The God of the Five Elements

Three thousand years ago.

Huoyun stepped out of a fiery mass of rainbow light. The first thing he did was stretch. The second thing he did was yawn. The third thing he did was scratch his itch. Specifically the phantom mark left behind by Pangu's strike.

"By Tai Chu's wrinkly balls, what a strike," he chuckled. Even now tens of thousands of years he could still feel it. Even throughout his entire transformation process.

With one step, Huoyun rose into the air and glided into the sky like a gentle kite. He breathed in the air around him and condensed the little qi he absorbed into his inner cosmos and activated some of his abilities. In this way he experienced the world as if he was one with it.

Huoyun did not appear old. In fact he was fairly young looking with a red shade of hair. His article of clothing was a luxurious set of robes decorated with cloud pictures. But most importantly were his eyes. Starry orbs that continuously changed from red, green, yellow, black, and white.

His presence was rich in primordial qi and contained an immense amount of knowledge into the Dao. Despite not doing anything except stretching. His very presence caused nature around him to experience an overgrowth from his nourishment.

"My Dao has been repurposed for this eh? Not a bad use for it," he said in amusement. Yet there was also a sense of regret as he caressed his chest with his palm. "But I still feel empty without it."

The Dao of the Five Elements was conceived from breaking down all matter into its most fundamental components before being reshuffled into a defined diagram. As such, Huoyun's Dao was perfect for becoming the building blocks of life within the new universe. Pangu's act of creation truly was a miraculous deed, the paths to power created by the many godfiends worked harmoniously into a system which maintained all functions within the world.

Yet the returning godfiends couldn't help but feel resentment.

Nevertheless, Huoyun was unsure what he wanted to do. With his Dao fruit arrested, while he could return to his previous level of power, it would be impossible to advance anymore less he created a new Dao. But such an act was already tremendously difficult that he was unwilling.

He observed the sky for a large period of time. Days past and he witnessed the changes of the day night cycle as well as the affects of weather upon the earth. It was a commodity to him who had rarely ever interacted with Chaos Worlds. It was certainly different from the cold emptiness of the Chaos Sea.

But it was also during his musing that he detected a familiar presence. Huoyun resided in the southern areas of the East Continent within a cave he named Fire Cloud Cave. It was located within a valley that was itself pretty secluded from the outside world.

Yet for someone whose Dao specialized in the natural energies of life, his senses to living beings were among the sharpest there was. He detected Yang Mei's presence just within his range and considered himself extremely lucky.

"What luck!" He exclaimed with a wide smile. "The Great Wilderness is so vast yet I discovered my brother so soon after mine own birth. Heaven truly shines brightly on me."

Huoyun raised one foot and stepped into the air. Beneath is feet, a manifestation of five colours took place. They conglomerated together into a long mass, transforming into an archaic sailboat. Faint images of living beings manifested within he boat and began rowing, sailing across the sky as if it was the ocean.

His creation was utterly gigantic. It easily stretched five thousand kilometres long and a thousand wide. Did it need to be that big? No. It was just aesthetics that had no affect on the spell's utility.

Despite this, Huoyun gained great speed from from casting his boat. His travel to the eyes of lesser beings resembled that of a rainbow comet. He streaked across the East Continent outpacing any primordial beasts who saw him. Innate creatures of the East Continent also witnessed him and wondered if he was a natural phenomena or some sort of primordial beast. The latter option caused them to hide away in fear.

Huoyun naturally payed them no attention. Why should he? They were not a threat to him and he didn't wish to be involved in stranger's businesses. Experience taught him that it'll just lead to bad ends.

Tracing Yang Mei was actually rather easy. Yang Mei had a distinct energy signature that was resembled a blob of cosmic smoke. In addition, Yang Mei detected Huoyun as well. Both Golden Immortals were pleasantly surprised and greatly appreciated their immense luck.

The two met up above the skies above an ordinary mountain. It's natural spiritual vein was weak so it was not a strong gathering spot for primordial qi. But it was special for the mere fact that two immense presence bore down upon it.

