True Birth of the Great Sea

Confused eyes opened to a scene of blue. A blue field floating in a sea of darkness. A near infinite dimension in the shape of a serpentine being beneath two whirling colours mixing with one another.

Tian Hai glanced around with concern. His surroundings didn't real unnatural, but there was a certain wrongness to it. It was confusing and he couldn't quite put it to words.

For a time, he wondered around trying to recollect what had happened up to this point. He'd dived into a pool of raw life giving known as Three Brilliance Sacred Water. He'd swam until he'd reached its depths then blacked out.

The blue stretched on and on for a vast distance. But it was bland, empty, and unfulfilled. It felt as if it was reaching out for something yet could not find its intended target.

Tian Hai waved his arms around at the blue surrounding him. There was a constant swirl of energy from the blue that was deeply troubling him. He felt like he knew the answer but couldn't quite put his finger on it yet.

"This…okay I don't even know what's doing on anymore," he admitted. "Hello?"

There was no one to answer him.

"No one's out there."

But the blue was intimately familiar with him. Once Tian Hai began seeing with all his senses, he saw the exact same thing as himself starring back at him. Or it was more accurate to say he was surrounded by himself.

The answer was obvious from the start and he'd been too slow to realize. He'd remembered this trope countless time before.

"My mind right? Heavens what a bland sight."

Tian Hai was within Tian Hai. Everything here was Tian Hai. His cultivation, his knowledge, his memories. Even the remnants of Huoyun's seal was part of the blue. But there was a critical issue.

This scene of blue felt almost primitive, like something that was not quite developed into completion yet. Not exactly like one would expect from a connate lifeform like him, especially since he was an innate god. He was out out of heaven and earth in full knowledge of himself without parents.

An innate god with the cultivation of a Golden Immortal. He was outside the cycle of life and death as dictated by common universal laws. His true soul belonged to him and him alone. So this scene of blue made no sense.

"I am whole."

"So why?"

But if there was a positive outcome, it was that this world of blue was silent. Not in any visual sense but in a mental sense. Here, Tian Hai heard nothing. He felt nothing.

It may be bland, but there was no headaches here. There was no disturbances. It was so devoid of pain that Tian Hai felt it unnatural. He'd always had feelings in the back of his mind. Voices he couldn't quite make out.

Suggestions that seemed to want to push him to something. Yet they were never clear. Muffled annoyances they may be, but they accumulated over time. In times of stress they manifested as static.

"What am I supposed to do with all this?"

Examining the blue became pointless. It was all the same no matter where he looked. Or at least it was aside from the very centre of the blue.

This space was essentially the eight headed innate God's inner cosmos as strange as it may sound. It originates from one point from which Tian Hai would've emerged from. Since the blue was so static, it was barely visible. But the moment he wanted to know of it, the information came to him.

So he approached his own origin. A translucent spec within the blue which blended almost seamlessly with the background.

Tian Hai had to narrow his eyes to get a good look at first. However, the moment this desire appeared, he translucent spec took on a new form. It became clearer for him to see, now resembling a flame of sorts. Except it was illuminated by the colours of the five elements.

"My life," he murmured in recognition. He was mesmerized by the flame. It was intimate to him, the source of his being. It was the single consciousness nurtured by the East Sea's vast waters which came into existence thousands of years ago as the creature who referred to himself as Tian Hai.

He originates from it.

An innate god born of the Primitive World.


A mirage occurred within the flame. An unexpected image of the East Sea appeared, the day which decided his emergence. Tian Hai's eyes widened in surprise at what he witnessed.

On that day, a mass of energy broke out of the heavens. A spherical mass resembling a meteorite falling as debris. He recognized the signs of a remnant soul in the texture of that meteorite.

A distant roar could be heard. An anguished cry. The two clashing colours above the blue shook without his notice.

But the serpent innate god was still watching. He watched as a second meteorite fell from the sky. One which did not appear to originate from the Primitive World. Another debris from the greater Chaos Sea perhaps?

The two had smashed into each other in a titanic explosion. The result of which were residual debris falling. But in their clash they had mixed together hence the resulting fall was of a single chaotically merged substance.

"I…he…they merged? And fell? But the East Sea…"

All along, the perspective of this incident was from the water below the explosion. The perspective of the mirage watched as the final debris smashed into it. Right into the water which acted as its eyes. His eyes.

