Leaving the Nest

"He should be here by now," Zulong grunted impatiently with his arms folded.

"No rush big brother, you know how he is. He's probably sightseeing, so give little brother some time," Yinglong reassured.

The two dragons drifted above the East Ocean waiting for a hole in reality to open. According to their master, Qinglong should be exiting the starry skies around this area. The brothers had not been together for a long time. Now with Zulong's return, they were only waiting for the azure dragon.

As the duo were chatting, the sky above the East Sea began distorting. Reality itself split in two and two nine digit azure claws gripped both sides of the cut and ripped it open. The azure dragon Qinglong flew out of the void between dimensions and returned to the vast wilderness.

"Brothers," Qinglong cried out in happiness. The titanic dragon transformed into a young man in his early twenties who greeted the elder dragons. They shared a hug and laughed in happiness at their reunion.

"My younger brothers have worked hard. It makes me proud as the eldest sibling," Zulong ruffled Qinglong and Yinglong much to their chagrin. Nevertheless they smiled in contentment.

"Nonsense, how can we compare to elder brother? Not only reaching the apex of Great Unity Golden Immortal but also building the greatest city this side of the world? You are the exceptional one," Yinglong and Qinglong praised.

"A small matter, a small matter," the three reminisced together as they continued on their journey. The clouds above the East Sea conglomerated, bringing into being the mystical form of Yingzhou. Da Hai had revealed the mountain's location again.

Da Hai appraised his disciples with satisfaction. Going by his calculations, Zulong should have overtaken Zufeng and Zulin. However he was still a distance from being able to challenge the godfiends of old. However, that distance wasn't large.

The sea god gazed down at his hand. It was covered by silk bandages. Just the reminder of his spar against Zulong gave him shudders. No magic of any kind was used, and he only barely managed to win.

It wasn't because Zulong was a better fighter then Da Hai nor was he more experienced as a combatant. The dragon's physical strength was just that mind boggling. Da Hai's bones had fractured and he had no doubt that if they both assumed their true forms, Zulong would still be physically stronger.

"There is not much left here for them anymore," he muttered as the dragons went to Zulong's abode for a drink. The moth fairies were busy doing chores around Yingzhou and the carps were not sentient yet.

The dragons drank and ate the rich mulberry fruits from the Fusang tree and exotic seafood. Zulong brought out things he'd collected over the years from various juices, dishes, and his own attempts to mimic Da Hai's wine. This was all done through special pouches enchanted with its own pocket dimension.

Innate creatures were animals themselves. During conflicts they too would hunt and consume each other though always from other clans. The act of consuming those within one's own clan was seen as deeply taboo. Zulong had been presented numerous types of meat many times during his tenure as city lord.

"Elder brother, how far are you from becoming a Chaos Immortal?" Qinglong asked after he swallowed a slab of eel meat.

"Shouldn't be far, my Dao fruit is already beginning to take shape. Give me a few thousand years and I'll break through," Zulong said confidently.

"Yes, then we can finally begin with elder brother's dream," Yinglong said. "Have you given any thought on how the conquest will begin?"

"We already have a base with the turtles and I can convince them to join our side easily. The East Sea itself will be simple," the ancestral dragon said.

"How so?" Qinglong asked.

"Can't you figure it out dumbass? Just by virtue of who our master is will make the task a simpler stroll," Zulong explained. Qinglong slapped his forehead at the realisation. He felt a bit embarrassed at having forgotten that detail.

"Master has never taken any interest in controlling the East Sea nor founded any kingdom. His intentions are clear, from the beginning he's been grooming me to take command of the sea," Zulong said. His brothers nodded, that detail was very obvious even without hindsight. Zulong's education specifically geared more towards his ambition than cultivation.

"The other seas will be troublesome," Zulong murmured. "I've only vague ideas about them. The south is supposedly peaceful, if very militarised, the north is very desolate, and the west is too far away for any concrete news."

"Big brother, why not visit and have a look?" Qinglong offered.

"Yes, that's a good idea," Zulong smiled.

"But brother, we have no idea on their exact situation," Yinglong countered. "I think it's better to consolidate ourselves in the East and then slowly expand outwards. Keep to what we're familiar with."

"Second brother, what's the harm in exploring outside the East Sea? Big brother is fully confident in gaining the east. I say it's better to scout the rest of the seas first," Qinglong retorted.

"Are we sure that isn't your wanderlust talking?" Yinglong criticised.

"I won't deny that," Qinglong said. "We've been cooped up in the east for so long. We're nearly ten thousand years old, for heaven's sake, yet we still haven't seen more than the east."

"So what? Most creatures don't live past a few thousand years. We can always explore later,"

"And I say we can consolidate later. What's the hurry in forming our kingdom now?"

"And what's the hurry in seeing the world? Who knows if the opportunity granted to us by big brother will vanish after we return?"

"That's enough, brothers," Zulong announced, tapping the table. "Both of your ideas are valid. But Qinglong is right, we should familiarise ourselves with the rest of the world first."

