Troubles Arise

North Continent, a place of blood, coldness, and the harsh tyrannical rule of Shenni. The Beast Emperor had within several thousand years transformed the once peaceful mountainous regions of the northern regions into a hell scale. Here, primordial beasts were the least of anyone's worries as Shenni's forces were the apex predators.

The Beast Emperor himself cared little for the people or as he liked to call them, 'filth of Pangu.' His disposition allowed the most vile of godfiends to commit heinous actions that appealed many who'd heard about them.

In the early days, the North Continent would've just been like the east, south or west. It would've had a more mountainous terrain but one filled with lush forests, rivers, and plenty of life. At the same time, primordial beasts would also prowl the area hunting for the innate creatures who spawned from heaven and earth.

But now, tens of thousands of years later that scene was no longer the case. Primordial beasts, connate lifeforms who were born mindless filled with naught but hunger and rage were no longer hunting. Innate creatures, connate lifeforms born weaker and with finite lifespan were farmed and forced into cages. Their wardens? The very same primordial beasts.

Reality had long set in. The postnatal creatures the innate creatures birthed through natural processes were like livestock. Food for both primordial beasts and their masters. Who was that master? Why Shenni of course.

As unbelievable as it may seem, Shenni held control over the primordial beasts within the North Continent. A fact that shocked the minds of all his brethren who were informed of this. No wonder primordial beasts didn't hunt freely. No wonder they weren't attacked on their way. Shenni's grip on the North Continent was only getting stronger every day because of this fact.

Lu Ya watched one of the farms Taotie used to breed livestock and frowned with distaste. The four evils of Demon Ape were famous for their callous nature and cruelty. Taotie specifically cultivated a Dao relating to devouring all matter. His apatite especially was extremely grotesque.

"There you are Lu Ya, Qiong Qi has a missive from his majesty. He's gathering us for another offensive." The voice of another godfiend did not startle the Sun Demon God. Lu Ya breathed a heavy sigh and turned around.

"So enthusiastic? Hmph, already so loyal Kunwu?"

"Hmph, course not. But you think Shenni would tolerate anything less?"

The two had an uneasy silence among them. There was an uncomfortable fact among all the godfiends who'd accepted Shenni's invitation years ago. There was no refusing him.

Shenni was a Chaos Immortal. More then that, his power as a Chaos Immortal exceeded his old form by an order of magnitudes. The Great Principle Shenni of today would obliterate the Great Principle Shenni of yesteryear like a flea. How could Lu Ya, Kunwu, or any others say no?

Lu Ya deeply regretted the day he came to the North Continent. He solemnly wished that he had ignored Shenni's letter and went to the Starry Skies to cultivate instead. Now he was stuck in a campaign against his own fellow godfiends.

Shenni was not particularly pleased with other godfiends who'd lived in the north yet refused to join him in his crusade. He was even sent scathing words from several individuals chastising him for his wanting brutality and how it was a waste of time when he should be focusing on restoring his Dao.

The result was an ongoing war that pushed further northwards into the North Sea. Who knew what Shenni's main force was currently doing there. People like Lu Ya and Kunwu stayed on mainland guarding Shenni's power base just in case.

Above them, a murder of crow like beasts flew. They were a regular patrol unit functioning like drones. Shen Feng the Ancestor of Divine Winds should also not be far then. Lu Ya did not put that man much in his eyes but he was surprisingly loyal to Shenni. He could babble Lu Ya's descending opinions and get him in trouble easily.

"Curses, if only Lin Yue was here," Lu Ya spat. "With the both of us together, even Shenni cannot entrap me."

"Regurgitating that whole thing again? Even if she was here there's no way she'd help you. Your falling out was legendary. Hahahaha!" Kunwu broke into outright laughter. He stopped laughing when the screams of living beings being eaten occurred in the farm they were both overlooking. Grimacing, he turned away and sighed.

"Right, let's get out of this depressing place. Qiong Qi is targeting border villages close to the West Continent's barrier. Stragglers who thought they'll be safe away from the North Continent's centre and its major events."

