Chapter 6/ the message

Vesper enters the human world; she sees a busy town at the bottom of the hill close to her. Grinning, she walks into the town sensing many angry people and sinners of other sins. "This will be fun" Vesper lets out a daemonic growl as she starts to cause havoc amongst the people and collecting their souls for hell. Vesper spots a human run away seeing her in her ten-foot-tall ink daemon form. She chases after the human enjoying the thrill of the hunt. As Vesper leaps to catch the human a ball of blinding light hits her causing her to fly back. She uses her wings to land gracefully "well, well look what decided to come out and play" Vesper taunts teasing the ball of light. the ball of light disappears two young angels appear in front of the human. "Begone Wrath you have no power here." one of the angels' states sounding authoritative. Vesper chuckles at their boldness "they sent two young inexperienced angels at me that's pathetic and a waste of time" Vesper turns away from them no longer interested in the human she was chasing just moments ago. The first angel gets annoyed and rushes to strike Vesper down.

As he is about to strike her down, she turns grabbing them by their throat holding them tightly in her grip. The angel tries to get out of her grasp then she throws them into the other angel. "Not worth my energy. When you return to heaven send my regards to Abaddon" Vesper chuckles darkly as ink envelopes her body disappearing from their sight. After a few moments pass the female angel yells "that was an insane move the sin lady of Wrath could have killed you!" the male angel nods rubbing his neck "I know, but we must inform the high heavens that wrath is on the move" they both fly into the air with their wings, flying up to heaven and running to Imperious. Imperious see the two young angels running to him in a state of panic. "What is wrong young ones?" Imperious questioned them. "Imperious the sin lady of Wrath is awake is on the move and sends her regards to Abaddon" the male angel replies talking out of breath. "This is not good. You two go rest you did well I will inform Abaddon on the matter" the young angels nod heading off to rest up. Imperious walks to Abaddon who is in the combat room training "Abaddon I need a word with you" Imperious states in a serious tone. "Is everything alright Imperious?" Abaddon asks in concern putting his weapons away.

"The sin lady of Wrath is awake and is on the move. From what the two young angels have told me she sends her regards to you" Abaddon gives a brief pause in thought about who wrath could be. "This is not good they may be planning to attack heaven again or send the human world into chaos" Abaddon says in shock. Imperious nods "I will let you pick how it gets managed remember sin lords are tricky. If Wrath is finally awake, they are the most unpredictable out of the seven" Imperious warns him. "I know who can manage them and they have the help of another angel as well" Abaddon responds leaving the combat room taking flight heading to his brother Hiroshi and his friend Kiyan. As Abaddon flies through the air thinking ~damn I was not expecting her to become a sin. Brother will help me destroy her for good and he will not even know it~ he smiles upon spotting the church he flies down to land in front of the church. One of the priests that was outside walks up to Abaddon "welcome Abaddon. what the news from heaven's do you bring us?" Abaddon turns to the priest nodding his thanks "thanks for the welcome. I have grave news I fear I must speak to Hiroshi and Kiyan" "right this way" the priest leads Abaddon through to the prayer room where they are. "Hiroshi, Kiyan our special guest is here to speak with you both" the priest says as he takes his leave closing the door behind him. Hiroshi turns to see his younger brother "it has been a while hasn't its Abaddon?"

"Yes, it has big brother how is your adventures going?" Abaddon asked with curiosity. "It is going to be good taking a break currently. Is there something wrong in heaven?" Hiroshi questioned as Kiyan walked beside him with a raised eyebrow. "I have a task for both of you. It will not be easy. I need you both to neutralize a sin lady of wrath. she has awakened from her deep slumber and is causing havoc in the human world" Abaddon says with concern. "We will do our best to make sure her evil will not spread" Kiyan replies to Abaddon with determination. "If you both complete this task you both can return to heaven as full-fledged angels of heaven. I must return to heaven to make sure it remains safe" Abaddon says as he is disappearing from view. "Well let's get packing Kiyan so we can start our journey to stop the sin lady. You know what that means Kiyan?" Hiroshi says in a light tone "What does that mean Hiroshi?" Kiyan replied with curiosity. "It means we will have to keep your temper in check" Kiyan sighs knowing its true and remarks "yes we don't need her finding us really quick" they have gathered all their belongings and head out looking for sin lord of Wrath.