm beginning to worry that you haven't responded.

PrimaDonna: If I don't hear from you by this evening, I'm sending Oak and Cape out to search for you, so if you're in trouble just hold out a little longer

That Was Fast


PrimaDonna: @CoolCape @OldManOak Ash isn't responding to my PM after several hours might want to do a fly-by search of the nearby area before nightfall

CoolCape: I'll get my team on it

OldManOak: Oh dear, I've got a Crobat who knows Ash's voice and an Arcanine he's brushed who knows his scent

OldManOak: I'll also contact Viridian to keep an eye out, he could easily have made it there by now

NotDeadYet: Coddling the children won't help them grow, and if he really is your time-travel savior then his death or dismemberment now would cause a paradox

NotDeadYet: Unless you're admitting that you just projected the whole thing?

NotDeadYet: Still... good luck, @Ash_Pikachu. If you're as capable as Oak believes, you'll pull through whatever it is

CoolCape: Found some electrical burns and signs of a struggle

CoolCape: Found footprints, but I've lost the trail when he jumped into a river to lose whatever was chasing him

OldManOak: He's alive! thank you, @CoolCape, you can stand down now.

OldManOak: Off. Aria Jenny of Viridian gave him an emergency ride to the Pokémon Center when he stumbled to the city carrying Pikachu

OldManOak: She says Joy says Pikachu will make a full recovery with a day or two of rest

NotDeadYet: told you, old mother hen

PrimaDonna: If he calls you on the Pokémon Center phone, advise him to stick his gear in dry ice to get it working again; I had that problem when I get wet without taking them out of my pocket, but the current models are quite resilient and should work properly once dried and rebooted

PrimaDonna: *DRY RICE

NotDeadYet: Too much winter on the brain?


Ash_Pikachu: I'm okay!

Ash_Pikachu: Sorry to worry everyone, but we're both alive and okay, and Pikachu and I are much better friends now!

OldManOak: you use @everyone to make an announcement that will ping the whole group, Ash

Ash_Pikachu: @everyone Pikachu and I are fine, sorry we worried you!

Ash_Pikachu: I jumped in a river to hide from a flock of angry Spearow, but Pikachu was already beat up so I borrowed a bike to get to the Pokémon Center ASAP

PrimaDonna: Glad you are well

CoolCape: too many Spearow to shock them?

Ash_Pikachu: The flock caught up to us, I tried to cover Pikachu, and since it was raining he sucked up a lightning bolt to blast out a bigger shock than he could manage before IT WAS AWESOME

Ash_Pikachu: but it was also dangerous and exhausted him, so I sprinted to Viridian and Officer Jenny gave me a ride

RageCandy: What does not kill you makes you stronger

RageCandy has left the Chat​

Ash_Pikachu: She said Pikachu will be fine, but the these guys broke

Ash_Pikachu: Hi Mr. Rage! I'm Ash Ketchum

Ash_Pikachu: Uh, did I upset him?

CoolCape: Rage is a man of few words

PrimaDonna: Natural lightning is powerful but dangerous, try not to be out in storms or do that again

CoolCape: It was an ingenious use of the environment to turn around a dangerous situation

Ash_Pikachu: Right

Ash_Pikachu: Wait, is it good or bad?

PrimaDonna: Dangerous

CoolCape: Good

NotDeadYet: Good here, but don't do it again for at least three months or Pikachu might get sick and badly injured

Ash_Pikachu: We did it again last night to stop those thieves! I'm getting Nurse Joy to look him over a second tim

CoolCape: What thieves?

Ash_Pikachu: Last night these Pokemon thieves from Team Rocket broke in through the center's window, had their Koffing put up a smokescreen, and then the blew the fusebox so they could steal all the Pokemon, but Pikachu stopped them!

*Ash_Pikachu is typing...*


Ash_Pikachu: It seemed like Pikachu got healed by absorbing the electricity, so I hooked Misty's bike up to the generator and pedaled like crazy to get him more energy

Ash_Pikachu: Pikachu shocked Team Rocket, but then the lightning kit Koffing's smokescreen and the entire Pokémon Center went BOOM!