Lu Ya raised an eyebrow. "West? Alright then."

They both transformed into beams of light and shot off into the distance.

While Shenni was leading Hundun and Taowu to clean up loose ends in the North Sea, Qiong Qi and Taotie were left in charge of continuing their conquest further south. Though it would seem most innate creatures are opting to migrate westward these days.

The two flew for a long time. Many weeks, nearly a year in fact passed before they reached their destination. Ultimately, they were late as Qiong Qi had destroyed most of the villages already.

Lu Ya witnessed the seen of a flooding filthy water covering the land. Primordial beasts numbering in the hundred thousands swam through them looking for any signs of life. He could also see many other godfiends who stood in the clouds overseeing the result.

"You are late," Shen Feng stated after approaching Lu Ya. "You missed all the fun."

"I'd hardly call this fun Shen Feng. I'd rather be making more progress in my cultivation," Lu Ya said. "We'll really fall behind otherwise."

"Hm, can't really deny that. But the rewards for these raids are very nice," Shen Feng said holding his arm out. There dangling on the interior of his coat were collections of various low grade xiantian spiritual treasures. The amount drew Lu Ya's curiosity and envy as well.

"I'm a wealthy man. We'll all be in fact," Shen Feng chuckled before putting all his treasures away. "Plenty more if you'll only join the raids. Anyway, gotta go. Qiong Qi is that way in case you want to find him,"

Shen Feng flew off after gloating. Kunwu beside Lu Ya could only scoff. Shen Feng was always regarded as a broke fellow among the three thousand. He didn't have many treasures having always lost scuffles over them. Unlike Lu Ya and Kunwu who both owned top grade xiantian spiritual treasures, he was naturally much worse off.

Kunwu left Lu Ya afterwards to find his own circle of friends. The two knew each other but weren't particularly close. At times like these, Lu Ya remembered how much he missed his old Dao companion Moon Demon God Lin Yue. Even Yang Mei's bossing ways would be preferable.

Lu Ya descended from the sky and scanned the earth for living beings as well. He avoided the lumbering primordial beasts and made an attempt to look like he was working. His feet never touched the filthy water and kept him floating to whole time.

"No please!" A distant cry caught his attention.

Qiong Qi was in his true form, a tiger with wings built like a bull. Beneath one of his paws was a white fox whose coat was bloodied. The fox's lips were stained with a trail of blood and one of his eyes was also gouged out.

On Qiong Qi's wings were metallic feathers. Several of which impaled another innate creature being who was already deceased. This one though wasn't a fox but an elephant with four tusks, a female to be exact.

"Hehe, cross species relationships? And here I thought you barbarians weren't so accepting of others," Qiong Qi mocked stroking the male fox with his tail. Said tail reached sideways and wrapped itself around up another figure.

"Go to hell innate god scum," the fox spat. But his tune quickly changed when the figure the tail wrapped itself around was brought up. "NO! Don't you dare!"

Qiong Qi took a whiff at the infant flailing around in his tail. His feline face grinned as he licked the fur of the hybrid postnatal lifeform. "Good breed. I should let Taotie know."

"No! Not him please! I'll be your mount, your slave. Don't…"


Lu Ya looked away and sighed. "Always so obsessed with these games."

The fox wailed and spat out curses. He hurled insults in all the ways he knew at Qiong Qi who merely laughed merrily and ate the rest of the corpse. Eventually, Qiong Qi got annoyed and stomped on the fox's head cracking his skull and causing him to scream in pain.

"Oh? If it isn't fellow daoist Lu Ya. Wanna try this one?" He offered pointing at the fox.

Lu Ya's only action was to point and burn the fox to death. In an instant, the innate creature was reduced to ashes and his soul dissipated into nothingness. It's fragments faded from the world returning to the true soul hidden within the river of time.

"Oh come on, why'd you have to do that?" Qiong Qi growled. Qiong Qi had already returned to the Chaos Immortal realm and Lu Ya cannot say he was his match with his Great Unity Golden Immortal strength.

"You were wasting time Qiong Qi," Lu Ya said unabashedly.

