Dao Ancestor Hongjun

AN: Hundun will be referred o as Heart Devil from now on

The glory of the Dao was on full display.

Hongjun released a short breath with his head tilted slightly up. A single gesture that seemed to breathe life into the very fabric of reality.

The Chaos Sea in his vicinity stilled, it's endless energy transformations converged into a single state that was not dissimilar to Hongjun's own. Completely perfect, above all others, harmony with not a spec of imbalance.

To even the greatest of Chaos Immortals, Hongjun's current existence put them all to shame. They were gods lording over all things. Even in the Chaos Sea, figures like Da Hai, Heart Devil, Wangshu, Zulong etc would still reign supreme.

But in front of Hongjun, they suddenly all seemed as insignificant as ants.

The combination of the enormous proportions of Luohu's Dao, which resembled all things in post creation, and Hundun's current Dao which reached a state of the most primordial was the most advanced Dao previously.

But the moment Hongjun reappeared in his true body, his eyes flashed with a perfect Dao. He did not posses a Dao fruit as that cannot not define his path any longer. Instead, it was a profound concept from which all things arose and emerged into an ordered existence.

To Heart Devil, this was the most perplexing sight possible. He did not know what to say or what to think. Hongjun should be in hiding healing the injuries he'd sustained int eh aftermath of Mt Buzhou's collapse. He does not have the ability to work on his cultivation, much less breakthrough.

In addition, Hundun actually roughly knew how advanced Hongjun's Dao was. He'd seen him in combat after all and remembered the distinct nature of it. Just from his deduction alone, he could tell it still chased after the Wuji principle. It had yet to reach a state where it could beget all things.

Without the ability to transform into any other Dao, Hongjun simply did not have the qualifications to reach the Dao realm.

The one with the most qualification to create that majestic throne was actually him, the Ancestral Devil Heart Devil.

But to Da Hai, things were far more clearer. While the others stayed in various distressful confusion, Da Hai had a look that was split between enraged and disdain.

"So much for cultivating your own Dao," he spoke aloud.

Hongjun glanced over with an irritated look. In that instance, even though Hongjun did not act, Da Hai felt every instinct in his body flinch in terror. The half of his face that was still in tact struggled to be still as he knew that any action from Hongjun would be more than capable of annihilating his entire existence.

Despite this known fact, Da Hai couldn't help himself but desire to tear Hongjun apart. Now that one of his targets were gone, his fixation landed on the next.

There were countless individuals who were witnessing this scene. All of them were awed by Hongjun's appearance. While there was the expected fear one would expect from lesser lifeforms meeting a vastly superior one, the vast majority were glad.

Demons, avians, and some loose cultivators alike held more positive opinions of Hongjun. Dragons and seafolk on the other hand had decidedly less so. However, memories of Hongjun fighting alongside them against Luohu directly in the initial stages of the war was still fresh.

Hongjun was an immortal cultivator staunchly against devils. He'd defended Mt Buzhou and was only forced to retreat after sustaining heavy injuries. Even after Di Jun established the Heavenly Demons, he was still a respected figure in the East Continent as well as the rest of the world.

But they also heard Da Hai crystal clear. For people who didn't immediately chalk it up to jealousy, it got them confused as to what Da Hai meant. Didn't he also see Hongjun make the breakthrough into Dao realm just now?

Granted, they were all less knowledgeable in the Dao then a Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal like him. Could he have sensed something they missed?

"Has your injuries raddled your brain?" Hongjun spoke softly with a raised eyebrow. Each word announced a profound change within the cosmos. Heaven and earth flipped as if they were unable to handle the magnitude of Hongjun speaking.

Reality appeared to warp around Da Hai without Hongjun even needing to do anything. As if his words could become truth and cultivate Da Hai into a drooling idiot.

"Show some respect!" Yaochi called out from within the Zixiao Palace. Hongjun's only female disciple had an agitated look towards Da Hai. "My master is an honourable majestic Dao Ancestor."

"Yaochi that's enough." Hongjun erased the sound coming from his home thereby shutting Yaochi up. Haotian glanced up and raised a finger to his lips, an action directed at his junior sister.

"Me? Were you not the one cultivating Three Corpses? Why do I not see it?" Da Hai asked. He chuckled at Hongjun who was beginning to frown. A brief look of shame and unwillingness came about from the elderly purple robed immortal.