"Wait but I'm of the Chaos Godfiends!" He gasped. "Of the humans of earth!"


A distant rumble riveted through the blue causing ripples in the once tranquil surface. Yet Tian Hai was too engrossed in what he had just witnessed. At moments like this, he'd normally be experiencing extreme headaches but now he was distracted by his own startled thoughts.

Because within the image, the scenes of so many colours melding together occurred. Two foreign powers absorbing and being absorbed by the ocean formed by Pangu's act. The exchanges of energy taking place was extremely rapid to the point where three distinct pools resembled a singular individual.

Instincts acting on instincts. Conscious thought at this time was not possible as visualized by the chaotic image of flashing colours. Tian Hai's breath became rapid as the scene of his coming into being continued on and on.

"The hell? Was I conceived by the East Sea or reincarnated by this…no two things?"


"You stole!!!"

The blue and the surrounding cosmos shook as a feeble sounding voice boomed into being. One of the two colours tussling in the sky shook violently and fell dramatically closer to the blue. It's counterpart seemed to overtake its former location as this happened.

Tian Hai felt uncontrollable panic. The blue groaned and lines swirled around the epicenter of the blue. He looked around. That was when he noticed that the blue shape he stood upon began convulsing.

"You stole!!!"


Tian Hai was suddenly lifted off his feet. He felt a smoky arm around his throat stemming from a mass of colour ramming into his being. His eyes widened as the coloured mass condensed into a form even as the two flew continuously through the rippling blue.

"My life!!!"

"Meant to be!!!"

"You stole!!!"



Indignant eyes met Tian Hai's startled gaze. This person, this human was gaunt looking. His hair was messy and his cloths appeared destitute. He was also lacking in colour, almost as if he'd stepped out of a black and white film.

He remembered those well. He'd managed to see old World War II documentaries owned by his dad before his death and the first few episodes were black and white.

"Stop! Those are my memories!" The gaunt feeble voice was back. It was this same man, boy really.

"You look just like me," Tian Hai couldn't help himself but say. The two had stopped in the blue, the gaunt boy being unable to apply any force after Tian Hai calmed down and steadied himself.

"You stole my face!" The other said. "This was meant to be my life! My reincarnation!"

He looked up with raged filled eyes with bags beneath them. He gripped Tian Hai's cloths by its neck and screamed indignantly.

"Unfair, this is so unfair! I was meant to start over in the early days just like the novels said!"

At this moment, the innate god understood who this person was. He'd inherited memories from him. At the same time he'd also recognized his voice in his head before. Previous static noises became clear words.

"You're the coward. You're the one always egging me to play the people around me and run away when I encountered anything scary," Tian Hai said.

"SHUT UP! YOU ARE THE COWARD!" The other spat in the innate god's face.

"I watched you you know? From the moment my life was robbed from me. And I was forced to watch you prance around without a single clue what you were doing! You had no goals, no aspirations, no ambition!"

"And whose fault was that?" Tian Hai bit back angrily. "Every time I try to think you attack me! Every time I try anything you curse my brain with so much noise, so much pain."

"Don't pin the blame on me. We never tried to attack you at all! At least we both agreed that you are the anomaly that's living a life you shouldn't. If I was in control, I would've gathered useful treasures and cultivated until I was sure it was safe."

"Just like every other shoddily written power fantasy."

"I would've been ALIVE!"

In annoyance, Tian Hai pushed the gaunt boy off of him with one arm. The boy fell onto his rear and held himself up with his hands. "Unfair," he said.

"Why do you get to be an innate god?."

"What's so wrong with that?" Tian Hai growled back offended.

"You're a weakling. You've done nothing but lose lose lose and lose. Do you even know how to fight? Don't even get me startled on your shit performance against Luohu…"

"Do you even hear yourself talk? You should've seen how strong Qiong Qi and Luohu was," Tian Hai spat in frustration. "What makes you think you would've done better?"

"You…" the pale gaunt boy was stuck. But he didn't want to give up. "I would've surpassed them! I would've figured things out eventually!"

"Easier said then done you entitled shit," Tian Hai said. "Do you have any idea how hard it was coming to a decision with your mind constantly assaulted? What makes you think you deserve living any more then I do?"

"You weren't even conscious back then. How could something with no thought nor will be alive?"

As the two were talking, the other unaligned colour finally descended as well. This one did not attack the innate god but rather released a series of clapping when it too took tangible shape.

