Wang Tian Hou

Denglong stood silently, as he had always done. The guard dog of the dragons remained still like a stone statue even as the other dragons and seafolk around him grew anxious. Not even his more diplomatic brother, Bi An, was spared.

But Denglong was very much unlike the others. He'd never been the type to lose his nerve nor would he hesitate. Decisive and obedient, that was Denglong. It's why his father favoured him to accomplish tasks above even Qiu Niu.

"The Solar Star has reached its highest," Bi An said beside him.

The fifth son of the dragon turned a sideways glance at his younger brother and nodded. "Lets get this over with, I have no desire to stay in these lands longer than I should," he said.

"Don't be like that brother," Bi An chastised. "We're here for a diplomatic mission. It's a turning for our history."

"Are you even sure?" Denglong. He wanted to scoff and dismiss Zufeng's seemingly goodwill but his father's command and his uncles assurance haunted him.

"Uncle gave us assurance. Father gave the command. So we're here," Bi An reminded.

Denglong and Bi An were expecting higher-ups from their rival nation. Phoenix Lords from the avians were meeting up with dragons from the seas.

Bi An was the one leading, Denglong was just here as insurance.

Sure enough, on the agreed upon time, members of the avians had indeed arrived. The Chongming Bird in all his chicken like glory(In his opinion) arrived with a retinue of phoenixes.

In this regard, the seafolk and dragons became wary. Every single phoenix were geniuses handpicked by the YuanFeng Empress otherwise known as Zufeng, to study the Phoenix Nirvana.

Dragons on the other hand were products of active breeding as well as indoctrination. But even the latter method, though similar to the avians, appealed to the masses. Hence dragons existence in all layers of the power pyramid while phoenixes occupied the very top. So while there were weak dragons, there was no such thing as a weak phoenix.

Denglong though has never paid much mind to phoenixes. Sure they made tricky opponents to the unprepared, but they were equally easy to deal with. A dragon's natural affinity to water and lightning can overwhelm the flames of a phoenix, this was his genuine belief.

Denglong himself had bested his own fair share of phoenixes. They always were common whenever the dragons or avians discover a new spiritual vein, particularly in the contested east continent. But it was equally likely in the southern borders too.

"Great King Chongming," Bi An spoke up first. "We are honoured to have you join us."

"Prince Bi An, I can say for many of my kind that we are pleased to be here," Chongming returned. "Great General Heavenly Roaring King, it is an honour to meet you."

Denglong nodded in response. Chongming's tone was one of respect. A respect many behind Bi An and Denglong nodded in approval of.

"That's the Heavenly Roaring King?" "Impressive, you can feel the presence." "General of the South huh, I've only heard rumours but."

Whispers went around at the back, all held in very hush voices. Even Great Unity Golden Immortals would struggle to pick up what's being said. But they weren't offensive speeches so the dragon higher ups did not mind.

Rather, they approved. Let them be in awe of the strongest son of Zulong.

In reality, Denglong felt slightly awkward. He was stripping the spotlight away from Bi An and this act made him somewhat uncomfortable. But he continued to stand behind his younger brother, deferring to him.

Thankfully for Denglong, Chongming quickly began addressing Bi An again.

Denglong knew of this old bird, even if he'd never fought him before. He was famously someone from his parent's generation. An innate god from the second Yuanhui, Chongming wasn't actually a phoenix. But he commanded even more respect than one.

"This way please," Bi An said politely, not a single hint of disrespect was visible from his tone nor expression. He looked extremely comfortable and relaxed, a far cry from some of the men on both sides.

Denglong held Chongming and his entourage in his eye for a little while before following the group from behind. This role was more fit for him.

They all entered the base of the dragons located on the shores of the south continent. An area the dragons controlled as opposed to the rest of mainland. This was where chairs were set up and talks began.

Denglong took a seat at the side beside Bi An opposing Chongming. He stayed silent as the two heads began discussing their talks.

He thought back on the past between both empires. The avian's history were a little linger than theirs by a couple tens of thousands of years. But it was the dragons who'd held onto an advantage in terms of size and numbers.

In terms of an all out war, the dragons would undoubtedly win.

That wasn't to say the avians were weak. They were a world superpower more than capable of making the dragons bleed and then some. They fielded about as many high level experts as the dragons did even if they did lose out by a few.

Chaos Immortals were the backbones of both nations. A single one is worth greater than countless Great Unity Golden Immortals. As such the number of these immortals were seen as fractions of their total power.

Ever since the destruction of the beasts in the north and the subsequent retirement of the qilin from public eye, Zulong had become overly cautious when dealing with another superpower on that level. The last time he did so, half of his total power were erased.

That coupled with the Sea Eye meant the dragons didn't have as many active Chaos Immortals as they'd like.

