Prehistoric Liu Er Will Never Be A Slave

The Netherworld had always been a dreary place. Since time immemorial, aside from the redness of the Blood Sea, the mainland had always been covered by layers of white mist and black skies. The few people who'd explored this land expected as such before answering Da Hai's call to defend it.

Yuanshi the Jade Pure One could hear whispers from countless experts discussing the changes in this realm. Though he ignored most of it in favour of checking all the systems of the great ritual, he still felt no small amounts of pride that it was his work they were complimenting.

Energy flowed throughout all sectors of the Netherworld and the Blood Sea now. Both interconnected and transforming into each other, at least two of the sub sectors of the planned reincarnation system meant to counteract the devils' endless army were ready to go.

The rest just need to be injected without interruption. The Netherworld was naturally a world of yin qi, a place where discarded souls would find themselves drawn to. These natural ghosts were not anything to write home about. They barely had any intelligence and only rambled about some grievances in their past life. Eventually, they'll dissolve and return to natural reincarnation.

The Blood Sea meanwhile was a place of malice, where all the resentment and hatred of all things collected over the years. However, despite being a potentially cataclysmic pool of energy, it was far more stable then the Sea Eye. Resentment here would eventually spawn into primordial beasts thus making this place the last and only true birthplace of that species.

As a basis, Yanluo, Yuanshi, Houtu, and Zhunti had worked out how to allow Zhunti's understanding of karma to guide souls of any kind, even those without strong malice towards this realm. Here, they would be processed much more rapidly and in a far more stable system. It would also mean reincarnation would no longer be random.

Where previously, a mortal insect in one life could reincarnate into a connate lifeform in the next. Now the cause and effects of the previous life would decide where the next life starts. This should also stop ghost devils from freely returning to the Great Wilderness.

But the most important thing of all was a strong binding agent. To this, Yuanshi glanced at the woman coiled up next to him. Houtu and he were overseeing things at the moment. Houtu specifically having returned immediately upon notifying her family.

"What is it?" She asked as if sensing his discreet gaze.

"Are you really willing to go through with this," the innate god admitted. "As much as people say they're ready to give their lives. When the time comes? Things become far more muddled."

"I would not even blame you if you were to be enraged. You don't really even have a choice in this matter." He continued to lament. In a way, Houtu was his cousin. Having been the one to finally turn models into a working prototype, Yuanshi knew Houtu was not only the most ideal person to use as material.

Da Hai, Minghe, Zhunti, Yanluo, Taishang, all of them figured it out along the way. Perhaps Houtu was among the earliest to come to that conclusion. Only, she'd never argued a word of disgruntlement.

"You speak as if there was an alternative. Why ask now?" She said.

Yuanshi hummed and looked into the distance. He spotted the titanic forms of the divinities who'd come through. Each of them easily stood numerous kilometres into the air, dwarfing any other lifeform naturally born. The vitality they exuded was simply incredible.

"They don't know do they?"

"Of course not. I've long decided that this was the path I should take. My brothers and sister care about the world, but they do not care about it in the same way I do. They could never agree to me sacrificing my entire being. However, as the goddess of the earth I cannot allow living beings to continue to suffer like this."

Houtu sighed as she saw the hulking form of Shebishi and Jumang come through to the Netherworld. She was not devoid of regrets. But for the sake of the greater good, she made the decision to. Even now, she felt the distorted pain of countless life forms along with the Primitive World.

"I would've said fuck everything and leave the Primitive World behind," Yuanshi replied. "You are already braver than I."

"I saw your reaction to your own siblings being on the verge of death. Di Jiang would've reacted the same way."

Yuanshi found his opinion of Houtu change to admiration. Yet the idea that the choice to pick different never existing disturbed him. They were all Golden Immortals at birth, by right they were free to choose their own paths. That was what seeking the Dao meant.

But Houtu was not entirely truthful either. Yuanshi didn't notice, but a brief maddened look crossed her eyes as she thought about every event up till now. She hadn't told anyone, not Da Hai, nor Zhunti, and certainly not a stranger like Yuanshi what she really felt about everything.