"Bravo, bravo this was funny." The voice was similarly feeble like the gaunt human boy. But this voice sounded much more archaic compared to him. Despite its weakness, this individual gave off a loud and powerful feeling. Almost like the sound of crashing waves at a rocky shoreline.

The innate god turned his head as the colour condensed into a humanoid form. One who stood to scale with the rest of them but had very inhuman features.

First of, this man had fish scales instead of skin. Next he had fins jutting out of his elbow, ears, and back. He looked like a stereotypical bipedal merman. Give him a trident and you'd complete the look of a sea dwelling fantasy race.

But the eight headed serpent widened his eyes in recognition a second time.

"Me?" he said.

Personally, the memories of the godfiend was always fresher in his mind. He'd assumed it was because these memories came after the earth ones.

"Wrong," the fish man sneered. "You can never be me."


"Haha," the gaunt boy laughed. "Meet the real Tian Hai, the deity who walked among the three thousand Chaos Godfiends. The other imprisoned to die here because of you. Even your name is fake."

He chuckled at the irony of the situation and glanced at Tian Hai interested to know if he'd have a reaction. Only he'd already seemed resigned to this truth.

"I see," he only said.

When Yang Mei called him out so many times prior, it always hurt. But there was a level of acceptance when Yang Mei refused to acknowledge him as Tian Hai. Turned out Yang Mei was right all along.

Despite his weakness, when this Tian Hai spoke there was a ferocious aura demanding respect and reverence. If it wasn't for his diminished presence, the innate god of the East Sea wagered he'd be forced onto his knees as well. His presence also heavily resembled the likeness of other godfiends he'd encountered.

'Tian Hai', no the eight headed snake looked between the two gaunt individuals now standing with him in the blue. Their presences while weak was disturbing the environment around them. Ripples upon ripples caused by loud sounds roaring in the background.

Though he did not experience it here, the serpent recognized this scene as the same thing he'd felt previously during all of his headaches. He gazed up to see where the two colours clashing in the sky once were and understood.

"I guess I should congratulate you on your victory," the real Tian Hai said mockingly.

"He didn't even work for it," the human boy spat.

"I was born as I am," the innate god said.

"Exactly," both retorted back.

"I should've been reborn with my brethren. My remnant spirit tore itself from the complex of Pangu's creation. If it weren't for this fucker it would've gone smoothly," Tian Hai sneered towards the human.

"Excuse you? You crashed into me. I was about to transmigrate when you interrupted me!"

"And what would you have done with that life huh? I see your mind just as you see mine. You're not nearly as prepared as you think. Real world logic isn't gonna cater to your 'head canon'. You'll die the moment you step foot outside."

"At least I'll be smarter then picking fights with everyone who looks at me funny. Smarter in choosing my opponents and not charging in without being strong enough myself!"

"Tempering oneself and experiencing hardship is necessary."

"Not if it'll get you killed."

The innate god watched the dual personas fighting with one another blankly. He'd seen this before. Well heard is a more accurate term. It was strangely amusing to him.

But being here and witnessing them finally allowed him to come to an accurate conclusion. "So I wasn't able to form my unity because of you two. Because you kept disturbing me threatening to take over my body."

"Cheh," the human looked away. He hung his head low after finally calming down. Meanwhile the other two had their own mystical discussion that flew over his head.

"What are you talking about? We never disturbed your ability to form the unity. And take you over? Don't you remember what I said? You've already won," Tian Hai chuckled bitterly. "Curse you Lu Ya. Oh brother Yang Mei if only you realized what you've done."

"Those fuckers. If Yang Mei hadn't ordered Lu Ya to burn me. Cleansing my ass, they both deserve death."

"Never talk about my brother ," Tian Hai clapped back against the human.

"So you two were the foreign influences on my body," the innate god with understanding. "That means this body was mine to begin with. You tried to take me over."

It dawned on him that he was the original consciousness of the East Sea being nurtured just the innate gods spoken of in myth. Not the godfiends who'd reincarnated by taking over parts of the Primitive World. But connate lifeforms born from Pangu's universe directly and nurtured by its environment.

Like the Three Pure Ones who was said to be nourished within Mt Kunlun by Pangu's nascent soul. Or Zhunti who was cultivated by the Supreme Bodhi Tree. Or even the Demon Heavenly Emperor Di Jun cultivated by the Solar Star.