At the same time, the avians didn't have the balls to go on the offensive either. Denglong could calculate their overall strength and he often found them lacking in many areas. At best they could run away but what good would that do?

He glanced at Chongming and Bi An. The old bird as surprisingly polite and cordial in his talks. Not surprising as he was a proponent for an accord between both powers.

From what Denglong understood, many of the avian higher-ups actually wanted for an armistice with the dragons. They sought co-existence and an end to hostile conflicts. This party was said to be lead by the sister of the Phoenix Sovereign and supported by many avian clan heads.

"Big brother, I have received good words that the avians aren't reaching out from a malicious intent. They genuinely want peace with us," Qinglong had said in an audience with Zulong.

Zulong narrowed his eyes in an accusatory look. "It could be desperate attempt to buy time. We've beaten them at over nine thousand crucial sites of interest over the course of the past million years. Our momentum have led to sixty percent of the east continent and parts of the south to fall in our hands."

Qinglong frowned, "We've only had skirmishes and no large scale war had ever taken place. Brother, it is not worth the risks. Besides, isn't this what you've always wanted?"

Zulong looked angered. "You dare presume what I want?"

"I know you brother, I've seen the current you," Qinglong starred back defiantly. "Zhuque gave me her word."

"Of course you'd believe her," Zulong scoffed. "Qinglong this is no small matter. This is the Phoenix Sovereign we're talking about."

"But brother, she's motivated by the exact same reason as you are."

Zulong widened his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"Her children!"

Whatever was said between his father and uncle Denglong didn't know. His second uncle was always strangely affectionate whenever the avians were brought up. Denglong honestly could not say where his loyalties lied on that regard. He loved his uncle but he would still kill him if he turned on them.

Truthfully, Denglong did not care much wether the deal was passed or not. He was fine either way, his role was that of a protector. If this was the best way his father decided, then so be it.

Little by little, six hours went by before agreements were made.

"Thank you fellow daoist," Chongming saluted towards. "As gratitude, please precent this gift to his majesty the Immemorial Celestial Dragon Sovereign."

Denglong's ears picked up the sound of a box being retrieved from one of the avian's sleeves. It existed their pocket dimension and was carried towards his younger brother.

'I guess that went smoothly enough,' he concluded as he watched the ongoing proceedings. His nose sniffed the air around the man walking forwards for any signs of danger as was his duty. He locked eyes with Bi An and nodded.

"Very well, I will be gracious and accept this gift in my father's name," the tiger dragon hybrid said.

The avian with the box was one of crow descent. He had the appearance of a middle aged man with a thick black beard and the cultivation base reaching into Great Principle Chaos Immortals and not a weak one at that. But he did not carry the distinct scent of a phoenix.

Denglong concluded this was probably a clan head from way back when. His bone age was reading to be higher than his own after all.

"Your highness, may I present the Destiny Seeking Needle," the crow said opening the box to reveal a precious treasure at the highest tier of xiantian level.

Sounds of amazement and astonishment went throughout the room. A top grade xiantian spiritual treasures wasn't small business. Was Zufeng actually allowing this?

Even Denglong's eyes were moved. He looked towards Chongming and the bird had a weird look.

The crow was completely calm as he kneeled and held the box up towards Bi An. The son of the dragon reached out to grab the box.

Denglong's eyes narrowed as he watched Chongming's eyebrows raise. He flashed his gaze towards the needle being levitated from its box. As a precaution, he opened his mouth.

His senses did not hint at any deceit and as far as he was aware, this was a genuine gift. The crow's intentions were fully intent of presenting a gift. Denglong's divine senses read as much from all the intricacies of the cosmos.


The needle twisted mid air. Its sharp end pointed right at Bi An's face. As the prince's eyes widened in fear as the needle fired itself off.

Everything moved in slow motion. Denglong felt something was wrong even before an attack was made. His mouth widened, his jaws extended.

A terrifying torrent of sound emanating from Denglong's mouth roared out in a sonic blast. His sudden blow was so monstrous and urgent, that was not as precise as he'd want it to be. But no matter the case, his brother and the needle were both impacted.

The stone chairs Bi An sat on was disintegrated upon impact. The much tougher Bi An was knocked back. But the impact of Denglong's sudden attack made it possible for Bi An to narrowly escape with his life.

In addition to the momentum he gained, Bi An's quick thinking in the moments just after his realisation that something was wrong, allowed him to tilt his head just enough for the needle to no puncture through his brain.

But it was wishful thinking if he'd gotten out of it Scott free.


"GAH!" Bi An cried out falling back clutching his right eye. His bleeding socket leaked out particles of Dao essence uncontrollably. His remaining eye eyed the needle in shock before he shot streams of power like an eruption from a dormant volcano.

