An SI-Monkey Meets the Three Pure Ones

The forests of the east continent bore residency by a myriad of races. Immortal cultivators from all walks of live inhabited this diverse yet contested land. It was in many ways the foremost battleground of the primitive world yet also the most naturally beautiful.

Aside from spiritually overpowered areas such as Kunlun mountains and Mt. Yujing, many of the areas were dominated by either the dragons or avian banners. Only select powerful areas defended by Chaos Immortals of transcendent might stayed independent.

Here, in this forest owned by the Sky Shattering Monkey clan, Liu Er the six eared macaque sat dangling his feat in the air, munching on the limb of a deceased feline cultivator. In fact, he sat upon a mountain of half eaten rotting corpses covered only by the dense foliage of trees thousands of metres tall.

It was a starkly contradictory sight as Liu Er was tiny. The six eared macaque was barely over three feat tall and wore a leash loincloth around his waist. His face was one hundred percent primate and looked adorable if it were not bloodied by crimson blood and the razor sharp fangs he used to tear off flesh.

Many hundreds of years had passed for the primate and this time was spent productively. Motivate by the rage of his failure to attain a system, Liu Er began a journey of internal contemplation.

It took him decades but after many years of taking half remembered advice from martial arts movies, he finally was able to sense his own Qi. It took many sessions of sitting down and trying to feel out uniqueness from within his body but eventually he figured it out.

Luckily for him, the dense environment of Primordial Qi resembled that of the Chaos Sea's Chaos Qi. Were it the True Qi of later degraded generates, the process would've been an order of magnitudes harder.

But with newfound memories stemming from one quarter of the Chaos Demon Ape, he learned about how cultivation was actually done.

He had been expecting to need to sense and cultivate Dao Laws, but instead he learned of the need to create one's own Dao. It was utter bullshit in his opinion. Where would he even start?

Dao Laws were easy to understand. They were comprised of the facets of the three thousand Great Daos and one hundred and eight thousand Minor Daos of the chaos godfiends that formed the basic cosmic functions of existence.

From his inherited memories, he learned that what others would sense of these laws were only a small fragment of the actual Dao. They were in reality comprehensive concepts that adds to the internal and external structure of immortals that were produced by the actual Dao that was itself a battery of sorts. If the actual Dao were to be taken, reality may collapse due to it now missing a piece of the proverbial puzzle.

Liu Er had indeed thought about taking one of the Daos for himself. Such a deed would instantly skyrocket him to the Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian stage. He would essentially be assuming that Dao's creator's place.

For example, the Demon Ape practiced what he called the Dao of Eternal War. That Dao now resides within the core of the primitive world and only the Great Dao of War showed itself to be comprehended. The original Dao would contain everything that was Demon Ape. If the true Dao from the core was ripped out and taken by him, Liu Er would in essence resume from where Demon Ape left off.

But as soon as he had that thought, Liu Er shot it down. It was not because of any moral conscious of the primitive world's safety. Rather it was because of the impossibility of doing so.

He'd need to get through the Heavenly Dao and who knows how many countless monstrosities that would realise what he was doing and get in the way. He was simply too weak.

Hence he began on his own path. Liu Er hated to be looked down on. He hated the constant displeased, amused, or pitying looks others gave him. He hated it as a human and even now as an innate god.

So what if gods and heaven stand in my way? I'll crush them all beneath my feat! I swear to never be weak and to stand above all!

Liu Er reminisced with fondness as he finished his latest meal. His conclusion that he came to, what allowed him to plant his Dao tree after forming the primal unity was what necessitated his doing so.

Liu Er did not know where to start enlightening himself on the Dao. Such an abstract concept was one that he couldn't identify no matter how hard he tried. So he used a different method.

If you don't know, use others.

That Snake Immortal just entered the Golden Immortal realm, eat him and absorb what he knows. That cricket had begun his journey to the Dao, eat him and absorb what he knows. Two Great Unity Golden Immortals bordering on death from dueling each other, eat them and absorb what they know.

Liu Er kept eating, kept hunting, kept scavenging, kept scaling up until his own Dao took shape. A Dao of Devouring Assimilation. A Dao of incorporating others into oneself. A Dao that propelled him into the Great Unity Golden Immortal peak stage after a few centuries of living.

"This area is so empty now," Liu Er grumbled. He tossed the bones away and jumped to the ground far below. He did not acknowledge the corpse pile behind him one bit as he opened a palm behind his back and blasted them to ashes.