Ash_Pikachu: Everyone got out okay, but Team Rocket escaped

CoolCape: I was today days old when I learned that Smokescreen is flammable

Ash_Pikachu: Isn't it just like the gas you light on the stove?

CoolCape: No

NotDeadYet: Smog

PrimaDonna: Smoke is supposed to be already-burnt particulates and air stripped of oxygen, so you can't burn it the same way you can't burn ashes left in a campfire

OldManOak: Interesting! Rather than smokescreen, Koffing likely used either Poison Gas or Smog, both of which may be flammable

Ash_Pikachu: Oh! You said it was smog?

OldManOak: @NotDeadYet was a poison-type specialist in her youth, so I trust her judgement, but I am curious if it's happened to her before to guess immediately

NotDeadYet: Bah! Experiment and figure out the reasons for yourself, that's how you'll learn and grow!

Ash_Pikachu: Okay, I guess I'll try to catch a Koffing later

PrimaDonna: I checked some reference books, most Pokemon who use Poison Gas can't produce it thickly enough to be totally opaque

PrimaDonna: @Ash_Pikachu smog can still be poisonous, tell Nurse Joy so she can break out the antidotes and Pecha Berries

PrimaDonna: It will also be a good opportunity to ask Pikachu about what types of food he prefers

CoolCape: @Ash_Pikachu be extra careful about thieves and Team Rocket coming back for revenge the next few days

CoolCape: If Pikachu was healed by absorbing electricity, that sounds like he might have the Volt Absorb ability instead of Static or Lightning Rod

CoolCape: That means he's rare, that Team Rocket saw that he's rare, and that they'll want revenge after you thwarted them

Ash_Pikachu: If they try, we'll blow them up again!

NotDeadYet: Good boy

PrimaDonna: They outnumber you, they can ambush you at night or from behind, and if they wear rubber gloves or rubber boots like you did with Pikachu

PrimaDonna: @NotDeadYet don't encourage recklessness!

PrimaDonna: Stay in town and don't be alone for a while

NotDeadYet has left the Chat​

PrimaDonna: @CoolCape are you thinking of swinging by Viridian?

CoolCape: I'll PM you how it goes

CoolCape has left the Chat​

Ash_Pikachu: I remember some people mentioning that Pokemon have abilities other than moves, but the only ones I really remember are Limber when Bruno's Hitmonlee shook off a Glare, and Levitate form Agatha's Haunter when it ignored the follow-up Earthquake in their battle

Ash_Pikachu: Did you see them on TV? IT WAS SO AMAZING!

OldManOak: We all saw it, Ash

PrimaDonna: I'll PM you some reference books about abilities for later

Ash_Pikachu: Thank you! Also, @CoolCape the fishing girl has said she's going to travel with me until I replace her bike, so I won't be alone

OldManOak: Well, you've certainly had a very eventful day and seen a lot of Pokemon, Ash. A Pidgey, a flock of Fearow, Koffing, Ekans

OldManOak: Did Nurse Joy introduce you to her Chansey? Did you see any other Pokemon I've forgotten?

Ash_Pikachu: Yeah, Chansey was really cool!

Ash_Pikachu: Also, after Pikachu shocked the Fearow and the storm went away, we saw a Pokemon that I thought was like a shiny golden Fearow, but the Pokedex didn't recognize it

PrimaDonna: Make sure to thank Chansey as well as thanking Nurse Joy

Ash_Pikachu: There's some saying about a golden Magikarp is rare but still weak, so some Pokemon can be different colors, right? You should probably update the Pokédex for that, Professor.

OldManOak: Shiny Fearow? It should be updated to account for that already, although the Pokedex is less accurate at greater ranges or with other factors, like the storm.

OldManOak: Did you get any clear images saved?

Ash_Pikachu: Most of them have glare from sunlight or the rainbow, but there's a few!

Ash_Pikachu: Maybe it's not Spearow, the beak looks wrong.

