Three legs don't walk on four Seasons

"Is she still alive?" Clawalker barked.

"Please Herbmint!" Leaf yelled as the left side of her face was still bleeding. Nightmare was trying to stop the blood.

"Everyone shut up!" Sunburst coughed up some blood and tried to stand up.

"Thanks to the Spirits!" Skyeye ran up to her and helped her to her feet.

Storm soldiers and Breeze went back to their territory. The battle was over but the war ended or just from the beginning again no cat knew what the future holds for them but they know one thing the Warrior was down.

Sunburst was limping over to Honeymark as she was not moving only slightly breathing and Sunburst lay down next to her.

"You look like shit." Honeymark whispers as she smile softly.

"And you're close to death." Sunburst chuckled. As the two most strongest cats lay there in the bloody battle field as their apprentices and soldiers surround them.

"Sunburst I'm not gotta make it and I'm scared, I'm sorry I promise not to die but I'm glad I saved Clawalker!" Honeymark started crying. Sunburst hugged her closed.

"Sunburst can you do me a favor?" Honeymark coughed up blood. Sunburst nodded. Honeymark whispers in her ear.

"Understood." Sunburst lay Honeymark back down. Honeymark close her eyes.

"You were the best battle trainer Honeymark, may the sunrise and spirits walk you to the path of peace." Sunburst sighed. And that was the last time Sunburst made that praise to anyone.

Winter Castle*

King Silent was reading a letter from the King of the Storm Nation. As for Sunburst she was in the bed ward laying on her stomach, she couldn't walk for left front leg. 

"Sunburst I got some water for you." Nightmare smiled. Sunburst look at the water and turn her head away.

"Please Sunburst talk to me?" Nightmare sighed. Nightshade came over.

"Drank is this what Honeymark would have wanted?!" He barked, as Sunburst's tail flinched and drink some water.

"Have some back bone." Nightshade works on some other soldiers.The apprentices were in a chamber together trying to eat something to get their mind off of everything.

"How is your eye, Leaf?" Barkwood asked. Leaf's left side of her face was covered in banana leaves.

"I can still see." Leaf was blushing as her tail waved around. Bartwood smiled. Mercury and Vineglow was eating in silence. Skyeye was sleeping in a corner. Clawalker had his head downed.

"Sunburst is she alright?" Barkwood asked.

"She is tough." Leaf smiled.

Prince Whisper walks in. "Apprentices of Sunburst please follow me."

"Skyeye walk up." Leaf shakes her. Skyeye yawned. As they went in a chamber where an injured Sunburst lay on a pile of leaves and flower.

"Thank you Prince Whisper." Sunburst nodded. The Prince nodded and walk away back to the throne room where the King and Venus were.

"Sit." Sunburst voice echoed across the room as the three apprentices sat down and silenced.

"Why did you three go off the plan?" Her eyes sharpened. 

Clawalker open his mouth. "I went off the plan not Skyeye and Leaf." 

"I know but Skyeye you were with Mercury taking injured soldiers away but you derailed off and went to battle, Leaf you saw Clawalker going after Breeze but didn't tell me or the battle just follow behind him like a kitten." Sunburst explained and turned her head to Clawalker.

"You Clawalker went off the rail and went after Breeze but you fail in taking her down and she went after Leaf!" Sunburst hissed. Clawalker flinched.

"All three of you have failed the mission and many soldiers lives are on your paws not mine!" Sunburst stood up and limped over to them.

"Leaf you are the daughter of Leaf I thought you behave better, Skyeye you are careful and know how to keep a cool head, and Clawalker you have the strength of many cats."

"I'm sorry I heard you and Honeymark talking about who gotta be the next Warrior." Clawalker curled his tail to his body.

"That is why you went off plan?" 

"Yes I wanted to prove myself to you."

"You did prove yourself to me that I went easy on you." 

Clawalker started crying softly as his body shake in shame he fail his teacher and everyone in the kingdom and most importantly he fail his sister and Honeymark.

"There will be a ranking in a few suns for the new Warrior and Battle Trainer. Get out of my sight." Sunburst went back to her bed and lay down. As the three cats walk out the castle.

"So you gotta be the warrior?" Leaf looked up. Skyeye and Clawalker sighed. An old Maincoon walks over to them. 

"Former Warrior Eclipse?" Leaf asked.

"You look like crap you three." Eclipse chuckled.

"Yep you are Sunburst's old teacher what are you doing here?" Skyeye looks up at him.

