Years of Tutorship II

On the beachside of Yingzhou, Da Hai performed a series of movements resembling a dance, reminiscent of the waves in the East Sea. This was known as the Fading Tides Fist, a modified martial arts form the original Da Hai once used. However whereas the original was a vicious form aiming to overwhelm the opponent, the modified version was a more subtle, flowing form.

"Cement my movements into your minds," Da Hai instructed when he completed the course. "Remember, the key is to guide your opponents into a state of vulnerability then strike them at their weakest," he reminded while folding his arms and moving back along the sand.

"Right, I can do that," Qinglong enthusiastically said. He immediately began applying what he had learned into his practice. Da Hai formed a small smile at the sight.

Yinglong and Zulong attempted to copy their youngest sibling's movements. The two made similar movements as Qinglong but there was a noticeable difference. While Yinglong was somewhat doing them, Zulong's movements were stiff.

Da Hai frowned slightly. Zulong was messing up his exercises in precision again. He seemed to be holding back a lot of force, forcing himself to perform the form hence creating a very stiff display.

Da Hai could tell that Zulong was unhappy. He sighed and rubbed his temples. He seemed to be doing this a lot lately.

Zulong saw Da Hai's actions and gritted his teeth. His fists clenched and as he made the next move he accidentally released a huge burst of power. The blast rushed out into the ocean, parting the waves much to Zulong's embarrassment.

"Perhaps we shall stop here for today," Da Hai said, unfolding his arms. "The latest batch of mulberry fruits recently ripened. Remember, you may only take one of the mulberry fruits, they may be beneficial to your physiques, but don't be too greedy," he said.

While Da Hai did not mind the dragons eating the spiritual fruits he took care of. He did however run out of supply often. The Fusang tree wasn't almighty and the dragons were a gluttonous bunch. Da Hai rubbed his nose bridge and thought, 'Perhaps I should find some caretakers'.

Seeing their master leave just like that left the dragons feeling embarrassed. Qinglong, who was doing fine, went to comfort his brothers.

"It's no use," Zulong kicked the sand into the air in a fit of anger. "Nothing I try works, it just doesn't," he roared in frustration. He took a moment to calm down.

"Sorry for snapping brother," he apologised while looking Qinglong in the eyes.

"No harm done big brother," Qinglong said cheerfully. "Come, I'll show you how." The azure dragon spent the next few hours reintroducing the martial arts form.

Zulong and Yinglong looked impressed. Qinglong really had taken to it like a fish to water. None of his movements were wasted. Qinglong resembled their master performing the techniques.

"So raise your hands like this, feel the primordial Qi pulsing up your arm, let it flow smoothly… no not like that, smoothly, I said smoothly," Qinglong gave out advice after advice to help Zulong and Yinglong. However Zulong still ran into similar issues as his first attempts.

"These techniques, these movements, they are so restricting," Zulong complained. His fists crackled in fierce power. Qinglong took this moment to move forward and calm the elder dragon down.

Yinglong looked at the side, pondering. He looked at his own palms who morphed into their dragon claw form. He looked at his green tinted scales adorning his claws. Slowly he manifested his feathered wings as well.

"What's the matter, second brother?" Qinglong called out along with Zulong who had managed to compose himself again. They noticed the transformation and grew curious.

"I agree with eldest brother," Yinglong said, "but not wholeheartedly. The movements don't suit me but they aren't repulsive." He clasped his hands and meditated for a while.

Under the supervision of his brothers, Yinglong began testing a new form. It bore resemblance to the original martial form of fading tide fist but had distinct differences. Yinglong's body and movements resembled a cloud rather than the waves. He danced across the sky and with each footstep, generated auspicious clouds.

His brothers felt a mesmerising sensation watching their second brother move. His attack then became fierce, transitioning from an auspicious cloud to a thunderous storm cloud. He punched, with his claws resembling lightning strikes.

He then proceeded to punch and kick at extreme speeds. Qinglong likened him to a downpour. A flurry of blows just like a storm cloud will continuously rain. Then Yinglong retreated, restoring his previous calm state.

Qinglong and Zulong looked in wonder. Their brother was truly intelligent. To devise a totally new martial form so quickly was astonishing. As Yinglong moved he began realising something.

Deep within his inner cosmos. The perfected union of Dao and body trembled. Mysterious transformations of earthly elements, supernatural phenomenons appeared swirling in a mass of purple clouds.

The cosmos began raining as in the real world Yinglong's eyes glazed over in enlightenment. He breathed in and out multiple times repeating his martial form. Zulong and Qinglong looked in amazement as their brother reached an epiphany.

"The clouds, the rain, the desolation of the land is swept away as I arrive," he spoke softly. Great wisdom in the Dao materialised in tangible form for his brothers who were left gaping in wonder. Yinglong's body radiated clouds, radiated rain, radiated lightning, as he proceeded to shed his human form.

Erupting in an explosion of splendour, three flower crowns appeared atop his head. Enormous amount of Dao radiance appeared supporting his inner cosmos. The ten thousand kilometre winged dragon roared into the heavens. Within his dantian, a sapling had taken root, sprouting into a small trunk with some nubs.

"Incredible," Zulong and Qinglong uttered out in amazement at their brother's accomplishment. The winged dragon danced across the air repeating his martial form in an elongated body resembling a dancing dragon. He brought rain and prosperity to the lands of Yingzhou, causing flowers to start blossoming on the beach.

"What is this?" Even Da Hai who had returned with an empty barrel of wine dropped his barrel at this sight with a look of wonder. The thud of the wooden container caught the attention of the three dragon disciples.

"Greetings master," the three bowed in submission. Da Hai trudged up to them immediately, cleansing the alcohol from his system. He waved his arms around like a fool before blossoming out into a smile.

"How... how amazing! Truly spectacular Yinglong," he laughed in joy. "Well done, disciple, that was splendidly done," he laughed in wild joy, so much so he shed some tears.

"Finding one's own path is a complex thing, what you have done in less than five thousand years of birth is faster than any lifeforms I have ever witnessed," he praised in uncontrollable pride. His open showing of emotions shocked the three dragons, they had never seen their master like this in the thousands of years they'd known him.

Yinglong transformed back into his human form as Da Hai celebrated in pride. His middle aged face showed a wide smile. "Come, this calls for a celebration," he announced, leading the three to his palace.

Although Zulong felt incredibly happy for his brother, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. He was the eldest, yet why was he the worst.

That night Zulong meditated by himself in his cave abode. The rocky walls were filled with cracks and dents, all victims of his frustrations. Luckily for the dragon, Yingzhou was incredibly durable.

Da Hai sat by himself in his own private chambers as well looking at the ceiling. He was frowning the whole time. Time and again he had to remind himself, the dragons were a means to an end. They were destined for death, he shouldn't get too attached.

He needed the dragons for their potential. He needed three powerful fighters who could help him kill Luohu and Hongjun. fighters who also had destinies to become great leaders to influence the world. But somewhere deep down was a feeling he desperately tried to crush.

"A means to an end, a means to an end," he whispered again and again.

But then he groaned. leaning his face into his palms, he released a low growl.

"What the hell am I even doing?"