The reason why she was so readily willing to sacrifice herself for reincarnation was not because of kindness for the suffering of living and unliving creatures. Oh she certainly had some sympathy, but all of that had long died before the pain she felt every day.

The twelve Earthly Divine Ancestors were all born with direct connection to the Primitive World. But Houtu above all else felt the life and lifetimes of all things. Their cries, their screams, their joys. If the others felt gentle prodding akin to a breeze, Houtu's connection was like a knife jamming into her body.

After so may years, she didn't care how she'd do it. She wanted it all to stop and Da Hai's plan propagated the perfect opportunity. Da Hai didn't have to bring it up for her to make that decision. The fact that it'd benefit others was just a bonus.

"Seems everything is good here," Houtu said after examining the flow of energy through the soil with her hands. "I will entrust everything to you Yuanshi, I hope everything goes well."

Yuanshi nodded which satisfied her. The Jade Purity glanced upwards as a distinct sharpness entered the Netherworld. Tongtian had finally arrived riding atop her Qingping Sword.

'She and Houtu bare some similarities as congenital goddesses. But I cannot fathom her making the same decision. As seekers of the Dao, staying alive will take priority. If us three had to abandon the Primitive World, no matter how unwilling we were, we will.'

Hence, Yuanshi left to greet Tongtian. The two had not seen each other for a few years hence were overjoyed to be working together again.

Yuanshi could sense Tongtian's combat skills had improved after testing herself against countless devils, living and dead. Yuanshi meanwhile has greatly improved his artificer skills.

When Tongtian saw the great ritual already on its way, she nodded with approval. Unlike Yuanshi, her sub skill set aligned with formations. So studying what previously been set up was beneficial for her too.

"But I don't understand," she said. "This reincarnation ritual I'm seeing appears more like a formation. Why did the Oceanic Heavenly Lord find you?"

"It's only a formation for now. Think of it as a furnace if you will," Yuanshi replied. "We're only preparing for the actual forging stage."

"Amazing, as expected of you Yuanshi. Looks like us three purities are advancing together smoothly. Soon enough, we'd stand shoulder to shoulder with the ancient experts."

Yuanshi felt gratified at her praise. His greatest guilt had not wholly been absolved. But he swore to never allow harm to reach the Three Pure Ones unit.

"Speaking of, I expected brother Taishang to have returned already," he mused.

"Huh? But he's faster than either of us with his teleportation."

On another end of the great ritual, Zulong stepped out of a portal in his Dao body atop a spire. There was no fanfare as he arrived since he was on his own. In the distance, he sensed the presence of numerous powerful elders from his empire, this included his own sons. A fact he grew displeased at.

He had expected for Gui Daoyi to arrive personally, but for her to allow the rest of them. He shook his head in disproval.

An enormous turtle arrived transforming into the form of his wife mere moments after. Though a bit subdued, Gui Daoyi sensed him easily. After a brief hug of affection, she noticed his gaze.

"This is about our sons isn't it."

"I understand their desire, but as a parent who sheltered them all this time…"

"You know, when the palace we built together was attacked. Were it not for our sons, we would not have lasted as long as we did. In the years since, they've been in battle after battle just as you have," she said solemnly.

"To be honest, I think they have every right to make the decision to fight alongside you to defeat the same enemy that threatened us all." She continued despite having the same worry in her heart. "You could never have kept them from that."

The ancestral dragon closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He'd only made the best decision for them. After so many years, even his ambitious fire died down as he settled into the role of a parent.

When he opened his eyes, he chuckled.

"I guess I finally know how you felt that day…master."

His wife widened her eyes in shock. She couldn't sense anything until a mirage shimmered into existence. Da Hai's presence manifested a mysterious distant effect. As if despite seeing him being right next to her, he was also far out of reach.

"How are you disciple," Da Hai said towards the dragon.

"Weary? Tried? Angry? Fearful? I am a lot of things these days," he replied. "But most of all, I want to annihilate the threats to me and mine."

