Chapter 116-Flint vs Sol, Part Three

"Dannazione, are you guys sure Carbon's gonna be okay?" Luciano pants once Team Noah has entered Mt Fuji, leaving Carbon behind to keep Helios at bay in the process.

"Of course he'll be okay," Khione replies with a confident smile, "He's Carbon, afterall!"

"Ohhh, someone's getting' cozy, huh?" Ana smirks as she elbows Khione in the ribs, causing the Ice Charger's face to flush beet red.

"N-no, that's not it!" Khione frantically exclaims.

"Carbon will win," Gaia seriously replies.

"Right!" Ana smiles.

But before their conversation can continue, a voice says: "Look what we have here," causing Team Noah to pause.

"Shit," Flint grunts, once Team Noah finds themselves staring down Sol, Flint's previous opponent, "You again."

"That's my line," Sol smirks.

"Are you sure you want a rematch?" Flint smirks once he finds himself facing down his opponent, Sol, "After the lashing I gave you last time?"

"This time will be different," Sol growls.

"I'll take care a' this guy," Flint says as he turns around to face the rest of Team Noah, "You guys go on ahead."

"You're naive, huh," Sol smirks, "We are LITERALLY standing inside of a volcano. We're in MY domain."

Sol raises his golden hammer above his head and begins twirling it, summoning his dark-brown sparks of energy in the process.

"LAVA CHARGE, LEVEL ONE: HEAT GEYSER!" Sol shouts as he slams his hammer into the ground, and lava BURSTS out from in between the cracks of the scalding, dark red walls, ceilings, and floor of the volcanic cavern.

Everyone yelps as they jump backwards.

"Are we going to burn to death or drown first?!" Mary shrieks.

"NETHER!" Flint exclaims as he resumes his Charge Stance, "Glass Charge, Level One: Crystal Castle!"

Sand begins swirling around Flint's feet, which then rises into the air and takes the form of a mighty golem of sand. Meanwhile, the heat of Sol's lava causes Flint's sand to turn into glass as it forms the golem.

Flint's golem spawns around the members of Team Noah, shielding them from Sol's attack, which begins to flood the cavern around them. Sol, however, remains unfazed from the seat, as he rides on top of a boulder on a tidal wave of laval like a surfer.

"Lava Charge, Level Three: Golden Rend!" Sol cackles as his lava wave carries Sol towards Flint's glass golem. As he rides by, Sol slams his golden hammer into Flint's glass golem, causing it to shatter, and sending chunks of glass flying everywhere.

Team Noah screams as they're sent flying everywhere.

Khione, however, recollects herself and resumes her Charge Stance mid-flight.

"Ice Charge, Level One: PERMAFROST!" Khione shouts as she swipes both hands outwards, freezing over Flint's lava, and turning it into a platform of ice.

Team Noah safely lands on top of the ice floor.

Khione exhales a chilly breeze.

Even Ana's mouth falls ajar.

"How did you-?" She asks.

"My training," Khione simply replies.

Sol's eyes widen. "H-how did ICE freeze my lava…it's the hottest element…?" Sol asks himself.

"Master F, maybe I should take this guy," Khione says, "His lava is tricky, but my ice can handle things here."

"No, Khione, I'LL be the one to finish Sol off-" Flint begins to say, but he's cut off when the wall next to him EXPLODES in a yellow flash.

Khione's eyes widen as she turns to face the wall.

"Oh no."

A mad cackle echoes through the cavern as Sparky dashes through the shattered rocks and smoke.

"REMEMBER ME, STAR CHARGER?!" Sparky cackles.

"Sparky?!" Sol cries as his eyes widen and he turns to face his ally, "What are you doing here?! This is MY post!"

"Sorry, but I heard my old friend Khione here!" Sparky explains as a second explosion reverberates behind her, sending her propelling towards Khione.

Khione doesn't have a chance to react before Sparky shoots a hand out and palms her face, causing Khione to cringe.

"Spark Charge, Level One: Explosion!" Sparky cackles as she creates an explosion from her palm, sending Khione flying backwards and smashing through the cavern wall behind her, and then the next one after that.

"KHIONE!" Mary cries as she watches her friend backwards.

"Y-you guys go on ahead!" Khione grunts as blood flows from her wounds, "I'll take care of things here!"

Mary nods, then turns forwards.

"Yeah, and I'll take this one here," Flint adds as he resumes his Charge Stance and stares down Sol.

"Andiamo, guys," Luciano orders, and with an agreeing nod, the rest of Team Noah takes off deeper d

own the volcanic caverns of Mt Fuji.

"Now that we're alone-" Sol begins to say as he resumes his Charge Stance, "-Where were we?"

"Sol's right," Flint grumbles to himself as he narrows his eyes at Sol's own right eye, which is now a pale-gray Devil Eye with a dull pink pupil in the form of an unknown symbol.

"With that new eye, there's no telling how this fight'll go…" Flint says.

"Lava Charge, Level One: Heat Geyser!" Sol shouts as he slams his hammer in the ground, causing cracks to spread across the ground.

A pillar of lava bursts from the ground, but Flint backflips out of the way to dodge.

"Sand Charge, Level Two: Sand Spear!" Flint shouts as he launches a rapid-fire flurry of kicks towards Flint, firing off a spear of sand with each kick.

Flint's sand spears continue flying towards Sol, until another lava geyser bursts out of the cracks in the ground in front of Sol, shielding Sol from Flint's attack as well as turning Flint's sand into glass due to the sheer heat of Sol's spell.

"Glass Charge, Level Two: Crystal Spears!" Flint smirks as he swipes a hand outwards, and his glass spears continue flying towards Sol.

"That's right, he's awakened," Sol grunts as resume his Charge Stance.

Smoke begins billowing from in between Sol's hands and his golden staff, which begins to glow red from the heat of his magma-coated hands.

"Lava Charge, Level Three: Golden Rend!" Sol shouts as he flings his hammer towards Sol, which twirls through the air, "BOOMERANG!"

Sol's hammer collides with Flint's spell, shattering and melting the glass spears, before returning back to Sol's hands like a boomerang.

"Damn," Flint grunts, "Must be his new Devil Eye."

"It's funny," Sol chuckles, "In our previous fight, my E-Charge countered yours, but now that you've awakened, your E-Charge counters mine."