The Big Day

Kailong Chen(Origin Dragon City), the dragon city of opening and capital of the four seas was rolling in activity. The city that normally sported a population in the billions now had visitors that went into the trillions. Most of which was camped outside of course, even this city can't possibly contain that many.

The festivities had been going on for half a decade now. The people who arrived in advance of Zulong's big day waited anxiously.

Outside the East Sea Dragon Palace, a massive elevated platform made from the most beautiful and expensive of carved stone and jewels was constructed along with titanic statues depicting the dragon's power.

Across the city, it was as if Chinese new year had come. The streets were covered in colours of yellow and black. Banners of dragons were hung across rooftops and poles.

Across the streets, visitors roamed excitedly exploring the sites. Kailong Chen was being heavily regulated by the dragons for the past few years as to stop streets from being heavily clogged. As such a limited quota was placed on how many can be in the city at once discounting citizens of course.

As such, mighty dragons hung around the waters above the city constantly keeping vigil. Below them, visitors from all across the primitive world arrived.

There were members of the sea clans from all across the four seas. Members of the avian and beast clans from the east and south continents arrived. Even beast clansmen from the north continent dropped by for the dragon's coronation.

This occasion was far larger than the phoenix and the qilin's coronation. Those attempts were rather isolated in comparison to this global event.

In this vein, Zulong had already impressed others far more than his contemporaries had. His image was visually everywhere outside of the west continent. His name was known even in backwater villages.

The East Sea Dragon Palace itself was also full. Powerful guests had arrived and were given guest lodgings within the royal palace of the dragons. These guests included Great Unity realm elders, Golden Immortal elites and their clansmen.

Over the past few decades since Zulong left Yingzhou, Kailong Chen was becoming very overcrowded. Over the years, Yinglong and Qinglong had also returned bringing with them various higher ups of the dragons and sea clans.

Zulong stood smiling warmly in a special chamber deep within his private residence. The Central Grand pavilion in which he lived also housed this chamber which was without a doubt the most important room ever.

Gui Daiyu also stood next to him smiling warmly. Before the couple, a pedestal surrounded by an arena of various powerful spiritual herbs lay around in a formation resembling a nest.

Upon the pedestal was a single large egg about ten metres tall. It was shipped like an oval and was brimming with live energy.

"Incubation is going well, my son will take the world by storm," Zulong couldn't help but praise. His wife had recently laid the egg and proper incubation methods had to be applied.

Of course, Zulong was long aware of the possibility and prepared for this the moment Gui Daiyu fell pregnant.

"Well, based on his level of power, he'd probably make it to Heavenly Immortal at birth," Gui Daiyu started rubbing her chin.

"Aren't you underestimating him? I say Golden Immortal, my bloodline will naturally reach into the limits of the Heavenly Dao," Zulong puffed his chest up in pride.

"I just think you need to be more realistic. Every generation no matter how talented are always born weaker than their parents. But he will no doubt surpass me very quickly," the turtle empress sighed sounding a bit miffed.

Among the higher ups of the four seas, Gu Daiyu ranked towards the bottom. Many of Zulong's first generation dragons had already stepped into Great Unity Golden Immortal and had long surpassed her. Many elder generation sea clan members were also looking to break into the Chaos Immortal realm and attained the Great Principle.

Overall, the current primitive world's average power level was being raised. Immortals were becoming so common that you'd see one every couple of kilometres. Golden Immortals resided by the dozens in every city and Great Unity Golden Immortals ruled large settlements.

Chaos Immortals from both innate creatures and connate lifeforms had also popped up here and there though still uncommon. Rumour had it that some had entered into the services of Zulin while others remained independent.

Zulong himself had only successfully recruited Chenghuang who's shown very high potential to attain the Great Principle in record time.

One of his greatest talents, Leishen the thunder dragon had also stepped into the great prestigious realm of Great Principle Chaos Immortals. He was a rising star who'd taken far less time than it did for the first three dragons.

The Primordial Celestial Dragon clan was becoming obscenely powerful. Throw in all their vassals and they stood unchallenged by all except the Devilish Dao.

"I'll never get tired of watching," Gui Daiyu mused. Zulong nodded beside her. The product of their love seemed to also revel in their gaze.

Zulong tilted his head to one side appearing very contemplative.

"What's wrong?" Gui Daiyu asked.

"Nothing's wrong, Yinglong was merely asking for me," Zulogn assured her. "The ceremony's about to start in ten minutes."

"I see, it seems we really lost track of time," Gui Daiyu chuckled. "Come on, you don't wanna be late for your own big day," she said dragging Zulong out.

Yinglong stood on the ceremonial platform overlooking the city. On this day, Kailong Chen was crowded like never before. The aura of a trillion immortals blanketed the celestial city in a monstrous wave.

The winged dragon couldn't help but feel slightly anxious. It was as if the entire world had arrived.

Yinglong scanned the people present several more times. He did so as to identify any would be assassins.

While many elders were doing the same, Yinglong felt the need to do so himself if only or more assurance.