Above Hongjun's frowning head, three lights shimmered before rotating. The bodies weren't clearly perceived, but people understood this as the Three Corpse method. Good, evil, and obsession, ugly things inhabiting the body that must be cleansed to reach the Dao. This concept was apparent whenever Hongjun would display his Dao.

Da Hai shook his head. "Authentic it may seem, but that's something else transforming into it. That throne isn't yours. It's Pangu's."

Hongjun nodded and allowed the Three Corpses above him to change into a primordial abyss. Such effortlessness in changing from one all encompassing concept to another suddenly registered in those observing's minds. Hongjun was a Dao realm omnipotent being, his Dao was capable of begetting all things. Of course it was capable of becoming any other Dao.

"I had little choice. Decisive victory of this tribulation forced my hand," Hongjun explained. "Your plans have thus far proven lacklustre. That they succeeded was chance. We still needed a sure fire way."

Hongjun spoke as if he made a terrible sacrifice. It made Zulong, who floated beside Da Hai growl in anger. Who was Hongjun, who'd hid for thirty thousand years to speak in such a manner?

"You abandoned your Dao again," Da Hai said chuckling slowly. "Oh great Hongjun who then decided to steal Pangu's life's work. And you let it happen?"

'You,' was directed straight at the Heavenly Dao. As the consciousness of the Primitive World, it stands to reason that the will of heaven had access to the Dao Pangu left behind.

Da Hai had first hand experience with Pangu, he knew roughly what kind of Dao it was. Unlike him, Wangshu, Yang Mei, or Heart Devil, Pangu was not simply a Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal. Nor was he a Quasi-Dao realm being with half a foot into the Dao realm.

Pangu's Dao had already reached the Dao realm level. He could've sat atop the throne and transformed into a higher existence at any time. He'd only perished because he deigned not to ever make that breakthrough.

But as an omnipotent concept, his Dao remained unchanged even after it's creator's demise. It was the limitless ultimate that was contained within he Primitive World's core. Now Hongjun sat atop it instead.

The Pangu Dao Ancestor's position, was instead occupied by Hongjun. Pangu's final breakthrough, was instead done by Hongjun. Pangu's Dao had effectively been adopted by Hongjun allowing the latter to take Pangu's place as its master.

Da Hai felt whatever tiny hope he had in the Heavenly Dao's character plummet to nonexistence. At the same time, he side eyed Haotian who sat under Hongjun's protection. 'Did he know? Would Hongjun trust him enough to tell him? Why didn't he notify me?'

"Pangu's Dao? You can do that? Usurp a Dao realm level Dao?" Yang Mei uttered with no small amounts of awe.

"Why couldn't anyone do it?" Da Hai snorted. "Think about it. At that point a Dao fruit becomes akin to a position, a throne one can sit on. Doing so transform one's existence, elevating them to the Dao realm."

"If that final realm is akin to a position you create through the Dao, then anyone could sit on it. Is that what you're saying?" Wangshu asked. It was a depressing thought to her.

Hongjun neither confirmed nor denied it. But Da Hai merely pointed to Heart Devil as his confirmation. Wangshu thought about it herself and thought it made sense.

After all, Heart Devil usurped Luohu's position in his final moments. Luohu's Dao was taken and absorbed Heart Devil's. Then Heart Devil sat comfortably on Luohu's position. This notion of taking other's Dao for their own benefit has happened before when Pangu arrested all the Chaos Godfiend's Dao fruits.

"But this is ascending to the Dao realm in someone else's place!" Yang Mei exclaimed with a frenzied look. Looking at Hongjun, despite the awe he also couldn't help but feel disdain. Of all things, why did he use Pangu's Dao instead of improving his own?

Even Heart Devil's actions was to combine his Dao with Luohu. What Hongjun has done was essentially discard the Dao he'd created and worked on since the Primitive World's inception to instead use the Dao Pangu left behind. It was cheating of the highest order and morally against what the vast majority of godfiends believed.

"Fellow brothers of the daoist path," Hongjun suddenly said with a sharp look. "It seems the our destiny with the primitive world has come to an end.

"The damages caused by this accursed war was too much to bear. The poisonous gas of karmic sin sees no separation between justice and evil, just the ones who caused harm. We are all bathed in it after so many years of senseless destruction.

Da Hai bit back a noise of confusion. Zulong tilted his head, not understanding what Hongjun was getting at. Devil Heart, Yang Mei, Wangshu etc were more or less the same. This was the case as well for every being who'd actualized their own Dao.