Huoyun descended upon the mountain in a blaze of glory. Yang Mei landed gracefully after walking down a row of tree branch like steps. The moment his feet touched ground, Yang Mei's tree branches burned until there was nothing left.

"Still as showboats as ever," Huoyun said in greeting. The manifestation he made transformed into ordinary clouds and returned to the sky becoming part of nature. "Reincarnating has really improved your performance."

"Showboating? You need to get your eyes checked," Yang Mei sniped back with a chuckle."Only you can travel with fake entourage as big as that."

"Well that just proves which one of us is more exciting. Good to see you again Yang Mei," Huoyun said with a soft smile. He cupped his hands and saluted the older looking man.

"And I you Huoyun," Yang Mei happily saluted the Five Elements Daoist back. "It has been too long. You and I, we have much to catch up on."

"Not much on my end. I only recently transformed. We're talking hours ago. But you on the other hand. Your bone age indicates you were reborn thousands of years ago."

Yang Mei nodded and stroked his long beard in remembrance. Huoyun was always extremely sharp and among their trinity, he was the leader. Of the three, he was also the most accomplished when it came to enlightening into the Dao.

"Hahaha, heavens I really am lucky. To be reunited this soon is a wonderful thing. Now if only a certain someone can show up. Bet you a giant tsunami will wash the East Continent. Lord knows he can't not make an even bigger showcase."

As Huoyun spoke, Yang Mei suddenly became awkward. He grunted an uneasy noise and appeared a bit reserved from his earlier demeanor. "Hey brother, aren't you needlessly getting your hopes up?"


There was a moment of silence while Huoyun processed what Yang Mei had just said. He gave the older gentleman a weird look before leaning back and taking a breath. "It's not impossible, jut a bit un..."

Huoyun wasn't stupid, he knew why Yang Mei would say what he did. Because even though Pangu had cut down all of the Chaos Godfiends, that didn't mean they blacked out. In fact, all of those who managed to hold themselves together were still very much aware of their surroundings.

Huoyun had seen Tian Hai charge towards Pangu like a maniac. He had seen Pangu obliterating the aquatic godfiend like it was nothing. There was a very real possibility that Tian Hai was extinguished on every level.

As beings who had transcended the basic makeups of a Chaos World at birth. The Chaos Godfiends were all at a stage where their true souls had merged into their bodies. There was no such thing as an afterlife, no reincarnation for them. Destruction of their soul means total annihilation. No failsafe unlike mortals and ordinary immortals.

The godfiends who managed to hold on t themselves were lucky enough to save their true souls and merge with natural forces of Pangu's Primitive World. This way, it allowed the to transform nature itself into new bodies hence allowing them to reincarnate.

"Don't talk like a downer Yang Mei. You know how much I hate it," Huoyun sighed. "If anyone's stubborn enough to not die. Its our brother Tian Hai."

Yang Mei sighed. "What if I have proof?"

"You've seen him!"

Huoyun was immediately in Yang Mei's face with an urgent look. It shocked Yang Mei how quick Huoyun could move and he kicked up a dust storm in his wake. But in retrospect, Yang Mei felt he shouldn't even be surprised. 'You've always favored Tian Hai.'

"Yang Mei, what do you mean you've got proof?"

"In the East Sea," Yang Mei said. "Our brother Tian Hai perished in the East Sea."

Huoyun stood frozen. Then an enraged look crossed his face. Then that easily identifiable rage evaporated and Huoyun had a more restrained expression.

However, above the godfiend was another story. This section of the East Continent was suddenly covered by an intense storm in the form of ominous dark clouds. The trees swayed beneath the pressure of mounting wind. The air felt cold and an invisible suppression was taking place.

"You should be careful about exercising your power like that," Yang Mei said with a shake of his head. "Hongjun has laid claim to the East Continent as his territory. He doesn't like it if he finds you just causing a storm out of nowhere."

"And what would I care for the opinions of that little cricket?"

