Chapter 1: Right time, wrong year

The wind blows with the summer trees as the children laugh with glee. The busy festival has begun. A month where the community of the town comes together to grill food, clean up the neighborhoods, and to bond together and grow better as a family. A young man slowly walked around the festival with his slick black hair and silver eyes along with his nearly perfectly tan skin. He takes off his red jacket as he looks around the area and sees a nearby gym in the area as he walks past the residents.

The smell of burnt wood, and charcoal washed away once the gym doors swung open, as the smell of sweat and dedication wrung up around the young man as he walked up toward one of the boxing rings as that's where everyone was cheering. On one side was a clearly older African American man, but on the other side was a young Native American man. The younger man was Akin, an old friend of the young man as they fought fiercely. Akin swiftly dodged a powerful uppercut and landed a sharp jab to the stomach which sent the old man flying into the ropes. His body laid there on the sturdy ropes, as the crowd cheered for Akin.

Suddenly Akin started shouting out like it was some kind of battle cry as he hopped around with joy. Somebody from the crowd suddenly hopped into the ring shouting with joy along with him as they ran of to a nearby bench. That other person being Chloe, a young woman with black hair, and black-void like eyes. She was also an old friend, but is now the boyfriend of Akin. The young man sighed as he approached the young couple with slight dread on his face. " Well look at the young couple still simping after 4 years of ''trustful'' romance." The man said with a sarcasm as he gave the two a bland yet harsh look.

They gave the man a lot before Akin stood up still visibily exhausted from the fight from early and got up very close to the young man's face. " Want to say that again Cas? You come back after 4 years, and think we soft now? Don't make me put you in the dirt!" Akin shouted as veins were now visible on the side of his head as he began breathing heavily. Chloe stood up and got in between the two as she glared at the two of them. " Stop it you two! I don't know what's gotten into the two of you, but you guys weren't like this back then." She stated as Akin smirked with this unexpected pressure coming from his focused gaze.

Before anyone could register all the commotion, there was a sudden loud bang that echoed in the gym. Everyone's attention soon went towards the noise. Akin had punched Cas right in the jaw and had him on his legs with them both now being enraged. Cas launched himself toward Akin and began throwing multiple punches at his stomach as Akin then shoved Cas of of him as his sighs grew into yells of rage. Akin then sucker punches Cas in the nose as it sent him stumbling into the table.

Suddenly, a group of men started pulling each other away. One of the men launched Cas out of the gym along with the rest of his stuff as he slammed the door behind him. Cas sighed as he rubbed his face and picked up his backs as he walked away and heades toward his destination with nothing but anger on his mind.

The sky turns dark as he makes it to a nearby cemetery as he gets on his knees and closes his eyes. The tombstone in front of him had the name Ren over it as Cas voice shattered with sadness. He was friends with Ren before he was found dead near a cliff and was rumored to be on drugs as a direct cause of death. He sighed as he took out a slightly crushed white rose out of his bag and placed it in front of the tombstone before letting out a soft sigh, as he hugged the tombstone with nothing but sadness. He let go, and stood up gazing at the night sky as suddenly footsteps could be heard behind him.

Cas turned around to see a man in a suit in the darkness. He couldn't see the face of the man, but could tell that it was a man due to his strong stature and posture. " Listen hear old creep, if ya don't leave I will have to call day light news for a Chris Hansen interview pal. The man remained unfazed as an uncomfortable feeling starts to ooze over Cas. Out of fear he reached into his pockets and pulls out some keys that came with a motorcycle he rented, and charged at the man jabbing him in his stomach. He falls down onto the ground as suddenly Cas is in shock. The man has a knife in his pocket, and is wearing a mask that has a twisted grin on it.

The mysterious man jumps up and lunges at Cas as suddenly he starts running into the town attempting to find some help. With the killer dashing at him with alarming speed.