Storm Nation

The Storm Nation is just a few forests away from the Season Kingdom where the most unique cats live and train even after the war years ago they still keep their guard just in case something happens.

"This is so boring!" A voice cries out. A Scottish Fold with black and cream fur, light brown eyes, and scars on their left back leg and right ear.

"Shut it Bloodwyn some protector you are!" A Turkish Angora tabby-white, they have heterochromia which means their eyes are different colors purple and red, with scars on their right shoulder blade, tail, and throat.

"Whatever Starbird like you're not bored yourself?" Bloodwyn looks at him.

"As the Storm Trainer I must train the soldiers in my care and speaking of training where is your apprentice Nevermore?" Starbird questioned.

"Who knows where they went, maybe training." Bloodwyn sighed.

"Of all the cats that Zephyr put in charge." Starbird barked.

"You wanna fight!" Bloodwyn hissed.

"Enough!" A voice yelled. An American Wirehair with golden and red fur with green eyes.

"I can hear your piss fight from the healing cave." The cat barked.

"Sorry, Rattlebone I have to train the soldiers." Starbird walks away. Rattlebone walks up to Bloodwyn.

"Who does Starbird think he is."

"A Storm Trainer dum dum." Rattlebone hinted. Bloodwyn put his ears down.

Healing Cave

"Where is Rattlebone?" An Oriental Shorthair a brown tabby fur with light purple eyes, and scars on its lip, back, tail, and right shoulder.

"Riverdew I need help!" A Selkirk Rex with white and orange line fur and light brown eyes dash inside and hits their heads.

"Nevermore what in the spirit?!" She yelled. Nevermore got up and rubbed their face.

"Where Bloodwyn?" 

"He told me to train by myself." Nevermore sighed.

"Some Protector he is. Tch."

"No, he is a good teacher Riverdew."

"You're too nice Nevermore but you didn't come to the healing cave for nothing." She implied.

"Yes as you know in a few weeks the Seasons Kingdom is coming for the banquet after we defeated them in the war a few years ago."

Riverdew yawned and lay down. "Okay but why are you here?"

"King Echo needs you and Rattlebone to the Storm Castle for a meeting." 

"Fine, what time?" Riverdew licked her paw.

"Now." Nevermore smiled.

"Damn it Nevermore!" Riverdew dash toward the Storm Castle. Rattlebone was behind her.

"You two River?" Rattlebone races beside her.

"Nevermore sucks getting to the point!" Riverdew sighed.

"Ooooh, you two are late." A Somali Cat with golden red fur, light green eyes, and scars that cover their back left leg, right cheek, and left shoulder.

"Shut it Bellsing where is the other Strom Trainer?" Rattlebone barked.

"So bossy follow me please." Bellsing hopping through the Castle.

"Hey, Healers." Starbird waves and Bloodwyn is standing him.

"Some Protector." Riverdew went inside the meeting room.

"Hello everyone." A burmilla with black fur and silver patches on his tail and ears with silver eyes as their body had scars on their right eye, tail, and back.

"Hello, my King." Rattlebone bows its head.

"Hey, Echo!" Bellsing smiled. Starbird put her in a headlock.

"That King Echo little prick." He chided.

"It's fine Starbird, I need a little excitement since the banquet is coming up and I get to see my niece," Echo explained.

"Princess Whistle of the Seasons Kingdom, cats talk they say her beauty and grace everyone from Season and Storm Nation wants her paw in marriage." Bloodwyn acknowledges.

"Who. Want. My. Niece!" Echo pulls out his claws.

"Calm down my King." Rattlebone sighed. Echo coughed and continued the meeting. Even after the meeting, Nevermore was staying by the door.

"Man, what a pain of a meeting." Riverdew sighed. As Riverdew&Rattlebone went back to the healing cave, Bloodwyn&Nevermore went to the Nation gate and guarded it.

Echo was looking out the castle window. A Birman with white fur & seal patches on his face and back legs with a scar on there lip.

"Hello, Former King Blazelock." Echo smiled.

"I'm your father Echo, don't get knocked out." Blazelock sighed. Echo laughed and as they started it talking.

"I can't wait to see my big sister and Niece." Echo smiled.

"Yes, Soundwave and Whistle." Blazelock sighed.

"Father, how come Soundwave only visits us during the banquet?" 

"To keep the peace between our territory." He explained.

Echo scratched his ear. "Yes, but Soundwave is my big sister she can visit us we are her family after all."

