Huge Harvest! (Part Two)

Chu Lingjun, Qiu Yang, and the others were satisfied. These divine blood warriors were indeed on the list.

"Officer Li, how much can we get for killing the divine blood warriors?" Chu Lingjun said.

"You were surrounded by dozens of divine blood warriors, and one of them was even a Rank Four divine blood warrior, yet you managed to kill him. You kids have a bright future!"

The officer was a Rank Four martial artist. His eyes were glowing as he looked at Chu Lingjun and the others in amazement.

These six kids had killed nearly 20 divine blood warriors. This was a beautiful record!

Even if the officer himself was besieged by Shi Hao and the other divine blood warriors, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to kill them!

"Don't worry, your rewards will be plentiful! I will report this matter to the officials of Quicksand Town and let them reward you generously! Chen, come here. How much is the bounty for Shi Hao and the others?"