He was the innate god of the East Sea. One who would've been taken over by one of these two spirits and become their reincarnation. Either the human boy or Tian Hai would've walked out into the new world and did whatever they desired. There was no other possible conclusion and his own instincts told him it was right.

That battle which took place so long ago. Where heads of serpents emerged from seawater to do battle against each other in a maddened frenzy. That was a power struggle that had erupted into the real world. A struggle of wills where he the original was pushed down and these two forced themselves out. Since Tian Hai was an old and mighty godfiend, it was likely he would've triumphed eventually

But in a twisted sense of irony, Yang Mei prevented that from happening. He and Lu Ya both.

'I have much to be thankful for it seems.'

He observed his two counterparts. In many ways they were his progenitors as well. His rise absorbed whatever was left of these two, draining them until they were mere husks of their former selves. Bits of his personality taken from both then merged with what was already there.

The human looked back at him with a pained look of regret. The real Tian Hai had a similar expression though his was alot more stoic.

"Thats right. We fought for ultimate control. I was the one who suppressed your infant self and pushed forward my…our emergence. I was desperate as this fucker was gaining grounds. I had to speed along my rebirth and transform the seawater into our new body. But in the end none of us benefitted hehehe," Tian Hai chuckled bitterly at the memory. He sent a glare towards the human before tearing his eyes away and sighing.

"You weren't meant to be born so early. Your spirit wasn't even past the embryo stages," he revealed. "The reason you can't form your unity is because you are fundamentally incomplete. You aren't even whole yet. An incomplete connate lifeform, what a conundrum."

"I am so confused," the innate god said.

"Then think of it as a premature birth that resulted in defects in your body. By my calculation it would've take a few more yuanhui before your spirit would be nurtured to completion and you'd fully emerge as a new innate god of that guy's universe."


"Do not speak that bastards name," Tian Hai snarled.

To the real Tian Hai, Pangu was as much of a taboo subject as it was for Shenni. He wasn't as extreme in his hatred but he still felt nothing but contempt for him.


"Do not apologize something so little as that, it's unbecoming of an innate god," the real Tian Hai lectured.

Despite his attitude, the message was clear. The innate god inferred that while his body came out fine, his spirit had not finished its nurturing phase. But as he was already pulled out and the two consciousness were so weakened, he'd effectively won the competition as the one who entered the world.

He looked at himself then at the vast blue around him. He could see it now, the blue wasn't complete in the first place. It should've stayed on the ocean floor, continuously being refined by primordial qi of the East Sea.

"But you must have some luck," Tian Hai suddenly said crossing his arms. "You encountered the one thing which could fix you. Even in the Chaos Sea I've never seen anything like it."

"Thats cause your chaos period is a desolate wasteland compared to Pangu's. The universe afterwords is full of better opportunities," the human quipped.

"Who knows what will happen in the future. In my experience divination always has some flaws to it. Your knowledge about the 'Three Realms' would be no different," Tian Hai snapped back.

But the innate god wasn't paying them attention. He was looking at the blue and at its constant changes.

When he'd arrived, it had been in turmoil. But was it really due to the two colours clashing? By their own words, they'd been reduced so much that by definition they were essentially echoes lingering on desperately with no hope.

Just one look and he could tell. It was already amazing these two were still conscious to this extent. Both the original Tian Hai and the human boy were on the verge of collapsing. But perhaps due to spite or unwillingness, they remained until now. In many ways the serpent was resentful towards them. But in others he pitied them.

"Three Brilliance Sacred Water," he whispered. "I truly am fortunate."

Raw life giving water. The purest substance which breathed life into whatever it touched. To him, it was effectively nourishing his being the longer he stayed within it.

"Everything did seem to work out conveniently," the human sighed. An unwillingness remain like this was largely the driving force of himself ticking around for so long. Death was never easy to accept especially for someone both young and who followed no religion like him.

"I wanted to see the Primitive World too," he said.

The original Tian Hai nodded his head. "Indeed it is unfair. I wanted to travel with brother Huoyun again. Spar with brother Yang Mei again. And us three brothers can experience this new universe again…it's truly unfair."

He waved his hand around feeling it lose more colour. Bits of specs were breaking off of it as if he was being disintegrated by the second.

"Replaced by a being who doesn't even know his own name," he said bitterly.