"I will be doing the ranking since Sunburst is healing she gave me some notes to say." Eclipse stated.

"So you know who's gotta be the next Warrior and Battle Trainer?" Leaf asked.

"Yes until then get some rest and relax the ranking is gotta be knocking everyone day." Eclipse walked past them and went inside the castle.

"Hey Sunburst I got you a bird." Nightmare places it beside her. 

"Sorry for being stubborn, Nightmare." Sunburst lifts her up. Nightmare nudge her forehead to Sunburst.

"You just lost your friend in the war, I understand take your time." Nightmare lay down next to her.

"So the ranking is coming up you gotta be a medic cat." 

"Yes my Mother and brother say I'm ready so I'm ready I will be rank beside the other apprentices."

"You earn it." Sunburst starts eating. Eclipse walk in.

"Can I have a room with my old student?" Eclipse asked. Nightmare nodded and walk out.

"So a girlfriend?" Eclipse smirked.

Sunburst chuckled and sat up. "Don't push yourself." Eclipse sighed.

"The ranking for the Battle Trainer can you do that too?"


Eclipse walked out of the room and went to the throne room. King Silent dashed over to him. "My King?" Eclipse looks at him softly. 

"Clip you are out of the mountain?" 

"Yes Sunburst asked me to do the ranking if I'm allowed?" Eclipse bow his head.

"Yes it's good to see you again." Silent smiled. Whisper was behind the King.

"Prince Whisper." Eclipse nodded his head.

A few moons later*

The Battle Apprentices had a rose behind their left ear, the Warrior Apprentices had a daisy behind their right ear, and Nightmare had a rosemary in her tail.

"So this is it?" Vineglow sighed.

"I gotta make my Father proud." Mercury smiled.

Bartwood was grooming Leaf's fur. Skyeye and Clawalker had their heads down. 

"Whoever became the Battle Trainer and Warrior lets still stay friends." Leaf walks up. As the Apprentices nodded.

"Whatever Leaf I gotta be a Battle Trainer so watch out, fur balls." Mercury smirked.

As the Apprentices walk in order to the throne room and sit below the throne King Silent and Prince Whisper. Sunburst came to the throne room, as she wore a flower crown on her head as she limped beside Venus and sat down.

"Good to see you well, Sunburst." Venus whispered to her. As she nodded and looked at the apprentices. Then Eclipse came out wearing roses and daises in his tail as he stood in front of the apprentices.

"I will be taking over for the former Warrior, I Eclipse will be ranking the apprentice." Eclipse stated. As he walked over to Vineglow and took there rose.

"Battle Trainer Vineglow, do you take this ranking?"

"Yes Sir." Vineglow barked. Eclipse walked over to Mercury and put his rose on top of his head.

"Morning Patrol Mecury do you take this ranking?"

"Yes Sir, I may not be the Battle Trainer but this is close." Mercury smirked. Eclipse nodded and walked in front of Bartwood and took his rose and place it in his fur.

"Night Patrol Bartwood do you take this ranking?" 

"Yes, as long as I get to marry Leaf!" Bartwood yelled, Leaf covered her face. Eclipse chuckled and walked in front of Leaf and took her daisy and placed it in front of her.

"Principle Leaf of the New school Fall Academy do you take the ranking as you train the next cats of the future?" 

"Yes Sir." Leaf nodded. Clawalker walked in front of Skyeye and took her daisy and placed it in front of her.

"Vice Princple of the New school Fall Academy do you take this ranking as you stay beside Leaf's side to train the next cats of the future?"

"Yes Sir." Skyeye smiled. Eclipse smirked and walked over to Clawalker grab his daisy and tore it up.

"Warrior Clawalker this is your ranking and punishment for failing on the battlefield and dragging everyone in it, do you take this ranking?" 

Clawalker flinched and nodded.

"I can't hear you boy!" Eclipse yelled.

"Yes Sir." Clawalker's voice softly.

"And with that the ranking over the Season Kingdom is now at peace!" Eclipse yelled in the crowd.

Sunburst walk out the throne room and went outside, Nightmare was waiting for her.

"I'm a Medic Cat now." Nightmare smiled. Sunburst nudge her forehead to Nightmare's.

"I'm now former Warrior Sunburst."

"Have a nice ring to it." Nightmare joked. Sunburst chuckled.

Present day*

"Wow." Tracker was amazed.

"So much happen" Trickster held her tail.

"The past about the three royal kittens sounds so unreal." Gentle was reading a book.

