The Dragonic Dao

Gui Daiyu stepped onto the balcony of Zulong's palace with some hesitance. She found the royally dressed dragon standing in excitement before her. Smiling softly, the princess approached him.

"What's got you so riled up this morning?" She asked. Zulong tilted his head at her and smiled.

"I've gotten news from Yingzhou," the dragon said smiling. "Master has finally returned safely."

"This…this is wonderful news," Gui Daiyu gasped. Upon studying Zulong's face she asked, "Is his excellency coming here?"

"Yes, he wants to check in on my progress," Zulong said turning around. "I can't disappoint him. I have to show him what I've been working in for the past few centuries."

"Are you sure it's ready?" Gui Daiyu questioned. "This kind of project has never been done before. You still haven't even tested its credibility."

Zulong sighed and shook his head. "Yeah, it is much harder then I expected to create a new cultivation path. But I am confident that it'll impress. After all, I worked on it."

"Wow, I think your overconfidence is getting to your head," she joked. Zulong chuckled in response. "But in all honesty, if you're sure then go ahead. I've seen how hard you've been mulling over it so you should show it off. But I'll just say I told you so."

"All the more reason to," Zulong said walking inside the bedroom. "Master can give me suggestions and directions. His cultivation is still much higher than mine, he can surely catch things I've missed."

Zulong held Gui Daiyu's hand and offered her a kiss. "I am lucky to have met you. One more reason to be thankful," he said softly. He suddenly snapped his head to the side and smiled.

"He's here," he announced. "Let's not keep him waiting." The dragon guided Gui Daiyu out of the room. The two made their way through the palace towards the front steps passing by many servants who bowed their heads in reverence.

The current Zulong was not another rogue expert known for his combat prowess. The dragon now held a very high status as the inheritor of the saint of Yingzhou, Da Hai.

To the sea folk of the east sea, Da Hai's name was synonyms with ancestor. He was the cultivation ancestor of the east sea and their most venerated god. His temples were everywhere along with palates depicting his quotes.

As they walked, Gui Daiyu fidgeted uneasily. Zulong took notice in realisation of this and held her hand softly. "Don't be nervous," he said. "Master is not as grandiose as you may think."

"Easy for you to say," Gui Daiyu snapped back. "You didn't grow up attending festivals and ceremonies with his statue looming over you. This is our god for heaven's sake, I used to play around the foot of his statue with my cousins and siblings."

"I see what you mean," Zulong nodded. "But master honestly doesn't care much for formalities. He just comes and goes and talks like any regular person. He's not that bad, I promise. Besides, haven't you already met him?"

"Only at a distance and he barely acknowledged me," the princess cried. "Oh heavens, what if he finds out about the time I spilt juice onto his statue? I mean, I did clean it out and nobody found out but…"

"Ok Yu'er, calm down," Zulong said placating his partner. "It'll be fine, master already thinks highly of you. In fact, I think he thinks you're better than me." The dragon's reassuring smile calmed the turtle princess.

Unnoticed by both of them, Da Hai had already caught the entire conversation. As such it was quite weird when he suddenly burst out laughing while drinking beverages served by the servants in this guest room.

"This is so strange," Gui Daiyu whispered as she and Zulong entered the room. Da Hai sat on the main seat. Yi Fei'e had already arrived and sat down rather than taking the position of a servant.

"This small one greets you honoured exalted one/Hello master," they said in unison. The vast difference in tone was palpable. While they were both very respectful, Zulong was noticeably more casual and intimate. Gui Daiyu on the other hand carried a fear of rejection yet awe.

"Good disciple, it is good to see you again," Da Hai praised clapping Zulong's shoulders. Zulong was briefly surprised but thought nothing much of it. But he did note that Da Hai had become noticeably warmer compared to their previous interaction.

"And you must be my disciple's Dao companion," the famed sea god said turning towards Gui Daiyu stunning the girl. The princess flushed and looked away unable to meet his eyes.

"Truth be told I did not expect this development when I first sent you over," Da Hai said to Zulong. "Nevertheless, I believe she is good for tempering your more undesirable qualities," he praised Gui Daiyu while dissing Zulong.

"Hey," Zulong called out in embarrassment. "The follies of my youth are long over, I am not a child anymore master," he said.

"Of course not, you are this universes premier talent, above all else you are my disciple," Da Hai praised. He led Zulong and Gui Daiyu to take a seat and drank with them.

It surprised how openly friendly his master was being but it was not an unwelcome change. Da Hai had always had a more warm side beneath that cold exterior. Zulong never did know why his master was the way he is and he never pried. However, he felt his master was in a better place now compared to before.