"Hm, these monkey's area is so poor. I'd love to invade the dragons, if legend is true then they are rich beyond belief," Liu Er salivated thinking about the Dragon Sovereign's treasure vault.

"Not much nutrients left either. If I kept scaling up I'll really catch the attention of the elders," Liu Er mused with wariness. He wasn't a stupid man, he knew how strong the Sky Shattering Monkey clan's higher ups were.

The lower level experts he could take down, his physique came from a top godfiend after all. But the stronger monkeys can defeat and maybe even kill him. Liu Er has for the longest time used his innate hearing ability to hide from the truly earth shattering experts.

"But where can I go?" He pondered. The east continent was large and expansive with many areas. But all were of similar wealth levels or even lower to where he was staying. Powerful unique sites were few and far between and were fraught with many dangers.

"Mt. Buzhou? It's so far away. Yujing is out of the question, but wait Kunlun is still available. That place has bound to have tons of good prey due to its even denser spiritual environment."

Liu Er smacked his own forehead at his own foolishness. By his estimate, the Kunlun mountains should also house a few top tier treasures. It was literally double the reward for the same effort. It was also where the Three Pure Ones were born, there are bound to have many goodies.

"Heh, I've always wanted to beat up the Three Pure Ones," Liu Er said smirking.

He'd never liked the Heavenly lord of the Primordial Beginnings all that much, nor did he like the Heavenly Lord of Dao and Virtue. They were nothing but back stabbing weasels in his opinion. They turned to the two pathetic bald donkeys from the west of all thing rather then their own brother, the Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure.

No matter their excuse, betraying Daoism to the two hacks from the west were unthinkable. Liu Er was frothing in the mouth thinking about it.

And don't get him started on the sorry excuse of a teacher the Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure was. Couldn't protect his own disciples nor his own sect. He had the audacity to lose the final battle despite all his powerful formations. Such a man wasn't worth respecting.

"The three descendants of Pangu are all worthless trash," Liu Er spat rubbing his chin. "But their bodies do contain raw essence from Pangu's nascent soul."

An idea struck Liu Er's mind.

"Why stop at beating up the Three Pure Ones? I can consume them and get even stronger."


Thunder rumbled in the distance stopping Liu Er's musing. The lines of karma around Liu Er lessened considerably.

"Pangu broke apart chaos and established a perfect world to bring about countless talented beings, this act is an act that was worthy in the eyes of Grand Dao and as such he was aware great karmic merit," Liu Er grumbled. "I can't kill them without shooting my karma to the deep end."

In the current world order, Grand Dao supersedes Heavenly Dao. In the days before Heavenly Dao fully consummate its power, Grand Dao's authority leaked from the chaos sea into the primitive world. Heavenly Dao should be respected, but Grand Dao will be revered.

Only in the future could Heavenly Dao take full command of the primitive world. When the Heavenly Courts are complete and able to enforce, when he six saints join hands in powering it, when Ancestor Hongjun merge with it. Once that's done, Grand Dao's reign over certain qualities of life would be over.

"Meh, doesn't stop me from teaching them a lesson."

It would seem this was acceptable enough for him to not become a luck pariah.

"So unfair, don't I deserve good things too? Hey Heavenly Dao, if you're watching, give me some good stuff. You should be powerful enough to show me the way right?"

Many Years Later

Three individuals walked out of a cave. Well to be more accurate one individual skipped out and stretched beneath the warm sun while another exasperated individual followed trailed by a kindly old third.

The first was a beautiful bright young woman wearing red robes. She had long black hair with streaks of silver that glowed like moonlight and a headless that held it all in a high pony tail. Her brows were sharp like sword edges and her figure, while elegant contained a sharpness to it like a sheaved sword hungry for blood.

The man who followed her appeared like a middle aged man into his forties with long black hair and long black beard separated into three prongs from each side of his lip and his chin. He wore blue robes that were much more elaborate appearing to be a noblemen. Upon his head was a crown.

The third was a kindly old man with a perpetually smiling face. He had full white hair and a fluffy white beard and deep wrinkles on his face. He wore yellow simple robes and a small crown upon his own head.

The first woman exuded an aura of sharpness, the middle aged man an aura of chaos, the old man an aura of tranquility. These were the infant Three Pure Ones. Supreme Purity Tongtian, Jade Purity Yuanshi, and Grand Purity Taishang. These three had recently ascended to the Great Unity Golden Immortal realm and decided they were ready to do some adventuring.