This combined with Denglong's cry obliterated an entire wing of the base designed to withstand opposition from similar ranked immortals.

Bi An fell onto his back a distance away. Denglong flashed to his side within a moment's notice. He looked up to glare at the crow who charged towards them with the needle.

"ASSASSIN! Honourees scoundrels!" A shark from the dragon's side screeched pointing at the avians.

"KILL!" Groups of crabs, shrimps, dolphins, and even dragons charged at the avians.

"You…you wait just a…" a crane cried out before he was ruthlessly cut in two.

The ocean forces charged relentlessly to avenge their fallen prince.

"Hold on," Chongming, having finally got his bearings back tried to cry out.

"Wow what a Chongming bird. So this is how he's really like?" A shark mocked before relentlessly attacking the avian. "You don't deserve to live you traitorous scum."

"Do not make me defend myself," Chongming growled. His flaming palms blocked multiple strikes coming his way. The avails were horribly outnumbered from the initial attack. Chongming glanced back catching sight of others being cut down.

Outside, lightning and ominous clouds, a byproduct of natural chaos tore into the landscape. The island the base nested on became the epicentre of a typhoon.

"You sea lot are sure dense, fine, you want to fight? Let's go, KILL!" The avian side, although overwhelmed, pushed back with killing intent. Both sides quickly spiralled out into chaos.

Blood was shed as immortals both strong and weak were cut down. In a bid to defend himself, Chongming executed the shark infant of him who exploded in a mass of dark smoke.

On the other side of the island, another scuffle came to an abrupt end. Denglong's canine body shielded Bi An's from as his thick head roared. His screech caused the crow's eardrums to burst and his physical form to cave in on itself.

"You filthy pigeon," Denglong said rising up. He knocked aside the needle, sustaining a pierce at his paw as a result. But he was close enough that a single slap from him caved in the crow's head.

The avian's true form fell, tumbling onto the pavement. "You're coming with me!" He gushed out in the final moment's of his life. As he did so, his black feathered body glowed with magma like cracks.

Denglong's eyes widened as he dashed for Bi An. "Get down!" He commanded everyone in a booming voice.

It thundered throughout the heavens and was louder then even the clash of countless immortals. It certainly caught their attention, even if it was a little late. The crow self destructed like a nuclear blast, catching both sides off guard.

In those split seconds, Chongming made a bid to shield himself as did many others at the Great Principle realm. The unstable eruption of power from a self detonation at the Chaos Immortal realm produced an insane amount of energy. Enough energy that a hole in reality was blown through.

The thick layers of currents originating from the void washed into the physical world. Countless lifeforms in the area who'd managed to survive the environmental damage from the clash were instantly caught and carried away.

Only the Chaos Immortals were able to resist albeit with difficulties.

"Grah!" Bi An cried clutching his body in agony. His face leaked flame like substances. Denglong saw this and held his brother close. His flesh bulged as thick veins emerged and even his eyes became bloodshot.

"Retreat!" He exclaimed. Whatever event didn't matter anymore. He needed to secure Bi An and fast. Without warning, Denglong bolted for the South Sea Dragon Palace.

Seeing this, the dragons and seafolk fled as well, unwilling to remain behind while the avians' top figures still here.

"The avians were a bunch of foul villains," a shark scolded as he left. "We will not forget this."

"Do not slander us, that was not us," a phoenix angrily retorted.

"Return, we need to get to the bottom of this," Chongming commanded his side. "Why would daoist Ya do something like this? Your majesty, could you really?"

Chongming shook his head. "Her majesty was explicit in her instructions. I need to consult her."

This was bad. Chongming feared the outcome. If Zulong was anything like what Zufeng and Zhuque said, he'd be rampaging. Things were going so wrong so fast.


"Fuck!" a figure grunted in pain keeling over gripping his chest. he huffed and puffed and spat out a bit of blood. "Backlash was stronger than expected," he said with bloodshot eyes. Luckily, there were only two occupants in this isolated room.

"Disciple," another figure called out.

"Master, I have succeeded," he said.

"Hm," his master, an aged man with long scraggly hair nodded. Then he slapped the other man with his backhand sending him tumbling to the ground. "You suffered from cultivation deviation you worthless fool," he spat.

"Your cultivation into emotions and desires leave so much to be desired. How could a youth taken in by I the esteemed Emperor Rippling Reflections be so useless? Do you even understand my doctrine? Do you understand the cultivation style I'm trying to teach?" he yelled pointing at the younger man.

"Apologies master," the younger man's eyes glazed over and he sagged his shoulders. "I swear to do better."

"Hmph," the master, Emperor Rippling Reflection snorted turning away and exiting the room. All the while he carried a deeply hidden anxious feeling.