"Hmph," Qiong Qi snorted. "Remember your place Lu Ya. Things may've been different in the Chaos Sea but now is not the same as then. Remember that I am your superior now and I will not tolerate your attitude again."

"Understood," Lu Ya replied with monotone.

Qiong Qi turned away and mouthed back to his Dao body. Hs humanoid Dao body was just as hideous as his true form. Burly and muscular, tanned with an evil look, wild hair with fangs for teeth. Lu Ya regarded hi just as barbaric as the innate creatures the godfiend ate.

Truthfully, Lu Ya was greatly embarrassed at being ordered around by Qiong Qi. It should've been the other way around, he was the Sun Demon God for fucks sake. He used to be able to trade blows with Demon Ape and get away unscathed. What was a mere Qiong Qi to him?

The operation neared its close as more and more stragglers were rounded up. Millions had already died curtesy of the flood. Not even primordial beasts were spared. After all, there were just canon fodder for Shenni. Toys dominated by Shenni to act a his vanguard and nothing more.

As time went on, more godfiends left the area and returned to whence they came. Their tasks were completed and there was little reason to stay. Many of them also desired to cultivate their strength back to what they were.

But Qiong Qi and Taotie stayed behind. These people wanted to age sure so as to not screw up and be scolded by Hundun or worse, Shenni himself. For a time, nothing much occurred.

But a commotion began being noticed. Qiong Qi sense send many primordial beasts near the western barrier being killed. The sudden disappearance of such masses of sin caused concern to grow within the sadistic tiger and he left to investigate.

He had expected a rogue godfiend killing them. It wasn't eve that strange, primordial beasts drew forth feelings of disgust from their unintentional creators. Even Qiong Qi wouldn't care if that was the case. But what he found was different.

Instead, Qiong Qi encountered an innate creature. An immortal who was strong enough to destroy multiple primordial beasts on his own. His power was already considered great by the native population as he showcased dual crowns. The converging powers from the two flower crowns of showcased the might of a late stage Heavenly Immortal.

For innate creatures who had no guidance until now, this growth was a major feat. Qiong Qi's curiosity caught the better of him and he descended.

The innate creature wielded mighty magical powers. His immortal qi was expunged to release fiery hoops in the sky. From these hoops released thousands of bestial faces what's attacked primordial beasts with no remorse.

'Clearly a daoist technique and a well trained one at that,' Qiong Qi praised in his heart.

"Hm? Another beast?" The innate creature Heavenly Immortal witnessed Qiong Qi near. "Hurry, you lot retreat west. Head to Mt Nongpan."

There, Qiong Qi noticed a large gathering of stragglers fleeing under the immortal's protection. The winged tiger revealed a scowl upon his lips.

"But senior, what about you? These innate gods are absurdly strong!"

"Do not worry, I have been taught powerful devil arts by the ancestor. I can look after myself just fine."

"Is that so?"

Qiong Qi crashed into the watery surface with gusto. His eyes revealed bloodlust and an oozing aura of malice enveloped the area. The Heavenly Immortal who was so lofty previously suddenly felt insignificant.

'What? What is this?' The immortal felt himself descending into extreme panic. Every pore of his body ordered him to run. Yet he couldn't move.

Qiong Qi slowly walked up to the Heavenly Immortal cultivator and snorted. "A little insect dares to be so arrogant in front of me?" His body convulsed and grew. He grew and grew until a winged tiger standing thousands of kilometres tall stood before them all.

His stature eclipsed the mountains, his roar silenced the storms. His figure was so almighty that numerous primordial beasts disintegrated on the spot. With a single swipe of his palm, all the creatures the western Heavenly Immortal was trying to save were all wiped out.

"So, what were you saying?" Qiong Qi mocked.

"You killed them all and you'll kill me. But so what? I am but one among many. We follow the ancestor and the ancestor is far superior than you!" The Heavenly Immortal spat. His eyes transformed into red orbs and black mist rose from his body.

"Still resisting insect? Who is this ancestor you speak of? Which pitiful worm is he?"