"Since that cricket is a lot stronger then we ever thought," Yang Mei replied pointing towards himself. He didn't like showing it but he revealed a small injury on his person, a chip on the side of his waist that began leaking Dao essence. He hurriedly hid it and felt slightly embarrassed.

"I got arrogant. It was a while ago when this took place. We competed over a treasure, one of the pieces of Pangu's axe and I was defeated."

Huoyun frowned. "Even you? Oh no matter. Go back to the matter of Tian Hai. I refuse to believe he would just die like that. He's survived way worse."

"That's a lie and we both know it."

"Still, this is too much to take in. Yang Mei did you see a corpse? Or pieces of his soul? If so he could feasibly crawl back to us after merging with something."


Yang Mei sighed with a regretful gaze. Truth be told, he himself had still not gotten over the shock of rowdy Tian Hai suddenly being gone. He looked at Huoyun aggrieved. This wasn't how their reunion was supposed to go, nothing was turning out like he'd expected nor wanted.

"I found an innate god," Yang Mei said. "One that was born of Tian Hai's soul. But its just an inheritor, there was nothing left of our brother there anymore."

Huoyun was frozen in disbelief upon hearing this revelation. But he quickly took a moment to recompose himself and think. "That can't be."

"I've already confirmed it. Lu Ya was there as well. We found a new innate god, one that was likely spawned from Tian Hai's remains. But its just fake, a cruel twist of fate. I can confirm it."

"I see."

Seeing Huoyun's mood dampen, Yang Mei waved his hand and manifested a tea table on the mountain where they stood. It was complete with some snacks and drinks as well as cushions to sit on. He invited Huoyun to sit down in an attempt to cheer him up.

Huoyun absentmindedly followed Yang Mei's lead and sat down. Slowly, the storm overhead cleared and the environment returned to a more tranquil state. However Huoyun remained impassive as if he was contemplating something.

Eventually, Yang Mei decided to make a bid at convincing him.

"Huoyun, now that I've found it. It's best you come with me to the Starry Skies. You probably don't not know this right now the Great Wilderness is in a bit of a pickle. You remember Shenni?"

"Demon Ape's dog?"

"Yes him. He's…lets just say he's causing quite a bit of stir in the North Continent. Not only has he built himself a power base there, he's also recruiting people."

"Fancying himself king? What does Demon Ape think about it."

"He's dead."


"Never reincarnated. He perished in the Chaos Sea," Yang Mei said taking a sip of his tea. He raised his hand and projected his memories of the North Continent and sent them to Huoyun.

Huoyun stared at them. Then he looked out towards the world. Specifically, his gaze was aimed at far away primordial beasts and their innate creatures prey. He looked back at Yang Mei's memories then at the primordial beasts in the distance again.

"Well he's certainly living up to his name," Huoyun said dismissively. "He giving you trouble?"

"He's skyrocketed in power. I transformed relatively early in this new world. But Shenni, Hongjun, Luohu were also among the firsts. Shenni has already restored himself to the Great Unity Golden Immortal realm.

Huoyun raised an eyebrow at the proclamation. "Impressive, he's certainly stepped up his game. Well ultimately this has nothing to do with us. Let Shenni play at being emperor. You and I have more important things to worry about."

"Have I not already told you? Tian Hai is gone."

"I refuse to believe it."

Huoyun put his tea cup down on the table and leaned back with a frown. "Yang Mei, you above all else should believe. What changed?"

"When I saw it with my own eyes," Yang Mei said placing his own cup down. He stared in a deadlock with Huoyun but he could see the conviction in the latter's eyes. "You really are stubborn. And here I thought Tian Hai was bad."

"I have to. Will you really not accompany me?"

"I have since found more important things that concern my intention," Yang Mei said before proceeding to show Huoyun what he meant. He goaded Huoyun to use his divine sense on him and willingly subjected himself to it. There he revealed a stunning revelation for Huoyun.