"Ah the great outdoors!" Tongtian exclaimed with a wide armed stretch. "If I knew the sun would feel so good I'd leave that stinking cave earlier."

"Not so fast third sister," Yuanshi called out hurrying to her location. "We need a comprehensive plan first, no charging out!"

"Nope, catch me if you can," Tongtian yelled back before darting off in a beam of light.

"Get back here you BRAT!"

Taishang chuckled with amusement as the two innate gods chased each other over the peaks of Kunlun. He kept an eye on his siblings the entire time and knew no real danger could touch them.

For whatever reason, most mighty figures tended to avoid the heart of the Kunlun mountains so even at the Great Unity Golden Immortal realm they were practically invincible here.

The Grand Pure One took a gentle step into the air and leisurely followed after the Jade and Supreme Pure Ones. He'd left his siblings have their fun for now.

Yuanshi chased Tongtian across several peaks before they both descended. This was because Tongtian had gotten bored of the exchange and left to check out something else that caught her eye.

"Come on, go little beetle. Beat that other guy," she cheered after landing on a tree branch. Yuanshi noticed that she was now observing the clashing of a Hercules beetle and a rhinoceros beetle.

'What was so interesting about a bunch of insects?' He wondered in is mind. In the real world, he called out towards Tongtian.

"There you are, lets regroup with eldest brother first. No running off recklessly like that and listen to your elders," he lectured the young woman.

"Hush you, I'm in the middle of something here. Come on use your horn," her lack of attention on him brought much ire to Yuanshi.

"Stop playing around, we have real business elsewhere," he said forcefully grabbing Tontine's shoulder. Before she could retort and further, space folded around itself and both innate gods teleported back thousands of kilometres.

Both reappeared right in front of where Taishang was leisurely strolling mid air. Then they immediately descended to bickering right in front of the old man.

The same old topics he'd heard a thousand times were expound. The same old talks of "let me do what I want", or "listen to your elders", or "you're too impulsive."

"Now now second brother, third sister, lets all cool our heads," Taishang ever the harmonised one, took things into his own hands before things got too far out of control.

The three had emerged together within a secret cave deep within Kunlun. Himself emerging as the harmonised one between two extremities whereas Yuanshi and Tongtian strayed towards either extremes. As such they all knew what their Daos were gonna be and took very little time to enter their current realm.

"Now then, which way do you two want to go?" Taishang asked.

"Shouldn't eldest brother decide?" Tongtian asked mockingly while glaring at Yuanshi's direction.

"Don't give eldest brother attitude," Yuanshi said harshly. "But personally I think we should all visit Mt. Buzhou first. It is the creator's resting place and the tower that holds all things in place. Even if we're exploring for opportunities, I think we should still pay respect."

"Hm, not a bad idea big bro. You do have good ideas after all," Tongtian said smirking.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Buzhou isn't a bad location. I agree, we can use the harsh central continent to temper ourselves," Taishang nodded along in agreement.

"Since that's settled lets head…hm?" Yuanshi's sharp senses picked up movement within space. His flinching action caused the other two to start looking as well.

"What is it?" Tongtian asked.

Taishang closed his eyes and sensed with his divine sense. "A Great Unity Golden Immortal approaches."

"Now? I thought we were expending enough energy to keep them away?"

The Three Pure Ones were not simple beings. All three were not only innate gods born of heaven and earth, but also direct descendants of pseudo Dao Ancestor Pangu. They were naturally powerful.

All three of them had auras that even contemporary Great Unity Golden Immortals knew they could not deal with. As such, this aura acted as a deterrent when they didn't want to be bothered such as now.

Lesser creatures wouldn't realise the effects as they're fundamentally too low to feel them but they would've not been the target to begin with. So it was a surprise another immortal would actually approach them.

"Should we say hello?" Tongtian suggested with an excited smile.

"I'll go, who knows who this fellow daoist may want," Yuanshi said taking a step up front. "They could be thieves who want elder brother's treasure."

Tongtian pouted, "I'm aware of the dangers Yuanshi. I'll be fine, who in our realm can even touch me?"

Taishang kept quiet not interfering the argument. He was content to stand in the back and observe as the foreigner made his way here. In fact, that person was astonishingly quick.

Not long after, a small three foot figure summersaulted into a perfect landing on a piece of cloud right before the Three Pure Ones. It was an adorable looking six eared macaque.

Tongtian instantly squealed at the creature. It was the cutest little creature she'd ever seen in her life.

"Aww!" She cooed. "Aren't you just the cutest little thing," she made to ruffle the little monkey.

