
The Shax

Crystal goblets knocked against each other, shaking the pure water which was carefully poured in them by the waiters. People were rejoicing with whistles and cheesy one-liners. He was standing among them. With a green shirt, blue jeans, and refined shoes, while taking all the compliments. Endymion was by his side in a gray and brown dress and a pearl white necklace around her neck. She was smiling with him.

The people started emboldening Tithon to make a speech. Kurban was chanting too.

"Alright, alright. I'm gonna do it" said Tithon.

He put down his glass and for a second thought aout his next words.

He moved towards the rooms epicenter and started moving his hands. He looked nervous. He looked around, seeking Kurban and Endymion sight to feel more at ease. He noticed that, far from the crowd, another person joined his party. Purple and black colours reached his eyes.

"Go on" shouted Kurban.

"Well, how do…I start…" was Tithon's first speech and he didn't know what to say.

He felt all the guests eyes on him. It wasn't like at work where people were obliged to listen to him to avoid getting fired. This time was different. It was like his first day as a shift supervisor.

Time was moving slowly. An off-putting silence was now present in the room.

"I…I didn't expect to move from the field to the desk in such a short…amount of time. It seems like yesterday when…I was…straining in the dumps. For decades…more than a century I've been doing it and I…was on the brink of bankrupt…We've had our problems but…I…I'm trying to do my best…"

"So Boring…Skip to the interesting part" shouted a guy from the crowd. He had a familiar face. An infinity shaped claw was on his long gray hair.

He faltered a little.

"Ok, shut up" ordered him in a moment of uncontrollable rage.

He was trying to mask his embarrassment.

The people were feeling uncomfortable.

He passed his hand on the trousers to dry them up.

"Ok guys, that was cute. We're all happy for your promotion Tithon, you don't have to be embarrassed about it. Turn the music on and get back to the party" intervened Kurban who warmed the situation up and avoided Tithon a shameful show.

"Are you ok?" asked him after the crowd started moving its focus toward the buffet and the water.

"I don't know what happened. I guess that you're better than me at it, even though I'm now a Senior Responsible for the whole Western Sector of Haguel and I'm supposed to speak up for myself and you're still…"

"Don't worry about it but don't forget about it. Even though I don't agree with your choices, I'm still your friend because I still think that you're doing all of it for a good cause"

Tithon smiled.

"Where's Endy?" asked Tithon worried.

"She…over there" Kurban pointed toward her who was walking toward the door.

Tithon catched her up swiftly.

"Endy, where are you going?"

She didn't reply.

"Please, answer me. What happened?"

She opened the door and went out. He followed her while telling the guests that he would've been back shortly.

"Talking about our problems to a crowd of strangers isn't right Tithon. Our relationship doesn't revolve around your job and you're not the only one who have been struggling in the past"

Anger was permeating her words.

"I…I just wanted to show how I happy I am for my career and the results I've obtained in the last years to the other people"

She reached the elevator and pressed a button.

"They're strangers Tithon. Only Kurban is your friend"

"Alright but it isn't a reason to leave"

"Tell them how you got here. Tell me what atrocities you're doing to please your superiors. You used to have a stronger ethic"

The elevator opened its doors and she got in.

"So what? We wouldn't be living a better life without me. Wait, is that jealousy?"

"I can't believe it. I'm going home. Goodnight"

The elevator closed its doors, and she went away.

He couldn't understand what's happening and he was panicking. To avoid ruining his evening he took the other elevator and reached the skyscraper's top.

Haguel's lights and its crowded districts looked less bleak and distressing from the fifteenth floor of the Suharto Peaks.

Life felt easier from there.

He noticed after a while that he wasn't alone.

There was someone else there, a dozen feet from him.

"Ever wondered what's beyond Haguel?" asked the other person with a soft, seducing voice.

"I…I don't know really. This city is sealed, nothing enters and gets out on foot and I don't care. I just want to drink. Not water. I want to ruin myself with…alcool" said him while trying to mask his anger.

He moved closer to her. He wasn't sure. He didn't trust the other individual.

"At your promotion party? You have guts"

"Do…you think so?"


"Yes. We can do it together. I'm not enjoying the party anyway"

"Oh, yeah. It's kind a lame" said him, without being aware of what he was saying.

Black hair.

"Being on the tallest tower in Haguel doesn't feel like much. I mean, what's the point? You can't even see the Drekavac from up here"

Purple and black dress.

"Is…it? Do we…"

She turned back and showed herself.

Toned breast and long legs. Little feet and wide shoulders. Perfect hips.

"Well, now that I'm obliged to stay here, we don't have much of a choice"

Eyes like ice.

