Melancholic Return

Silence, the only way to describe the return trip was melancholic silence. An uncomfortably awkward melancholic silence. Jian Koilong was too nervous to start a conversation and Zulong was all but ignoring his existence.

No extra movements were made, no attempts to flex their abilities. As a Chaos Immortal, Zulong's very movements would bring enlightenment to ascended beings and drive mortals insane. His very presence when unrestricted would bathe entire islands for the primitive world with mysterious phenomenons.

However, none of that was shone. No elaborate aura, no beautiful clouds, not even a dancing dragon. Just a man riding a cloud with his hands behind his straight back accompanied by a visibly uncomfortable teenager.

Jian Koilong found his interactions with his patriarch to be deeply unnerving. Zulong did not even spare him one look, only looking ahead. In fact, the ascended dragon dare say he wasn't even looking ahead or in any direction.

Jian Koilong grew up the runt of his school. He was the one carp everyone ignored. The one who got the least. But he was also the most observant one.

Zulong had a very good poker face. So good in fact, that Jian Koilong could not discern his feeling. But years of experience gave him a feeling that indicated to the ancestral dragon's feelings.

If Jian Koilong had to describe it with one word, it would be chaotic.

It was deeply concerning. However, the lesser dragon did not dare bring it up. The earlier shaking of Yingzhou taught him just how far apart they were. They weren't even in the same dimension of power.

The trip passed like this for a month. At a speed Jian Koilong didn't think possible, Zulong crossed the ocean on a ride of clouds. After a little over two months, Jian Koilong yelped in surprise as Zulong abruptly dropped them both into the sea.

The sudden influx of salt Walter assaulted the ascended dragon who was experiencing such different water in such quantities for the first time in his life. However, he got used to it quickly after the initial shock.

The east sea was truly vast. The sea floor wasn't even visible from Jian Koiling's position. Millions of small lights floated in the distance, rising mountains filled with corals and sea grass. The ocean made Jian Koilong feel infinitely small.

"Come on, we have a schedule to keep," Zulong said coldly. He motioned for Jian Koilong to follow him then disappeared in a burst of speed leaving a torrent in his wake.

"Wait for me," Jian Koilong hurriedly followed after the dragon. His element infused body was tailored for such an environment due to him tackling the Heavenly Water Qi first. His speed was significantly slower though and it took him half an hour before he saw Zulong again.

The dragon appeared incredibly impatient. He raised his right hand and Jian Koilong felt an instant tug on his person. He lost all control as Zulong dragged him at impossible speeds down into the depths of the ocean.

As they went, Jian Koilong sensed more and more. Millions, no billions of living beings existed below. The amount of natural primordial Qi flowing through this place was also incredibly high. Not as high as Yingzhou but it was definitely the largest he'd felt since leaving.

'Must be one of those spiritual veins I've heard about,' he realised. A spiritual vein was a natural phenomenon that was essentially a layline running beneath the primitive world. They were gathering spots for large amounts of primordial Qi, perfect places for setting up a base.

'No wonder he'd set it up here,' Jian Koilong thought when the city came into view. It was built along two mountains and a valley and was enormous in scale.

The East Sea Dragon Palace itself was situated at an elevated hill and was a city in and of itself. It was truly larger than even Da Hai's palace and represented the definition of the word 'Power'.

"This is Kailong Chen," Zulong said without looking back. "This will be your home from now on. The Primordial Celestial Dragon clan compounds are within the East Sea Dragon Palace. That will be your future residence."

"Yes patriarch," Jian Koilong said bowing.

"As I will soon be taking the next step in my ascension. You will address me as your majesty when in public. Though in private among other dragons, you may call me patriarch or ancestor," Zulong instructed.

"Understood, your majesty," Jian Koilong replied.

Zulong nodded and proceeded to take them both into the East Sea Dragon Palace. He directly blitzed over the city deciding Jian Koilong can explore it at his own leisure. It was more important to introduce him to the dragon higher ups after all.

When he touched down gently on the courtyard of the royal palace, Zulong couldn't help but feel how empty it was. Not in the sense of people, there were plenty here. But just that many of those he knew personally and were close to were not here.