"Hands off lady," Liu Er said slapping away Tongtian's hand with a loud, 'THWACK!'

Tongtian raised here eyebrow withdrawing her hand, "The hell was that for?"

"You there," Liu Er said pointing right at Tongtian's face. "I'm looking for three people who live around Kunlun. They're called the Three Pure Ones, ever heard of them?"

It was an amusing sight for Taishang who opening chuckled. Liu Er for all his bravado was like a child in stature. Though he did wonder what the monkey wanted.

"Well you've found them," Tongtian said doing a midair twirl and gestured at herself. "Can I help you stranger?"

"The fuck?" Liu Er narrowed his eyes at the woman before her. 'Is this Xi Wangmu? She's supposed to be on West Kunlun,' he pondered while observing Tongtian.

"Don't gaslight me if you know what's good for you," Liu Er growled. "The Three Pure Ones are men, not some chick like you."

"You're misinformed," Tongtian corrected him and released her power in full. "I am Supreme Purity Tongtian, so who am I speaking to?"

Liu Er was taken aback. "So the Supreme Purity is a coward not willing to show his face and hides behind a woman's facade," he sneered. "Roll out here for your grandfather and I'll be lenient."

At this point Tongtian was losing her patience. She was trying to be polite as curtesy towards the cute little critter but since it wasn't returned she felt no desire to pay nice.

"You have some nerve beast. Apologise now," she demanded.

"Just you?" Liu Er taunted. He held out his palms and discharged massive amounts of power. The surrounding temperature dropped as Tongtian was bombarded by unfathomable amounts of bloodlust.

Liu Er didn't just want to beat up the Three Pure Ones. He wanted to bloody them, embarrassed them, humiliate them, brutalise them. When he fought he never held back, always aiming for the kill.

"The hell does this furry beast think he is?" Yuanshi stepped forwards crossing the distance between himself and Tongtian. He strode forwards in indignation on Tongtian's behalf.

"Mere animal thinks himself our equal? You think too highly of yourself to speak to my sister as if you're her equal," Yuanshi countered Liu Er by releasing his own power distorting spacetime around him.

Yuanshi leaked a gas like grey substance that seemed to be sucking the very air into them. Then they would discharge that same air as a completely different substance in a chaotic distortion of nature.

"I'll handle this," he told Tongtian. "I Jade Purity Yuanshi shall teach this furry beast a lesson."

"Finish it quick, I don't want to remain here anymore," Tongtian said flying back towards Taishang.

Li Er on the other hand was alarmed. This was not because of Yuanshi's power, no he wasn't scared of him one bit. Rather it was the fact that Tongtian's gender was female instead of male.

"So it's true? That's Tongtian? What kinda messed up world is this?" He mused. Then his head snapped back from the force of a chaos enhanced punch.

"Pay attention," Yuanshi punched with so much force that the resounding crack could be heard for many kilometres. Trees were ruffled and landslides occurred in the wake of his blow.

"Ant!" Liu Er clapped back immediately. He struck Yuanshi with a heavy blow that blew him back. The force of the seemingly cute monkey's arm was monstrous, far exceeding any of the Three Pure Ones.

If Liu Er was the god of anything, it was war. Fighting, killing, the spilling of blood, it was all the same to him. If the primitive world had a god of war in its most primal sense, it was Liu Er.

He beat his chest like a gorilla and roared, splitting the clouds and shattering the earth. The cloud beneath his feet disintegrated as he leaped off for a punch.

Yuanshi felt a bit embarrassed, the beast had not fallen to him and was now charging at him. He mentally kicked himself for thinking Liu Er was a simple nobody.

With several motions of his hand, Yuanshi formed a colourless mirror like shield that withstood the full force of Liu Er's punch much to the monkey's dismay. Yuanshi grabbed out with his left hand.

A gas cloud formed a massive palm that caught the monkey from out of the mirror. With one motion Yuanshi smashed Liu Er down onto the earth below with earth shattering power, uprooting the land and sending tons of debris into the air.

"That all?" Liu Er taunted as he jumped into the sky once more.

"No," Yuanshi retorted sending hails of punching from his gas cloud again and again. But Liu Er weaved around the assault and even allowed some to hit him to little affect as he smirked at Yuanshi.

"So this is all the Jade Pure One amounts to?" Liu Er said in a disappointed tone. He opened his mouth and unleashed a giant wave of air, easily blowing away Yuanshi's gas cloud.

