A Meeting of Devils

Strolling into the great hall of Mt Sumeru, the Devil Emperor Rippling Reflection eyed his contemporary emperors. He respected his fellows, all great achievers who climbed high from the gutters that was devil cultivation hierarchy. The ancestral devil Luohu expected only the best of the very best. The rest either became slaves or were killed.

Rippling Reflection like many others wished for greatness, the reach the very top of cultivation and achieve the legendary Dao. He crawled from the gutter and played the great game of devil politics and finally emerged at the very peak. Yet still, he was just another tool.

For someone like him, for his allies and rivals. They had all shared the same mindset. For all their differences, they all regretted walking the Devilish Dao. They regretted following through with the Path of Seven Emotions and Six Desires. But they were also too deep to leave.

When one becomes an exalted deity. When one becomes enlightened to universal truths as biased as they may be. When one transcend the confines of mortality and even immortality to a state that rightfully was beyond the natural laws of the cosmos. When one walked and walked through a path hundreds of thousands of years long. Who would want to give that up? Who would want to start over again?

Mt Sumeru was grand. It was a mountain steeped in the powers of the Devilish Dao, bathed in all extremes. Atop it held Luohu's cave abode as well as a circular palace for Devil Emperors to meet and socialise. The palace reassembled a stupa, a style of building not native to the primitive world. It was a treasure constructed by the Demon King Mara.

Luohu was already present, he sat upon a lounge at the far end of the room. His position was lazy and bored but his eyes had a sharpness to them. Rippling Reflection did not enter alone, he came along with others such as Intoxicated Dream, All Devouring, Primeval Flame etc. While the rest of the world squabbled and fought, the west continent continued to accumulate. Several hundred Great Devil Emperors that entered was the result of such accumulation.

The palace was large and designed to accomodate all kinds of creatures. They were all just expected to sit on cushions on the floor like beginner disciples did in front of lecturers. Only the likes of Mara, Hundun, Taotie, and Qiong Qi had the authority to sit on raised seats.

Rippling Reflection took his seat at a circular cushion on the floor along with all the others. It was a humiliating thing, for a Great Devil Emperor such as him to sit on the floor of all places. He locked eyes with the faceless Hundun for a few moments before breaking contact and returned to a peaceful expression.

"We greet honoured ancestor!"

The united voices of several hundred Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal figures riveted throughout the chamber. It drowned the former stillness in a cloud of hazy mist. A mist that condensed the qi of countless cultivated definitions that the end result of pure chaos. Clashing disorder of countless clashing philosophies.

Should any lessor being enter the stupa right now, they would go insane followed by combusting into ash. But the true leaders of the west, Luohu's inner circle was unbothered. Well unbothered save for Qiong Qi and Taotie. Unlike the other three they were still Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals.

Both had returned to their peak and then some but still paled in comparison to the others who'd transcended onto the path of Wuji. As such they felt stressed under the collective pressure. It didn't help that many emperors had grudges against these two and did not withheld one wit of their bloodlust.

"All right kiddies that's enough!"

Luohu's words were held yet his mouth did not move in sync. Rather he blew away the cloud of qi with ease. Instantly shattering whatever affects they may've had.

Rippling Reflection was instantly reminded of the vast differences that existed between them. He did not show his fear of the ancestor. He kept his heart steady and his mind secure allowing nothing to leak beyond a face of respect.

"Marvellous improvement," Luohu complimented. Though his expression was ultimately a little disappointed. His origins in the Chaos Sea saw the rise of three thousand Primal Zenith ChaosImmortals. Yet he was only able to raise barely only this much, not even a thousand. It was simply unfair.

He did not consider that the three thousand Chaos Godfiends were all destined individuals of monstrous talent and perseverance. A society that constantly experimented and mostly stayed away from each other preferring not to wage bloody wars against each other. Aspects that cannot easily be replicated.

"Now then, to business."

The Devil Ancestor sat upright and folded his fingers against each other below his chin.

"I'm sure you've all been itching for action against the rest of the world. Rest assured I feel the same way too. I've spent the last ten yuanhui accumulating an unshakable foundation waiting to crush Hongjun once and for all. I believe the time has come."