Blazelock grabbed Echo's chin. "Echo stopped talking, you have to understand your sister is nothing but a peaceful trade if something happens. You're lucky you are a male that can lead the Storm Nation into a more peaceful path." 

"Peaceful trade you love us right?" Echo was questioned unsure by his father's words. Blazelock let go of Echo's chin.

"Sure why not, your mother wants to talk to you later." Blazelock walks away. Echo put his ears down and turned around. He knew the answer even after all these years but it was true he and his sister but nothing but backup plans.

Cave Chamber*

"Layette hold still!" 

"Mom no I don't want a bath!"

"What's going on here?" Starbird peaks his head inside. A Japanese Bobtail with white fur black fur spots and light yellow eyes walks over to him.

"Dad I don't want a bath." The young cat sighed.

"Little toes, you need a bath." Starbird picks up the young cat by the neck. He walked in and placed the cat down.

"Breeze I'm home." 

"Welcome back." A Japanese Bobtail with tortoiseshell fur and dirty yellow eyes. They had scars covering their left shoulder blade and tail. But the scarred right eye is blind.

"I hunted some birds for dinner."

"Thanks, Breeze you the best."

"You're still calling me by my nickname." She laughed.

"Sorry, Zephyr." Starbird licked her face.

"Mom I'm hungry." Little toes pouted.

"Yes, Layette." Zephyr smiled.

Back at the Storm Castle. Echo walked into a chamber and sat down there was a cat. A Burmilla with silver fur and black pant pattern with grey eyes.

"Hello, my son." Moontears smiled.

"Mother, father say you needed me." Echo walks over to her.

"Yes, as you know the banquet is coming up and my granddaughter is giving a speech by Princess Whistle," Moontears explained.

"Yes I did a meeting on it but what of my niece?"

"Found her a marriage partner in the Storm Nation." She smiled.

"She is the Princess of the Season and only half Storm." He admitted.

"Yes but still a Storm that is why we gave up your sister, Echo Soundwave's flaw was being female and that was one reason we had her as a peaceful trade," Moontears explained.

"We are nothing but tools then now you're using your granddaughter, my niece!" Echo barked.

"Stop whining makes you weak, Son." 

"No, I am the King of the Storm Nation. My name is Echo and you will obey me!"

Moontears starts laughing and pulls Echo's chin close to her face.

"You little boy, you may be the King but I birth you." Moontears scowled. 

"You will do as I say find a suitor or see your granddaughter fall." She added. Echo closed his eyes and nodded. "Good boy."

Echo was left in the room alone. He growled not being strong enough and smart enough to do anything right.

Seasons Borderline*

Bloodwyn and Nevermore were waiting.

"Bloodwyn what are we waiting for again?" Nevermore look at him. 

"The Warrior and his apprentice," Bloodwyn said.

"That cools another apprentice, maybe we could be friends is so exciting." Nevermore was waving their tail.

Clawalker was walking towards them. Spiritstalker was chatting in his ears.

"Hello, I'm Clawalker and the one who won't stop talking is my apprentice Spiritstalker." He said.

Bloodwyn nodded his head. "I'm Bloodwyn and the one next to me is also my apprentice, Nevermore."

Spiritstalker and Nevermore were talking like old friends. 

"He never shut up the borderline was never that long before." Clawalker sighed.

"Mine too is everything for the banquet?"

"Yes, we will send you the deer next sunset."

"Thanks." Bloodwyn sighed.

"It's gotta be a long few suns." Clawalker smiled.

"You hit me first!" Nevermore barked.

"But you claw at me!" Spiritstalker snarled.

"Should we stop them?" Clawalker questioned.

"Not really, Nevermore will tire themselves out." Bloodwyn licked his paws. Clawalker and Spiritstalker went back home. 

"How is training with the little Whisper?" Clawalker asked.

"Whistle is a good listener and she is strong and so beautiful." He sighed. Clawalker stops walking.

"Stalker you are training the Princess nothing else." 

"Yes I know but she is beautiful, Claw."

"I can truly not give a running shit that she is beautiful, she is the Princess and the child of that uptight King!" He barked.

"She is different, she may be a Princess but she is just like any other cat."

"Trained her and that its cats talk Spiritstalker remember!" 

He nodded and sighed.

Winter Castle*

Whistle and Soundwave were walking together in the garden.

"We never talk before Mom." Whistle smiled.

"We talk a lot, my child," Soundwave said.

"Sometimes you talk about Dad and how he should burn with the curse spirits."

