Where it Begins

Suanni ground his teeth in impatience. His irate aura was beginning to affect the squadron he was standing among even though he did nothing except standing still.

"Brother, calm down," Chi Wen said from beside him. "You're getting to these men."

Suanni glanced at the immortals nearby and sighed. Then the oppressive aura lifted. Rather it retreated until it was only a foot away from Suanni.

"Surprised you can remain so calm brother," the lion dragon hybrid said.

"What makes you think that?" Chi Wen scoffed with a raised eyebrow. "Uncle is distributing the formation banners now. Once he's done, we'll follow father and end this once and for all."

"And you've come to remind me to receive my flag?" Suanni inquired expectingly.


"So who's replacing Bi An in the Great Overbearing Nine Songs formation?"

"Elder Leishen is taking his place," Chi Wen said which brought a sound of confirmation from Suanni.

As of this moment, the imperial army had just reached the South Sea Dragon Palace and met up with Yinglong. They'd came through from a massive tear in spacetime Zulong tore open above the east sea just as Da Hai did many Yuanhui ago.

This time, they were leading a full invasion force. One which consisted of millions upon millions of immortals of varying levels. But hundreds of thousands of them were solidly in the Golden Immortal realm. The amount of power here was enough to make the world tremble.

To even further this, Zulong brought out a formation long devised for his children to use. It was formed from a nine pointed star each represented by one of his sons and further supported by the conjoined power of numerous lesser immortals. But without Bi An it was undoubtedly weaker than it otherwise should've been.

Suanni was itching for action. He wasn't the most gun ho about killing the birds in the beginning but after their good willed negotiations were spurned, all bets were off. The flat haired beasts could die for all he cared.

He was just sad that his cousins could not join them. His father had wanted them to remain as administrative heads rather than taking part in the fighting force.

Right now, he wondered how scrambled the avians were. Their phoenix leaders should all be rushing back but without Zufeng doing a similar feat like Zulong, it'll be extremely difficult for them to cross the continent in time. It's only been a little over a week after all.

Yet that small week was the most pain inducing one he'd ever experienced.

Zulong had ripped apart reality on a fundamental level to marshal his forces. He was nowhere near as delicate as Da Hai and as such the void was in chaos and untraversable for anyone not already a Chaos Immortal. Furthermore, the newly sealed space was delicate and the slightest disturbance could open a fissure that could lead to a disaster.

But fortunately, Phoenix's Roost was not close to these delicate tears so they should be fine.

Suanni accompanied Chi Wen toward Yinglong. They both received tall flags painted with their respective images. Formation flags were not a necessary aspect of using spiritual formations but they were a great assistance to stabilizing and channeling power.

"Nephews," Yinglong said with a grim face. "Be careful. Your father is already suffering from this ordeal and it would only hurt him further if you also get hurt. I ask this as your uncle to please stay in the formation and defend our rear."

"I take it the strongest elders will be leading as vanguard then? What is Leishen supposed to babysit us?" Suanni scoffed in annoyance.

"Yes," Yinglong said cooly. "Leishen is stronger than the eight of you. He may be a Primal Origin Chaos Immortal but his combat prowess is equal to my own. Stay close together and within the formation."

The two hesitantly nodded.

"Good, now join the others. We'll be moving out soon."

The two nodded and took their stances once again waiting. They silently listened to the conversations around them.

"Man I can't wait. His majesty is finally moving against those filthy birds."

"Heavens finally, I've been waiting for this for a Yuanhui and a half."

"His majesty needs to be more decisive. I'd butcher those birds myself!"

"Wipe them out, wipe them out. I can't wait to start."

"Kill, kill, kill. We'll swim in bird blood!"

"Then I'll eat them baked, then roasted, then raw, then…"

'People are so bloodthirsty,' Suanni thought. He was himself in rightous anger, but it was like these guys were in it for a massacre.

Later on, a trumpet stylized in the shape of a dragon headed fish was blown, signaling their flight.

Far away, watching this once in a lifetime scene of power through the Vast Heavens Mirror. Haotian rubbed his chin in concern. Yaochi who sat beside him scrunched her face and squinted her eyes.

"Senior brother, don't look so glum, they've got nothing to do with us so. Master already assured me we won't get caught up in their business anyways."

When Haotian did not respond to her, she turned her gaze his way. "Are you paying attention to me, senior brother? Stop ignoring me," she whined.

Haotian merely nodded but otherwise ignored her.

"Senior brother! What's so interesting about them anyway? They're not our problem," she complained. "Let's go eat a few of my flat peaches I grew, I've got some new breeds ready."

"Stop bothering me," Haotian said waving his hand in a dismissive manner. "This is something I have to see."

Haotian's words were steady and conveyed no other emotion. His eyes were frosted and unmoved as he watched Zulong about to go to war. But deep inside though, he had a strong desire to assist.

'My role is to remain by Hongjun's side and serve him until the while watching over him,' he reminded himself. His thoughts were concealed deep within the recesses of his mind, detached from his own surface thoughts by Da Hai's Dao.

'Be safe dragons, I wish you well.'