"The eastern world and four seas are places surrounded by tribal conflicts and the wars of two empires. All while the old codger watches. Not long ago the negative karma accumulated over the years had even skyrocketed signalling the appearance of a major confrontation. I'd say its probably time the world drives itself into a tribulation."

"Tribulation?" Someone muttered. It was the Primeval Water Devil Emperor of the five Elemental Devil Emperors. This group took inspirations from the Dao of Five Elements once wielded but he ancient Ancestor of Fire Clouds. They were generally referred to as Primeval followed by one of the wuxing elements followed by devil emperor but they did have personal names. Though no one cared enough to call them such.

"Yes tribulation," Luohu said in a 'obviously' tone.

"But ancestor, won't tribulation spell doom for us as well?"

Luohu felt the urge to slap the interrupter over the head. "Tribulations are as much dangers as they are opportunities. The last one should've told you such, oh right none of you were born back then."

He was of course referring to Shenni's attempt to destroy all creation. Tribulations were times when negative karma overcome and consume all things in creation. This leads to a period of time were the future is muddled, divine protection from the Heavenly Dao ceases, natural disasters occur by the dozens every day. Comprehension in the Dao become near impossible and anything could happen. Basically the groundwork's for potential apocalypses.

In Norse mythology, the event known was ragnarock would be considered one. In Greece, two such events could occur during the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy. In the primitive world, negative karma was right around the necessary line to start one.

This was the danger of living in a Chaos World. Those existing in the Chaos Sea are unbothered by such events. But those within a universe, a Chaos World can be pulled in and unable to escape. In the past, a Chaos World's existence was limited to Heavenly Immortals. But Pangu's creation housed beings far superior to that. Luohu predicts that this is probably the second time in history that Golden Immortals, Great Unity Golden Immortals, Chaos Immortals and similar level existences would participate in one. First being Shenni's war.

"I can tell it's already near so let me warn you now. Don't bother using divination, you'll only see static."

Luohu leaned forward and stared expectingly. "Devil sects are ready at any time. You all should muster your legions from your vassal sects and regroup on Mt…hm?"

It wasn't subtle in the slightest. The ground was vibrating and began so as Luohu was talking. The Devil Ancestor stared at Mara in confusion. His advisor shrugged. Luohu pondered in confusion before ordering one of the Devil Emperors out.

"You there, find out who's causing the disturbance!"

Though he did not address that person by name, said devil obeyed obediently and left soon after. He leaned back and rubbed his chin in thought. 'What's going on?'

Mt Sumeru as of the current moment was pretty isolated as it was in a summit with all the top leaders of the devils. The celestial mountain was not meant to be disturbed by anyone. It was an enormous structure that was resistant to pretty much anything.

Mere shaking of the ground wasn't actually something to worry about but it was something that warranted investigation. Perhaps it was residue from the dragons and phoenixes fighting each other? Luohu could see it.

Both the Dragon Sovereign and the Phoenix Sovereign were impressive in their own right. Although Luohu had no personal contact with them, he could feel their power even from his bastion in the west. I is calculation, they would be superior than even the remaining members of the former four evils aside from Hundun of course.

"While that guy gets back," Luohu began speaking again with an almost dismissive tone.

'Doesn't even remember Omni Devouring's name,' Rippling Reflection thought with contempt. He sat relaxed as Luohu went on a spiel about something. It honestly was not important. The only real vent information was that they needed to prepare an invasion force. A task easily done.

In the cultivation world, when a superior being told you something, you listen and obey no exceptions. Why would you not when the difference in strength was so great?

Rippling Reflection considered his options. Luohu's cultivation was fairly mysterious overall. What is known however was that none of the current Devil Emperors could surpass him. They've also figured out based on their connection with each other that Luohu was also closing in on true enlightenment.

As Luohu was concluding his orders, the stupa shook violently. Dozens of emperors narrowed their eyes and Luohu's mouth twisted in anger. Hundun tiled his hooded head while Mara slightly turned his in anticipation.