"The ancestor is the ancestor of all devil cultivation! The lord of the West Continent!" The Heavenly Immortal did not mind saying such. He was proud of his lineage and had full faith in his teacher's superiority. "The Devil Ancestor will destroy you for your transgressions."


The cultivator was stomped to death in a single instant. Qiong Qi wiped his paw with disgust. "What Devil Ancestor? Lord of West Continent? How arrogant."

Qiong Qi peered westwards. "It seems I have to check this out myself."

Hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye. Without knowing it, a thousand years passed on Mt Buzhou. During this time, Tian Hai was stumped.

Huoyun watched with concern for his longtime friend. He doubted Tian Hai's decision to seek a new Dao path from the beginning and he only felt confirmation now. Even though a thousand years had passed, Tian Hai should've returned to the Great Unity Golden Immortal realm by now. But instead he was still the most basic of advanced immortals.

As cultivators, immortals sought to attain the Dao. Every step of the way was to seek the Dao and in doing so, transcend their current measly existence. This gave rise to the phrase 'cultivate the Dao' which itself categorized different stages within the long path of cultivation itself.

Within the confines of mortality, one built their foundation in preparation transform themselves into divine immortal existence that could sense worldly Dao laws. This was the first step. Once that was done they used such laws to forge a perfect foundation and capture their true souls so that they would evolve into advanced immortals who could freely roam the outside Chaos Sea and have true eternal life. This was the second step.

The third step, natural chaotic lifeforms from the Chaos Sea were all Golden Immortals at least. Each and every single one of them possessed the power to destroy ordinary Chaos Worlds which were the common term for universes in the Chaos Sea. As they grew stronger, this only became easier. These advanced immortals perfect their foundation and seek out their own Dao, free of sensing the preset Dao laws of their home universe. They transcended Chaos Worlds completely.

Tian Hai was at the very weakest of this classification of immortals. And he, even after so long could not find the harmony within him to form the great unity. His eyes darkened as his latest attempt failed.

"Don't be disheartened," Huoyun tried to brighten the mood. "These things takes time. Why it took me…"

"Sixteen tries over three hundred and twenty years," Tian Hai cut him off swiftly with a regretful tone. "Contrast me who after a thousand years and hundreds of tries."

He looked up and met Huoyun's eyes. "What am I doing wrong?"

"You should've forged your old unity," Huoyun did not hesitate in responding. "Walking your old path is the most ideal. Once you've reclaimed enough strength we can dig into the Primitive World and regain our Dao fruits. There is not universal will to stop us."

Universal will was also another way to refer to a Heavenly Dao or Will of Heaven.

"Hm." Tian Hai was troubled. He didn't want to say it but the truth is that he had no idea what his old Dao even was. Even if he wanted to, he didn't know what kind of great unity he originally made and what kind of cosmic tree he grew, nor what kind of Dao fruit he bore. It was all a haze to him.

It was incredibly embarrassing for him. He was Tian Hai, the great warrior sea god Tian Hai. Tian Hai who toppled mighty godfiends and reached an unparalleled position.

He held his head in his hands and groaned in irritation. 'What am I doing wrong?' For the first time in many years, the thumping in his mind grew louder. If Huoyun's mental barrier was not in place, he'd be going through another severe episode.

"So…back to my plan?" Huoyun asked.

Tian Hai whispered something.


"I said I don't know. I don't know what my original Dao is!" Tian Hai cried red faced. "I forgot okay! I can't even feel it. I don't even know where to start."

"Oh…" Huoyun swallowed a gulp and felt incredibly embarrassed. Of course, he blocked off a portion of Tian Hai's mind in order for him to not be disturbed by headaches and suffer flashback episodes. It could've also disrupted his connection to his Dao.

The god of the Five Elements felt guilt welling up inside him. He raised his hand but dropped it again. "My apologies brother. You would not be in this situation were it not for me."

"What? No don't be," Tian Hai denied. "Without you, I'd be a broken indecisive wreck suffering from headaches after headaches. I can't handle that kind of pain."