His wife remained in the east as well as his father-in-law. However, he was never that close with the latter beyond an awkward tutor. His brothers and closest allies were also spread across the four seas.

No one had noticed him yet as Zulong was very restrained. His regal presence was not felt nor noticed. He simply touched down on the stone floor as fast as possible and too fast for anyone to catch with their eyes.

"Ao Ping, get over here," Zulong called out through mental transmission. The elder dragon he called was one of the first generation powerhouses who reached Great Principle Golden Immortal.

It was barely a few seconds before Ao Ping appeared and kowtowed before Zulong. "Welcome back your majesty," he announced.

It was then that the many servants coming about noticed Zulong's arrival. They immediately went down on their knees and kowtowed for forgiveness in not noticing their ruler's descent.

Zulong shook his head, "Ao Ping, this is Jian Koilong, the first ascendant dragon. Take him and inaugurate him into the clan."

"Yes your majesty," Ao Ping said. "Nice to meet you Jian Koilong. I am Ao Ping, a grand elder of the Primordial Celestial Dragon clan."

"Uh yeah, nice to meet you," Jian Koilong returned awkwardly. He looked around and saw that his escort, Zulong was already gone.

"Let's go, the clan compound is this way," Ao Ping said bringing Jian Koilong away. "Get back to work," he commanded the servants still on their knees before leaving.

Gui Daiyu looked out her window curiously. One of the dragon elders had sped out in a burst of power towards the central courtyard. The former turtle princess noticed this and looked out to see what was going on.

Her empress palace was situated towards the back, behind the Central Heavenly Supreme Palace. However, her room was tall enough to overlook many buildings. Her enhanced eyes could also catch everything in the front entrance.

"What's going on?" He thought curiously, her book of alchemy forgotten. A sudden flash snapped her attention back to her bedroom. Zulong stood there appearing very downcast, very unlike his usual self.

"Husband? You're back already?" Gui Daiyu began saying before she was enveloped in a hug. "Ah, what a surprise," she uttered smiling but noticed his mood. "Is something wrong?"

Zulong sighed hugging her tighter. He began kissing her neck causing her to yelp in shock. "Well, I guess you missed me a lot more than I thought you would," Gui Daiyu joked. What followed was a long night of passion.

"Now are you going to tell me what is wrong?" Gui Daiyu asked leaning back in her large bed. Zulong cuddled next to her and sighed. "Zulong, I'm not dumb. What's bothering you?"

"I never thought you were," the dragon said. "Just…some things are hard to say."

"What happened on Yingzhou?" She asked seriously. "You're acting way out of character and not in a good way."

"Revelations," Zulong said depressingly. "Revelations about master, about me, about my role, about this world and the past. The future as well, believe it or not. Some things that put a new shine on my perspective, not necessarily a good one."

"I don't follow," Gui Daiyu said in contemplation. "You not implying the exalted lord is our enemy are you?" She gasped in shock.

"No, and he never will be," Zulong shook his head cuddling closer. "But we can count on him to defend us. But we can't count on him to help us."

"What? But he's your master. He's the backing of our four seas empire and the Primordial Dragon Clan," she listed.

"Yes, he's my greatest backer. But I don't think he'd be willing to be my empire's backer," Zulong said. "But that doesn't matter." The dragon looked lovingly at his wife.

"I am the dragon. I am all the backer this empire needs," he promised.

"Tall order, there are beings in this world more powerful than you," Gui Daiyu said.

"I'll grow to surpass them. I'll continue to refine my strength. Continue to improve. I'll show master I won't bend over for fate," he said gripping his fist.

"This future," Gui Daiyu said. "Is it truly so bad?"

Zulong leaned close to Gui Daiyu. His forehead touched hers and he began sharing what he'd seen. Everything that had to do with the path of heavenly destiny. He'd left out all of Da Hai's private details though, it would've been disrespectful otherwise.

Gui Daiyu shuddered after the transfer of memories was over. She looked fearfully at Zulong and clutched her slightly bulging stomach.

"We'll have to be careful," Zulong said. "From now on, we'd have to be extra careful in how we do things. Our karmic luck must not be allowed to fall. We must not allow our negative karma to exceed our positive karma."

"I understand," his wife replied gently. "In that case, I assume you'd still follow through with your coronation."

