
Da Hai's departure from Yingzhou was not one of much fanfare. From start to finish, he'd only interacted with his disciples and their family, all other inhabitants, maids, butlers, and what not were irrelevant to him.

Why should he make a big deal about it? It's not like he'd be away for too long, half a Yuanhui at most. Da Hai didn't know when but since his ascension he'd begun seeing even Yuanhui as short spans of time.

The minds of Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortals were immune to the ravages of time. They felt nothing even as insane stretches of time past. To them, hundreds of thousands of years could pass by very quickly.

Over the many years, Da Hai's feelings towards the Heavenly Dao were a little bittersweet. He kept his life and continued to exist with no issues. He could talk and be with his disciples without interference. For the most part he was content.

But no matter how he tried, he could never forget the goal he was motivated by for the longest time. The face of his friend was still fresh in his mind. Cultivators had long memories, even now he could never forget.

But for the time being, Da Hai pushed those to the back of his mind. Haotian has not reported any suspicious movements on Hongjun's front. Nothing he could take advantage of.

He rapidly exited Yingzhou's protective bubble and into the chaotic space beyond the primitive world. He stood mere inches away from the universal boundaries patiently waiting for his partner.

Qinglong flew into the heavens as instructed. Unopposed by any, the azure dragon flew into the void between realms and exited at the starry skies. In the ocean of stars, the titanic dragon activated his movement technique, taking the form of a supercluster.

The starry skies had continuously expanded over the years. Nowadays, living beings had finally started to appear. Star beasts and other weird creatures born from the surfaces of stars or the cold pockets of space. All of them lived under the protection of the Moon Star Lord, Wangshu.

From three hundred and sixty five original stars, countless others had appeared. They filled the cosmos, filling the cosmic waters of the Heavenly River with their essence. An area of space that was possibly even bigger than the great wilderness.

As Qinglong moved, these star beasts moved out of the way and prostrated themselves. The azure dragon was hardly a strange sight, non of the four symbols were. All four divine beasts were regular visitors of the stars and had residences here.

Though said residences mainly formed two camps. The Black Tortoise, White Tiger, and Azure Dragon palaces resided in the eastern quadrant of the stars while the Vermillion Bird palace resided int he southern quadrant. Qinglong and the others planned as such to avoid any controversies.

He travelled for the centre of the stars, where two enormous celestial bodies sat. The starry skies' rulers were the three hundred and sixty five major stars. But among them, seven stood out as special existences.

These were the Venus Star, the Mars Star, the Jupiter Star, the Saturn Star, the Mercury Star, the Solar Star, and the Lunar Star. The greatest mystical powers of the starry skies were concentrated here. Though only a single individual could claim rulership of the stars.

Qinglong moved for the Lunar Star.

As he passed by the other great celestial bodies, two flat haired figures looked up. Two three legged crows watched curiously as the dragon flew by.

"Brother, you see that?" The more excitable one cried out.

"Yes, that dragon I believe the race is called. I couldn't perceive anything from it without pain. It was almost as if I would go insane if I pushed any harder," the younger more reserved one said with a nod.

"If my brother says so then it is true," the first one chuckled. It stretched its golden feathered wing out at the passing figure of Qinglong.

"So that's the pinnacle? One day…one day I will reach it."

"Xihe, that is not how you perform the Moonlit Flash Steps."

Wangshu's irritation was barely concealed. She liked to consider herself a very patient individual but this was just getting absurd. One simple technique using gliding moonlight, was that so hard to ask?

Behind her, a pretty girl wearing a silver and blue dress grimaced. This was Changxi, one of the two fruits of the Supreme Laurel Tree and Wangshu's second disciple. In the moon goddess' lineage, Changxi was the most talented in learning her techniques.

From the Moonlit Flash Steps, the Yin Gradient Fist, the Twilight Starry Wave, to the most difficult options like the Celestial Crashing Star. Changxi has made rapid progress in the short time she'd been alive. She cultivated even faster than Wangshu remembered the dragons had achieved.

Her other disciple, her first on the other hand. Xihe was a disappointment. Xihe was Changxi's twin older sister also born of the Laurel Tree. Despite making equally rapid progress, Xihe ultimately failed to inherit the orthodox teachings of the Lunar Star as Changxi had.

Xihe was equally as beautiful as Changxi. But whereas Changxi exuded a calmer colder demeanour that was both gentle and chilling, Xihe was the opposite. She was

'This girl, so much talent when she was born but…' Wangshu sighed at her trail of thought. Was it this hard for Da Hai as well? How did Da Hai train Zulong again?

Xihe's messy movements had made a mess of the palace courtyard. Her foot had uprooted the earth and knocked a projectile into the side of the castle. How did she even turn a movement technique into an offensive one?

