Chapter 125-Luciano vs Raven, Part Two

As blood begins to pour out of Luciano's body and merge with the murky shadows below, he feels his body grow cold and weak.

Slowly, Luciano and Raven feel their bodies begin to rise.

The two emerge from Luciano's shadow and back on the surface, in the underground volcanic cavern of Mt Fuji.

And thus, Luciano's eyes slowly flutter shut, until Luciano sees nothing but pitch black darkness. But not the same kind of darkness that Luciano saw earlier within his shadow, where he could still clearly make out the form of his wife. Now…Luciano sees nothing. Just the cold, dark, lonely emptiness of death.

As Luciano's eyes flutter shut, he begins to see some visions, memories of his life, which flashes before his very eyes. And Luciano is sure that Raven sees the same, as well.

Luciano has always been tall and handsome, with stunning golden eyes and long, golden blonde hair. Because of his natural beauty, Luciano worked as a fashion model for nearly all of his adult life, earning wealth and fortune from it.

On top of being born into wealth, the Beam family, Land of Fire nobility, Luciano was also born with a legendary privilege and curse: being the E-Charger of Light.

Luciano truly had both the best and worst spawns in this world.

Because of this, Luciano has been aware of his fate, ever since he was little. Luciano's parents would hire private tutors who would teach Luciano about the flood, the E-Chargers of the original four elements, the fate of the Light and Dark Chargers, Infinity Charge, and more importantly: the Elemental Apocalypse, and how to prevent it.

The purpose of Luciano's parents hiring these tutors was to discourage Luciano from carrying on with his fate and to make him afraid of the Elemental Apocalypse.

However, this had the opposite effect on the young Luciano.

Amazed by the importance of his birth, Luciano had great altruism from a young age, and thus made it his goal to prevent the Elemental Apocalypse.

However, upon learning of this, Luciano's parents were angered, and refused to allow Lucinao to leave his home.

Due to his natural looks, women ALWAYS threw themselves at Luciano growing up.

However, Luciano fell in love at a very young age, when he met the daughter of one of his parents' servants: Raven.

Being the same age and living on the same property, Luciano and Raven befriended one another easily then fell in love.

Although they didn't know it, the reason that Luciano and Raven fell in love is because they were connected by FATE.

You see, Raven was born as the E-Charger of Darkness. However, Raven's mother was afraid of her daughter being captured or killed by parents because of her ability, and thus hid Raven's talent from the world. Despite being shunned from doing so, Luciano and Raven practiced and learned the art of E-Charging (and even Infinity Charge) together and secret.

Years came and went, and neither Luciano and Raven were able to leave their homes and fulfill their fate. But that didn't matter anymore. The two were madly in love and soon married.

However, no matter what they did, Raven was unable to get pregnant. Despite all of his perfectionism, infertile.

Eventually, a man named Prometheus introduced himself to Luciano Raven, saying that if they granted him their strength, he could solve both of their uses: not having a child, and not being able to fulfill their fate. Luciano and Raven begrudgingly agreed, and thus…Prometheus impregnated Raven. That was the start of their downfall.

While remorseful, Luciano and Raven were still ecstatic once their baby was born. However, Prometheus snatched it away, claiming that the child had great potential and was to be raised as his son.

Prometheus offered Luciano and Raven to stay by his side in order to see their son grow up. Luciani declined, stating that that child wasn't his son. Raven, however, agreed to stay with Prometheus. This angered Luciano, who felt as if his wife was choosing a child that would never truly be hers over her own husband. Raven, however, felt betrayed that her husband wouldn't agree to stand with her. Luciano returned back to his career as a fashion model, whereas Raven was introduced by Prometheus, and grew fond of the idea of ridding the world of the corrupted blood of Water, Wind, and Earth who destroyed the world to begin with.

And thus…the two split up.

"Oh…" Luciano grows as he slowly sits up, "I'm still…alive…"

Raven begins to stir as well.

Luciano and Raven then stand up to face one another.

"Raven…my moglie…I still love you…" Luciano sobs.

"I do…as well…" Raven trembles.

Golden and black sparks of energy then EXPLODE out of Luciano's and Raven's bodies respectively, as the two resume their Charge Stances.


Luciano and Raven hold their hands out to one another.

"Infinity Charge…"



An EXPLOSION of light and darkness flies from Luciano's and Raven's hands then collide in a giant burst of light and darkness.

The two let out a fierce battle cry as their spells pulse back and forth, taking turns as to who's pushing who back.



With one more roar, the two spells explode outwards, engulfing the cavern in a bright white light.

A small smile spreads across Luciano's lips.

"I love you…moglie…"

Raven smiles as well.

"I love you…too…"

And then…the grand white light begins to fade.



Helios pants as he limps through the underground cavern.

Helios pauses once he finds himself in a hollowed out clearing, where he spots Luciano and Raven laying side by side on the ground, hand in hand, soaked in blood but with a faint smile on their lips.

Helios limps over to the bodies then stares down at the, until…tears begin streaming down his cheeks.

"Mom…" Helios whimpers, "...DAD!"

Helios sobs as he collapses upon his mothers' chest and cries into it, as the wounds of his previous battle take their toll…