"Just me and you, my daughter so how training with Clawalker's apprentice?"

"He is an amazing Mom, I'm learning so much about fighting and he is so handsome." 

Soundwave looked at her. "Whistle, that cute, little crush." 

"Yeah, a little crush." Spiritstalker walks inside the garden. Soundwave nodded her head and walked away.

"Let's get to training." Whistle and Spirtstalker start brawling with each other. Whistle was pining him to the ground.

"I won again, some apprentice you are." Whistle joked.

Spiritstalker bit her neck and pinned her to the ground. "I go easy on my target." Whistle looks at him.

"Your eyes are like the sky." 

"Your eyes are like the night sky, Stalker." Whistle was blushing and Spiritstalker looked away.

"Paws off apprentice," Whisper called out. Whistle sat up and Spiritstalker looked at them.

"I order you to train my daughter not to get her into a den with you, tomcat."

"Yes, she is a good learner, my King."

"Yes, she is my blood after all." Whisper walks away.

A few hours later*

"So you wanna go hunt for dinner?" 

"I have never been outside of the Castle before, stalker."

"You will now." Spiritstalker and Whistle went outside. Walking down the fall path, passing the old oak tree.

"I saw the oak tree through my chamber window but getting up close these trees are giant." Whistle said.

"I heard a story about the old oak tree, there was a royal kitten that slept inside the tree and was still asleep." He explained.

"That was sad."

"Haha, I know right when Clawalker told me I said the same thing." He chuckled. As they continued to walk. Cats around them were whispering. Whistle stays close to Spiritstalker as he looks around and puts his ears down.

"Maybe we should go back, Stalker." Whistle whispered to him.

"Apprentice, dating the Princess shame on you," Mercury smirked.

"We are just hunting for dinner Leader Mercury nothing else is going on." He barked.

"Like anyone gonna believe someone like you, storm crosser."

"Storm crosser?" Skyeye hit Mercury on the head. "Hey, Mercury shut the herb up." 

"Skyeye?" Spiritstalker looks at her and Skyeye walks over to them."Hello, Princess Whistle going on a nice walk with the next Warrior in charge?" Whistle catches on to what Skyeye is doing and steps forward.

"Yes Skyeye, Spiritstalker was just showing me around the territory as the next heir to the throne I must know my kingdom well." Whistle smiled at everyone. The cats all nodded their heads and went all about their day. Mercury growled and turned to Skyeye.

"Why can't you just stay in your place, Skyeye?!" He barked, Spiritstalker stepped in front of her. 

"Stay out of this Storm crosser I don't need you butting in!" Whistle stepped in front of him.

"If you hurt them, you have to go through me. Mercury as Princess I order you to stand down." 

Mercury scoffed. "Oh please Princess, you're nothing but a figurehead and is easily replaceable, you're nothing." Whistle put her head down.

"You fucking bast-!" Skyeye didn't finish her words. Spiritstalker clawed the right side of Mercury's face as his blood covered the fall path, his eye gone, no longer covered in fur. Just flesh as he screams in pain.

"What's going on here?" Tree was dashed toward them. Tree's face turned pale as she saw Mercury's face and Spiritstalker's paw cover his face.

Winter Castle*

Spiritstalker, Skyeye, and Whistle were in the throne room. Mercury was in the medic hall. King Whisper was sitting on the throne and Clawalker walked inside.

"I'm all caught up on what happened." He calmly walked over to Spiritstalker. 

"My King, what is my apprentice's punishment?" Clawalker looks at them.

"Warrior Apprentice Spiritstalker, your punishment is to stay in the Season Kingdom during the banquet and help the Night Patrol for a few Moons." 

Spiritstalker nodded his head. "Words He-cat."

"Thank you, my King."

"Good dismissed everyone beside Whistle." Whisper smiled. Whistle flinched as the throne was silent Whisper was circling Whistle.

"I heard from the oak tree you went on the walk went the apprentice?"

"It was just a walk father, nothing happened." 

"It doesn't matter. you left the Castle and caused rumors to go around but don't worry I have everything ready?" 

"Ready for the banquet?" Whistle tilted her head and Whisper did a soft chuckle.

"And you're betrothed." Whisper walks away. "My betrothed?!" Whistle's back fur stuck up and her face was red.

"Your Uncle or King Echo sent me a letter that he has someone ready for you." 

"Marriage?" Whistle sighed.

"Yes, you are very lucky my child." Whisper smiled and pulled Whistle's chin close to him.