Tian Hai's eyes met Huoyun's own with a pleading look. "Please don't undo the barrier." If Huoyun did try, Tian Hai would've taken action. The head inducing pain was still vivid in his mind and he did not ever wish to go back to that state.

The two were at an impasse. A silence erupted between them that held on for a long while. But eventually, Huoyun made a suggestion.

"Perhaps a change of scenery is needed. We've been on Mt Buzhou for the better part of this yuanhui. Let's return to the East Continent."


The two descended the mountain on foot. It took another three years to do so but they descended down the same slope from whence they came. The southern slope of Mt Buzhou exposed them to the barren expanse of the Central Continent once more. Its heat and arid land had none of the beauty Mt Buzhou itself held.

The route they took once again crossed the South Continent. As Huoyun's place of origin within the East Continent was very close to the South Continent's eastern dimensional barrier to begin with, it was actually faster this way.

And despite making no progress towards a breakthrough, Tian Hai was much more adapted to the pressure of the Central Continent than before. They crossed the land much faster this time.

Passing through to the South Continent, Tian Hai immediately saw dark clouds in the sky. The sun was no longer exposed like it was in the Central Continent and subtle tremors in the air was very noticeable.

These were changes that he had no felt within the centre of the world most likely due to Mt Buzhou's natural suppression. Still, it made him both curious and worried.

"Huh!" Right beside Tian Hai, Huoyun made a noise. "Primordial qi is in chaos. These tremors." He looked westwards narrowing his eyes and uttered several words.

"Chaos Immortals are fighting."

"Already? Has Chaos Immortals already appeared in the Great Wilderness? Even Hongjun was still at the Great Unity Golden Immortal realm right?"

"The Chaos Cricket was nearly there to begin with. I would not doubt he'd have reached it by now. But yes, Great Principle Chaos Immortals are fighting somewhere in the west. They're beyond this continent so in the West Continent proper."

"I see."

'West would mean Luohu is fighting someone right?' Tian Hai assumed that was the case. Luohu was Hongjun's counterpart in the west according to legends. He was the original owner of the Immortal Extermination Four Swords, one of the world's strongest formations.

"Let's go, this doesn't concern us anyway," Huoyun said dismissively. Just as he said so, a wave of malicious aura washed over them. Despite not being in the epicenter, both felt an immense foreboding feeling from it. One could just imagine how powerful the sources were.

Tian Hai and Huoyun trudged on. Soon enough, Tian Hai felt a golden light start conglomerating in the air the further he went south. It was like a trail that was leading him to a familiar location.

Huoyun also noticed the golden light and frowned even more. "Curses," he spat. "But at least it's not going to anyone specific."

"What is it?"

"Incense merit, the power of worship."

Tian Hai was taken a back. It was then that he remembered that the few innate creatures he saved had also enshrined him years back. However they didn't know his name so in truth there was little correlation to their idol and him. He had thought nothing of it but now he'd actually received bits of faith power. It made him feel a sense of satisfaction. 'Isn't this a good thing though?' He thought.

He voiced the same thoughts out loud to which Huoyun rebuked him. "Incense merit is largely useless. It relies on the continued belief of something to work. The commitment is not worth the reward."

Tian Hai just thought Huoyun had some dumb takes. After all, couldn't powers like this be used to strengthen cultivation foundations, increase karmic luck, and forge powerful divine treasures? Success in cultivation would also be improved.

They soon found the site of Tian Hai's worship. There beside the lake they'd once visited, a large city had managed to prop itself up. Millions, perhaps even tens of millions of innate creatures were gathered around in hopes of communal survival.

The recent burst of incense merit Tian Hai received was actually due to these creatures feeling the tremors from the west and assuming it to be an ill omen. Not even they could divine anything without suffering terrible backlash hence they didn't know about the individuals fighting.

"The population has grown," Tian Hai said in observation. "So many of them despite constant primordial beasts prowling about." He stood among crowds of people going about their daily lives. Farming herbs, cultivating, training, these were the activities a city of immortals performed daily.

"It's the influx of immigrants friend," one friendly passerby said. He didn't recognize Tian Hai nor Huoyun and just assumed them to be residents of the city. "I hear things are even worse off in the North Continent. Primordial beasts are far more numerous there then here."