She moved toward him with grace and confidence and put her hands on his face.

He felt her lips.


He didn't move.


Not even an inch.

"Tithon, wake up. You can't be late today. I can't too"

He slowly opened his eyes.

"How…?" asked him confused.

"Coming back at six in the morning wasn't the brightest idea" remarked Endymion.

"Who…brought me here?"

"You don't remember. I shouldn't have left the party. You're not able to get a grip of yourself now" said Endymion annoyed.

"Are you still…mad at me?"

"Yes, but I hope that you'll find yourself with the help of your friend, Kurban. It was him and a girl who brought you here"

"Which…which girl?" asked Tithon worried.

"Kurban said that she was like your boss's daughter. She told me that she admires my job, the fact that I want to make people feel better. I like her"

"Wait…describe her? I don't remember"

"The fact that you remember our fight is comforting. At least it shows that you still care about us" said her happy and sad at the same time.

"How was her?" insisted him.

"Alright. Long black hair, white eyes and a strange ring on a finger"

Tithon was even more worried now.

"We have to go now. Dress yourself quickly before we're in a hurry. I'll drive you to the DIYU today"

He nodded and dressed himself swiftly.

"And…sorry, I'm sorry. For what has been happening recently. I don't want to hurt you and I…don't want to lose you. I'll try to be better"

"I hope too"

They left their apartment after arming the theft protection system. One of the many changes experienced by their flat after Tithon's achievements.

Like their brand-new car. They didn't miss public transports, not at all.

"We will figure out a way to solve our problems after dinner. Make sure to be there. I care about it" said her while leaving him at his workplace.

He just nodded. He did it because he was still in hangover. His liver was aching. He thought that he was getting rid of it but one night with alcohol destroyed all his progress. He just wanted to puke, like he used to do when he used to be poor.

He reached his office and started scanning his desk. There were papers over papers of tasks to finish for the end of the day.

He felt like puking. He went to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

He stayed there for a moment.

Someone knocked at the door.

He woke up and fixed himself quickly and went to the desk.

"Yes, you can come in" said him while trying to mask his sore throat.

A man, with a familiar face, walked into the room.

"I just wanted to check how are you doing? Do you like your reward?" asked him.

"Yes…" said Tithon freightened.

Malsumis was hard to read for Tithon. Everything about him felt ready to blow up. He was like a volcano ready to erupt.

"We can always count you, am I right?" asked the co-chief of security.


"Alright, get back to work. We have a bird to kill" joked Malsumis.

Tithon didn't get it. He just smiled with him to avoid any kind of confrontation.

Malsumis left the room and he started delving through the pile of documents on his desk.

There was a lot to read and sign.

He picked a paper, read it and sign it. He picked a paper, read it and sign it. He picked a paper, read it and sign it. He picked a paper, read it and sign it. He picked a paper, read it and sign it. He picked a paper, read it and sign it. He picked a paper, read it and sign it. Again. Again. Again. And again. And again.

Time was passing slowly.

And again.

Time was freezing.

And again.

Just white paper and black ink.

White paper and black ink. White paper and black ink. White paper and black ink. White paper and black ink. Rebels Confinement Act. White paper and black ink. White paper and black ink.

He was feeling tired.

More tired.

The bell ringed. It resounded in his head. It felt weird. He didn't stop. He couldn't stop. His head was aching, but he kept going, nonetheless.

A file about Kurban went through his hands. He didn't even read it. He just signed it like it was nothing relevant.

The DIYU's warehouse was huge. A hundred rows of high metallic rack full of different things. Old beads parts, rover's tyres, new masks, archived files…all methodically ordered by year and department.

Kurban was doing the inventory of all the objects set there. He didn't know why he had to do it but his workmates told him that the order came from the managers in the Hara. He wasn't sure about it. It was too random and useless. It was the first time for him, and he didn't know about other workers like him who has been moved there while working at the dumps or the sewers.

Being all alone felt bad. Especially for him. He was trying to think about his job to keep the boredom away, but it was hard. It was too repetitive for him.

But it wasn't the real issue now. He didn't like the fact that he wasn't able to move up in the firm after two centuries. He was young but he wanted more. He was still thinking about Alusta's disaster and all that came before. He was still thinking about the corpse found by his friend, who was slowly drifting away from him and his wife. Oddly she started becoming more closer to her then Tithon lately, especially after the thing he had with the party's girl. He knew that his friend made home safe, but Tithon was risking too much. Kurban wasn't sure about Tithon. He was thinking that Endymion was too good for him. To the point that he was considering him unworthy of her.