"Really then, how did we get here then?" Bartwood asked.

"How about we go to the old oak tree and see our self?" Sunblast asked.

"Yeah let go!" Trickster tried to make a run for it but Bartwood grab her neck and point to the Sun touching the Mountain.

"Aww almost nighttime." Tracker sighed.

"Yep Tracker you will be with Spiritstalker tonight in the Winter Castle, Trickster and Gentle you will be with us tonight." Barkwood said.

"Sleepdenover!" Trickster yelled. Gentle covers her mouth.

"Thank you Uncle Bartwood." Gentle nodded her head.

"Exactly my place is not good for young ones, how about Tracks stay with you guys tonight?" Spiritstalker asked.

"Fine by me." Tracker turn around.

Storm Nation*

"Hello Seasons Cats I will be your guide to your bed nest, my name is Nevermore." Nevermore smiled. Sunburst was looking around.

"Do you have a question, the big cat in the back?" Nevermore point to Sunburst asked.

"Yes but she was answering for me where is the training Dome?" Vineglow asked.

"Another cat will show you tomorrow." Nevermore starts walking.

"You alright Sunburst?" Vineglow was beside she limping.

"Nothing it just I never gone to one of these banquet." Sunburst look around the Storm territory there trees and ground was much more care for.

"It beautiful but I think our territory was going for more leave it alone." Vineglow joked.

"Battle trainer have joke now." Sunburst laughed.

"You can stay with me and my brother tonight, Nightmare and Nightshade." Riverdew stated.

"That would be lovely thank you." Nightmare smiled at her. Riverdew blushed and looked away.

"Hey Riverdew, the banquet would me and Nightmare be doing healing?" Nightshade asked.

"Nope like always we healers and Medics are like normal cats." Riverdew said.

"I can't believe you ask to work." Nightmare walk away. Nightmare walk up to fast and bump into Sunburst.

"Whoa there medic." Sunburst turn around. Nightmare blushed and walked up faster. Sunburst sighed, Vineglow smirked and rise their eyebrow at her.

"Gosh in spirit we remind me of Honeymark." Sunburst pushes Vineglow's face. Vineglow giggled. Nightshade looked at those two and sighed, he messed up.

Next day*

"The name is Starbird and my daughter Layette we will be showing you to the training dome." Starbird spoked.

"Call me Little Toes, I will be just like my mother strong and beautiful." Layette wag her tail.

"Aww she is so cute, I always wanted a girl." Skyeye sighed.

"Whoa Skyeye." Leaf was shocked.

"Don't get me wrong Leaf, I love my son." Skyeye smiled.

Layette was looking at Sunburst as she was talking to Bellsing , Layette was looking at Sunburst's injured leg and started thinking.

"Hey mama?" Layette looks at her mother.

"Yes Little Toes?" Zephyr was cleaning the cave corner.

"How did you get that scar on your face and why can't you see out that eye?" The young cat asked 

"For ending the war between this Kingdom and the Seasons." She answered her daughter. "They hurt you Mama." Layette pouted.

"Don't worry, my Little Toes bean, I injured their leg and now they can't walk on that leg." Zephyr smiled.

Layete stared her down. "That kid is staring me down." Sunburst tilted her head.

"That Breeze's kitten." Bellsing turn her head. Sunburst flinch and look at Layette.

"You big cat! How dare you hurt my mama?! You are old, ugly tomcat!" Layette hissed at Sunburst. Clawalker and Leaf cover their mouths trying not to laughed.

"I'm a female." Sunburst blurt out. Layette jumped back. "Impossible no female cat that huge." Layette denied Sunburst's words. Skyeye laughed loud.

"I'm a female furball!" Sunburst yelled. Layette and Sunburst hissed at each other.

"So Sunburst meet her match." Skyeye smiled. "Sorry about my daughter." Starbird move her. Sunburst chuckled. "That young one got a fight I honor that." 

Training Dome*

The Princess of the Season was staring down at the ground where soldiers fought just for fun. The training dome was an old mountain that was shaped weirdly into a circle.

"This place is huge." Whistle talks to herself.

"It sure is before the war, the soldiers sleep, eat, and train in this one spot." A Male cat was behind her. Whistle turns her head around. A Bombay Cat with scars on his front legs.

"The name Cloudrange I have never seen you before, maybe we can go out for a meal or you can watch me fight to become the next King of the Storm." He smirked.

"My name is Princess Whistle of the Seasons Kingdom, and my Uncle King Echo of the Storm Nation." Whistle smile like nothing was wrong.