"Heaven is fair and just, the Primitive World of Pangu's making can no longer tolerate such sinners." Behind Hongjun, the brilliant light of the Heavenly Dao manifested in the form of ominous clouds and thunderous cries. The Dao Ancestor cast his gaze sending chills down every individual's spines.

"What is the meaning of this?" Zulong called out. "We fought and bled for this world's, our home's existence. You dare sully our sacrifice?" His form grew larger than his normal true form. His antler like horns appeared sharper as bloodlust rose from his body.

As the ruler of all sea life, how could Zulong not feel insulted by Hongjun's words just now? Was the Heavenly Dao just going to let it happen. He could sense his avian counterpart briefly from somewhere in the Primitive World's void and knew she felt the same.

"Valiant sacrifices of countless dragons, phoenixes, demons, and divinities cannot be denied. But karmic sin clung to all who'd wantonly destroyed, chief of all the dragons and phoenixes who'd initiated conflict," Hongjun sent a cool gaze towards Da Hai's faction.

"Bullshit," Zulong snarled. But Da Hai did a quick scan through the Primitive World and felt an even greater rage. The Dao realm's power was truly magnificent yet dreadful.

Every word of Hongjun's had an effect. It wasn't aimed at any specific individual, nor did it change anyone's memories. From the looks of things, Da Hai could see that no one outside of those with high cultivation had even heard him.

It was instead changing how the world remembered these past thirty thousand years. This would result in the case where if one tries to divine the past, they'd find what Hongjun wants them to see.

"You think you can rewrite history just like that?" Da Hai spat.

"This tribulation brought about the end of an era, it is the shifting of eras," Hongjun aid undeterred. "In accordance to the will of heaven, the age of the Primitive World is over. I have become one with the will of heaven, ascended to the exalted position of sanctification.

"I exist as the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao and I declare the end of the Dragon-Phoenix-Devil tribulation. From this moment on, the most primitive era is OVER!"

Hongjun took a long sigh before giving all the dragons a solemn look. "But…for the crimes against the Primitive World, the Heavenly Dao cannot allow the beast sovereigns to continue into the new age."

'There it is.' Though Da Hai could see what Hongjun was getting at, he was powerless to stop him at this moment. If he wanted to kill his disciple though? Da Hai would give his all to give him a chance to escape.

Any lesser man like Liu Er would've long since ran calling everyone stupid. But Da Hai loved Zulong too much to dare to such a thing.

"But, I am not without mercy," Hongjun said much to Da Hai's shock. "Though heaven has been displeased with the performance of the sovereigns and thus wishes them gone. I am not heaven's meatsuit. I am gracious enough to allow your continued existence so long as you behave. After all, it has become clear that the two empire's existence suppresses and threatens the safety or living beings."

"You…" numerous dragons and phoenixes all simultaneously contorted into ugly expressions. Though he worded it flatteringly, Hongjun wanted to defang them, force them to go into hiding and never interfere with the world again as the Heavenly Dao's punishment for damaging the world in their war. All under the guise of mercy.

Were Hongjun not a Dao realm being, he would've been swarmed no matter his cultivation.

The more ballsy dragons and phoenixes voiced their objections immediately. Cries of rage and insults were thrown Hongjun's way. The older the dragon or phoenix, the more indignant they found themselves.

Even Zulong wanted to say something but Da Hai grabbed him by the back of his neck. The sea god had sensed something bad the moment Hongjun flipped a palm. Zulong reeled back but did not question Da Hai.


The heads of dozens of dissenting dragons exploded. No matter if they were Chaos Immortals, they died immediately when Hongjun clicked his fingers.

'Ao Sufu, Ao Liguan, Ao Yanyuan…' Zulong listed the elders who'd perished in his mind. They were all at least Great Principle experts, but were killed easier than a mortal slaughtering chickens. Such was the difference between omnipotent beings and they.

"Limitless Supreme, one realm but I'm not even close to Dao," Yang Mei spoke softly as he watched. From Hongjun's gaze, all of them amounted to little more than flies buzzing about.

"Undisciplined children, don't they know not to interrupt?" Hongjun sighed like a dissapointed parent.

"I'll be frank for now, I have nothing but respect and gratitude for you dragons and phoenixes for your actions this past war. I have no desire to harm you and frankly, I have no need to," Hongjun spoke in what Da Hai could only identify as absolute confidence. The justified arrogance of a vastly superior lifeform.

