Chapter 132-The God of Water

"This seriously SUCKS!" Prometheus groans as he hangs his head low.

"You think THIS sucks?!" I snap, "You already killed me earlier! I had to try and convince GOD to let me back into the world of the living!"

"You think God'll let me back in, too?" Prometheus asks as he flashes me an awkward, doubtful grin.

"Definitely not."

In our brief moment of silence, I decide to take a look around, finding Prometheus and I standing on some bench in a run down village.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"In the inner mechanisms of my own mind, if I had to guess," Prometheus answers.

"Why do you think we're here?"

"To Hell if I know! Maybe to reconcile before I die, or something…"

An awkward silence fills the air.

"You know…I didn't REALLY want to kill everyone…"

My eyes widen.

"I just…didn't know what else to do with myself…" Prometheus sighs as I turn to face him, "You, Anemoi, and Gaia got me kicked out of my cozy life in Heaven, I was PISSED, but…I still saw you guys as my siblings…"

I stare at Prometheus for a moment, before bursting out laughing.

"What's so funny?!" Prometheus snaps as he turns to face me.

"Nothing, it's just…here I am, sitting and discussing spirituality with my arch nemesis!"

Prometheus stares at me for a moment, before bursting out laughing.

"Shut up!" He laughs.

"Isn't it the job of a little brother to torment his older sibling?" I laugh.

Prometheus and I continue laughing for a bit. Once our laughter dies down, Prometheus says: "Thank you, Noah. I had fun."

 I give Prometheus a sad smile.

"Yeah…no problem."

"Tell our siblings I said hi, and…sorry…"

I sadly stare at the ground.

"I…I won't be able to do that…"

"Oh…" Prometheus replies as he sadly looks away, "I see…"

"Goodbye, brother…"


I stare at Prometheus' body in silence for a moment.

"Goodbye, brother…"

Using my water to propel myself through the air, I fly over to Prometheus, scoop up his body, then turn around and fly over to my friends.

"NOAH, WE DID I-" Khione begins to exclaim, but she's cut off when the earth begins rumbling again, throwing everyone off balance, "Oh, that's right, our goal wasn't to defeat Prometheus, it was to prevent the Elemental Apocalypse!"

I hold a hand out to my friends, creating small individual whirlpools of water underneath Khione, Mary, Ana, and Gaia, and levitating them closer to me.

"WOAH!" They cry.

"Come on, there's no time," I order, and I fly everyone down into the wreckage of Mt Fuji.

After nearly an hour of flying -dammit, what the Hell are these words that I'm thinking of?- we reach a small stone pedestal, that -despite Mt Fuji being completely eliminated- is still standing. The pedestal is split into four sections, one blue, one green, one orange, and one red.

I float all of us over to the pedestal.

"Here, take this," I order as I dump Prometheus into Khione's arms.

"Ugh, is this what I'm here for?!" Khione snaps.

"No…" I answer as I look away sadly, "There's something else I need to tell you guys…"

Khione frowns. "What is it, Noah…?"

"I won't be returning home once this is done."

Everyone's eyes widen.

"What…do you mean…?" Khione asks.

"Long story short, I spoke to God during my battle against Prometheus. God told me that all of this: the Elemental Apocalypse, Prometheus, you guys, was a test. If I managed to stop Prometheus and prevent the Elemental Apocalypse, then I would return to Heaven as a God, at the price of all of my memories during my life as a human. On top of that, E-Chargers won't be able to pass on their elements to their offspring, and will eventually die out."

"Noah, you can't be serious!" Khione cries with a sad, nervous laugh, "You make it sound like you want to go ba-"

"THINK ABOUT HOW I FEEL!" I snap, shutting Khione up.

"Do you SERIOUSLY think I want to forget about all of you guys?!" I cry as I turn to face Khione, and now, tears are streaming down my cheeks.

"So what, if we don't percent the Elemental Apocalypse, then you don't return back to Heaven?" Gaia asks.

I shake my head.

"Not to make this about me, but…what about Gaia and I…?" Ana asks.