"Is that why you attacked Mt Sumeru on your own?" Da Hai stopped himself from berating that decision. "I'm sorry I took so long."

"I shouldn't have made such a rash decision either. But I cannot change the past. How long before this ritual is completed?"

"As soon as Zhunti returns. I am ashamed to say he's skilled at the ins and outs of cause and effect then me. More elegant I should say. Nuwa has already familiarized herself with it, Minghe, Yanluo, Houtu, and Yuanshi are all ready. So as soon as he arrives we can begin in full."

But Da Hai's predictions would not come to pass. Because not long after making that statement, he sensed the movement of the largest devil contingent since the siege of Mt Buzhou. What's more, he was instantly triggered as to the presence of Luohu at the helm of that group.

Da Hai narrowed his eyes with a ferociousness Zulong had not seen in a long time. Bits of his overwhelming cultivation started leaking through startling all the defenders in the Netherworld.

"Change of plans. We begin now," Da Hai announced.

"Didn't you say we need that Zhunti kid?"

"I can manage the implementation of karma without him. Can you raise all the formations and form a line?"

Up in the Great Wilderness, two Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals brawled. One living, the other long passed on.

Jiang Koilong was furious as he clawed at Ripling Reflections. "You beast, you dare kill mine?"

"So what sea worm? This is war," the Devil Great Emperor retorted. He clashed against the claws of the dragon with his sleeve.

The area around them was torn asunder. Cliffs turned to rubble, oceans dried. The dragon filled the sky above in thick layers of cloud while the ghost devil turned the ground deathly cold.

Rippling Reflections was not too concerned about his own survival. After all, he had already died and come back several times over the course of the war causing as much chaos as he could. Everything was working out smoothly.

But for Jiang Koilong, this devil had killed another young talent he'd raised for the ascendent dragon faction within the Primordial Celestial Dragon clan. Flashing back to the competitiveness of his youth as a carp in Da Hai's pond, he was furious at another person like him being snuffed out before their time.

The two danced around each other unaware that a creature of much smaller stature had wondered into their battle. A specific macaque carrying a metal cudgel. His unblinking eyes and unnatural expression zeroed in on the dragon fighting.

It was as he neared, whispers entered both Jiang Koilong and Rippling Reflection's ears. It was extremely subtle and instantly suppressed by both Chaos Immortals who were still busy fighting. The former chalked it up to an emotion based attack by the latter.

'The hell just happened?' Rippling Reflections retreated several steps to measure himself. He scanned the area around him and noticed the unblinking monkey watching the battle. Despite being a devil who'd seen his fare share, he felt unnerved by the look.

"Liu Er? Is that you?" Jiang Koilong also saw his old comrade. He felt overjoyed at having found a strong ally in the midst of this battle.

But for Liu Er, his attention was more on the battle itself. He'd witnessed how Jiang Koilong was struggling with Rippling Reflections. The ghost devil was slippery and used many means to avoid damage. Instead he stalled the dragon for a long period of time.

But from Liu Er's perspective, he saw the battle very differently.

A normal person would see the battle and call it a short stalemate where one side clearly has the advantage and only need time to defeat his opponent. Liu Er had also been with Jiang Koilong for a long time previously and witnessed the dragon dominate against numerous devils. His powerful within the current world order was legendary.

But in the Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal Liu Er's perspective. Because Jiang Koilong was not swatting aside Rippling Reflections like an insect, or killing him with a single blow. All strength and reputation suddenly became null and void. Out in reality, he said aloud.

"The dragon is weak, the dragon is a pathetic fool who failed at everything."

'What did he just say?' Jiang Koilong's moment of confusion caused his opponent to smash into him with one of his attacks. Despite flinching, the dragon righted himself on a piece of cloud.

"Liu Er aid me. Kill this devil while I keep hold of him!"

"Liu Er!"

Rippling Reflections eyed the unresponsive monkey with interest. He did not mind the frustration and confusion by the dragon as these emotions allowed him some leeway. But most importantly of all, he was wondering why he wanted to call himself 'magic person'.

