
A Purpose

The sun was blinking and flashing, distorted by an unknown force.

The city was quiet, like the desert.

A vast plain of buildings and sand.

The Dump was standing still. Fire was running through its veins, burning materials which were emanating an unbearable smell.

The Dragonflies wrecks was spread all over the place.

Pieces of engines, bulk and electronics have been launched far from the impact zone.

Kurban opened his eyes. He was hurt but he managed, miraculously, to survive the fall. Unlike Tithon, who was unconscious under the wreckage of his aircraft.

Kurban stood up with hardship and paced toward him.

Then he broke the side glass and crawled into the Dragonfly.

He grabbed his friend and dragged him outside.

Tithon was heavy but he managed to move it to an open place.

He put him down and checked his heartbeat. He was still alive.

Then he sat on the ground beside him.

Time passed.

After a while Tithon woke up.

He coughed and tried to stand, in vain. His ribs were fractured, and the old wounds were bleeding.

Then he looked Kurban, who was looking at the uncertain sky.

"You…saved me" said him with a little grin on his face

"I never wanted to kill you. Dying together looked like the best alternative"

"Why would…you…do that?"

"Because all our actions were nothing more than a path set by other people for their selfish gains"

"What…do you…mean?"

"You've been used, so many times, reboot after reboot to keep the population of this planet in check. Who is above us never wanted us to be a threat"


"Look up. Don't you see it. They have been above use the entire time, controlling every single move on both sides"

"How do you know about that?"

Kurban looked in his pockets and took out the box left by his ancestor. It was broken.

Tithon looked at it then moved his eyes away from it.

"If I was the designated…villain, weren't you supposed…to be the hero?"

Kurban looked at him then his sight went up again.

"Hero and villain. Those terms aren't right"

"We did what we thought was right. We followed our desires and then the expectations of the people around us"

"You're the one who was sent to the real enemy then" said Tithon disappointed

"And you were their plan B"

They went shut.

The silence made their realizations heavier.

"What were we supposed to do?" asked Tithon

"We didn't know. We shouldn't have known so much"

"What do you mean?"

"The truth has brought us here, Lies could've saved us"

"Lies…we should've been…together…" smiled Tithon

"It was the only way to face Agaklythos"

"Was there any possibility to win against them?"

"We're talking about a galactic empire. For them we're just another planet to conquer and exploit"

Tithon put his right hand on Kurban's leg.

His friend looked at him.

"How many people have died and suffered cause of us?" said Kurban in tears

Tithon was trying to console him.

"We wanted to be free of the only person who gave us a second chance and tried to keep this world alive"

"After all Lady Gehenna was…good…that's ironic" joked Tithon

"We exist because of her and the planet thrived with her for so long. We're the one responsible for our demise. She has always been the best of us"

The sky suddenly darkened.

"Come here…my children" said Gehenna. Lights started turning on in the sky while a sound of huge engines started resounding everywhere. Malsumis, Gluskap and Fanon went beside her and sat close to their creator's body. They all looked up. The Morrigan was there, towering over them like a powerful and merciless god.

"I'm sorry…brother" said Malsumis while hugging Gluskap

"Don't worry, we'll be fine"

Gehenna smiled of joy.

"What…is going to happen…now?" asked Fanon


"…enjoy this…"

"Moment" said Gehenna

They hugged together while the great scientist was relinquishing her last breath.

A gigantic shutter opened. There a dozen people were flying midair in white and blue suits.

"Impressive" said Tithon while looking at them.

"It's time, my friend" said Kurban

"I'm sorry...Kurban" told him the dying Supreme Leader

"I'm too, Ti"

Tithon offered him his hand.

Kurban looked at it then, with glassy eyes, grabbed it and hugged him.

"That's…that's enough…I love you too, friend"

The flying figures started descending on them.

"I'm happy…now" told Tithon

"I'm too"

"Endymion would be proud of you" said Kurban


The flying strangers divided and went in different directions.

One of them flew over their heads.

A sonic boom resounded in their hears.

"Did we…lose?" asked Tithon

The suited men in front of them unleashed power rays toward what was left of Scarbray, razing everything to the ground.

"Did…we?" asked again

Kurban nodded.

"I can't believe that…Gehenna…didn't think about a plan B. She was…too clever…for all of us"

Kurban chuckled.


Kurban shook his head.

"There is nowhere to go. The destroyers would kill us anyway"

"Please…please…give me…some hope, mate"

Kurban looked up. The Morrigan was still there, looking at his prey being devoured by its sons.

He remembered his abuser, his conditioning…his past was now vivid in his mind.

"That's…that's ironic…I thought that…I was supposed to…die another way. I thought…that I've been having my whole life but those were…"


The flying menace left the city and moved in their direction.

"Is it coming for us?"

"We're not the only ones left"

It stopped and descended to the ground, a few feet from them.

A disturbing sound reached their hears.

The men in front of them let it too.

"Do you…hear it…too?" asked Tithon

"Yes…I…I've already heard that kind of frequency."

The modified soldier was now in front of them.

He was wearing a white tight suit. A bulky physique which exuded raw power. A frowning face.

The sound increased its intensity, and the soldier struggled a bit.

"Who are you?" asked Kurban

"The end" said the invader and destroyed them both with power rays emanated from his eyes.

The frequency disturbed him again.

He looked up.

The Morrigan, his home, was calling him. His mother's signal was ringing in his ears.

Destruction was his purpose.

The only one.