Ash_Pikachu: Here it is! [image upload]

PrimaDonna: Flying-type Pokemon have the easiest time migrating between regions

Ash_Pikachu: I got some more of it going under the rainbow, but they're not as good.

Ash_Pikachu: [image upload] [image upload] [image upload]

PrimaDonna: @CoolCape

OldManOak: Ash, I just got an alert that I'm going to need to alter your settings in the chat for a little bit for technical reasons

PrimaDonna: @NotDeadYet

OldManOak: It's just a data update because I set up something oddly, we'll be back to check in with you on the chat this evening

PrimaDonna: @RageCandy You've been to Ecruteak before because you have family there, right?

PrimaDonna: @RageCandy You will want to see this

OldManOak: In the meanwhile, it's not uncommon for bird Pokemon to drop a feather or two when they fly through storms. This Pokemon's plumage looks particularly sparkly and beautiful, so maybe you could go check the area and see if there are any dropped feathers to find?

Ash_Pikachu: I'll grab Misty, girls like pretty things, right? Tell you what I find tonight!

OldManOak: Good luck, young man

OldManOak has removed Ash_Pikachu from the Chat for 4 hours​

CoolCape: Holy Birds

RageCandy has re-entered the Chat

RageCandy has unmuted the Chat

RageCandy has Pinned the Chat​

NotDeadYet: Okay, fine, I'll believe you about the time-travel bullshit now

Samurai and Swarm!!


PrimaDonna: I have zero knowledge of the Storm's End, but is that really Ho-oh he saw?

CoolCape: Yes.

RageCandy: Looks right

NotDeadYet: Yes

OldManOak: I believe so! I'd never have dreamed!

CoolCape: I saw Lord Ho-oh in flight once from a similar distance, the appearance is identical. I didn't recognize him at first, so I had Dragonite fly closer, then the swoon hit from his aura and I felt like I was nearly dying and in the flush of health at the same time and we needed to land to clear our heads.

RageCandy: We'll need to up our training. Rock moves are best to hypothetically damage the three Elemental Birds, but Pewter isn't looking too capable.

NotDeadYet: I'll re-vamp some old status storm tactics. Poison Gas cloud hiding Will-o-wisp plus Hypnosis and Glare

NotDeadYet: Lance, see if Blackthorn is willing and ready to field a few more Dragonite or the like

OldManOak: Must you jump to violence?

RageCandy: Bird rampage

PrimaDonna: Even if this is a stable time loop where Ash Ketchum is going to be needed to plead for Lord Lugia to intervene if the Holy Birds rampage no matter what we do, our intervention can still by him time to do so and minimize the damage until he succeeds

CoolCape: Unless you know more about what might be coming up than you told me already, Professor, we have to assume the worst and be ready to intervene before Saffron gets frozen over, Vermillion gets burned down, etc.

OldManOak: I do not.

OldManOak: I suppose I should see which of my old friends still feel up to it. Irresponsible of me to leave everything to the younger generation.

CoolCape: I'll contact a reliable Xatu and see if they give any insights. We still ought to have at least a few months, but lets be prepared for an emergency rampage by the time of this coming circuit's tournament, in-person meeting in 2-3 weeks once I get it scheduled.


Ash_Pikachu: Hi guys! I caught a Caterpie and he's already a Metapod! Isn't he cool?

Ash_Pikachu: [image]

Ash_Pikachu: We also found a couple feathers and other cool things, but I think they're Spearow and Fearow feathers, not the mystery bird.

Ash_Pikachu: Metapod used string shot to make them into a necklace though! [image]

PrimaDonna: Crafts projects can be a fun way to spend time with your Pokemon

RageCandy: Hold onto that necklace

OldManOak: That might be a record evolution, congratulations!

OldManOak: In a few weeks, Metapod will evolveinto Butterfree, which is a Pokemon with a wide array of moves, very good for starting trainers!

OldManOak: Gary hasn't bothered seeking out a Caterpie or a Weedle, so you'll have Pokemon he does not when you and he get to battle

NotDeadYet: You think Butterfree is strong?

Ash_Pikachu: Caterpie is already strong! He webbed up Koffing, Ekans, and Meowth and made team Rocket run for it when they came back!