"So what happens now?" The innate god asked. "Do we fight again? Or…"



"I told you from the beginning. You've already won. Everything up till now is us being sore losers isn't that right?" He directed that last part towards the still sitting human. The latter could only hang his head in defeat and laugh bitterly.

"I thought someone with your disposition would be a lot more angry," the eight headed serpent said to Tian Hai. "Going by my…your memories you should be…"

"Lashing out? Yes I did for a long time. But what's the point in being bitter for so long? At least through your eyes I got to see and hear my brothers again," Tian Hai sighed. "Huoyun is as kind as always. And Yang Mei, how boy has he surprised me finding a new Dao just like that. I was always the least talented of us three."

"What an adventure that would be. Cultivate to the peak of Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian and collect all the chaos origin treasures," the human said wistfully.

"The wishful thinking of you will never cease to amaze me," Tian Hai said sounding vaguely disappointed. "And the realm is called Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal. Assumptions running wild again. Just because you've read some novels you think you know anything about us?"

In the background, the blue's edges rippled violently before calming down. All three looked over and witnessed the sight of energy flowing into it allowing the blue to experience some sort of change.

Looking at their feat, the blue had noticeably began transforming. Streams of life energy were already flowing through it in lines just like like blood in veins. All it took was to be at the right place at the right time.

'But then what is opportunity but being in the right place at the right time. Thankfully I was able to benefit from it. I am in daoist Wangshu's debt."

"So…from now on you'll both disappear. And I'll finally be free."

Tian Hai stepped forward once more. His appearance was miserable as opposed to his steady posture. He looked as if he were a corpse that had been dug out from its grave. Where once would've been a strong Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal was now a fading ego.

"What is it?" The eight headed snake asked.

"Just checking out my inheritor. Oh don't be so shocked, you inherited mine and his memories. You're our inheritor wether you like it or not," Tian Hai said. "I'll be honest. I am resentful for the way my ending came about. If I could go back I'll tear Pangu's head off in his sleep. What gave that bastard the right to execute us all?"

"But that doesn't matter now does it? We failed to oppose him and this world came about. I can very thankful that at least brother Huoyun and brother Yang Mei got to live. Even if unknowingly, you allowed me to see them again. For that I thank you."

"Oh, your'e welcome."

"I'm not finished yet brat. Call this the last wishes of an old man…""It's exactly what this is.""Be silent human! But above all else I am not an ungraceful loser. So listen carefully nameless snake. You have no rights to my name so don't you ever dare use it. But you are also my inheritor so you cannot be unrelated to me."

Tian Hai looked almost nostalgic as he weakly raised his hand.

"I'm no Ancestor Tai Chu or daoist Dual Edge. But I am a great Chaos Godfiend ancestor. So you young one, as y inheritor, can also consider yourself a godfiend. A true member of the Chaos Godfiend civilization and our legacy in this world."

"Wait are you inducting me into the godfiends?"

"Don't repeat the obvious nameless. But from now on, refer to yourself as a godfiend. You have my blessing. Don't have the time nor interest to tell you all our laws and culture but you already have my memories anyway. No one can argue with you if you call yourself a godfiend, not ever."

"I…I thank you Ancestor Tian Hai," the innate god cupped his hands and bowed. His salute brought a chuckle out of Tian Hai.

"At least this one knows how to be polite." The jab brought a frown to the human it was directed at.

Tian Hai's body was starting to crumble. It seemed the absorption of life giving qi from the ocean of Three Brilliance Sacred Water was having an adverse affect on his existence.

"This is it," Tian Hai said with an unwilling voice. "I truly am unwilling. But I will not break. I am the great Tian Hai, god of the all consuming sea. War god of heavenly seas and Chaos Godfiend of the legendary three thousand. Today I may welcome death with open arms. But my legacy shall live on in this eight headed continuation. Good luck junior!"

Then he collapsed into a mass of colour and floated away from the blue. His ability to concentrate his ego had utterly vanished and his consciousness disappeared. Though he hadn't faded completely yet, given some time and no trace of the original Tian Hai's personality would remain.

"He does have a flair for dramatics doesn't he?" The human said. He glanced at the eight headed snake and stood back up unsteadily.

"You know. I don't want to go like this. I died for fucks sake. I want to live in this world I always read about. I want be supreme and dominate the world. I want to see history and mythology take place. What was so wrong with that?"

He continued to hold a regretful look as he ranted, even as he grew more pale.

