Chapter 5-Khione and Flint, Part Two

"So, uhh…what are we doing?" Flint asks.

"If you want me to join you on your quest, then I have one condition!" I answer as I hand both Khione and Flint a straw hat, "I'm gonna teach you how to farm!"

"How to farm, huh…?" Khione asks.

"Yeah, E-Charges such as you two seem waaay too focused on using your elements for combat," I explain, "So I'm going to teach you two a GENTLER side of E-Charge which will help you two get united with your elements!"

"Gentle, huh…?" Flint asks.

"Now then-" I begin to say as I thrust a rake into Flint's hands, "Let's get started!"

And so…the villagers watch as Khione, Flint, and I begin to farm.

After watching in confusion for a bit, the villagers even join in!

I use my water abilities to make it rain upin Tanhatam Village, as well as watering their fields and crops, and giving their livestock drinking water.

I also teach Flint how to use his Sand Charge in order to cultivate the land and create fields better suited for farming, and we finish it off by having Khione create a GIANT block of ice to serve as water while I'm gone.

"WHEW!" Khione exclaims as she sits down on a bench and wipes her forehead, "You…sure know a lot about farming, Noah!"

"You bet I do!" I proudly boast as I place both hands on my hips, "it's my most impressive trait!"

"Well then…are we done…?" Flint pants.

"Yeah," I answer as I turn to face Flint, "You're tired, Old-Man F?"

"N-not at all…" Flint pants, "I'm only forty-nine years YOUNG!"

"Sure you are, old man!" I laugh.

Flint sighs.

"Okay, so we put up with your stupid farming," Khione snaps. "NOW can we go?!"

"Of course!" I answer with a beaming smile, "Now let's move out, Team Noah!"

"Team Noah?" Lion asks, "Is that us?"

"Yeah, I figured that your little bandit group needed a name," I explained, "So I came up with Team Noah!"

"How uncreative…" Khione sighs.

"But we aren't a bandit group?" Flint asks, "We're the heroes!"

"You have a SERIOUS Superhero complex, old man!" I laugh.

"Stop calling me that…" Flint sighs.

"I agree with Master F!" Khione chimes in.

"Don't call me that either…" Flint sighs.

"We're not bandits!" Khione exclaims.

"NO, while we may NOT be bandits, exactly-" I explain, "Only bandits live out in the wasteland rather than in villages, and they all have names! As Old-Man F said, we'll be encountering many bandit groups during our journey, so I figured that I'd give our team a name so that the bandits know who took 'em out!"

"Alright!" Khione smirks, "I like the sound of that!"

"Now then-" Old-Man F Flint smirks as he stands up and cracks his knuckles, "Shall we get our quest started?"


And so, Khione, Old-Man F Flint, and myself return to their hut, where we stock up on supplies. Khione and Old-Man F grab as many bags and satchels as they can and shove all sorts of equipment into them, which mostly consists of food, food, and more food.

"I'll hold onto your map," Old-Man F says as he holds my map in half and slips it into the folds of his ninja gi.

"Not a problem," I reply.

And so, after our brief preparation, the three of us are ready to go.

"Well then…" I say once Flint, Old-Man F, and I are standing at the back gate of Tanhatam Village, "It's time for our quest to begin."

"Right," Old-Man F replies, "Let's go."

But before the three of us can exit the village for good, a voice cries: "WAIT," and the three of us turn around to where we heard the voice, watching as the ENTIRE village rushes up to and surrounds the three of us.

"Flint, are you really leaving?!"

"Khione, I love you!"

"Thank you for everything, Rain Bearer, sir!"

"Good luck on your quest, guys!"

"Here, take this!"

With their farwell cries, the village then begins to shove all of the crops and meat we've farmed over the past few days that I've stayed in LTanhatam Village.

"You guys…" Khione softly says as her eyes widen.

"What Are you, crazy?!" Old-Man F snaps, "You need to eat, too!"

"Take it!"

"You need this more for us!

"Go save the world, Flint!"

"Go avenge your wife, child, and parents!"

Old-Man F's eyes widen, and I smirk from behind as his body begins trembling.

Old-Man F reaches up and covers his teary eyes with his forearms.

"Thank you…everyone…"

Khione and I smirk at one another.

And so, the three of us graciously accept the food given to us by the villagers, and once that's over with, we turn around to face the back gate of Tanhatam Village again.

"Good bye, everyone!" Khione cries.

"We're off to save the world!" Flint booms.

"Well then, Khione, Flint…" I begin to say.

I take a deep breath in…then out.