Actor's Self-Cultivation

The bright moon hung high in the sky.

Chen Mo looked at the quiet bonfire not far away and was in a daze.

It was the same scene, but there was a big guy missing.

"Chirp?" (Is everyone alright?)

The little fox rubbed against Chen Mo's palm, its red eyes filled with worry.

"Don't worry, Galaxy should be fine."

Chen Mo said.

Not long after the Spirit of the Island left, he saw many powerful Beast Tamers riding their spirit beasts to search the sea. However, they seemed to have returned empty-handed.

At this moment, his bracelet suddenly beeped.

Chen Mo took a look and was a little surprised.

Because this was a message from Aunt Meng. The content was very simple. There were only five words—Don't panic, I'm coming.

The network between the Spiritual Realm and the Blue Planet was not connected. Since Chen Mo could receive Chen Meng's message, it meant that she had already arrived in the Spiritual Realm.

Chen Mo was a little puzzled and sent a "?"

Why would Aunt Meng come to the Penglai Mystic Realm?

Even if there were people from Hongmeng Company among the guests watching the training, they shouldn't know that he had already joined Hongmeng Company.

Floating Like a Dream: "I already know about the Spirit of the Island. I'll help you settle it, as long as you cooperate with me tomorrow and put on a show. (Smile)"

At the end of the message was a smiling emoji that middle-aged people especially liked to use.

As expected, it was undoubtedly Aunt Meng!

Silence Was Gold: "What play?"

Floating Like a Dream: "You'll know tomorrow. If you encounter such things in the future, you can look for me directly. The company and I are your backers."

Seeing Chen Meng's message, Chen Mo heaved a sigh of relief for some reason.

From the looks of it, Aunt Meng was still very reliable.

At noon the next day, the week-long training finally ended.

Fortunately, no accidents happened this time, but only a dozen people lasted until the end.

The others were either eliminated midway or could not survive independently in the wilderness. They directly pressed the call for help button.

After everyone gathered on the beach, Instructor Jiang began to announce the results of everyone's training.

Everyone held their breath.

"First place, He Siyao, 3,900 points."

As soon as Instructor Jiang finished speaking, most people were shocked.

Many people knew He Siyao. Her parents were high-ranking members of a large corporation. They were rich and good-looking and were very famous in Shenghai City's high school.

But wasn't her spirit beast only at Transcendence Level 1? How could she get so many points?!

3,900 points meant that she had hunted half of the Transcendence-level spiritual beasts on the island.

"Hey, she's in the same team as Chen Mo. Chen Mo might have given her all the points."

The students who saw Chen Mo and He Siyao moving together quickly guessed the truth.

He Siyao felt great when she saw everyone's shocked and envious gazes.

The money she spent was worth it!

"Second place, Chen Mo, 1850 points."

Immediately after, Instructor Jiang announced the points for the second place. As expected, it was Chen Mo.

"Third place, Li An, 1150 points."

Hearing the score of the third place, Chen Mo felt that it was a pity.

Because every practitioner only knew their own points, Chen Mo had accumulated a lot of points for himself just to be safe.

If he could control his points, he could earn more.

Chen Mo did not listen carefully to the following points ranking. Instead, he roughly estimated the gains from this training.

First was the prize money for the competition. The prize money for first and second place was a total of 800,000 yuan.

Then, the rich lady, He Siyao, transferred it to him. It was 3,900 points, a total of 1,950,000 yuan. She had only transferred 1,200,000 yuan for the time being. The rich lady's card was out of money for the time being. She would give him the rest when she returned to Blue Planet.

Finally, there was the gift from the Spirit of the Island. The combined value of the treasures was about 1 million yuan.

Chen Mo had earned three million yuan from this experience. It was not an exaggeration to say that he had become rich overnight.

Thinking about how he and Xiao Jiu had worked so hard in the competition not long ago, only to receive 100,000 yuan in the end, Chen Mo could not help but sigh.

Indeed, being taken care of, no, exploring the Spiritual Realm was much faster than competing for money!

"Everyone's points can be exchanged for the corresponding resources in the list. I've already synchronized the list into the group. Everyone, take a look."

Instructor Jiang spoke again.

Chen Mo glanced at the list and realized that there were not many things he could exchange for. They were all common potions and resources.

Moreover, the purchasing power of 1 point was only about 10 yuan. Chen Mo used up all his points after exchanging for two pieces of thunder iron ore.

Finally, there was the selection segment between Beast Taming University and the major companies in Shenghai City.

Chen Mo felt that it was similar to the on-campus job fair in his previous life. However, when he looked at the many big shots not far away, he had an ominous feeling.

Because he could contact the Spirit of the Island, many companies would definitely want to recruit him.

Moreover, this kind of recruitment was not purely recruitment.

"I wonder where Aunt Meng went? Didn't she ask me to cooperate with her?"

Chen Mo thought to himself.

"Student Chen Mo, are you interested in joining our Black Tortoise Group? Your annual salary will be one million yuan. You can take four days off and three days off. There are also various employee benefits."

Sure enough, a fat middle-aged man in a white shirt walked up to Chen Mo and said with a smile.

"An annual salary of a million is nothing! Student Chen Mo, your Blazing Flame Fox should be a mutated spirit beast! Generally speaking, the evolution path of a mutated spirit beast is different from ordinary spirit beasts. Our company has the top spirit beast evolution research experts in Dongxia. If you join our company, I'll get them to help your Blazing Flame Fox find the most suitable and powerful evolution path!"

"Our company can also satisfy this! Also, we can give you a Thunder Fruit, an Epic resource that can directly increase the growth level of Transcendence spiritual beasts by 1 to 2 levels!"

"Heh, aren't you all interested in the fact that Chen Mo can contact the Spirit of the Island?! I'll be straightforward. Student Chen Mo, if you come to our school, we won't snatch the spiritual beast that's fated with you. When your Beast Taming level reaches Level 4, we'll help you contract the Spirit of the Island."

At Shenghai Beast Taming University, a mentor wearing a monocle said with a smile.

Almost every company offered extremely generous terms.

However, Chen Mo knew in his heart that their goal was the Spirit of the Island and the monarch-level crystal core.

Seeing the leaders of the large corporations fighting for "Chen Mo" without any respect, the surrounding students could not help but feel envious from the bottom of their hearts.

Indeed, different people had different lives. While they were still praying that the big shot's gaze would land on them, Chen Mo had already been snatched by many companies.

"Are you done? Your annual salary will be 10 million yuan. The exclusive evolutionary path will be customized. The Spirit of the Island will be yours. How about that?"

At this moment, a mature and cold voice suddenly sounded.

A tall woman with short burgundy hair and sunglasses slowly walked over.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Chen Meng.

Hearing this, Chen Mo instantly understood what Aunt Meng meant.

Good lord, it turned out that she was cooperating with Aunt Meng to put on a show.

"Of course I'm willing!"

Chen Mo said "excitedly". His eyes were shining, as if he was already living a beautiful life after the illusion.

"I don't suppose any of you have any objections?"

Chen Meng asked the people from the other companies with a smile.

No one made a sound.

Firstly, Chen Meng's price was too high. It was even higher than the value of the monarch-level crystal core. If they increased the "benefits", it would be a loss for them.

Secondly, Chen Meng was the only master-level Beast Tamer present. In the entire First City, she was in the first tier of combat strength, not to mention the faction behind her.

It was not worth offending a master-level Beast Tamer for a Spirit of the Island.

"If you don't have any objections, it's decided."

Chen Meng said with a smile. Her short burgundy hair fluttered in the wind.

  1. Silence means Chen Mo.