With a mind unbound by judgment, and finding comfort in quiet solitude, Harry Potter begins his journey into the wizarding world. Yet, his past of abuse and neglect has shaped both his mind and magic into something new and powerful. He sees the world through a whole new kind of filter, which is just ready and waiting to evolve. #action #adventure #smart!harry #family
The concept of the fic is quite intriguing and feels like a fresh breath of air compared to other more blatant fix it fics. Harry feels like an actual child who might seem and present himself as unreasonably mature, but we see glimpses of naïveté and childishness in funny and organic little glimpses. I absolutely adore the way he approaches magic and the people around him, and I can’ reiterate enough how refreshing it is to actually read how canon characters are adapting and reacting to a different Harry. I’ve read way too many fics where everyone almost seems hypnotised to act like canon with Harry, even though literally everything is different and should be interpreted and approached as such. I can’t wait to further read how he develops, and the story unfolds
if you don't like a main character who keeps giving his golden finger (cheat, system, unique power) to everyone this story is not for you…………………………………………………
This fic is great! I will start saying what can be a problem for some people, the author can be quite long winded (I believe is the term, the explanations take a while), it's not bad and easy to skip if is not your deal, but the story (keep in mind that at the point I am writing this there is only 6 chapters) focus a lot in how Harry learn things so the explanations make sense. And second, this is kinda a system story, I know that this can be a turn off for some people, but is not like "harry wake up with a system" kind of story, the system work like a type of acclumency, his mind organize itself in this ever evolving (still just 6 chapters, so ever evolving can change) kinda of system, it doesn't give quests and stuff, but can make him very powerful, not op. Having said that, the story is great, Harry doesn't seems like a adult in a body of a child, something that happen way to often in fics where the MC is or start as a kid. His progress is fun to follow, not having those insane jumps of abilities. The writing... I can judge, I am not a native speaker and if it's not a MTL I hardly notice a difference in grammar. It's way to soon to speak about stability of updates, but the author have a stellar track record, so I not worry of this being dropped. If something change I will probably say it in the comments of this review.
it is a story written by Burnable, enough said. read all of them all amazing.
Hello folks of Webnovel, it is the one and only Altered, I come with praises for the mastermind Burnable and another of his amazing works. I normally don't do reviews, but i have always enjoyed Burnables' stories and this one is no different. If you're looking for a subdued slice of life that doesn't take hundreds of chapters for an arc then this is the story for you. So I implore you to give the story a chance. Happy reading everyone.
awesome story ...........................................................................................................................................................
This story is easy to read due to its proper grammar and flow. Throughout the story the "system" gets stronger through Harry actually learning new things and adding them himself without any higher power. When reading expect a lot of slice of life type chapters and barely any action.
Great story, like always from burnable. It features Harry who is making his own system piece by piece. It is a interesting approach to incorporate a system in the Harry Potter world. Looking forward to how this story goes whether it is the plot, character development, further explanations of how magic work, or how Harry's system continues to develop.
This is an excellent story that I read over 3 days. It has many things in it that readers love. I completely recommend it as a story for everyone. Has some violence, no sex per se. Many races and legends.
Otra historia increible de Burnable, como todas las anteriores. Novedosa y llena de ideaa unicas, solo puedo decir que ojala pudieras escribir mas rapido sin perder calidad. En fin, 10 de 10. Ahora solo falta el Crossover con los otros Harry xD.
Always a good reading material, thanks for publishing even this one👍🏻👌🏻 can't wait to read it, like all your other works
from just the reviews I think this has promise however i cant tell if it has been dropped or not it does say as of posting this it hasn't been updated in a month iIhave no way of knowing if it's on hiatus or not iIthink this will be an interesting read
comment on ch 15, but figured I might as well copy it into a review.--It's your story, so do what you feel comfortable with writing in regards to the pairing mate. Imo though, Hermione to me always seemed a better fit as a sister figure, even if I do like the way you're portraying her. Still, she's rather dependent on Harry and I can't see them in a truly equal relationship atm. Fleur or in a few years even Tonks would fit better I think. Fleur could be the passion to his logic, and Tonks pushing him into properly enjoying life with her goofiness/impulsiveness(tempered by auror training), whereas Hermione is perhaps too much like him as things stand now. Harry and Hermione dating for a few months to a school year could see them figuring out that they're much too alike, with Hermione honestly having little to over Harry doesn't already bring to the table himself. With Fleur going to work for Gringotts as a warder or curse breaker(not sure which it canonically is tbh), she could be a liaison to the Goblins as well if he wants to rent out grants to them to help with vault security and such? Honestly Fleur's Veela nature is also something you can really play with, especially with a System like Harry's. Giving himself Creature abilities perhaps, upgrading Fleur's heritage with some Phoenix genes for further control of her allure and regeneration maybe? Honestly you're a creative writer and despite it's flaws and rather shallow harem romance I really did like Origin(and the one before) so I'm sure wherever you choose to go with this fic it'll at least be fun to read.
Very good