"Princess Whistle, I'm sorry." Cloudrange bow his head.

"No it fine but can you tell the cats that are fighting?"

"Yes of course me and three other cats." Cloudrange looked down as three male cats were training."

"That Quickflash he likes the right paw to Starbird, he has a special move by knocking down a cat using his back legs." A Korat cat with a scar on his back was kicking rocks.

"Over there that Rainwhip, he is good at finding prey and telling if it's gonna rain before it comes." A Lykoi cat with a scar on his cheek.

"And that cat just joined the fight he doesn't smell like a Season or Storm cat." A ragdoll with a bandage over his face.

"His name is noname, I don't know who named him but they suck." Cloudrange chuckled.

"True eye right there Cloudrange." King Echo was walking toward them with Queen Soundwave beside him.

"Which ever cat win will be your betrothed, I pick the best of best cat for you but noname is new to the fight." Echo sat beside the Princess.

"I'm gonna talk to the fighters." Whistle jumped down and walked toward them. As the Cats bow there heads down.

"Heads up your gonna be the King beside me right act like it!" Whistle yelled. "Whoa." Echo smirked.

"I taught her well." Soundwave smiled.

"I will win your heart." Rainwhip stated.

"I want to fight beside you." Quickflash speak.

"I need to know you." Cloudrange smiled. Noname didn't say a word and just stared at her.

"Noname I want to talk to you." Whistle walks away and Cat with no name follows behind her into an empty opening of the mountain.

"We are alone Spiritstalker." Whistle's voice was soft.

"How?!" He took off his bandages.

"Next time, smell like Storm cat or come up with a better name!"

"Noname is something after the history of the Season Kingdom."

"I don't care, you were supposed to be in the Kingdom to protect the young ones."

"There are many cats in the territory including Bartwood and Mercury."

"It doesn't matter, you left your post and I have no choice but to report you."

"Of course little Princess can't do anything on her own."


"You let cats choose your path and you never asked what you wanted just go with anything!"

"I don't have a choice, I need to make sure we still have peace with the Storm Nation."

"We have been at peace with them for the Moons and Suns now!"

"But how long would that last, Spiritstalker!"

"I don't want you to waste your life with something you never wanted."

"I'm a Princess of the Season Kingdom and or just the apprentice to Warrior Clawalker what can you do for me?!"

"You're right I don't know what to do for you, but I know one thing, I can help you but you don't know what you want."

"I know what I want!"

"Say it!"

"I want to be love!"

"I'm right here!"

Princess and Apprentice was shaking and breathing hard as they finally let out what they wanted to say for years. As the two cat hugged each other and sighed as they want to have each other forever.

"Let runaway." Spiritstalker sighed.

"That crazy talk." Whistle rest her head on his chest.

"Maybe but I don't want anything but you."

Seasons Kingdom*

"We really going to the old oak tree just to look for something that may or may not be real?" Gentle asked.

"Come on Gentle it gonna be fun." Trickster wave her tail around.

"Look like rock heart Gentle is scared of a little kitten skeleton." Tracker mocked her.

"Tch, whatever what you think Sunblast?" Gentle looks for him. Sunblast was clawing at a tree.

"Forget him, he been so quiet he no fun anymore let just go ourselves." Track suggested.

"Fine then." Gentle followed them. Sunblast was still clawing at the tree there was cold wind touching his back.

"We are close to the cold." Sunblast shivered.

"What my name?"

Sunburst turn around to see a kitten with blood coming out it neck.

"My name, what my name?"

"Who are you?" Sunblast walk over to them. But the kitten disappeared.

"What that a Spirit?" Sunblast look around.

"Tracker! Trickster! Gentle?!" He called there names. He started running to the old oak tree.

"I brought breakfast!" Bartwood placed down two rabbits and a bird.

"Kids? Sunblast?" Bartwood looks around.

"I'm not so sure about this anymore Tracker." Trickster shaked.

"Don't be a little prey Trick we are just looking." Tracker was climbing up the old tree.

"Make it quick Tracker." Gentle was keeping an eye out for anyone.

Tracker made it to the opening of the old oak tree as he peek his head inside to see the oak branches covering a kitten skeleton that was still inside cover in whatever fur that was left.

"No way!" Tracker was shocked.

"What my name?" Kitten walk toward Gentle.

"I don't know." Gentle was shaking.

"My name, my name, my name!" Kitten repeated over and over.

"That not good." Gentle sighed.