"But big brother, is now not the perfect opportunity?" Yinglong asked. "We already have a base, and you are a known friendly individual in the East Sea. This will not be like that year, we have a status with master at our backs and a proven leader in you."

"Our divine status awarded by master will always be present now or a hundred thousand years from now. We can afford to wait," Zulong reassured. He took a long drink from his glass.

"My decision is final, tomorrow I will inform master of our plans," he announced. His brothers could only nod their heads. With that, plans were made and the brothers began preparing their journey.

Mt Sumeru

The heart of the devilish Dao was thriving with billions of new recruits joining each year. The spread of the path had allowed many powerful experts to arise. The legions of the devil ancestor were at this period of time the greatest in the world.

The mountain was enveloped by rich spiritual power. Enough power to crush even Golden Immortals. The disciples of the devilish Dao know not to wantonly enter Mt Sumeru. The home of their ancestors was not a place anyone could step into. Only a few beings resided here.

Luohu, dressed in comfortable rich robes that were a mixture of black, red, and gold strolled through the mountain. He hummed to himself a tune Da Hai would've recognised as a song from earth. 'Not Gonna Die' by Skillet.

The devil ancestor was without any weapons. He still wore his amiable smile and appeared very friendly. He strolled along a rocky ravine that was a well known track for those living on the mountain. The second in command of the devilish Dao requested this place.

Luohu walked out of the ravine to a small cliff face overlooking distant temples and courtyards. The western continent had flourished over the years. Many temples and schools were set up to train those in the devilish Dao, to embrace sensual emotions and live by the desires within.

The true name for the devilish Dao founded by Luohu should be the path of seven emotions and six desires. The Devil who lives by this principle does whatever he or she pleases. The Devil is omnipotent, infinite, he is free to decide all things in this world. Strive to become the devil, to break all chains set upon oneself by outside forces. Accept the truth within, embrace all emotion and desires.

"Found you," Luohu called out. Another figure was sitting by himself upon the cliff overlooking the Solar Star setting in the horizon. His face was adorned with three dark eyes glowing with pupils that were bright white lights. He had long silvery hair and tanned brown skin. He was Mara, the demon king of the sixth heaven.

"What do you want," the demon king said, displaying no emotion in his flat tone.

"Why do I need a reason to see my younger brother?" Luohu laughed and plopped down beside Mara. "Frankly, I'm sick of your moody attitude. Every year, every single fucking year, you stop doing your job and sit here and mope."

Luohu pointed at a distant mountain, "You're lucky Hundun is willing to cover for you."

"And here I thought you advocated freedom," Mara chuckled.

"You can do whatever you want, but I too can do whatever I want," Luohu countered. Mara chuckled before going into full blown laughter.

"I'll get back to instructing after next week," Mara said. "It's not too long of a break anyway. Let them do whatever they want for the week."

"Fine," Luohu relented. "But this same shtick is getting old Mara. When will you stop moping?"

"When that blue bastard dies," the demon king replied. "When the stars go out, when you merge the universes. I'll hunt him down myself and personally take this head," he grinned with demented glee.

"And I will be by your side, that was our pact," Luohu said. "Even after all these yours, your rage still burns strong. It's good motivation, isn't it, Kama?"

"Kama is gone," Mara corrected. "Only Mara is left. I am the demon king of the sixth heaven. Second in command of the devilish Dao and rest assured, I am your friend and ally till the end of days. So says our pact."

"I have never doubted you," Luohu smiled.

"So why come here asking for things you already know?" Mara inquired.

"Boredom, 99% of the new initiates died and the foundation hall is quite empty at the moment," Luohu admitted. "Besides, you enjoy the company."

Mara grunted. "You made the test too hard. Too many seedlings die."

"Only the best of the best of the best deserves to follow my teachings," Luohu defended. "Only they deserve to cultivate the seven emotions and six desires. It is not a path for the faint of heart. Only the strongest deserve to be devils."

Mara gave him a look before sighing. Luohu was very set in his ways. "If only you can put them to use," he said.

"You think I'm too passive?"

"You have an army in the billions. Attack Mt Yujing now," Mara said. "You overestimate the old man."

"You underestimate Hongjun," Luohu retorted. "That old villain holds many powers. The army will only get in the way. My lineage shall not be extinguished by recklessness."

"Suit yourself," Mara shrugged. "We have the clear advantage anyway. When will you attack?"

"When I am sure I have surpassed him," Luohu said. "You do not know Hongjun like I do. If he wished, he could easily compete with the Destiny Demon God at his peak. We must remain vigilant and cultivate. When I achieve Wuji, I will fight Hongjun myself. I am confident in my Dao."

"But not at the moment?" Mara asked.

"No, My Dao is still not perfect. I am still lacking," Luohu admitted.

"Well we have to rectify that," Mara got up. "I'll come to discuss the Dao with you next week. Now leave me," he gestured for the Devil Ancestor to leave.

"Fine, you better not be late," Luohu said, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Unknown location

A twisting realm of mystical power beyond mortal comprehension permeated the space of endless, colourless void. Gleaming bright stars shot in and out of focus, swirling around a god. A great divinity whose might was renowned during the chaos sea.