"I think that's enough for one day," the Moon Star Lord said.

Wangshu didn't really want to send Xihe away. What's more, she didn't know where to take Xihe's education.

'Perhaps Da Hai would know more,' she wondered. However, her musing was interrupted when Xihe cried out.

"Master, wait! I can do this, just give me a chance," Xihe pleaded. Her face was flush with embarrassment as she took a look at Changxi. Her fellow goddess cringed.


Wangshu wasn't sure of what to say. She'd educated Qinglong but he was practically fully realised by the time he came to her. He lightly wondered what would Da Hai do in this situation.

But before she could come to any decision, Qinglong's supercluster form entered her peripheral vision. Both Xihe and Changxi gasped as the great aura of a Primal Zenith Immortal bore down on the Lunar Star.

"Qinglong, suppress your aura, my disciples aren't ready for that kind of pressure yet," She called out. Although both Changxi and Xihe were comfortably within the Great Unity Golden Immortal realm, they were still less than ants before a dragon race bigwig like Qinglong.

"Apologies aunt master," Qinglong said landing out of his movement form. His human form condensed in the midst of windy starlight beneath the shadow of the Jupiter Star. His energy was especially rich in vitality like the overgrowth of a dense forest.

Xihe and Changxi relaxed upon Wangshu's words, this was evidently not an enemy. In fact, they began to recognise his image from portraits kept in Wangshu's Lunar Palace.

"Greetings senior," both goddesses cupped their hands and bowed.

"No need for that, we're practically family," Qinglong chuckled to the two goddesses' shock. "I came from Yingzhou's lineage and have studied under aunt master Wangshu's. Both our lines had been tight nit since the most primitive era."

"He speaks true, you can consider Qinglong here your senior brother," Wangshu added. "In fact, all the disciples of Yingzhou can be considered such."

"We greet senior brother," Xihe and Changxi corrected.

"Impressive accomplishments aunt master. I received news about them but its still a shock to hear that they'd already reached Great Unity Golden Immortal within a hundred years."

Qinglong whistled in amazement. Was this the young surpassing the old already? This generation of innate gods was supposed to be the final ones and the most impressive. Naturally occurring connate life forms of that scale would simply disappear after this era.

"Senior brother overpraises us, forming the primal unity is but a minor achievement," Changxi said.

"Indeed, at the end of the day, discovering one's Dao is the true path to becoming a mighty figure," Qinglong said. "Junior sister is wise."

Both Xihe and Changxi took those words to heart. Though Xihe eyed Changxi with a gaze of envy.

'It's unfair, as the older sister…why am I?' She felt guilt at her own jealousy. They theoretically had equal talent, Wangshu said so herself. But reality is turning out a whole lot differently.

"Since you're here, I suppose Da Hai is waiting in the chaos sea?"

"Yes, he left Yingzhou after instructing me."

Wangshu nodded at Qinglong's response. She turned to her disciples and began informing them of unfortunate news. Da Hai and her made a pact, they'd support and aid one another no matter the task.

"Xihe, Changxi, I will be departing for the chaos sea on a business trip with your uncle master Da Hai. I don't know how long I'd be away, half a Yuanhui at most," she said. 'Da Hai your timing is piss awful,' she added in her mind.

"Half a…but that's sixty four thousand eight hundred years!" Xihe exclaimed in shock. Was Wangshu abandoning them for that long? She needed her master.

"Xihe…" Wangshu hummed tilting her head back and pursed her lips. 'Damn it, why is the timing of things so bad.' "I have prepared many things for you both to learn in my archives. And…"

She glanced at Qinglong. The azure dragon was very familiar with stellar arts. "Your senior brother is very familiar with my teachings. He can help you in your cultivation," she hurriedly said even as Qinglong's eyes' widened comically.

"You will help your juniors right?" She asked. Though Qinglong felt like it was a command.

"Of course, it'll be my honour," he said.

Xihe appeared a little uneasy, though outwardly she was appeased. She couldn't help but feel that Wangshu was a little irresponsible.

"Azure dragon Qinglong, brother of the Immemorial Celestial Dragon Sovereign and the Dragon King, reigning protector of the four sea dragon race, and a mighty figure for the past million years," her sister Changxi chanted.

"He's supposed to be the best at stellar techniques outside of a few exceptions. An unparralled existence who studied under the Eight Directions Oceanic Suppression Heavenly Lord. Sis this could be a major opportunity for us."

Xihe nodded in agreement. They too were not out of the loop in the great wilderness' events. The starry skies may be out of the way but they did receive world news often. The accumulated strength of the dragon was unparalleled in the world.