He walked back towards the centre of the platform to meet up with the other higher up officials. A collection of no less than a hundred clan esteemed leaders and elders from both the sea clans and dragon clans.

Yinglong saluted them acknowledging their position and joined them in sitting down in the second seat right below where Zulong will ascend to sit. At which point, this platform will merge itself into the throne room of the East Sea Dragon Palace.

The seating arrangements were not in order of cultivation levels but rather in status. Hence Yinglong and Qinglong sat at the second positions followed by the important advisers such as Primordial Turtle King or Colossal Shark ancestor.

Below them were powerful elders with leading positions like Leishen and Chenghuang. This was followed by guardian elites who had no real roles in the government like Xuanwu and Baihu or the moth fairies. However, everyone present was at least at the peak of Great Unity Golden Immortal or those who'd stepped into the Chaos Immortal realm.

"Finally," Qinlong whispered across from him. Yinglong couldn't help but nod in agreement. This day was long in waiting, in fact, it was far later than Zulong had intended when he proclaimed his desire all those years ago.

"Ceremony's about to start," the deep voice of the Colossal Shark ancestor grumbled. "His majesty should be here soon right?"

"My brother will be here when he's here. Do not question his integrity," Yinglong growled back.

"My apologies, it was not my intention to question his majesty. I was just making sure we're on time," the shark cultivator apologised.

"The right time is when my brother arrives, no more no less," Yinglong said. He wasn't too fond of the shark to be honest. However, he was not only powerful but also shared blood with his brother's wife.

Yinglong silently tapped his armrest and pondered on their next move. All the preparations were laid out and only requires careful development to develop a truly invincible army.

There was still some growing needed to be done in the other three seas after all. The north sea especially requires heavy amounts of work to fully realise its potential.

At the same time, he wondered what had occurred between his master and his elder brother. The signs were odd as when he visited Yingzhou, Da Hai was not there. Yi Fei'e had informed him he'd left years ago.

At the same time, Zulogn was keeping silent and rare spoke on their master. Yinglong couldn't help but feel extremely worried at this development.

If Da Hai abandoned them, that will be a terrible outcome. Although they were all to properly stand on their own two feet, Da Hai was their pillar support and father figure. The notion that something went on between two of the most important people in his life terrified the winged dragon.

Of course, forcing the issue will not help matters. Da Hai may be amicable to listen but his brother was not only extremely stubborn but also arrogant.

Though thankfully, not a lot of people seemed to be aware of this recent divide. Da Hai allowed his disciples a lot of freedom in the first place and hardly ever oversaw them aside from occasional check ups and advices.

Their master was overall, very hands off in regards to his disciples' personal activities. As such, outside of immediate family, no one else was aware of this divide.

Yinglong suspects that not even the moth fairies aside from Yi Fei'e knew. They seemed to be preoccupied with playing more than anything else these days.

Speaking of Yi Fei'e, Yinglong began wondering where his fourth junior sister was. As far as he was aware, Yi Fei'e should also be here. An empty seat was also reserved for her after all.

"Brother," Qinglong called out through their mental connection. "When's elder brother arriving? The ceremony is literally half fifteen minutes away."

"Don't rush our brother, he'll be here when he is here," Yinglong retorted. "I have full faith he'd be here."

"Cutting it a bit close don't you think?" Qinglong grumbled. "It'll be pretty embarrassing if he can't make it on time."

"Elder brother will be here, just be a little more patient."

"Oh come on, we both know he's not perfect. He probably got caught up in something. Probably seeing our nephew like he's been doing for the past month. Just check up on him," Qinglong begged.

Yinglong sighed mentally caving in. He reached out to Zulong through mental transmissions. It took a few seconds but he tracked the elder dragon to the incubation room in the Central Grand Pavillon.

"Big brother," he called out.

"Hm? What is it Yinglong, I'm kinda busy here," Zulong quickly responded.

"Sorry to interrupt your work brother, but your coronation ceremony is about to start shortly. Qinglong was worried and the other ministers are getting angsty without your presence," he dutifully reported.

"What? Already? Let me just…alright, we'll be up there shortly," Zulong said before cutting off the connection.

Yinglong glanced sideways towards Qinglong who was looking at him expectantly. The winged dragon sighed and nodded.

The azure dragon raised an eyebrow and threw him an 'I told you so' look. He leaned back appearing much more relaxed. Yinglong quickly composed himself as well with his back straight.

A few minutes passed before a burst of water swirled before those sitting. Zulong and Gui Daiyu appeared side by side. Wordlessly, they smiled at each other and Gui Daiyu joined Yinglong and Qinglong at the highest position seats.

Zulong meanwhile acknowledged those sitting present. He then turned towards the masses far below and walked forwards. His body began glowing in radiant light, so much so that the east sea began glowing despite how deep underwater they were.

'Go, address them my love,' Gui Daiyu thought blissfully.

'It is time, claim your rightful place,' Yinglong and Qinglogn both appeared proud and joyful.

In a distant continent, Zulin couldn't help but giggle.