"You will be on your best behavior, my blood." Whistle nodded her head and gave a fake smile. In the hallway, Clawalker was pacing around barking at Spiritstalker, as Skyeye was trying to calm him down.

"Have you lost your mind, Stalker?!" Clawalker barked. He stayed quiet.

"Answer me!"

"What is a Storm Crosser?"

"Storm Crosser?"

"Mercury calls me a Storm Crosser what is it?" 

"Not until you answer my question." He added.

"He has a right to know Clawalker," Skyeye added.

"He is not ready, Sky." Clawalker sighed. 

"Shut up you two I can hear you two outside the Castle." Sunburst walks over to them.

"Stay out of this Sunburst," Clawalker said. Sunburst sat down beside Spiritstalker.

"Storm Crosser I haven't heard that name in a while." Sunburst chuckled. Spiritstalker ears peak up and look at her. Clawalker gave her a look to be silent about the facts.

"I'm more shocked Clawalker that you didn't Spiritstalker he almost caused the second war." She smirked. Spiritstalker face turns pale as his jaw drops.

"I did what?!" 

"Calm down pride one you were just born and it was a little weird."

"Weird?" He tilted his head.

"Well you see your head was in the Storm Nation and the rest of your body was in the Season Kingdom, there were a lot of rumors about you." She sighed. 

"I almost cause a second war." Spiritstalker starts laughing like a mad cat. All three look at each other trying not to laugh with him.

"I understand my punishment was light but fair I will stay and protect the Season Kingdom in your place Warrior Clawalker." 

"Good kid know then." Clawalker put him in a headlock.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted!" He tried to breathe as Clawalker pulled him closer as he was losing his breath. He let him go and he fell to the ground.

"He is still alive I remember that move." Sunburst pokes Spiritstalker as his leg starts twitching. Then Princess Whistle entered the hallway and stopped.

"Princess, look at you so beautiful," Sunburst smirked.

"Former Warrior Sunburst."

"You look so pale, Princess." Skyeye smiled.

"Not as pale as Stalker," Clawalker smirked.

"When the banquet begins, I'm getting betrothed." Whistle said with a blank expression.

"What the herb?!" All of them screamed.

Fall Den*

"I got it Eclipse was dating Venus," Trickster said.

"Wrong again Trick." Gentle was reading a book. 

"Herb and prey I will get it, Sister." Trickster smiled.

"Should we just tell her, I think she might blow her head off." Sunblast looked at Gentle.

"She looks so happy trying." Gentle smiled. Tracker had his ears.

"Your Dad gotta be alright, Tracker." Sunblast tried to cheer him up.

"My dad was a pridehole, but he is still my dad I hope he is alright." Tracker sighed. Bartwood sneaked up behind Tracker and hugged him. "Morning Patrol Bartwood." Tracker sighed.

"Call me Uncle you little furball!" Bartwood chuckled.

"Hey Mr. Bartwood!" Trickster jumped on his back.

"Hey girls you two have grown up so fast." He smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Bartwood." Gentle look up.

"Same old Gentle." 

"Anyway let's go hunting for the dinner you four," Bartwood advised.

A few weeks later*

"Welcome to the Storm Nation, King Whisper." Echo smiled.

"Thank you for having us." He smiled.

"Hello, King of the Storm Nation." Whistle bowed her head.

"My Niece!" Echo hugged her and nuzzled her face. Starbird coughed.

"My King let's get them in our borderline," Starbird suggested.

"Yes of course ." Echo nodded his head

"Good to see you again Vineglow ." Bellsing smiled.

"You too Bellsing." They limped over to them and chatted.

"Nice to see my favorite medic Cats again." Riverdew tilted her head.

"You too River did you ever find that herb you was looking for?" Nightmare sat beside her.

"Come on Nightmare I want to get settled in." Nightshade clenched his teeth.

"Go by yourself then tch." Nightmare clicked her teeth. Nightshade flinched, Nightmare never acted this way towards him but he had it coming he ruined two of his favorite cats' lives with just his words alone.

"I understand." He sighed and walked away.

"That was heartless Nightmare." Riverdew looks at her.

"Whatever anyway about that herb?" She changed the subject.

"Everything is in place?" Bladelock asked.

"Yes sir."

"Good this banquet might be the last thing the Seasons Kingdom will go to again, understand me, Autumn?." He smirked.

"As you wish Sir."

"Good girl."

See you soon my spirits...