As the matter settled, Wangshu floated into the air. "Changxi, you are most familiar with the Lunar Palace's formations. I'll leave you in charge of its day to day proceedings. Xihe, Changxi, remember that talent is nothing without hard work. Cultivate hard understand?"

"We understand master," they said.

As Wangshu took off, Xihe couldn't shake a feeling of resentment in her chest. Ultimately, her master was correct in choosing Changxi to be in charge. But she certainly wasn't happy about it.

Zulong watched the Solar Star setting in the horizon from his bedroom balcony. Night was falling again as it had continuously done so for the past ten Yuanhui.

'I can't sense master anymore, and judging by the pulse of lunar Qi, aunt master should've left as well,' he contemplated with his hands behind his back.

It was hard to return to home after his spar. His Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal cultivation base allowed him to traverse the primitive world near instantaneously.

He glanced down at Kailong Chen, his empire's crown jewel. It was amazing as always. Large televised crystal screens detailing the day's news. Roads and vehicles tunnelling through the water on their designated lanes making for easy transport.

His son Bi An had also just brokered a deal with an eastern tiger clan that allowed them to join under the dragon's rule further adding to its prosperity.

But growth had long since stagnated. The dragon's empire covered the entire four seas as well as parts of the east continent and edges of the north. Zulong, for all his talk of conquest, hadn't done much in the way of conquering the world.

Even the conflicts with the phoenixes, though still tense in their rivalry, was calm. Zulong had to date never ordered an outright war with anyone, just retaliatory battles.

He'd like to tell himself that it's because he had to be wary of the devils, of his master's enemies, of hidden ancient godfiends. That he had to expend resources to guard and suppress the Sea Eye. That he was stretched too thin.

'In ages past I hungered for the world. I lusted for all to be beneath me. But as I look at things now, I am content.'

He looked back to his room, at a portrait of his family. Gui Daiyu standing beside him and nine powerful children alongside them both. All eleven individuals were smiling.

But the truth was.

He just didn't want to.

He was content. He finds himself not wanting much else. Any wars now could risk taking what he had.

"Qin Niu, Yazi, Pulao, Denglong, Suanni, Bixi, Bi An, Chi Wen, Chaofeng," he chanted out loud. "Dad's so proud of you all."


Gui Daiyu's voice broke him out of his musing. His wife was holding a Comu-talismen when she entered. One of the empire's widely used products was inspired by tales of his master. An all purpose communication device that could connect to broadcast signals for news and chats.

It didn't even need cultivation to use and was fairly cheap making it a valuable tool. Its only flaw was the distance it could function in. They were still working out the kinks on that.

"I thought you'd be attending governor Square Sponge's birthday celebration," she said curiously.

"Cancelled it, don't feel up for events like that right now," Zulong replied. He strode for his wife with a smile.

"Oh, I suppose we can Mmmth…"

Zulong had spontaneously took her into his arms for a deep kiss. The empress gazed at him in surprise. "What's the occasion?" She asked.

"Nothing, can't a man relax with his wife?"

They retired for an early evening that day.

In the chaos sea, Wangshu approached Da Hai who sat crosslegged. Da Hai's eyes were closed in meditation but opened when the lunar goddess approached.

"You made it," he greeted.

"Naturally, I don't intend on going back on my word. Now let's go. I want to meet this Dao ancestor myself."

Da Hai nodded and stood up. He was prepared to guide Wangshu for deep into the chaos sea. "Be careful, we'd need to cross some turbulent space and since this is your first time in the chaos sea, it'll take some getting use to."

"I'm sure I have nothing to worry about with you here," she said. "I do want to make haste though, I have two disciples now and I don't want to be away for long."

Da Hai nodded. "Xihe and Changxi, how are they?"

"Talented, enormously so. I can see how they became so strong in the stories you told me."

"That future won't come to pass," Da Hai said shaking his head. "Zulong's destiny is now to be a ruler for aeons to come."

"Yet you're still waiting for Hongjun and Luohu to slip up and reveal themselves," Wangshu mused. Da Hai didn't dispute her. 'This obsession, it's gone on for so long. But honestly? I think you've let go of much of it,' she silently thought watching Da Hai's back.

'There are things you consider more important than them. I say it's better that way.'

As Da Hai explained the ins and outs of the Chaos Sea, his head suddenly jerked to his left. Wangshu raised an eyebrow and followed his gaze.

"What is it?" She asked.

"No, I just. I thought I felt something," Da Hai scratched his head. "Probably a trick of chaos. Transformations are numerous here. Let's get moving, we've wasted enough time."

As the two left, neither noticed a figure returning to the primitive world.