"Good luck I guess. And don't get fucked over, the Primitive World is a very dangerous place. It'll be humiliating if you got your ass kicked by Zhunti of all people."

"Noted," the godfiend replied. "Though I'm not sure if he'll turn out like what novels say."

"Heh, maybe not. Oh and…Don't ignore your own wellbeing. It's normal to empathize with the natives, but don't put yourself at risk. It feels terrible afterwards but it's better then being dead." The human had an unfocused and far away look as he too broke down into a mass of colour. He was noticeably smaller than the one the original Tian Hai had turned into.

The new godfiend's eyes widened as the human faded. Despite their misgivings with each other, he did pity him. Died and then died again without any opportunities to live their life. He empathized with his feelings of regret and offered a silent prayer to him.

The new godfiend was left on his own, upon his own foundation which only grew more and more complete. He felt at peace, like there was nothing disturbing him anymore.

All manners of disruptions were gone and for the first time ever, he felt his hole being nearing true completion. He thought it a bit anticlimactic yet he could not complain at the result. In the end, it took the a great deal of luck and the deaths of two forefathers for him to truly come into being.

From start to finish, his personality had absorbed qualities from both Tian Hai and that human. He could be considered an amalgamation of the two. But he was also his own person who originated from the East Sea itself. Silently, he wondered how much of what he felt until now was him or some bleed through from them.

Did he even know what he really was like? Was his emotions, opinions, thoughts, and goals his to begin with? Was he really empathetic or was that inherited human instincts? Did he truly lust for the Dao or was that inherited godfiend sensibilities?"

His soul was in a state of flux, eating away at the Three Brilliance Sacred Water around him, absorbing life energy to full completion. Conversely his body did not change for it was already complete. Mentally speaking, his head space was in a state of confusion.

He contemplated for a time while his transformation continued. Time was unknown to him as anywhere between hours and years could've gone by without him noticing. Within his inner world, he simply stood there thinking about himself. The blank blue space had given way to an ocean of twinkling stars, like the vast cosmos known as the Milky Way heavenly river.

"But at the end of the day I am still me. Those two were mere echoes by the time Lu Ya was done. By the time I woke up they were just noise. Yet I was disturbed for so many years because I was forcefully birthed whereas I should've stayed in the East Sea. I transformed too early, came into this world too early."

"Though I guess I can't be too upset. I got to meet a great friend, brother in Huoyun. Met Wangshu who was far kinder then she had any right to be. Yang Mei helped in his own way. No point dwelling in the past too much. I can only move forward now and live as I am no matter what anyone says."

He smiled. His body within his body shimmered.

His body in the real world shivered. Eight raised heads continued to drink large quantities of water and emitted a glowing light.

At the serpent's abdomen, two colours began converging and swirling together. A perfected even illusion with two diametrically oppose colours evenly distributed and fusing into a perfect platform.

"I'm thankful for the two of you for having paved the way for me. Tian Hai, you were a raging sea that would've consumed the world in combat. @#$^%, you would've tried to 'metagame' wouldn't you. No matter what you would've ultimately looked out for yourself first, even if it meant betraying others, even if you felt guilt over it."

"In seniority Pangu would be my father god as well and I am part of the Primitive World. So I say neither of you were fit to roam this beautiful world. Though I would've loved to see you human try to 'metagame' yourself to victory hehe without the world bending over backwards for you."

He looked around him and closed his eyes.

"I can sense it. My Dao path existing in the beyond. I've always been distant in a sense. Not truly here despite being here. Both close to my being yet so far away at the same time…That's right, I think I'll name this seed 'Distant Seas'."

The announcement sent a wonderful feeling of resonance through him. But he wasn't done.

He opened his eyes in the real world and moaned while stretching. All sixteen pupils snapped towards the battles above the Lunar Star.

"I'm deeply sorry for taking advantage of your kindness fellow daoist Wangshu!"


Wangshu, Earthly Sky, and Shen Feng all stopped to peer down at the new emerging Great Unity Golden Immortal.

"Please allow me to aid you!"


"So that was that."


"You really fine for things to end this way?"

"I'd like nothing more than to tear that guy to pieces."

"Me too. I kinda have to accept it, kind of like leaving a legacy in this world. Though I don't understand, how is someone as old and as stubborn as you fine with it?"

"I don't expect you to. Just fade away like me. Let this torturous existence finally end."