But unfazed, Yuanshi gripped his palm before opening it. He revealed a ball of grey colour and along with it, he disappeared. Liu Er narrowed his eyes and his ears twitched.

Hearing something off, Liu Er turned around just in time as Yuanshi pushed the orb into his furry abdomen. The resulting hurricane was a fierce explosion raw power that tore at Liu Er's flesh.

"ARGH!" The six eared macaque gripped his chest in pain after the hurricane disappeared. He keeled over and spat out mouthfuls of blood staggering back from Yuanshi.

'His flesh is so tough,' Yuanshi grimaced. If only he had a xiantian spiritual treasure, he could better optimise his power and cave the monkey's head in.

Raising his palm, Yuanshi pushed out with he force of collapsing stars. His motion was reminiscent of the gentle movement of clouds. Each of his footsteps left behind jade remnants as he approached the monkey.

"No matter how tough your flesh is, it cannot withstand my power," Yuanshi claimed. His palm contained all the power he could muster at his current level.

"Origin Driving Palm," he declared.

His palm was like a hardened world as it slipped into Liu Er's belly. This one strike folded him and blew him into a distant mountain, slamming him into it with a massive explosion of soil.

"Brother really went all out there," Tongtian mused as she watched with Taishang. "What is that monkey?"

"A contemporary," Taishang said. "I'm sure he's an inheritor of a chaos godfiend just as we are inheritors of father god Pangu. Be thankful he too does not posses a suitable treasure, else second brother will be having an even tougher time."

The top part of one of Kunlun's peaks erupted in a rain of rocks as Liu Er emerged. The macaque had enlarged his body to the size of a giant standing ten kilometres tall.

His growled with rage at Yuanshi. His stomach was caved in with the imprint of Yuanshi's palm. The back part of his body was hairless exposing skin and a deep red mark.

Yuanshi frowned, his figure disappeared replaced by that if an equally big giant wearing imperial robes and a majestic crown.

"Furry beasts should stay down," he declared clasping his hand. His body released streams of gas toward Liu Er in an attack aiming to tear apart the monkey.

But Liu Er only growled. He allowed the gas to stab at his shoulder, allowing them to pierce his body and drawing blood. But he then raised his palm, gripping the gas and shoving it all into his mouth. In an unbelievable sight, he drank Yuanshi's spacetime manipulating gas.

"Animal," Yuanshi enhanced his control. He forced reality within and outside Liu Er's body to distort hoping to break apart the macaque's physical form.

"Haha, you really think hat could break a body as strong as mine?" Liu Er laughed aloud. He jumped for Yuanshi throwing punch after punch forcing the Jade Pure One to take steps to avoid them.

Whereas Yuanshi had natural control over chaotic spcetime, Liu Er's blows were physically strong enough to blow holes in reality. Yuanshi predicted that Liu Er's flesh was even stronger than a Great Principle Chaos Immortal specializing in cultivating the flesh.

Jumping back, Yuanshi took a bit to compose himself. In this instance, Liu Er fired a wave of air with his punch. The sheer force of which was grinding away at layer of reality.

Meeting this force, Yuanshi held out one hand. He allowed the force to hit his palm but instead of destroying his own flesh he passed it through his gas. It flowed through Yuanshi's body and emerged from his other hand.

Now it was in the shape of a drain shaped fire cloud which fired back towards the monkey. What Yuanshi had done was that he had transformed Liu Er's attacking force, broken it down into its most primal state then redirected it into an attack of his own.

This left Yuanshi a bit winded as Liu Er's attack was monstrously strong and he had expended a lot of effort for that. Still, he was amazed and embarrassed at the same time. He found it hard to compute that someone other than another descendent of Pangu was pushing him this hard.

But Liu Er was crazed in his assault. He ran through the blast of fire screaming his lungs out. His emergence was a hairless charcoaled figure was a horrifying sight for any normal person.

His arms were outstretched and his fangs barred. His only distinguishable feature was the three ears on each side of his head.

"You just don't know when to quit," Yuanshi sneered. He forced out another Origin Driving Palm into Liu Er's body. This time he put even more effort into that strike. This time he hit so hard that a hole was blown through Liu Er's body.

His abdomen was bloody and his ribcage was exposed. But he was far from dead. Liu Er's body remained unmoved even as his gore splattered onto Yuanshi's arm much to the Jade Pure One's own disgust.

"Got yah!"

Li Er's massive palms gipped Yuanshi's outstretched arm.

"Unhand me beast."