As Chaos Godfiends, they maidenly pursued the Dao. All methods were valid and as such, many unique paths were discovered. All eventually culminated int he budding of the Dao fruit and its cultivation to its logical extreme. These Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals were beings who created their own path and held it dear to their hearts as it represented their everything.

That was why they were all furious at Pangu for arresting away their Dao fruits. He essentially stole away a part of themselves to create this new universe, an act considered sinful for the Chaos Godfiends. Many as such wished to find a way to dig into the world and find their Dao fruits again.

But some were a bit different.

Despite personal Daos being important to an immortal. It wasn't something that was unchangeable. In truth, an immortal can effectively abandon their Dao and cultivate another. However, this process was essentially restarting from scratch and the new Dao cannot be in any way related to the old else it'll just be a retread back to the original.

Yang Mei had abandoned his old Dao. He never had any intention of gaining his Dao fruit back. Rather, he chose to start again.

Huoyun gasped at what Yang Mei had done. "You understand how difficult this will be right? This isn't like cultivating as a mortal. Finding a new Dao and progressing with it. Yang Mei you can't guarantee that you'll ever rise to the same power you were at!"

"Oh but this is the perfect opportunity to do so," Yang Mei said in denial. "All our brethren is restoring themselves. But what we should be doing is cultivate new Daos. My old Dao had its flaws, I can see them now. There are new things I want to try and I believe I'll see even greater heights then with my old Dao."

"That is why I cannot accompany you brother Huoyun. Since I've found you and I now know where you are. I can safely go into retreat in secluded cultivation with peace in mind."

"I see."

"But I must tell you. You're setting yourself for heartbreak if you're looking for Tian Hai. Our brother's gone."

Huoyun stood up and shook his head. "I'll be the judge of that. You said he was in the East Sea?"

"It's where I left the snake."

"So I'm looking for a snake?"

"An Eight headed one. He feels like Tian Hai, but trust me when I say he isn't him."

"I'm sorry Yang Mei. I just have to see it for myself."

The two parted on good terms. Ultimately they knew each other very well and still considered teach other brothers. But a distance seemed to have grown between them. Yang Mei unlike Huoyun, retreated to the Starry Skies above the Great Wilderness.

Huoyun meanwhile continued to journey around looking for clues. Using his skilled life detection, he visited the East Sea. There he began tracking. Following the waves to shore, following the trail through mountains and forests.

He encountered many primordial beasts who'd love nothing more than to eat him. He found these creatures sickening just as any other godfiend would. Hence whenever he encountered them, he expelled them with prejudice.

Thousands of years later, he finally succeeded in finding what he was looking for.

It started when he saw a mountain collapse in on itself. He deduced it was mostly from the shockwaves of a battle. But along with it, he felt a very familiar aura. One that got him excited.

Hence, Huoyun sprinted forwards in a trail of red clouds. It didn't take long for him arrive at a spring. There, a young boy was fiercely washing himself of red stains. A boy who wore ones stained in immortal blood and had a xiantian spiritual treasure attached to his hip.

Immediately, he could tell what Yang Mei had meant. Tian Hai would never subject himself to such behavior. But still Huoyun decided to make his move. He called out with the most jovial voice he could manage.

"Oh what luck. The heavens are really looking out for me today. I finally found you."

The young boy flinched. Then he turned around and allowed Huoyun to see him in full for the first time. In mere nanoseconds, Huoyun studied the boy over and over again. He was both familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. It was confusing for him.

Everything pointed to that fact that he was Tian Hai. But that face, that innocence, that lack of experience evident in his eyes.

"Huoyun?" The boy replied in a voice of familiarity. A tone Huoyun found hope in for although he appeared unfamiliar, he clearly recognized him. It wasn't just a simple passing recognition either, the boy knew who he was with clarity.

'Some form of mental damage is a strong possibility. Yang Mei was not thorough enough. Tian Hai, I'll be here to help you until you recover.' He made his decision and proclaimed his invitation.

"Indeed it is I! Now then. What'd you say we do some good old fashioned adventuring eh brother?"