"In truth, the Heavenly Dao have grown sick of you all for taking so long to rid this world of Luohu. On this matter, I don't entirely agree. But as I owe it as you've already guessed. Bow your heads and live in peace. I don't really care anymore."

Seeing how whimsical Hongjun suddenly turned, Da Hai felt sick to his stomach. A single breakthrough changed his dynamic with his contemporaries entirely.

"Unacceptable," Zulong muttered. "Absolute unacceptable. You want me, you want my people, you want us all to abandon our rightful place in this world and disappear from sight?"

"The Heavenly Dao don't really mind some youngster traveling about. But you all, don't you think you've all grown a little too big to play around? Today has marked a glorious event, I have no desire to sully it further with needless bloodshed. As long as your people all retreat and live in accordance to the will of heaven, I don't care what you all do."

"You want us to disappear?" Wangshu's face turned ugly.

"The universe has no need for Limitless Supreme existences," Hongjun said cryptically. "You, Yang Mei, Da Hai, you are all too big. You're all far more fitting for the Chaos Sea don't you think?"

A feminine sigh was suddenly heard from the void within the Primitive World. A tacit agreement from Zufeng was met with disbelief from the dragons, but a strained understanding from the phoenixes and stronger avian cultivators.

Hongjun nodded at Zufeng's actions. From this day onward, the phoenixes as an empire was effectively dissolved. Even if it continues in some version under Zufeng, she'll find herself hard pressed to reenter the geopolitical scene of the Primitive World under the Heavenly Dao's gaze.

The Dao Acnestor swept his gaze towards Zulong. "It is a good deal no? As I have explained, I have no reason nor value nor desire to exterminate your kind. I am not Luohu." His gaze pierced towards Da Hai with the same expecting look he gave Zulong.

"Da Hai, don't you think it's time to put old grudges to rest? I offer this mercy as thanks for dealing with Luohu. But I don't mind destroying you if you choose this self destructive path…"

"Is this your pathetic attempt to make yourself the merciful kind good guy? Don't make me laugh you old thief," Da Hai snapped before the older cultivator finished. Da Hai already knew his decision in his heart.

"It's your choice," he told Zulong.


"I…I cannot give up, will not allow myself to. But I will not drag you into it my son. For the sake of your empire, your people, your wife and son. Don't follow me into oblivion," Da Hai said.

"Today's consequences are creations of my own. In this war, I focused so much on Luohu that I neglected what Hongjun was doing. I never could've imagined, had no chance to react. So this was his plan all…"

"Backup," Hongjun corrected him. "Always have backups. I did not want this ending either." Yet from the air around their vicinity, it was clear no one outside of Da Hai and his group could even hear him.

Despite his awe inspiring performance just now, there were undertones of embarrassment in Hongjun. Despite all the power, the prideful elderly godfiend could never shake off the reality that he did not obtain that height through his own Dao. The dream of the three corpses path transcending to encompass all things was nothing more than a dream.

Da Hai measured the old man and felt he truly didn't know the guy. For years, his impression on him had always been based upon blind hatred. Everything amounted to little more than assumptions.

'It's ironic,' Da Hai concluded. Not too long ago he saw the death of a transmigrator who saw the world through nothing but assumptions and never attempted to learn anything because he 'already knew better'. But wasn't Da Hai somewhat the same in this regard?

Assumptions truly were a dangerous thing.


"Speak no further master," Da Hai's eldest disciple said. "I can not tolerate living in this world without you. Nor can I tolerate living in the same world as your foe."

The dragon however called out to clarify. "But my decision is not the Primordial Celestial Dragon's. I am sovereign of the sea and all scaled creatures, not just dragons. Yinglong is the true head of the dragons."

"Your majesty." Numerous dragons, old and young, ascended or pure blood alike looked unsure by his words.

"Husband/Brother," Yinglong and Gui Daoyi said at the same time. "What are you saying?"

"I refuse to live in the same world as this Dao Ancestor," Zulong said. "If my master or I are forced to live like dogs to heaven, never welcomed to the world again, then I'd rather leave for the Chaos Sea."

"Exile then? Futile." Hongjun could respect that loyalty. At first he thought the dragon wanted to fight him, a hilariously stupid decision. But it seemed he wanted self exile instead of living in heaven's restriction. If the dragon wanted to live the life of a wanderer then so be it, he couldn't affect him anymore either.

A half dead phoenix watching from the void shook her head. "Is it pride or loyalty?"