With a crazed look, what Liu Er did next utterly astonished and disgusted Yuanshi. He brought Yuanshi's arm up high with his overpowering physical strength. Then he bit into it.

Yuanshi's eyes widened in pain as a chunk of his flesh was torn out of him. He quickly uppercutted Liu Er with a pillar of Qi forcing some distance between them.

He glanced down at his ruined right arm and glanced up in shock.

Liu Er swallowed Yuanshi's flesh and licked his lips. Parts of Yuanshi flowed into him and he even comprehended parts of Yuanshi's Dao. Assimilating them into his own Liu Er felt himself abruptly grow even stronger.

"What are you?" Yuanshi uttered with disgust.

"Your better," Liu Er said with a smirk.

"Hey asshole," Tongtian called out.

Liu Er only glanced down as Tongtian's figure suddenly appeared before him. Before he knew what was happening, a slit appeared at the base of his throat.

Tongtian with a sword made of whirling wind in her right hand grimaced. She jumped back as Liu Er smashed down. "The hell is his flesh made of?"

She and Yuanshi glanced up and nodded in tandem. Both moved out of the way as a giant pagoda crashed down at Liu Er. The building's tiled roof drove into Liu Er's back causing him to cry out in pain.

He retreated many steps as the Heaven and Earth Exquisite Pagoda righted itself in the air. The tall pagoda exuded an aura of golden light blanketing everything in the surroundings in its magnificence. For it was a top grade xiantian spiritual treasure.

Yuanshi and Tongtian joined Taishang atop the right up pagoda and looked down at Liu Er's healing form.

"Are you alright brother?" The Grand Pure One asked.

"Yes, it's just a flesh wound, nothing I can't heal," Yuanshi said putting up a brave face.

"The comprehension you condensed, there's a chunk of it missing," Tongtian said with concern. "Forming your Dao fruit would now be harder."

"Nothing to worry about, I can recultivate and re-condense what I've lost. At most my ascension to the Great Principle Chaos Immortal realm would be a little delayed," he said.

"What's more important is this impotent creature. To steal from a genuine descendent of the father god. This sinner needs to be destroyed," he claimed.

Away from them Liu Er smirked licking his lips. "I take back what I said. Heaven is fair after all. As long as I don't kill them all is fair game. It'll be their own fault for not being strong enough to keep what they have."

He charged forwards ready to strike. In one instant, he was attacking with ferocity.

In the next instant half his body was missing.

Li Er gazed up in startle fright. For the first time since transmigrating, he felt terror.

The Three Pure Ones standing atop the Heaven and Earth Exquisite Pagoda was wholly unlike weaponless Yuanshi fighting solo. They were not even like a Great Unity Golden Immortal anymore. Liu Er felt as if he was standing before the Sky Shattering Monkey ancestor.

The Three Pure Ones stood in a triangular formation. The three rotated constantly vertically like three suns above the pagoda. In unison, they pointed their fingers out.

Like a gunshot, they blasted another part of Liu Er to pieces. This sent chunks of gore in all directions as the macaque screamed in pain.

"Motherfu…" then his lower jaw was blasted apart. Now that his flesh was gone, only a transient amalgamated light was left forming a skeletal outline of his body.

"Fuck I need to run," Liu Er felt humiliated. This was not how the story should go. He couldn't believe he was suffering so much.

"You, I'll get you all back for this," he cried out before his remaining hand was also torn to bits. Now Liu Er was left with only his upper chest and parts of his head.

"KILL!" The Three Pure Ones attacked together once more. They were like a tidal wave of our chaos reminiscent of the Chaos Sea. They crashed down like stars upon an ant fleeing for its life.

In an eruption of power, they obliterated the surrounding mountain range of Kunlun in a burst of power that would've severely injured, if not even outright killed Great Princple experts.

Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Taishang emerged from the pagoda a bit winded. Harmonizing together like that was a bit taxing for the three mentally wise. Looking into the distance, Taishang frowned for the first time.

"We failed, he yet lives," he said. He sighed in disappointment. The Three Pure One's were powerful in combat but lacking in speed. They could be very fast in close quoters but in terms of travel time they were still lacking a good movement technique.

"We'll get that fucker next time. We'll avenge second brother," Tongtian spat.

"No worries, I'll kill that monkey myself," Yuanshi promised.

Far away, a tiny one millimetre cubed chunk of flesh flew away at rapid speed. This last remaining visage of Liu Er promised the same thing the Three Pure One's did.

Though it wouldn't be long before they found themselves together again. This time on the same side.