"Your senior brother is grown up and very serious, naturally he is concerned about major worldly events," Hongjun's aged voice resonated in both Haotian and Yaochi's ears.

"But Yaochi is also right. Ultimately it is non of our concern, you should take some time to rest your mind. You've been doing too much of this deep thinking recently," he lectured.

Haotian made a face at his comment.

"It's true, senior brother is nowadays all scrunched faced and rubbing his chin. He's not smiling anymore and is all moody," Yaochi immediately took this time to complain.

Hongjun sighed and shook his head chuckling. "My boy, see? Even she agrees with me."

"But wouldn't this battle erupt a tribulation? I've sensed it too you know. The waves of karma is threatening to reach a breaking point. Just one push is all it'll need. It might've been slow but it's been building up for over a million years now," Haotian argued.

At this Hongjun nodded. "Indeed, as such, it'll be an uncertain event where anything can happen. Divination will be impossible and sensing the Dao to cultivate will be extremely difficult. Everyone will be infected with the bloodlust to fight so it's better if you both stay inside and not get caught up in that mess."

"So as the first disciple under my seat, you should be very careful. Do you understand my boy? I do this under concern for you. I know how benevolent you can be but it'll be reckless to get involved."

The last time a tribulation occurred, the majority of the Chaos Godfiends lucky enough to reincarnate perished. Only a select few survived but those who did went on to become invisible titans of the current era. Hongjun had no doubt in his mind that they were all at the very least Primal Zenith Chaos Golden Immortal.

But the war had also been chaotic. If even mighty godfiends, no matter how diminished perished, then it was paramount that Haotian did not get involved.

He'd taken countless other disciples before across many Chaos Worlds. But none had impressed him as Haotian had. The boy was respectful and diligent and a natural in cultivating the Dao. He was someone who was worthy to be his disciple and stand below him.

That was why Hongjun was willing to grant Haotian his place after he ascended.

Truthfully he had never truly panned for this attachment. He was aware of future events in their majority, but he had not intended for things to go as it intended. If not for Luohu, events would've turned out very differently.


Haotian appeared torn. But he nodded at Hongjun. "Master is wise, disciple was foolish but now I understand."

"Good. It may be hypocritical of me to say but I will most likely get involved should a tribulation erupt from this. But I want you to stay and protect Yaochi when I'm gone."

Haotian nodded. 'Da Hai is currently gone from this world. I'd need to contact him but I don't know if he's occupied or not.'

It was dangerous to contact Da Hai on his end. Da Hai reaching him through his superior cultivation was much safer.

'Would my mission, my purpose come to an end then? If Da Hai returns and concludes his revenge then what should I do? My purpose would effectively be over…'

'Well, I guess I can just follow the path of destiny if things do turn out like that. Lord knows how little influential power the Heavenly Dao actually has.'

Whatever the case, Haotian decided to go along with the flow of things for now. He wasn't Da Hai and ultimately, Zulong and the rest were strangers to him. He was a clone, not an avatar nor an incarnation.


Haotian perked up when he sensed a presence. This was much to the surprise of Hongjun who displayed a pleased look. 'That's ma boy,' he secretly cheered.

"Sichen, this is a pleasant surprise, welcome to my abode. You should've contacted me. I haven't even prepared any tea," Hongjun greeted politely.

'Sichen? Time demon god Sichen of the four strongest chaos godfiends?' Haotian was alarmed by his sudden appearance but not overly surprised. It wasn't a secret that Sichen was in contact with and even chats with Hongjun.

"Daoist Hongjun, we have a problem," Sichen immediately said with no pleasantries. "My recent divination attempts have failed. That means it's close right?"

"If even your peering into the future failed then it most likely is," Hongjun said sagely. "The signs are already too strong to ignore."

"Very well cricket. But remember, do not engage until we're fully sure of victory. We don't want a repeat of last time," Sichen spat in response.

"I understand fellow daoist. My life is also on the line here," Hongjun responded sagely. "Don't worry too much. We'll all do our parts and you will be able to continue where left off."

After that, Sichen merely acknowledged Hongjun before leaving. "Old man destiny, Qiankun and I will be waiting till then," he added before disappearing in a mist of golden dust.

'Qiankun?' Haotian was alarmed though his face did not show it. 'Qiankun is unreachable unless he contacted them? Jesus Da Hai, your mess is coming back to bite you in the ass.'

"Master," Yaochi called out. "What were you all talking about?"

"Master seeks the head of the Devil Ancestor," Haotian answered for the elderly man. "He's in an alliance to combat him. Should a tribulation occur, they'll take that chance to do it."

"Huh? Tribulation?"

"You'll understand when you ascend further Yaochi," Hongjun said patting the little girl's head. "Cultivate diligently."

"I will master!"

"Hey master," Haotian called out. "How good are your chances of fighting the Devil Ancestor?"

"Worried?" Hongjun looked touched. Then he chuckled lightly.

"That old fool is little more than an intelligent idiot. He's an annoyance at best truth be told. If not for that six armed pleasure demon he has by his side he wouldn't get very far."