Very quickly, Gui Daiyu left her nervous persona behind. The atmosphere became a lot more lively and the princess felt a lot more comfortable talking. She told all sorts of stories about Zulong and vice versa.

The head moth fairy sat a little further behind. She nevertheless smiled softly at the scene. For her, Yingzhou mountain was the most important place in the world. It was much better when their lord and master got along joyfully.

Yi Fei'e and her sister were not born on Yingzhou. But for them, they might as well be. Their earliest memories as themselves were as silkworms on Yingzhou. Their whole lives had been on that island whether they be cultivating or working.

Da Hai was not a bad person to work under. In fact, he was basically a teacher and parent to all of them. Cold and distant as he may be most of the time, he also spared no expense in providing for those under him.

"Here, this is for you," Da Hai said taking an object wrapped in cloth out of his pocket dimension. It was revealed to a pair of earrings pulsating with primordial Qi. Gui Daiyu's eyes widened when she realised that this was a xiantian spiritual treasure.

"A…a…a mid grade xiantian spiritual treasure?" She uttered. "I can't possibly accept this," she held the treasure in her hands like it was the most precious thing in the world.

Xiantian spiritual treasures of any grade were hard to come by. Even low grades were seldom seen and treated as national treasures. Yet here was Da Hai randomly giving out a mid grade like it was nothing.

In truth, part of the reason Xiantian spiritual treasures were so rare was because they were hoarded by the most ancient of experts who were there first. Da Hai might not be the most sociably of people but he does leave Yingzhou and nearly always comes back with treasures he picked up. Many seniors of his generation were pretty similar.

Da Hai stored most things on him while others like Hongjun stored them on their home abodes. Luohu was unique in that he funnelled his wealth into the devilish Dao.

"Accept it, it's a gift," Da Hai said smiling softly. "For all the things you've done for me, you deserve it."

"But I," the princess was momentarily speechless.

"Just think of this as an early dowry for Zulong then," Da Hai added.

'Wait, shouldn't that be the other way around?' said dragon thought gaining a weird expression on his face.

"Uh," Gui Daiyu managed to say utterly bewildered yet embarrassed. She could only accept Da Hai's gift.

"Good, good," Da Hai laughed in satisfaction. "You have potential, I can sense it. It is only a matter of time before you break off all chains in this world and step into the realm of Golden Immortal. Perhaps not now, but definitely by the end of this Yuanhai."

The princess smiled happily at the praise. With the recognition from the greatest god of the east sea came a desire to meet that expectation. Zulong smiled at the praise she's gotten, he silently vowed to reach Chaos Immortal as soon as possible as well.

Later that day, in a more private study. Zulogn entered the room with eagerness. "This way master," he said eagerly leading Da Hai in. He hurried to the drawer and pulled out a collection of scrolls and lay them on the study table.

Da Hai chuckled at the dragon's antics, only in a private setting could he be like this. "What is it that made you so eager Zulong?" He asked. He looked around the room.

Da Hai had always preferred to keep things where they can be easily be found. That wasn't to say he was the neatest person ever, just that he preferred a certain level of neatness that he imparted to the dragons over the years.

Zulong's private study was a mess of papers and models. Random diagrams and test tubes scattered about. Pictures of anatomy, plants, models of the cosmos and various other diagrams are scattered about.

From a first glance, all these things had nothing to do with each other. They were easily different fields of study even for cultivators. However, Da Hai had an inkling to what Zulong wanted to show. After all, this era was famed for a reason.

During the era of the three beasts, there existed the phoenix, the qilin, and the dragon. Among the three, the qilin and the dragon had numerous descendants forming massive clans. The phoenix was the only exception having only two children in her lifetime.

Although the dragon clan consisted of millions upon millions of members. The current world only consisted of three male dragons. What's more, the ancestral dragon was only ever recorded to have had nine sons in legends.

When Zulong grabbed one particular scroll and unfurled it for Da Hai to see. Things started to make sense. Da Hai held that contained a large summary of unique principles in his hand while Zulong gathered several others for him to see.

"How ambitious," Da Hai said in wonder. "I'm impressed Zulong, is this what you have been working on for the last several centuries I've been away?"

"Yes master," Zulong nodded. "I've had this idea brewing in my mind since I first touched down on the west continent. My further analysis of the north, west, and south has led me to a conclusion of how I want my empire to turn out."

The dragon held up a scroll containing a set of steps followed by an image of the dragon. "I believe this will be the ideal step to achieve this."

"Smart idea, unifying everyone of the four seas under the singular communal cultivation path. I can see where the inspiration for this came from," Da Hai praised handing back the scroll he held. "Do you have a name for it?"

"Yes master," Zulong said. "I plan to call this the path of the celestial dragon. or simply the draconic Dao."

