Great Immortal Yang Mei

On the eastern wing of the Lunar Palace, upon one of its many balconies. Upon a balcony that had a spectacular view over the ocean sized lake of Three Brilliance Sacred Water and its reflection of numerous stars. Wangshu and Tian Hai sat over a table chatting over two cups of tea.

Wangshu went ahead first as soon as Tian Hai brought up his intention of discussing the Dao. Tian Hai couldn't even get a word him before Wangshu decided to explain her view of it first. Truth be told, Tian Hai didn't mind as she was not only more senior in cultivating the Dao but also because he hadn't even started on finding his own Dao path yet.

It surprised him just how much along her path that she already was. To Wangshu, the supreme yin encompassed everything and was the supreme white which ran across the ocean of stars. She explained how all the stars lay beneath the celestial body that was the Lunar Star and that it alone stood at the head of three hundred and sixty five.

The Dao path she'd founded thus not just encompassed the moon, but also entirety of all stars in the world. She was like the sovereign hanging high above in the night sky shining a light upon all living beings. Even the supreme yang light of the sun found origins in her supreme yin.

Her words were arrogant and confident in her claims. Yet Tian Hai found no fault within them. All Dao paths were true in their own way. Wangshu's cultivation showcased her view of herself and the nature in which her spells would display.

Her attainment was really high in comparison to Tian Hai by orders of magnitude. Her cosmic tree wasn't visible to Tian Hai but he could sense it through her descriptive words. It should already be in its completed form given how set she was. A high level of clarity in one's Dao represented the beginnings of the birth of a Dao fruit.

Once a Dao fruit fully manifests, the cosmic tree would collapse and the immortal would attain the Great Principle and enter the first phase of the Chaos Immortal realm. In this way, Wangshu ahead of the curve even in comparison to the innate gods of the Great Wilderness who despite being reincarnated godfiends still had not reached the same level of strength as she had.

This was how much the pressure Shenni brought on affected them. No one really had time to sit down and focus on their own properly thus breeding resentments towards the arrogant Beast Emperor.

In the middle of Wangshu's talks, Tian Hai brought the cup of tea that he hadn't touched up to his lips. The moment Tian Hai tasted the liquid, he immediately knew of its immense quality. He also realized it for its immense waste of ingredients. He naturally kept those comments to himself.

If anything proved how wealthy Wangshu was compared to the rest of the world, it was her frugal use of spiritual ingredients in her brewing. There were countless methods qi rich herbs could be used. Chaos Godfiends had long known how to make esoteric pills that produced a variety of through alchemy.

Pills that resolved cultivation foundational issues, pills that strengthened the Dao fruit, pills that acted as powerful explosives, pills that rejuvenated the body etc. Tian Hai remembered them all long ago. He'd also knew that Wangshu's collection of herbs can reproduce them with ease.

Yet all she did was make common tea with them.

Don't get him wrong, the spiritual affects were there and as beneficial to the body as ever. But he also knew that alchemy could radically improve these affects even further through refinement and extraction. Though he wasn't too knowledgeable on those arts, he too couldn't help but feel this was extremely wasteful.

Tian Hai looked up fro his cup of tea. Wangshu sat there appearing to be the picturesque vision of a Chinese princess, all prim and proper. However there was a shuttle shaking of giddiness there that Tian Hai was barely able to register.

'She really is wealthy. Is this the full accumulation of the Starry Skies since Pangu opened the Primitive World?'

"Hey! I thought we were discussing the Dao?"

"Huh? Oh I apologize," Tian Hai bowed his head. "I often let my mind wonder at the worst of times. Please forgive me."

"Hm it's fine. The taste can be overwhelming after all. The old guy was like that too the first time he tasted my tea."

"Old guy?"

"Yeah, the only other person who comes here. He's not here often anymore since he cultivates a lot and I can't disturb him," Wangshu said with a faraway look. She drummed her fingers on the table and sighed. "The Starry Skies has so much to offer and yet…yet no one seems to find it worthy to visit."

"I'm not sure you'll want that level of attention," Tian Hai said. "Not with the numerous self serving innate gods fighting over the Great Wilderness." 'What does she mean by old guy?'

'Someone has already taken advantage of the Starry Skies. Quick take as much as we can and get out!' 'Hmph, I should challenge this person and temper my physique.'

Tian Hai raised a finger to massage the side of his temple. He made the action as subtle as possible so as to not draw attention to it. He hoped Wangshu would be too engrossed with her own words to notice. Except she did.

"What's wrong?"


"Oh were my explanation too much? Uh I mean too high leveled? Wait not I mean…ah shit," Wangshu grimaced at her careless words. The implication that Tian Hai was too stupid was not lost on him. But he found it hard pressed to deny reject those words. He truly was having trouble following her discussion to the point of only understanding twenty percent of it if even that.