"I see, that's quite a long journey."

"Indeed friend, the Central Continent's pressure is so crushing that no one can pass through it. These immigrants all had to pass through the West Continent and circle around here. With all the dangers prowling around, not many even made it through."

Tian Hai felt pangs of pity. Innate creatures truly were pitiful existences. Heavenly Immortals, Profound Immortals, True Immortals were supposed to be monstrous existences within normal Chaos Worlds. But in the Primitive World, they were relegated to nothing.

"Shenni's ambition must've had something to do with it," Tian Hai concluded. Huoyun nodded in agreement, to be willing to cross trillions of kilometres at a moments notice said something about Shenni's methods. Then again, it could be more to do with primordial beasts.

Huoyun always regarded Shenni as a dog. He was Demon Ape's yes man and biggest hype man with little opinions of his own. So the sudden shift to Beast Emperor Shenni took him by surprise even after so many years.

"City lord, please accept my request. The fourth caravan still has not arrived and we need to find the."

"The answer is no Lang, it's too dangerous outside. We must remain together."

"But city lord."

Tian Hai looked over at the commotion occurring. A large protesting crowd had appeared talking to the leader of this settlement. "Caravan?"

"Immigrants friend, immigrants from the North Continent traveling through the west. Did you also just arrive by chance? You seem pretty ignorant."

"Uh yeah." Tian Hai nodded. He felt little reason to deny it

"Please city lord, my family is with the fourth caravan."

"Mine too!"

"Me as well!"

The more voices sounded their reasons, the more sorry Tian Hai felt for them. His empathy caused him to feel non stop guilt at the pitiful experiences of living beings. 'I'm a Golden Immortal, I can track them down.'

"Come on brother, let's go," Huoyun said turning around. 'These living beings truly are pitiful.' He silently offered a few prayers their way but prepared to leave.

"Wait Tian Hai what are you doing?" Huoyun asked in surprise as Tian Hai took a step into the air. Tian Hai's boyish face glowed with strands of transparent light. Eight pairs of eyes manifested all over his face much to the shock of the city's residents. These eyes merged into one allowing Tian Hai to gain an advance level of sight.

Tian Hai wondered why he was so motivated to do this? Kindness? Out of the compassion born of empathy? Or was it pity and the hopeless looks in these people's lives. But either way, the result was the same. The innate god born of the East Sea wanted to help them.

"West right, I'll track these people down."

"Tian Hai get back here!" Huoyun called out. But Tian Hai wasn't listening. The Golden Immortal's hands tore into the fabric of reality.

In these early days, the Heavenly Dao has not come into being. The suppression of the world was weak and so was reality. Even a Golden Immortal like Tian Hai, when applying enough pressure could cut into the void between realms.

The Great Wilderness, the Starry Skies and whatever other realms all existed in a sea of void within the Primitive World. It was a universe after all and the void was often besieged with spatial currents.

Tian Hai's actions ripped a whole in reality and he rushed through the void. In this way, he could cut travel distance by an order of magnitude and directly skip to his destination. Breaking reality and teleporting if you will.

However, such a method was also dangerous and reckless. The void was chaotic and accidents can easily happen where spatial currents carry you off to places unknown. Tian Hai had to use the majority of his power to not be thrown off course while he travelled through the void.

Within the black abyss, Tian Hai's feet transformed into a long river that stretched out in the direction of the West Continent of the Great Wilderness. His face was already urgent and he pushed himself to make the journey as fast as possible.

"Wait Tian Hai!" Huoyun cried out also entering the void. He took a few moments to steady himself and gathered five coloured lights around him to form a platform. "Don't be reckless and come back here."

But Tian Hai wasn't really listening to his advice. "Don't worry brother Huoyun. Let's go to the West Continetn and quickly retrieve this fourth caravan and then we can return to the East Continent."

With that said, Tian Hai merged his river into one of the spatial currents leading towards the west. Using that, his speed increased even more and he traveled down like a comet with Huoyun desperately following behind.