"Listen little Haotian, Luohu on his own may be a skilled fighter. But he's also childish, incompetent, lazy and self aggrandising. He's a moralless moron and a talentless hack who only knows how to indulge. Your master can handle him."

'There's a lot of underlining anger there,' Haotian mused. His analysis of Hongjun even after all this time was confusing.

He knew what Da Hai thought of him and much of his initial views were coloured by it. Da Hai on his own was a stubborn yet caring person. His feelings for Hongjun was like a bottomless ocean in turmoil forever trapped in a violent storm.

But Haotian couldn't help but feel that the sea god was wrong in his assessment. Perhaps it was because despite being a clone, Haotian also contained parts of the fetus who'd become the Jade Emperor or because he'd spent too long away from his creator. But Haotian lacked the deep seeded resentment.

Nevertheless, he'll continue to carry out his purpose. He took one last glance at his Vast Heavens Mirror, at the ensuing argument between two sovereigns. Then he sat back down and continued watching with his master and junior sister.

Above the skies of Phoenix's Roost, Zulong was greeted by the emergence of several Great Principle Chaos Immortal and even Primal Origin Chaos Immortal presences. Massive avians who flew into the sky before assuming their humanoid forms.

"We greet Dragon Sovereign," Chongming bird, who'd appeared alongside them greeted respectfully. "I understand your purpose but I advise you to pull back. Such a stanch no matter how justified you feel is still unacceptable in our sovereign domain."

"Enough with that Chongming," a peacock demon beside him spat. "These scaled beasts dare blame us for something we didn't cause and march here with an army clearly intending to destroy? And they dare utter such insult to her majesty? I say we teach them a lesson."

No sooner did he say that did his chest cave in from a blast of air. The peacock demon spat out mouthfuls of blood and staggered back. Abruptly, he was unable to maintain human form any longer and erupted back into his true form, falling to the ground below.

Zulogn motioned his hand for another attack but this time, Chongming stepped in. The chicken like avian released a crest of golden fire that halted Zulong's fist strike.

"Please stop Dragon Sovereign. I swear on my life this is all a misunderstanding. Her majesty intends to fully investigate with you about the traitorous assassin."

"What is there to investigate about?" Zulong spat. "My son lies on a bed in a coma. You flat haired beasts were the one's who put him in that situation to begin with."

"You could've sent someone other than your son," Zufeng's voice entered the growling dragon's ears.

Zufeng's enchanting figure appeared tired. She was escorted by Zhuque and stood in front of her avian elders. "I understand your anger, but I only speak the truth when I say I had every intention of coexistence."

For a moment, a look of guilt and regret crossed the dragon's face. But then it was replaced by fearsome rage. "If you hadn't suggested it in the first place, Bi An wouldn't have been caught there."

"I am sick and tired of sharing the same sky as you Zufeng," Zulong said. "Every moment of your existence is a threat to my family. Whatever your intentions are, whatever your reasonings are, it clearly isn't shared by your subjects."

The dragons and seafolk behind Zulong nodded in agreement. Their anger manifested in a raging storm cloud blanketing the south continent. Their presence crushing to the extent that lessor lifeforms were stomped to paste.

Unknowingly, blinded by anger and a natural disposition to dismiss lower lifeforms. These immortals were killing innocent bystanders.

"If she cannot even control her vassals, then can we even trust her word?" Zulong cried out in a thunderous voice.

"NO, WE CAN NOT!" The combined voices of Zulong's army said.

"I wanted to believe your words Zufeng. But you are not your empire. And your avians are a threat I cannot ignore anymore," Zulong said with an incline of sadness.

Zufeng narrowed her eyes. "If you're suggesting you want to destroy all I've created, then you already know my response to that." She ground her teeth at the stubborn old dragon and her figure lit in Nanming Divine Flames.

"Sister!" Zhuque quickly whispered. "Your eggs."

"Are in an undisclosed location. Even if I fall they'll be safe," Zufeng replied back in the same hushed tone. "I have a responsibility, you do too."

The Vermillion Bird nodded.

"Zhuque, my brother values your existence. Do not interfere and I am willing to spare you," Zulong said surprising many behind him. Yet they dared not question their sovereign.

"Ah! I love living beings," Emperor Rippling reflection mused in a private room, waiting for other Devil Emperors to arrive.

"So much anger, so much self doubts, so much insecurities. Heh!"

He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

"It is a wonder no one ever tried to weaponise them until now."

"Grrh, this scaled worm dares insults her highness?" An enraged woodpecker immortal growled. "You are unqualified!"

He charged forwards like a missile. In fact, he was only the first among a wave.

"His majesty can address you flat haired beasts however he likes!" Was the response from a sunfish.

"Die you deceiving fiends!"


Zufeng widened her eyes as suddenly, some of her men broke rank. Their charge was like the opening of a flood. All of a sudden, others seeing the beginning of a fight also rushed in for a preemptive strike.

Seeing his accusations only confirmed, Zulong scoffed. His men were already responding in kind but he gave the signal anyway.

"Exterminate them."