Chapter 15-Khione vs Cherika

"What is this, a maze?" Khione asks herself as she looks around, "Do we have to find our way through?"

"I don't suppose that my ice can break these walls," Khione then sighs as she racks her knuckles on the iron wall before her.

Khione then begins exploring the iron maze, and as she rounds the corner before her, Khione finds herself standing before Cherika.

"The Plant E-Charger, huh…?" Khione growls.

"Oh, so I get to face the Ice E-Charger whose parents I killed?" Cherika smirks, "How poetic."

Khione's eyes widen.

"Whose parents you WHAT…?"

"Don't make me repeat myself…" Cherika sighs as she places a hand to her cheek, "I'm the one who-"

Before Cherika can finish, her entire body is encased in ice.

"If that's the case…" Khione growls, "I'LL KILL YOU!"

But then, Khione's ice shatters, and explodes off of Cherika's body.

"THEN THIS'LL BE A FUN FIGHT!" Cherika cackles.

"How did…you shatter my ice…" Khione asks as her eyes widen.

In response, places a hand to her cheek, as sparks of dark-green energy burst and swirl around her body.

"Entrapment spells such as your ice fail if an E-Chargers strength surpasses your own," Cherika explains, "So the act of me E-Charging ALONE is enough to shatter your ice."

"What an odd Charge Stance," Khione grumbles.

"It makes me feel at ease," Cherika smirks, "As Charge Stances should."

"Damn, so I can't use my Permafrost," Khione mutters to herself.

"No…but I can do this!" Cherika cackles as she places her palm to the ground.

"Plant Charge, Level One: Venus Fly Trap!" Cherika shouts as the ground beneath Khione's feet begins to rumble then split, and soon after, a GIANT stem with the head of a venus fly trap plant flies out of the ground.

"WAAHHH!!" Khione cries as she stumbles backwards, just as Cherika's venus fly trap chomps the air that Khione was once standing in with its mighty fangs.

Khione then takes her Charge Stance, and icy-blue sparks of energy burst and swirl around her body.

"Ice Charge, Level Two: Solid Hammer!" Khione shouts as she swipes her hands outwards, freezing the air above Cherika in the form of a block of ice, which then begins to fall down upon the woman.

In response, Cherika resumes her Charge Stance.

"Plant Charge, Level One: Venus Fly Trap!" Cherika shouts as she touches a hand to the ground, and the earth begins to rumble, just as before. The ground behind Cherika then begins to split, as a second giant venus fly trap flies out of the ground behind her attached to a thick green stem. The venus fly trap opens its giant jaws up wide and chomps down on Khione's block of ice, shattering it and sending ice chunks flying everywhere.

Khione's eyes widen. "Cherika's Plant Charge…is such a strong counter to my Ice Charge…"

Cherika resumes her Charge Stance.

"Plant Charge, Level two: Grape Vines!" Cherika shouts as she aims a hand at Khione, and dozens of thorn-edged vines fly out of Cherika's fingertips.

In response, Khione enters her Charge Stance as well.

"Ice Charge, Level Two: Solid Lance!" Khione shouts as she swipes her hands outwards, freezing the air into the form of dozens of ice lances, which fly towards Cherika.

Cherika smirks as she twists her hands through the air, manipulating her vines so that they wrap around Khione's lances with excellent precision.

And then, with a flick of her wrist, Khione's vines tighten their vice grip on Khione's lances, shattering them as well.

Khione's eyes widen. "Crap…"

Cherika's vines continue flying towards Khione, wrapping around the girl, and binding her arms to her sides.

Khione winces as the thorns of Cherika's vines dig into her flesh.

"Now…I'LL FLATTEN YOU LIKE A PANCAKE!" Cherika cackles as she spins around then heaves her arms over her shoulders, flipping Khione into the air, then causing her to slam face first into the ground.

"ACK!" Khione grunts.

With a battle cry, Cherika spins around and heaves her arms over her shoulders again, flipping Khione into the air and causing her to slam into the ground again, just as before.

Cherika's vines then unravel themselves around Khione's body as they slither back into her fingertips.

"That…ought to do it…" Cherika pants.

But then…Khione swiftly reaches out and grabs into Cherika's vines, and icy-blue sparks of energy burst and swirl around Khione's body.


"What?!" Cherika cries, "You're A-Charging without entering your Charge Stance?!"


Khione's ice then continues to travel across Cherika's vines, until the woman is encased in ice.

But a moment later, Khione's ice shatters and bursts off of Cherika's body.

"I TOLD YOU…IT WON'T WORK!" The woman cackles.

But then…that's when a smirk crepes across Khione's face.

Swiftly, Khione jumps to her feet and resumes her Charge Stance.

"ICE CHARGE, LEVEL THREE: SOLID LANCE!" Khione roars as she swings both hands outwards, and lances of ice fly out of the chunks of ice scattered throughout the air around Cherika, piercing the woman, and causing her to yelp in pain.

Khione's chunks of ice melt soon after, and Cherika drops to one knee, clutching her bleeding holes.