Mt Sumeru suffered a tremor the likes of which none had ever seen. Luohu got off his lounge with his arms behind his back. "Someone just crashed into my mountain," he said.

He motioned the others to follow as he exited the stupa towards Sumeru's surface. Normally the mountain was filled with vast greenery and majestic rock formations. An oasis in the otherwise dry cracked lands surrounding the mountain.

What greeted Luohu's sights was instead a massive creature groaning in pain. It was a gigantic mass of mouths covering a ball of flesh. The creature was steaming having collapsed an entire wing of the mountain.

"Omni Devouring!"

Someone yelped in shock. Luohu raised his eyebrows and said, "That's the bloke I sent out correct?"

The Devil Ancestor starred into the horizon. There a titanic formation was moving for them fast. A formation that had laid waste to the western countryside. The equivalent of a dragon continuously spewing fire in a straight path.

"What gall," Luohu spat.


The voice who roared was a voice Luohu recognised in an instant. An army of sea creatures commanded by dragons zoomed across the land with haste. They had previously attacked the mass of mouths that was Devil Emperor Omni Devouring and in a single shot sent him flying.

"Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal, Dragon Sovereign Zulong," Rippling Reflection muttered expectantly. Zulong's power had not disappointed one bit. In fact it was something amazing to behold. Previously, he had thought he can rank with him among the top of the Devil Emperors.

But the reality was startlingly different. Zulong would without a doubt overwhelm any of the Great Devil Emperors. Even a dozen would not compare to the dragon in the slightest.

"What the hell is that?" One of the emperors mumbled in equal amazement.

'Unfair, so unfair,' Rippling Reflection thought. 'With my talent, If I did not stagnate I would be the same.' His thoughts were filled with regret yet also admiration and ambition. Staring into Zulong's bloodlust filled eyes he nodded in satisfaction though he also tensed, taking a step back.

'Forget it, forget it. Survival comes first right now.'

"Dragon Sovereign, this is a surprise?" Luohu said as Zulong came to a pause with his troops. Counting the would take ages but the formation encapsulating their power could not be denied. "I thought you were somewhere else. I take it you have an explanation for me?"

"Explanation?" Zulong growled. "Explanation? You want my explanation?"

He roared indignantly, releasing his serpentine body into the air. He thrashed about as enormous quantities of auspicious clouds manifested not existence. Though rather than auspicious, these clouds should be renamed ominous.

"You give me an explanation Luohu!" He roared to high heavens. The already cracked soil ripped apart even more and rain started pouring.

"Uncivilised animals," Luohu scoffed. "I take the time to be polite and you scaled beast growl about."

Zulong was joined my many others, Primal Zenith ChaosImmortals belonging to the dragons. Even Primal Origin Chaos Immortals who have experience fighting Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals stood outside the formation. Flanked by Leishen, Yinglong, and Jiang Koilong Zulong created an imposing lineup.

However, the dragon's number of experts on par with Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals were still decisively lesser than the devils. And this was not by a small margin. However, the dragons did have the advantage of having caught the devils flat footed without any enhancement formations so to speak. Their members were also worth more in individual combat ability.

"Luohu, you'll pay for what you did to my son. For tricking me into attacking the south. For making a fool of the dragons. For being an honourless cur."


Luohu was caught off guard. He looked at Zulong strangely and pondered wether he somehow found out he was gonna invade soon and just found an excuse to have a preemptive attack. But clearly that wasn't the case as today was the first time he was sharing this information.

"I don't know what to say," Luohu sighed. "You beasts barge into my home, attack my property and demand me? What arrogance, what cheek. Did your master not teach you etiquette? Well that is to be expected considering its that bumbling barbarian of a snake we're talking about".

"And now you cause me of random things I'm innocent of?" He scoffed. "I honestly do not understand what you're talking about young man."

"Enough! I will not suffer from you again," roared Zulong feeling indignation from the condescending tone spewing from Luohu's voice. The jab at Da Hai did not help either. For what its worth the dragons and sea creatures took this as a sign to attack.