"The preparations should be done in a few decades. Probably even less. But yes, I will crown myself for all the world to see. Let the Heavenly Dao witness me in all my glory," Zulong promised. "I will fight for my goal. But Yu'er, I will not die and leave you behind, this I vow above all else."

"I'll hold you to that," the primordial turtle said giving the dragon a kiss.

Sitting upon an elaborate throne of made of smooth azure stone. The emperor of beasts, Zulin sat with his head leaning on his knuckle. His royal palace was located high up in the mountains, above the clouds on the highest peak of the north continent.

"Your majesty, reports on the northern borders," a lion minister said handing over a scroll.

Zulin hovered the scroll before him and read it twice. "Hmph, let them have that desolate water hole. The true riches of the north have long since dissipated into the continent proper," he dismissed.

"Your majesty, are we to continue pushing southwards?" The lion minister asked. Zulin sent him a look of annoyance as if he just said the dumbest thing in the world.

"What do you think," Zulin sneered. The lion realising his mistake immediately began apologising, however, Zulin merely tuned him out.

"I tire of this session. Court dismissed," Zulin ordered sending the thousands of ministers out of his Grand Heavenly Palace. All except one.

This young minister appeared very young, only around twelve years old. However, he had an intelligent look to him that made him stand out.

This boy was exceptionally handsome lacking any fat. He was lean and fit and appeared very effeminate with no facial hair unlike Zulin's beard. What's more, he heavily resembled Zulin and had antlers of his own.

"Emperor father, you shouldn't bully around our vassals too much," the boy criticised. "They are important assets to our empire and their loyalties are necessary."

"What do you understand boy? In front of the main force, these vassals are merely decorations," Zulin said in dismissal. "You should be cultivating like the rest of your siblings. Your old man can deal with the court."

"I like playing in the court," the boy said mischievously.

"Qi An, don't make me discipline you," Zulin warned playfully.

"Of course not emperor father," Qi An shook his head. "I bring peace to the court. I have no intention of bothering you. My purpose here is merely to help you."

"Hmph, good boy, you did a good job with the Savage Eagles," Zulin praised. "I don't know if any of your siblings could match up with you."

"They were plotting behind your back emperor father. It was natural for me to dispose of them," Qi An smiled brightly.

"Speaking off, are you really going to ignore the dragons?" Qi An asked.

"The central continent provides a rare opportunity for us," Zuling said. "It is far more important than a mere north sea. Besides, you have clean eyesight, don't you see how fat the pig's becoming?"

"Too fat in my opinion. I don't think even top grade xiantian spiritual treasures can old all that down," Qi An said. "Does make me wonder, are they purposefully luring you in?"

"They shouldn't have any idea what I can do," Zulin dismissed. "My speciality isn't like the dragons nor the phoenix's down south. Don't worry your little head over this son. I'll handle everything."

"Of course emperor father, I have every faith in you," Qi An nodded smiling brightly. In fact, his smile was almost creepy with how wide it was.

"That's my boy, much better than those second hand wastes Zulong produced," Zulin sneered. "Run along now, I want to see you breakthrough in the next thousand years."

"Of course emperor father, have a nice day," Qi An waved goodbye childishly transforming into a beautiful red qilin and sprinting out of the palace on his four hoofs.

Similar to Zulong, Zulin had created his own clan, The Heavenly Qilin Clan. This imperial clan was formed from what life giving recourses Zulin had found over the years that allowed him to create them.

Zulong's actions have merit. Having one's own clan was much better than mindless drones that were bug beasts and the inferior specimens that were the common creatures.

Unlike Zulong, Zulin could not create millions of living beings. He simply did not have that kind of resource. Instead, he used what little he could, mixed with the merits of heaven to create a small but powerful clan of mighty beings.

The ancestral qilin gave birth to a thousand children. These children were all Heavenly Immortals at birth. Nearly all of them had also ascended to the Golden Immortal realm. The son he was most proud of, Qi An, the pacifying prince was a Great Principle Golden Immortal realm expert.

'Oh how lucky I am,' Zulin would often contemplate. He looked eastward in the direction of the East Sea Dragon Palace and sneered.

"You won't even know what hit you," he declared.