"Wife, my sons. What say you all? I will not force you to come with me or not, your holdings are all within the Primitive World's seas. I will not ask any dragon to give up their homes to join me in exile. But know that I will never return to a universe where Hongjun exists."

Zulong's decision was not born solely from the adversarial relationship between Da Hai and Hongjun. It was a combination of the Heavenly Dao's desire to defang his people, strip him of his position, and remove the dragons from Wordly events. Zulong just couldn't stomach the two in conjunction.

It was something surmised by most dragons as they too felt anger at heaven's 'punishment'. But many were also reluctant to abandon their homes. Nothing was truly known about the Chaos Sea other than its dangers and the fact that no one below Golden Immortal could survive there.

In spite of that, thousands upon thousands of dragons suddenly flew into the Chaos Sea. Third order celestial lifeforms who could survive in its environments dragged those who couldn't into reinforced pocket dimensions and joined their sovereign with a decision made.

Hongjun observed this and couldn't help but be amused by their silly protest.

Zulong met a resting Yinglong's eyes and sent a message to him. "Brother, you should stay and look after my clan. I already know many will not follow me."

Then he turned to his wife and told her the same thing. That she should continue to lead as empress of the seas and not follow him into uncertainty. However, Gui Daoyi shook her head.

"Do you think that less of me?" She said as she teleported to his side.

"Father…" the nine sons of Zulong all appeared reluctant. They'd only known the Primitive World their entire lives. After fighting for that place for so long, the idea to abandon it was a difficult one.

"Ah screw this," Suanni spat. "I don't know about the rest of you but I didn't fight a war to see repayment in exile and territory lost. Father, please forgive this unfilial son. I do not wish to leave the Primitive World."

Zulong shook his head. "What unfilial? You're all adults with your on decisions. Protecting my people and safeguarding their homes is a righteous act. Filial piety runs both ways, I am the unworthy one."

Before long, Chao Feng, Qiu Niu, and Denglong were the only ones who joined by Zulong's side. The rest of his children opted to stay in the Primitive World.

The Heavenly Dao's presence grew heavier. Though it was not in anger, but one of delight. Hongjun received a message and nodded before speaking.

"The Dragon Sovereign was unworthy, but the nine spawns are beings with the potential to propagate new species for the animal path. The sins of the dragons may not affect them."

'Bastard,' the princes all scolded in their heads. Of course the Heavenly Dao would want to parade their exalted bloodline as another auspicious beast to its collection. Look at the qilin, already dogs of heaven.

For his part, Qi An did not speak up acting only as a bodyguard of sorts to heaven.

"In the end he was the biggest winner," Heart Devil contemplated. He was extremely terrified as to what may happen and didn't dare make any sudden moves.

"Let's go master," Zulong said. "Auntmaster Wangshu, we should all leave this place."

"Hai, at least what I came here for is achieved," Yang Mei said. "Fellow daoist, this is a fine ending as any. Thank you for your mercy Dao Ancestor." He cupped his hands and bowed towards Hongjun.

"Don't mention it. I have never been a needlessly cruel person. I have already achieved everything I wanted," Hongjun replied. Whatever karma Yang Mei thought they'd had, it was irrelevant to a Hongjun who could do whatever he wanted.

Hongjun waved his hand and immediately forced the Solar and Lunar Stars to retreat into the recesses of the Primitive World. Wangshu felt her connection to her birth place drift apart but could only watch helplessly. The difference one realm made was the difference between omnipotence and everyone else.

She knew she was free to reenter, but would be little more than a background observer. Not exactly a bad life for her. She stepped forward despite Da Hai gazing at her back.

"Oh?" Hongjun tilted his head. "I had thought those of your stature would be too arrogant."

"I never cared much for cultivation to begin with. I only want what's mine to stay as such. And…" she turned towards Da Hai. "The mission you've embarked on so long ago has ended. Living peacefully from now on isn't so bad."

Luohu was already dead. Hongjun ascended beyond their reach. Wangshu calculated the risks and thought it not worth it anymore.

"Auntmaster," Zulong nodded in understanding. Da Hai likewise did not begrudge her. From a purely logical standpoint she was absolutely right.

"I wish you well my friend." 'But unfortunately my emotions are too great for me to make that choice.'

"Let's go master, we'll something out," Zulong advised. His body shrunk back to man shape as did all the dragons who'd followed with him. But Da Hai didn't move to accompany him. He remained standing in front of Hongjun with his single arm relaxed by his side.

What he said next shocked everyone bar a few.

"You go on ahead, I've some business to settle."