"You two are safe," I answer, "This is my punishment as the God who flooded the Earth."

"No, Noah please, you can't be doing this to me…!" Khione sobs, "FIRST MASTER F AND NOW YOU?! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!"


"Don't tell me you guys are serious?!" I exclaim, exacerbated, "This is what we've been working for…this is our go-"

"NONE OF IT MATTERS WITHOUT YOU, NOAH!" Khione screams, and this time i'm the one who shuts up.

"I can't live in a world without!" Khione sobs, tears streaming down her face.

And soon…Mary, Ana, and even Gaia are crying as well.

"Then we'll leave this up to you," Gaia sobs, "Tell us, Noah. What do we do?"

I turn away from my friends.

I take a deep breath in…then out.

"Ana. Put your hand on the green spot. Gaia, you're orange. Khione and Mary, place Prometheus' hand on the red spot, please."

Everyone's eyes widene

And while they don't support my decision, they do what I say, anyway.

As the five of us stroll up to the pedestal, the trembling ground intensifies, and we can barely walk.

One by one, myself, Gaia, Ana, and "Prometheus" place their hands on the pedestal. Seafoam-green, media m0 green, orange, and flame-orange sparks of energy swirl around our bodies.

And a moment later, the ground stops tumbling.

The Elemental Apocalypse has been prevented.

We've won.

I then look down at my body, which has begun to glow blue.

"WOAH!" I cry, "Is this what it's like to go to Heaven?!"

Everyone stares at me, years flowing down their faces.

"Even if you may forget us, we'll never forget you, Noah…" Khione sobs, "NEVER…not even when I'm dead…"

"Maybe when we're dead, we'll see you again?" Ana asks with a sad laugh.

"Don't do anything rash, Ana," I reply with a sad smile.

"I won't," Ana replies as she wipes her eyes, "I need to go see Lily again."

"And I need to see how Rocko's been," Gaia adds, "It's…been a while."

"I'm going to teach my mom how to use her Blood Charge to heal!" Mary adds, "And take back all the time we've lost."

"I'm going to bury dad…" Khione says with a sad smile, "After that…well…I don't know!"

My body begins glowing even brighter, so much so that my friends have to turn away.

"Thank you, guys…" I say, "For everything."

"THANK YOU, NOAH!" Everyone cries.

I look up towards the sky. The sun has begun to rise. The sky is blue and endless. So blue and promising, and indicative of a hopeful future.

"This truly was…our Elemental Apocalypse."

Sorry, I just had to say that.


One year later…

"I knew I'd find you here."

I smile as I stare at Noah and my dad's graves, sitting side by side. Though of course, there's no body under Noah's tombstone. Also, he's not even dead? Well…I guess Noah is dead. Poseidon, however, still lives on.

"How come every time I come here, you show up?" I smirk as I peer over at Carbon out of the corner of my eye, who stares at the graves below.

Carbon flinches, then turns away and blushes.

"Coincidence," he grumbles under his breath.

"Sure it is!" I laugh.


"It sure is lonely without him…" I say with a small smile, "Both of them…"

"Right…" Carbon replies.

Carbon then clenches his hands.

Before I know it, Carbon shoots a hand out and pulls me towards him.

"I CAN MAKE YOU NOT LONELY!" Carbon shouts, causing me to blush.


"N-NOTHING!" Carbon stammers as he turns away from me, "It's just…you're always going on and on about Noah when I'm right here for you…"

I stare at Carbon in awe for a bit, before bursting out laughing.

"Wh-what is it?!" Carbon stammers.

"You know, you're terrible at flirting!"

"I-I'm not flirting!"

"Suuure you're not!"

"I'm telling you, I'm NOT!"

Noah is a man who controls the element of Water.

And while he is no longer with us, he lives on in this world, in every ocean, droplet of rain, or glass of water you see.

So next time you get yourself a refreshing drink, take a shower, or hop in the pool on a nice sunny day, just remember the man who made it all possible…

Noah, the E-Charger of Water.

P.S. That's, like, sort of my piss, so…maybe DON'T drink it…?