Ash_Pikachu: *MEtapod now, but he was Caterpie when he beat them

PrimaDonna: when WHAT

*PrimaDonna is typing...*



Ash_Pikachu: HELP!

Ash_Pikachu: @everyone

NotDeadYet: Thunderwave

PrimaDonna: Ask other trainers for help

NotDeadYet: Thundershock on a bunch of dry wood to lull the Beedrill with smoke

NotDeadYet: Pikachu using Quick attack and Agility to dash in, grab Metapod, and run out again.

PrimaDonna: Beedrill swarms can kills adults!

PrimaDonna: Don't be reckless!

NotDeadYet: Give Pikachu Metapod's Pokeball and send him in

*PrimaDonna is typing... *


CoolCape: I silenced my phone for ONE HOUR for a meeting and I come back to 200+ comments and Prima on a rampage to remove the "not" from Not Dead. @OldManOak summary?

RageCandy: Kid used brains and guts for a rescue

RageCandy: Oak's not on either

CoolCape: Going to explain, rage, or should I check with someone more verbose?

CoolCape: It doesn't look like he's made it to Pewter, @PrimaDonna @NotDeadYet ?

NotDeadYet: A Metapod vs Metapod match was so boring that Beedrill interrupted

PrimaDonna: Ash decided to run into a Beedrill swarm's nest to rescue his Metapod because Dead Woman Walking encouraged him not to get help from capable adults with trained teams

NotDeadYet: His Metapod might have been eaten if he'd waited.

PrimaDonna: He might have been killed and eaten by Beedrill!

NotDeadYet: It worked, brat

NotDeadYet has left the Chat​

CoolCape: @RageCandy you complimented him on brains AND brawn? High praise

CoolCape: Care to elaborate on what I've missed

RageCandy: Pikachu, Metapod, and Pidgeotto are all at a disadvantage against Pewter gym's Pokemon, so I recommended he do some training in the forest to git gud and maybe catch a fourth Pokemon like a Sandshrew or a Mankey

RageCandy: They've been camping out, and he met another bug-type specialist and they had a battle

RageCandy: bunch of Beedrill interrupted and grabbed his Metapod

RageCandy: Kid is guilty that he let Metapod get grabbed, thinks going for help will be too slow

CoolCape: a whole swarm of Beedrill, and his only advantage Pokemon is a recently caught Pidgeotto?

RageCandy: Metapod is stuck where the Beedrill are guarding their Kakuna

CoolCape: A rampaging Beedrill swarm once killed my aunt's Dragonite, maimed her, maimed several other members of her team, and he's charging in with Pikachu and Pidgeotto?

RageCandy: Kid gets Pidgeotto's talons in those rubber gloves, gets Misty with her Goldeen to spray down the whole nest with Water Gun

RageCandy: Bird does a fly-by carrying Pikachu, Beedrill get active, Thunderwave hits the whole swarm because water

RageCandy: Kid runs in while they're paralyzed, grabs Metapod because bug refuses to return to Pokeball, carries bug out chased by shocked Beedrill, everyone hides in bug trainer's anti-bug tent

RageCandy: Beedrill are still angry and the paralysis is wearing off, Metapod evolves, Butterfree and Pidgeotto combine gust and Sleep Powder, everyone runs

CoolCape: Feathers and fury

RageCandy: Told the kid to teach Buterfree some psychic moves for future Beedrill and make sure it remembers to use Harden and Stringshot still, and next time to capture a Beedrill or two when he's got them knocked out and sleepy like that

CoolCape: I see why Prima is so pissed, and why Oak has such an interest in him. Congratulations, @Ash_Pikachu

RageCandy: Also, those Rocket grunts are still chasing them, but they got left behind near the Beedrill nest

CoolCape: #%@$%!

CoolCape: They deserve it, but now I'm obliged to try to make sure they don't die, even if they are criminals

Boulder Battles

GROUP CHAT -- Day 13

Ash_Pikachu: The Joy here said she is the Viridian Joy's older sister!