A being resembling a tall brute with thick muscles. He had glowing blue eyes but no mouth. An angular head and long protruding horns like a crown. His shoulders had faces of snarling beasts, both had long fleshy tongues that twirled around his pale skin like a floating ribbon.

His stomach was the face of a snarling wolf. Yellow eyes glaring across all things, as if it could see the existence of all things. His arms were long and bulky, fit with huge muscles. His palms were wide claws, like that of a bears.

His bottom half was not that of a humanoid. Below his waist was a mass of thick muscular legs along a centauric body. His feet were muscular, agile and paw-like. He had no fur and was all skin, pale white skin.

The Destiny Demon God, best of all chaos godfiends. Standing above the four strongest chaos godfiends. Stronger the Yang Mei, mightier than Huoyun, more frightening than Sichen, fiercer than Demon Ape.

He cultivated in silence within his own self created dimension away from the vast wilderness and starry seas. Since time immemorial he had ignored the existence of the world and focused solely on his own cultivation. To recover the might of Hunyuan Daluo.

Suddenly, a cut appeared within his dimension. Destiny Demon God opened his eyes. The cut separated into a gateway and four figures exited.

A middle aged man who was half black and half white. The chaos godfiend, ancestor Yingyang. He had not appeared once during the Shenni war and word had it that his presence would have turned the tides of the war.

A monstrous being, pale brown skin with ten feathery wings. They leaked bronze light emanating temporal mysteries. This being's face looked haggard and old, childish and immature, experienced and wise, young and virile all at the same time. He had four human-like arms and two legs.

Destiny Demon God recognised this man. A fellow competitor for strongest during the chaos period. Sichen, the god of time, an ancient chaos godfiend who held the mysteries of time. In one arm, he held up the morning, in another, daytime, swinging a third brought dusk, the last arm funnelled into midnight. He was the only one who knew his location.

The third figure was a younger man. An unassuming daoist priest who wore a compass on his sash. Just seeing this man gave people vertigo. It was as if he was standing upright, upside down, horizontally, and vertically at the same time. He was everywhere yet still in one position. Shangxia, the ancestor of directions.

The final figure gave Destiny Demon God a pause. He barely recognised this figure. An old man in simple purple robes, long fluffy white beard and long white hair tied up in a high ponytail. Hongjun, a relative unknown who came empty handed.

Yet Hongjun was clearly the leader. He held himself up in the highest position. Sichen, Shangxia, and Yingyang followed in his wake. Destiny Demon God noted their look of respect and reverence.

"The audacity to come here," he spoke for the first time in a hundred thousand years. His voice reverberated across this side of all creation. His presence was awe-inducing. Sichen, Yingyang, and Shangxia felt the urge to prostrate themselves.

Yet Hongjun stood still, unaffected. "Fellow daoist, we're only here to talk," he said lightly.

"The audacity to command me," Destiny Demon God began moving. He was slowly raising his right arm. A single attack from him, even in a diminished state, will easily slap a peak Daluo Golden Immortal to death.

"I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding. Fellow daoist, we're only here to talk," Hongjun insisted politely.

Destiny Demon God scoffed. He moved to attack.

But no blows were exchanged. Destiny Demon God stopped before he reached Hongjun. He narrowed his eyes, gazing at the purple light in Hongjun's eyes, then at the purple clouds below his feat. He starred at Hongjun, who appeared very relaxed.

"Talk," he said. That was how negotiations between mighty figures began.


"Master," Zulong announced when he knocked on the door.

"Come in," Zulong nodded at Da Hai's voice. He opened the door to Da Hai's study. His master was doing some light calligraphy on a piece of silk sheet. He could make out the characters of the chaos godfiend's language.

The head moth fairy was by his side with an ink pot in hand and spare brushes. She stood demurely with little presence. Ordinary cultivators will not even notice her presence.

"Master, I have a request to make," Zulong began.

"I know what you want to say," Da Hai said much to Zulong's expectations. After all, nothing happened in Yingzhou without Da Hai's notice.

"You have my permission to go on your trip," Da Hai said. He raised his hand over the silk sheet. The characters glowed in hot blue light before setting. Da Hai took the calligraphy piece and placed it into a silk satchel.

He levitated the satchel and threw it to Zulong who caught it with his hands. "These are some single-use talismans," Da Hai explained. "They contain my own power and should be enough to defend you when necessary."

"Many thanks master," Zulong bowed in respect.

"No need to thank me. Remember to ensure your safety first," Da Hai said.

"This disciple will remember that," Zulong said while putting the silk satchel away. He looked at the head moth fairy and thanked her as well. She and her sisters were responsible for producing the silk Yingzhou now used for clothing, talismans, and forging treasures. It was a good resource. Zulong wondered if he could borrow her to work for him in the future. It will be more productive with him than his hermit of a master.

Da Hai nodded in satisfaction. He watched the dragons leave in anticipation. He could feel his own heart thumping. "Soon, just wait brother."