Too many thoughts. He never had all that time to think. Thinking…most people were used to do what they were told in Haguel. There wasn't much leisure time, there wasn't time to have sex, even though condoms where free, there wasn't time to eat well and fix your liver's problems.

Life has never been easy for him. He didn't know how his childhood or teen years was. He always worked. Everyday. An endless routine.

A door emerged from the mess. It wasn't a normal door. It was metallic and it was blocked. A tick film of dust and rust was covering it.

He started cleaning it and freeing the space around it to understand what it was. On it there was a symbol: black lotus with a reddish outline. Under it a name: Shangri-La Genomics. He never heard about it. He tried to force it. First with one hand and then with both. It didn't open. He just had three hours left before is workday would've been over. He needed to be quick. He tried, again and again without accomplishing anything.

At last, the door opened.

A blinking light. Four pods made of glass and metal which were covered in dust. Pipes attached to al of them with streams of different colors. A map with crossed points. A camera which seemed off. A rag on a table. He took it and cleaned one of them up. He was lowly removing the dust's layer when a body started showing itself behind the glass screen. An abdomen, arms, hips, legs, breast and a face. He wiped it again to see it better. Two eyes of different colors, blonde hair and small lips.

He didn't flinch.

The bell ringed.

The test subject was screaming, cussing and throwing his fists against the wall. She wasn't able to hear him, but she was feeling all his rage.

"Is it RA8T?" asked the chief chemist of The Tiger production line.

"Yes. I think that the dosage is too high" said Endymion.

"What are you concerned about? Please tell me because I don't think that you know a thing about what we're doing. I just want to remember you that you're here thanks to a simple recommendation"

"I'm…just saying that this isn't supposed to be so hard. Rage shouldn't feel so bad"

"When we won't have it anymore, this will fell like a necessary amount of anger. Do you understand what we're doing here, or you just know how to print and pack the pills?" asked her superior with a sneering tone.

"Please…there's no need for it. Wait, what's happening?"

The subject collapsed on the floor with his mouth full of saliva.

"Well, the test went perfectly" said the chemist unphased by what happened behind the screen.

"But…I thought that it was impossible. We can't die"

"Consider yourself fortunate today, you witnessed a miracle. And what happened here shouldn't get out. I don't want to remember you that it's written in your contract"


"Don't give me your usual answers. Just say yes. Clean the room and shut your mouth. You're allowed to go home after you complete this task. Ms. Alim can make you a bigger player if you do what you're told without asking so many questions" cut the woman short.

Endymion did as instructed and removed the body from the chamber. She put it in a drawer and made sure that none was looking at her.

Then she went to the locker room and changed her clothes. Her colleagues were looking at her with distrustful and inquisitive eyes.

She was moving out of it when one of them set herself in her way.

"Still working here without merits, Ikuinen"

"This isn't my surname. May I go through, I have to go back home?" asked her quietly.

"Well, we don't care. Having a husband who sucks cock and base his career on backscratching is laughable. The fact that your life and your career depends on him is just pathetic. Is he even loyal to you or is he already fucking someone else?" reviled the intruder with pleasure.

"My husband won't ever betray me. Move…please"

"Alright Ikuinen but next time we won't let you get out" said her while freeing Endymion path.

"Yes, go back to your pimp. You illiterate asshole" screamed Endymion's jammer.

She was feeling bad and just wanted to leave the place as quickly as possible.

On the way out she met Ms. Alim as she was going back to his office. She looked particularly old, at least two or three thousand years old.

"Endymion, good afternoon. Going home?" asked her with a smiling face.

"Yes" said her trying to avoid talking to the old lady.

"I'm glad. How was your day? Are you enjoying your job here?"

"Yes…Yes, it's wonderful" lied her.

"Well, Endy, have a nice day and have a nice day. I'm happy that you're feeling good"

They then greeted each other, and Endymion went to his car and started driving.

She was trying to avoid thinking about the fact that her job was bad and that it was hard to get through the day while being treated badly.

She didn't like the fact that Tithon wasn't able to support and care about her now. She was feeling him distant. She was still thinking about the girl who was with her the day after his promotion's party.

She was still in love, but he wasn't sure about him. He was slowly getting far from her. Not just her but also Kurban. At least talking to his husband's friend was helping her getting through all the bad stuff which was undergoing at his job.

She reached the DIYU and waited for Tithon to get out. He just wanted to see him and get him home safely. Especially because lately he was coming back home at hideous times. It was becoming a habit, a bad one.