Ash_Pikachu: Then she did that "I'm not telling" laugh when I asked if they had any other sisters or brothers

RageCandy: They do

PrimaDonna: The Joy Clan is wide and extensive, all girls, most Pokemon Centers have one working there, large cities can have as many as four

OldManOak: Actually, they're not all girls!

OldManOak: Ash, you've actually met Marcus Joy, one of my lab assistants, who is their middle brother

RageCandy: Really?

PrimaDonna: @CoolCape we need you to meme

PrimaDonna: Fine

PrimaDonna: I was today years old when I learned the Joy family can have sons and brother

NotDeadYet: Believe it or not, children, they can have fathers, too

GROUP CHAT -- Day 14

Ash_Pikachu: I guess I wasn't ready to Pewter Gym after all

Ash_Pikachu: Brock's Onix is tough

RageCandy: Mankey

PrimaDonna: Losing is a normal part of being a Pokémon Trainer, just assess what you can do differently next time and whether you need to change your training

PrimaDonna: Rage, stop proscribing brute force for everything

OldManOak: Brock is young, but quite capable, and it takes many trainers up to three attempts to claim their badge from him

OldManOak: How did your battle proceed?

Ash_Pikachu: I sent out Butterfree first because I thought he'd use Geodude, so Butterfree could fly up and rain sleep powder down.

Ash_Pikachu: Onix was so big that Butterfree got caught between him and the ceiling, then Onix stuck Pikachu in Bind and I forfeit

PrimaDonna: That was a responsible decision to protect your Pokemon

RageCandy: Steel Wing, Iron Tail, psychic to throw rocks back at them

RageCandy: Most Butterfree can learn grass moves like Solarbeam or absorb

GROUP CHAT -- Day 15

Ash_Pikachu: It's not metal moves, but since Pikachu gets healed by electricity a guy offered an idea to help me supercharge him and Pikachu says he feels great!

Ash_Pikachu: [video upload]

*video plays of Pikachu sitting by a generator with wires taped to his cheeks pads*

*"Ready, Pikachu?" Ash asks. Pikachu gives a high, affirmative chirp. Ash begins moving outside the window, and it seems he is manually powering a waterwheel generator*

*Energy crackles around Pikachu, who squeaks but then complains when Ash slows down to check on him. An older man monitoring the generator calls encouragement to Ash.*

*After several minutes of increasing electrical sparks, Pikachu gives a cry, Ash stops despite the man's encouragement, and Pikachu removes the wires*

*Pikachu releases a blast of electricity out the window that fries a tree like natural lightning would.*

Ash_Pikachu: Hey, it's not about Pokemon, but is there a reason why fathers aren't around? Mine isn't, Brock's isn't, I think Gary's dad isn't?

PrimaDonna: DO NOT Challenge Pewter until Pikachu's charge is normalized, you could be disqualified for doping in a League match

PrimaDonna: WHO IS THAT MAN who suggested you keep running and do this?

OldManOak: Gary's father died in a car crash when you and Gary were too young to remember him, I don't know about Brock's father

Ash_Pikachu: What's doping?

RageCandy: Flint

NotDeadYet: Flint

*PrimaDonna is typing...*

GROUP CHAT -- Day 16

Ash_Pikachu: @RageCandy Mankey stole my HAT!

Ash_Pikachu: I'm not challenging Brock for a day or two like Prima said, so I went to do some training and maybe catch a new Pokemon, and a Mankey stole my hat! It's limited edition!

Ash_Pikachu: @RageCandy you know Mankey how do I get it back

RageCandy: Pikachu Thunderwave, Butterfree stun spore or string shot, Pidgeotto gust

Ash_Pikachu: A battle might damage it!

RageCandy: Food or a bribe? Challenge it to a game like racing or climbing and win to earn its respect.

NotDeadYet: If all else fails, try wrestling it yourself and take the hat back

OldManOak: If they're not protecting their home territory, most Pokemon are interested in food or play when they approach humans

GROUP CHAT -- Day 16

Ash_Pikachu: I caught Mankey!