But for Wangshu, she was more afraid to have alienated Tian Hai. "Ah please don't be downcast friend Tian Hai. I'll explain it simpler. Not to say you wouldn't…"

"Fellow daoist I'm not offended. I'm aware my attainments into the Dao is not high enough to fully grasp your words." Tian Hai sighed and finished his cup before placing it down for Wangshu to refill it. Starring into his own reflection in the water he said, "I'm actually having trouble with a bottleneck I reached."

"Bottleneck?" Wangshu perked up. "If I am able to help then I would be glad to."

And so Tian Hai told her about his troubles over many thousands of years. The sheer amount of time he'd spent as a Golden Immortal even as the people around him moved along was startling to Wangshu. So with Wangshu being so open minded, Tian Hai reluctantly reviewed his troubles.

"Can't form the unity huh," Wangshu rubbed the button of her chin. "That's strange. Harmonizing all elements of one's body should be a pretty simple process. All it is is finding a clear and steady mind along balancing all internal structures to prepare for the best possible foundation into seeking one's own Dao. At least that's how it was explained to me."

"Me as well."

"Hm, you are an innate god of the Great Wilderness are you not? Then as a reincarnated good fiend shouldn't you not already know how to form one?"

"My memories of such are incomplete I'm afraid," Tian Hai said sadly. "I don't know what's the matter with me. But whatever I do I can't quite seem to fully grasp it."

"Odd, I've never heard of such an issue before. Then again I've never been out of the Starry Skies so…" Wangshu devolved into deep pondering. According to what Tian Hai told her, the issue he faced should be some sort of inner disturbance. But as Golden Immortal innate gods, they should already be complete at birth.

The two reached an impasse. Wangshu had little experienced with what Tian Hai was experiencing and the other didn't really know how to continue the dialogue. What's more, he can't really tell what Wangshu's true intentions were.

She was broadcasting all sorts of mixed signals that was confusing Tian Hai every second. She was overly friendly and was obviously trying to be welcoming. But Tian Hai couldn't help himself but think about nefarious intent due to the way the Primitive World was always described in novels. Huoyun's lessons and his earlier experiences had also driven him to see the world in a more negative light.

Perhaps it was just his paranoia talking and he had nothing to worry about. But it could also not be. After all, who in their right minds would ever let go of an entire pool of Three Brilliance Sacred Water? All these pleasantries, these discussions upon the Dao could just be a tree.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tian Hai could already see Wangshu somewhat fidgeting. She subtlety bit the interior of her lip and it was easy to tell she was contemplating something just as he was.


Tian Hai was alarmed as a flare of energy riveted throughout the Starry Skies. But Wangshu only showed a pleasant surprised look which was followed by a light sigh of relief. Both of them caught on to the enormous power who was making his way towards the Lunar Star. What's more both of them recognized it.

Wangshu for their frequent interactions. Tian Hai for their nightmarish first encounter and harrowing words.

"Yang Mei?" "The old man!" Both of them cried at once.

In the black darkness of space. In the vast distances between stars, a circular spatial portal opened up in an incredibly stable manner. From it the illusionary image of a willow tree briefly appeared and tendrils of roots reached through the abyss.

They stretched into a solid bridge that carried a mighty, wise, and old looking figure throughout the vast sky. The rigid and strong feeling Yang Mei gave off was vastly above Tian Hai's own to the extend where the sea god could barely comprehend Yang Mei's existence. They were so incomparable that he might as well be the size of a spec of dust compared to him.

Yang Mei's level of power felt near identical to that of Luohu and Qiong Qi. Great Principle Chaos Immortal.

'I shouldn't be surprised. Even back when we first met, he was already…' Tian Hai felt depressed looking at Yang Mei's current progress. He remembered their time together in the Chaos Sea, remembered how even back then Yang Mei was above him in attainments.

Strength and cultivation had a positive correlation. Within the Chaos Immortal realm, all its sub stages represented a level of attainment into the Dao or one's progress in cultivating their Dao fruit. The more advanced their personified Dao became, the more unique aberrations the Dao fruit form and the stronger they became.

"Every day I fall more and more behind. Weaker and weaker by the day," Tian Hai couldn't help but whisper aloud.

"Ah, don't feel bad friend. Cultivation takes time, its a very complicated and confusing process after all. Strength isn't all there is to it."

Tian Hai mentally kicked himself for allowing Wangshu to hear him. Nevertheless he couldn't agree with her words. What was cultivation other then achieving strength?

Yang Mei's entrance into the Lunar Star was not showy nor spectacular. He arrived like any other carefree immortal who was unconcerned with the ongoing of the world around them. He looked the picturesque cold and aloof elder.

Wangshu had already flew down from her palace by the time he touched down on the paved pathway. She had already opened up all the Lunar Star's defenses before hand so he descended easily. His only obstacle was the silver missile named Wangshu who practically glommed him in a bone crushing hug.

"GAH! Little girl, what did I say about greeting people like this," Yang Mei chuckled. He had to manhandle Wangshu off of him but took no real offense to her actions.

"That it was impolite and unseemly?"

"Yes. So why do you still do it?"