"Very well, draconic Dao it is," Da Hai said nodding. "But I must warn you Zulong. This path like all others can only lead to the Golden Immortal realm."

Zulong looked slightly alarmed, "Wouldn't it be more beneficial to go into the higher realms? Cultivation is about progress right and enlightenment after all."

"Yes, and that is precisely why there can never be a path that goes beyond Golden Immortal," Da Hai said grimly. "Ponder on this as you create this path. I'm sure you can figure it out on your own." He took another scroll into his hands and frowned slightly.

"This will be a lot harder to achieve," he admitted. He eyed a nervous Zulong who nodded in agreement. "The creation of an entire race of innate creatures," the sea god mused. "It is very doable and considering your presence, a guarantee."

"I sense a but," Zulong said.

"But you lack key ingredients," Da Hai said. "The basis of life relies on the five elements. However, this is the easiest material to gather. The primitive world is rich in the five elements, even the winds, the grass, the water, and land are rich with it. Specialised materials like the five element soil are not needed."

"However, the other component is the three brilliance sacred water. This is where it gets tricky," Da Hai said frowning.

"I understand master, this is why I was planning to leave and scour the world for some," Zulong said.

"Already?" Da Hai frowned. "It has not been long since you returned. I can see how badly Gui Daiyu wants you here."

"I know, it's not anytime soon. I still have to work on my cultivation," the dragon replied. Da Hai stroked his chin in thought. 'The amends I need to make,' he pondered.

"Do not worry about three brilliance sacred water," Da Hai announced much to Zulong's surprise. "I will secure it for you."

"What? But master, Yingzhou for all its riches does not possess the quantity I need," Zulong cried out.

"Do not worry about that," Da Hai retorted sharply. "Worry about your own cultivation and your administration. Besides, it is a master's duty to support their disciple."

At this moment, Zulong felt extremely emotional. He was a xiantian lifeforms, whole from the moment of birth. Unlike innate creatures, he did not have parents. Da Hai was the closest thing to a father he has.

"Of course, master. I'm already close to a breakthrough. Within a hundred years I will ascend to the Great Principle Chaos Immortal realm," Zulong announced.

"Hm, very well. I shall await you until then," Da Hai said smiling proudly. 'Yes, this is a good feeling,' he thought.

"Sister, why are we here?" Zhuque asked following behind Zufeng. The pair of sisters had sneaked away from Phoenix's Roost and discreetly entered the east continent.

"You should be in secluded cultivation to restore your strength," the vermillion bird urged. Her elder sister shook her head gloomily.

"No sister, I have to do this first," the phoenix sovereign said. She lead her sister into a cliff face overlooking a large valley. The two flew down until they reached the entrance of a cave emanating with power.

A robed old man with the head of a vulture awaited them. "So you've come after all," he said slowly.

"Yes old man, now where is it?" Zufeng demanded. She was loathed to be here but her self confidence had been shaken. Any extra power was good in this scenario.

"Such impatience, hai, how good it is to be young," the old man said chuckling.

"Enough of this, show me where this five element light is," Zufeng demanded with strength. The ground beneath her shook and dark clouds swirled above her.

"No rush, no rush," the old man gestured into the cave. "This way, you'll understand once you enter," he said.

"Wait outside," Zufeng informed her reluctant sister. "If he tries something, kill him." She boldly walked into the cave.

This same cave accepted her entrance. In fact, to the phoenix, it was almost as if she found kin. Strong red clouds guided her deeper and deeper into the cave. The golden rays of destiny were now more visible than ever.

"It's true," Zufeng whispered. She spread her arms that transformed into beautiful wings. Her neck elongated and her face gained a beak. The illustrious form of the phoenix was revealed in all her glory.

She reached the centre of a cave where a large gathering of power sat. A small incense bowl lay beneath her but she paid it no mind. "This'll do nicely," she said excitedly. Five coloured lights began rapidly entering her body. Zufeng took deep breathes and felt her body strengthen like never before.

"Old senior of the previous era, thank you for this gift," she said when the lights finally dimmed. The multi coloured aura of the five coloured divine light shone in her head. This legacy she gained was one that was beyond her own expectations.

"Ancestor of fire clouds, a true monster of the chaos sea," she whispered. She withdrew several instances and paid her respects before abruptly leaving, after all, her beloved sister was still waiting outside.

Watching the two avian goddesses leave, the old man smiled. "Thank you for your sacrifice old friend," he said looking up at the sign displaying the proud words 'Fire Cloud Cave'. His birdlike features faded to reveal a happy Hongjun.

"The stage is slowly being set," he said stroking his beard. "Shame I couldn't get the dragon but no big loss. Now I just need to find that piece of Jade. Then my future is fully secured."