Ash_Pikachu: [image]

*image displays Ash with his cap, a Pokeball, a black eye, a split lip, several tears in his shirt, and an enormous grin*

RageCandy: Low Kick against Onix

GROUP CHAT -- Day 17

Ash_Pikachu: Big news!

Ash_Pikachu: I WON! [image]

*photo of Ash with a Boulder Badge and a big grin, his face still healing, with Brock and Misty in the background*

Ash_Pikachu: I thought I'd try again without Pikachu, since Prima says voltage doping is against the rules, and I asked Misty to read through the match rules and what moves my Pokemon have so she could tell me if something was crazy enough to work or too dumb to try

Ash_Pikachu: I started off with Pidgeotto and Brock sent out Geodude instead of Onix

Ash_Pikachu: I was reading through that book Prima pointed me to, and Pidgeotto knows Sand Attack, and rock moves are already powerful but they tend to miss

Ash_Pikachu: Thanks a bunch @PrimaDonna

Ash_Pikachu: I spent the morning with Mankey throwing things at Pidgeotto training him to use Quick Attack to dodge thrown rocks and even get up in the air fast, because I saw Pikachu use Quick Attack to jump really high once and Pidgeotto knows it too

PrimaDonna: Congratulations, Ash

Ash_Pikachu: Brock's rules said that you can't recall your own Pokemon out of the fight, "you must endure and remain steady like solid bedrock" but moves like Whirlwind and Baton Pass are still allowed without disqualifying the Pokemon

PrimaDonna: That's a clever trick with Pidgeotto's speed. I think I saw Champion Lance use a similar technique with Extremespeed in a few matches

Ash_Pikachu: Since rock moves at a bird are hard, I had Pidgeotto throw Sand Attack on Geodude a lot and Quick Dodge when he tried to attack us.

Ash_Pikachu: I felt bad that Geodude was almost blind after a few minutes, but Brock told me afterward it'd be fine

OldManOak: Congratulations on taking the next step of your Journey, Ash!

Ash_Pikachu: When Geodude was blind, I had Pidgeotto use Whirlwind on himself, since that's basically a less good Baton Pass and Misty said it should work

Ash_Pikachu: Thanks Professor!

PrimaDonna: On himself?

OldManOak: Baton Pass and U-Turn can control which Pokemon you send out, but Whirlwind and Roar are more random

CoolCape: Busy but congratulations

CoolCape has muted the Chat!​

Ash_Pikachu: With Butterfree on the field and Geodude to blind to throw rocks, I had Butterfree lay down as much Sleep Powder as possible, even after Geodude fell asleep, and then he used Harden a lot while Geodude was sleeping and then I asked Brock if I needed to Talkie Geodude unconscious or if he wanted to send out Onix

Ash_Pikachu: Whirlwind is random?

Ash_Pikachu: I mean, I guess I didn't grab Butterfree's Pokeball and send him out, but I didn't realize it could have been Mankey instead

Ash_Pikachu: Could Whirlwind have pulled out Pikachu even though he was on my shoulder?

PrimaDonna: You got lucky, but a lucky win is still a win

NotDeadYet: Experiment to find out

OldManOak: Effects like Whirlwind and Roar only have that swapping effect on Pokemon registered to the same trainer who are in their Pokeballs within a certain distance of the effect, otherwise they'll just blow Pokemon away or make them run off

OldManOak: If Pikachu was on your shoulder he wouldn't be pulled out

NotDeadYet: If you hand him all the answers he'll never grow!

PrimaDonna: @Ash_Pikachu you should experiment like Dead Woman Walking says, but you should also make use of resources that have more knowledge and experience than you do, to avoid DANGEROUS experiments and unnecessary risks

Ash_Pikachu: I guess I got lucky too, but thanks!

Ash_Pikachu: @NotDeadYet I promise I'll figure out more cool tricks like Quick Dodge with Pokemon moves too and impress you, ma'am!

Ash_Pikachu: That's what a Pokemon Master has to do!

OldManOak: What happened with Onix?