After an hour she saw him coming out of the firm. He was wearing an ordinary black suit and tie and looked gorgeous to her. She was happy for him because his career was helping him acquire more confidence. All alone was going the steps while holding his suitcase.

She started moving the car when another vehicle stopped in front of Tithon. It was a big black SUV with tinted windows. Someone got off it. A woman. She put her arms around Tithon shoulders and got him inside her car. While she was turning to get in too, she noticed a face which wasn't new to her. It was the same girl that she saw joining Tithon's party, the same one who got him home and told her that she was a work colleague. Those icy eyes were hard to forget. She was willing to follow them and see what they were up. She was conflicted. Sure, Tithon was changing and lately he was being hard to understand what was going on in his mind but there wasn't enough material to be suspicious. Mistrusting him was her right but it wasn't the right choice. The SUV took off and started getting away from her, who was holding her hand on the gear shift. Her hand started moving slowly and unsure when she received a message on her phone. Kurbans was looking for her to talk. She looked pleased about it. At least there was him to comfort her when Tithon wasn't available. His husband's friend not only was still able to support Tithon, even though he wasn't being treated as usual by him, but also to stay beside her.

She smiled a little and started the car.

When she reached her home, found Kurban already there, waiting.

"Hi Endy, how are you?" asked him while hugging her.

"I'm…ok Kurb. What about you? Come inside and tell me what's going on" said her while opening the flat's door.

The lights automatically turned on and revealed what was inside. A big table made of glass, a new and improved kitchen, a state-of-the-art washing machine, a couple of couches and knick-knacks here and there.

"You keep updating your flat. You two have good tastes" observed him.

"Actually, I've chosen all the furniture because Tithon is always busy with his job"

Kurban didn't look surprised at all.

"Wait, isn't it Tithon's watch?" said her by picking it up from the kitchen table.

"Weird, he usually doesn't forget about it"

The flashing light was on, as it always been.

"Anyway, what's up? You look a bit under pressure Kurb" asked Endymion again.

"A few weeks ago I was working in the DIYU's warehouse when I found..I found.."

"What, what was there?"

"I don't know actually but it was like a small bore in the ground with lights and stuff and I found…I…found"

"Just say it" insisted Endymion.


"Yo…? Just tell me what you want to say"

"You…" concluded Tithon, fearful.

"Me…like me me or someone who resembled me?"

"You. Just. You"

"Are you sure about it?"


"It just remembers me when you and Ti found that body in the dump. It's not a big deal I suppose"

"I'm telling you; it was you. Eyes of different colors, blonde hair and your…remarkable physique"

"So, I have a remarkable body?" asked her self-satisfied.

"Yes…no…yes. This is not the point. Why were you there?"

"I've never been there Kurb but I'm happy that you appreciate me. Tithon doesn't say things like that lately. He doesn't even want to make love"

"Oh…that's…sad. But…"

"And now that I know that he's hiding a lot of stuff from me I don't even know if he's still in love with me"

"In a different situation I would've said that it was just a hard moment but he's being a douche with me too"

"Do you trust him?" asked Endymion like she was looking for hope.

"I…am not sure. After the Alusta's disaster I'm not sure about a lot of…"

Someone knocked at the door.

Endymion didn't have time to reach for the keys that Tithon entered abruptly, like he was in a hurry. In his hand he was holding a medium sized sculpture made of silver. It looked like a dog with long legs and a hideous face mad of sharp fangs and little eyes like a spider.

"Hey. What's up…" exhorted him with a loud voice.

"Hey Ti, you're home.."

Tithon kissed her with passion, without considering Kurban.

Then he greeted his friend vehemently.

He put the sculpture on the table, worn his watch and went toward the door.

"Hey, where're you going, I thought that your workday was over?" asked Endy, worried.

"I have to meet with a colleague at the Peaks. I'll be back for dinner"

"Alright. What about that mutated abomination?" asked Kurban while looking at the artistic piece.

"Just a gift. I was told that it's called Shax, a legendary creature which used to roam free in Drekavac. Just a horror story. By the way, I've to go. See you later" said him to them while closing the door behind him.

"Is it just me or does it seem like he was avoiding us?"

"Yeah, I felt it too. I'm worried"

"Don't be, everything will be alright. As long as we're there for him, he won't take the wrong path. I just hope that your suspicions aren't right"

"I hope too. Thanks for being here Kurban" said her while hugging him.

Neither of them felt embarrassed about it.

"By the way, did you notice that there's a note attached to this horrendous sculpture?" said while picking up the small piece of paper.

A L and a T were drawn on it.

Endymion's eyes became glossy.

"Are you okay?" asked Kurban.

She didn't say anything and started crying on his shoulder.