"Well you're not a stranger to me."

Yang Mei sighed at Wangshu's argument. He reached into his pocket universe and pulled out a small bag. "Here, a little souvenir from the East Continent."


The two accompanied each other until they reached the entrance of the Lunar Palace. That was when the proverbial elephant in the room Yang Mei had been ignoring since entering the stars would have to be addressed.

Yang Mei's eyes met Tian Hai's own and the latter reeled back at the intensity of Yang Mei's gaze.

"Oh oh, old man let me introduce you to my new friend. This is Tian Hai, his an innate god from the Great Wilderness. Though since he's also a reincarnated goldfield you've probably already met?"

"No he's not." Yang Mei was very quick to deny. He narrowed his eyes over Tian Hai and unleashed his divine sense upon him. But due to the disparages in cultivation, Tian Hai hadn't even noticed as Yang Mei's senses washed over him. But he did feel no small amounts of fear regarding Yang Mei.

It was as if the world outside disappeared into a black void leaving only Yang Mei and Tian Hai. Tian Hai was standing atop some stairs so he was looking down at Yang Mei. But despite that, he felt as if it was the reverse.

"What are you doing here?" Yang Mei appeared to ask even if his mouth did not move.


"Speak up pretender."

"Uh I…"

"By what right do you use my deceased brother's name? ANSWER ME!"

The air chilled. Tian Hai immediately bolted for the right. In a fit of rage, Yang Mei snatched his young body up in a tendril of illusionary roots made up of starlight. With a look of contempt, he crushed Tian Hai leaving behind a mangled corpse.

The air chilled. Tian Hai immediately darted for the left, hoping to flee into the shadows of another star. But a crimson ray pierced his chest opening up a cavity that took up over seventy percent of his torso. Yang Mei sent Tian Hai a look of contempt as he closed his palm, crushing Tian Hai's corpse in the air where he had yet to fall.

The air chilled. Tian Hai immediately twisted his arm hoping to tear open a rift in reality and flee through the void between realms. But Yang Mei caught Tian Hai's arm having easily crossed that distance before the latter could even register what was going on. He sent Tian Hai a furious look of contempt before Tian Hai's entire world went white.

Tian Hai's pupils contracted and he felt wobbly on his feet. His heart slowed and he was frozen, encased in an iceberg of fear. Every ounce of his body was telling him to flee, to get as far away as possible. But logically he knew that wouldn't accomplish anything. Even of he tried, he'll be dead before moving even an inch.

Yang Mei approached with Wangshu and the latter was revealing all sorts of information about her and Tian Hai's little tea party as if she had not noticed Yang Mei's hostility. The only thing crossing Tian Hai's mind the whole time was, 'Fuck!'

Yet Yang Mei's attack never came. Instead he sighed and raised a hand stopping Wangshu's tirade. "Stop, I'm already familiar with this person."

"Greetings. What is your name?" He asked Tian Hai.

"Come on old man has age finally caught up to you?" Wangshu joked. "I already told you he's my new friend Tian Hai."

"Little girl, I'm sure he made quite an impression on you. But I have personal matters with him." He dismissed Wangshu and turned his full attention to Tian Hai. "So eight headed snake, what do I address you as?"

"I…I don't know."

"You don't know?"

Tian Hai was not going to fight Yang Mei's words to begin with. Deep down, some part of him did wonder at times. He only referred to himself as Tian Hai because that was what Huoyun insisted. It was also the only name he remembered. He'd even forgotten what he was called during his time on earth.

For the eight headed serpentine innate god, the name Tian Hai was just a form of address in the end. There was no need to fight over it, especially not with someone like Yang Mei. With all the factors involved over the years, Tian Hai wouldn't mind Yang Mei addressing him as something different.

"Brother Huoyun calls me Tian Hai and it's the only name I know," he explained. His explanatory words sounded like insistence to Yang Mei and the elder immortal did not look pleased.

"I met Huoyun some time ago as well. He told me of you, told me of Tian Hai. But Huoyun is prone to mistakes. Easily blind by emotion. Do not refer to yourself by that name in front of me or ever. Understood?"


"Hey," Wangshu interrupted the cold stand off. "How about we all enjoy some tea and snacks? Tian…uh snake? My hospitality still stands, how about you go back first and the old man and I will meet you there?"

Tian Hai nodded. He took the first chance he got and bolted outta there. Yang Mei was left huffing as the innate god left.

"I will not apologize if that is your intention," Yang Mei told Wangshu.

"I painstakingly found a new friend after so many years and…"

Yang Mei tuned her out. Sometimes he'd forgotten that despite existing for so many years, Wangshu was still a nosy child. The soul born in Pangu's eye and nurtured by the Laurel Tree was someone he'd long took pity in, a surrogate daughter almost. Immortals perceived time in an extremely warped way, Wangshu was every bit still a youth to Yang Mei.

"Little girl, that snake and I have our own issues that are not your concern. Come now, let's find a better place to chat."