Ash_Pikachu: Right, Onix used Rock Throw and I had Butterfree use Sleep Powder again

Ash_Pikachu: Because of Harden, Butterfree kept going after Rock Throw hit and Onix got drowsy, so I had Butterfree tackle Onix in the head and do more Sleep Powder, but Onix got Butterfree in Bind before he feel asleep, so I returned Butterfree so he wouldn't be crushed

Ash_Pikachu: Brock nearly choked when I sent Pidgeotto back out and told him to use Gust to blanket Onix in the extra Sleep Powder Butterfree dropped around against Geodude

Ash_Pikachu: Pidgeotto could just stay up in the rafters using Gust tiger than the Sleep Powder would reach

Ash_Pikachu: Brock withdrew Onix and gave me the badge

Ash_Pikachu: *higher than, not tiger

RageCandy: Gust Tiger sounds like a cool name for a move

Ash_Pikachu: Then that old man who showed me the watermill turned out to be Brock's Dad, Flint, and he offered to take over the Gym and all Brock's siblings if Brock wanted to journey with me and Misty!

OldManOak: It warms my heart and makes me remember my own childhood journey, Ash. Well done!

PrimaDonna: Congratulations on your first badge, may you earn many more with cunning, valor, and the trust you share with you Pokemon

PrimaDonna: @CoolCape, @NotDeadYet, @RageCandy, in summary, Oak is happy that Brock has joined Ash & Misty, and Gym Leader Flint is back in Pewter City

PrimaDonna: @Ash_Pikachu you said Misty is a water trainer, right? Ask if she wants to have a Gym Battle with Flint before you leave Pewter, so Brock can see that Flint is up to it? If she's accompanying you in getting all the Gym Badges, no reason for her not to try getting them herself.


PrimaDonna: @CoolCape, @NotDeadYet, @RageCandy, Flint is back in Pewter, who wants to pay him a visit?

RageCandy: We both have Onix, I want to pick his brain about rock moves and ensure he mans up to his responsibilities

NotDeadYet: I'm already heading over to Pewter, and we can't have you hospitalize him or it'll make him even more of a deadbeat

RageCandy: Your appearance won't hospitalize him with a heart attack?

PrimaDonna: Whichever of you does it, make sure to get pictures

*OldManOak is typing...*


CoolCape: @Ash_Pikachu @OldManOak do you mind if I invite a friend into our chat

Ash_Pikachu: Misty has a Boulderbadge too, it was great!

Ash_Pikachu: She had to call her sisters to send over Starmyu [image] so she had two Pokemon, and she yelled at them because she had a Starmie too but her sisters borrowed it for a battle and it was knocked out

Ash_Pikachu: Go ahead Cape. Flint fielded a Rhyhorn [image] and a Sudowoodo [image] he promised wasn't a grass type, and since Misty had Goldeen they went out back to a pond. Sudowoodo and Goldeen fought with water gun and rock throw and Supersonic and then Sudowoodo used a Water Gun to blow Golden out of the water!

Ash_Pikachu: Staryu was really fast and shot these stars called Swift (not Quick Attack?) and then it used Harden, Rapid Spin, and Water Gun to take down Rhyhorn

Ash_Pikachu: I asked Brock if he wants to do the Gym too and he said he'd come back for his eighth Badge and to check on everyone, though Flint said he could just give him one because there's an act of service rule

PrimaDonna: Good for Misty

Ash_Pikachu: We're heading off to Mount Moon and then Cerulean, and Brock says it's hard for tech to work, but I'll tell you how it goes when we're through!

CoolCape: Good luck, safe travels

RageCandy: Be sure to let your Pokemon out to scout and exercise in your journey

Ash_Pikachu: Thanks, and I will I promise!

GROUP CHAT -- Day 19

OldManOak: Sorry I've been busy, @Ash_Pikachu congratulations and safe travels!

OldManOak: @CoolCape if your friend is trustworthy I have no issue, send me their info and I'll add them

CoolCape pinned an image in the chat!

OldManOak (mod) added Archaeologist to the chat!​

Archaeologist: Hello @eveyone

Archaeologist: Hello @everyone

Archaeologist: Oh my