"Dragon dare? Dragon think poor Dao is pathetic puppet?" Liu Er suddenly roared as well as leaped into the sky. He was so blindingly fast and so amazingly strong, that a huge chunk of the ground became concave.

Liu Er was already on eye level with Jiang Koilong's massive head. His cudgel raised to the side of his head.

'Dao venerate is illuminated. Dao venerate can kill…oh this is interesting,' Rippling Reflections thought.

Though Jiang Koilong called for help, Liu Er failed to register it as that. The monkey chatagorized himself as the leading man. He was the one who ordered, he was the one who forced his way. In this context, the dragon's request was heard as a command.

"Pathetic weakling, I order you to follow the master dragon clan and kill!" This was what Liu Er heard.



Jiang Koilong's gigantic head swerved violently in the opposite direction. The blood he cultivated in his fleshy body was spat out as he realized what his 'friend' in the past has just done.

"You dare!" He was knocked back by the strike, so he moved his lower body to claw at the monkey.

"Prehistoric Liu Er will never be a slave!"

"Prehistoric Liu Er will never be a slave!"

"Prehistoric Liu Er will never be a slave!"

The monkey repeated over and over again as he smashed his cudgel into the bones of the dragon leg. He smashed again towards Jiang Koilong's head.

"After everything I've done for you? After vouching for you? After working alongside you? This is how you repay me?" The first ascendent dragon blasted streams of lightning as he cried.

"GAH!" The dragon cried a second time. The lighting igniting from his mouth dissipated because Rippling Reflections started constraining his long body with his devil arts. He tried to free himself only to be hit by monkey.

Liu Er entered a maddened frenzy. He smashed and bashed into the head of the roaring dragon. But even against the bones of the dragon, his cudgel could not hold out. It shattered from the constant pressure.

Seeing Jiang Koilong still alive, Liu Er jumped with his mouth wide open. With one bite, his fangs penetrated the scales of his body allowing him to rip out a piece of flesh from his cheek.

Rippling Reflections backed away in the wake of the carnage. Now that Liu Er had a clear hold of the dragon, he was devouring the fleshy body alive. Countless dragonic spells rained down on the furry beast, but somehow he just wasn't bothered.

Eventually, a dragon shaped nascent soul erupted from the corpse. Jiang Koilong roared again creating whirlpools and thunderstorms around him. Even without his body, the dragon displayed tremendous might for the devil.

"Look, the dragon is getting away!" Rippling Reflections called out while he clashed against the dragon's nascent soul. "You should kill him while he's still vulnerable."

"Prehistoric Liu Er will…"

Even before the monkey finished, the devil realised where he erred. He tried to hold the fleeing dragon back while changing his tune. "Oh please exalted Dao venerate, this old slave begs great Dao venerate. The dragon's spirit must be eliminated and his Dao crushed for his complete death."

"Devil, go die!" Jiang Koilong roared.

"This old slave is skilled crafter. Can make new cudgel from dragon bone!" Rippling Reflections quickly added albeit struggling with the sentence.

It seemed to work as soon, Liu Er was on Jiang Koilong once more. The dragon attempted to flee but he was not fast enough. Liu Er clasped his hand, crushing the dragon once again. The popping sound of a Dao fruit being crushed was haunting.

"You won't get away with this," The dragon said as he drew his last breath.

"The magic race is weak and pathetic. But the magic race recognized the deity," Liu Er stated. "Now honour cause and effect."

The ghost devil was all smiles as he ripped out the bones of the ancient dragon. He squashed its mass down until it became a long white cylindrical object and presented it to the unblinking monkey. In truth, he hadn't refined a treasure at all, he'd only handed the monkey a condensed dragon skeleton.

But the monkey seemed to be fooled all the same.

"Ahem, great dao venerate. This old slave heard big event happen between magic race and others down at the Netherworld. Many benefits await, would you join?"

Liu Er's head snapped towards the ground. "The magic race in robbery? Ah, the other must be using robbery to make samsara. But I prehistoric Liu Er is smart, prehistoric Liu Er will be master of reincarnation!"

He quickly dived down and started digging without so much as acknowledging the devil.