Journey to Kill

Heartbroken by the loss of his childhood

friend Poki, Damon bravely carried her

lifeless body to his grandmother's house,

seeking solace in her comforting presence

as he mourned the tragic fate that befell his

dear companion.

Damon's Grandmother: (Gasping in shock)

Oh, dear gods! What has happened to Poki?

Who could have done such a dreadful thing?

Damon: (Struggling to hold back tears) I

don't know, Grandmother. I found her like

this, lifeless and without her head. It's a

nightmare. We need to inform the villagers,

but I don't even know where to begin.

Damon's Grandmother: (Trying to steady

her voice) Damon, my dear boy, we must

remain calm. This is a tragedy, but we need

to think clearly and act responsibly. Let's

gather the village council and the elders.

They will know what to do in such a


Damon: (Nodding, still visibly shaken) Yes,

you're right, Grandmother. We need their


Damon's Grandmother: We will take care of

that, Damon.

Damon: (Sniffles) Thank you, Grandmother.

I don't know how I'll find the strength to

face them, but I'll do my best. Poki was such

a kind and vibrant person. She didn't

deserve this.

Damon's Grandmother: No one deserves

such a cruel fate, Damon. But we must focus

on justice. We will work together with the

council, the elders, and the village

authorities to find out who committed this

heinous act. The culprit must be brought to

justice for the sake of Poki and the safety of

our community.

Damon: (Gently placing Poki's body on a

stretcher) I promise, Grandmother, I will do

everything in my power to find the person

responsible for this. Poki's memory will not

fade away, and justice will prevail.

Damon's Grandmother: I believe in you,

Damon. Remember, you are not alone in

this. The entire village stands behind you,

ready to support you in seeking justice for

Poki. Let's go now, gather the council, and

inform them of this horrifying incident. We

will face this together, my brave grandson.

Damon: (Nods with determination) Thank

you, Grandmother. Together, we will find

the strength to get through this and bring

peace to Poki's soul.

News of Poki's tragic demise spread swiftly

through the village, casting a somber pall

over its inhabitants. Shock and grief

permeated the air as the villagers mourned

the loss of their beloved Poki, sharing fond

memories and tales of her kindness. The

three revered elders, wise and

compassionate, convened to address the collective sorrow. They called for a village

gathering, where they led heartfelt prayers

and offered words of solace, reminding the

community of the enduring strength found

in unity. Together, they vowed to support

Damon, honoring Poki's memory by

fostering love and harmony in their tight-

knit village.

Elder 1: Damon, we gather here today to

offer our condolences for the loss of your

dear friend, Poki. May her spirit find eternal


Damon: Thank you, Elder. There is

something else I must share. When I found

Poki's body, there was a torn cloth near her.

It had the initials C.G. embroidered on it. Do

any of you know what it means?

Elder 2: (exchanging uneasy glances with

the other elders) Damon, that cloth... It's

nothing of importance. We advise you not to

dwell on it.

Damon: (concerned) But the fear on your

faces tells a different story. Please, I deserve

to know the truth about Poki's death.

Elder 3: (hesitant) Damon, it is a matter best

left untouched. Our duty now is to mourn

Poki and honor her memory.

Damon's Grandpa: (softly) Damon,

sometimes secrets are buried to protect

others. The truth may bring dange. Please,

trust that the elders have their reasons.

Damon: (resolute) I understand, Grandpa.

But I won't rest until I uncover the truth.

Poki deserves justice, and I will seek it, no

matter the consequences.

The conversation hung heavy with

unspoken revelations, leaving Damon

determined to unveil the hidden secrets that

lurked behind Poki's tragic demise.

After speaking with the elders, her body is

laid to rest in a burial ceremony. The entire

village comes together to offer prayers for

her departed soul.

Three long years had passed since that


Damon's grandfather passed away two

years ago due to old age. The loss of his

beloved grandfather left a void in Damon's

heart, as he cherished the memories and

wisdom his grandfather shared. Though

gone, his presence continues to inspire and

guide Damon's path in life.

The death of Damon's grandfather shook

him to the core, leaving him with a renewed

determination to protect his only family

member, his grandmother. Fueled by love

and responsibility, he toiled tirelessly day

after day, shouldering numerous tasks. But

it was his daily ritual of chopping trees that

held a deeper significance. Each swing of

the axe was not only physical training, but

also a symbolic act of strengthening himself, mentally and emotionally. With

each tree that fell, Damon grew stronger,

driven by the memory of his grandfather's

wisdom and the desire to create a better

future for his grandmother.

Despite the passage of three years, Damon's

heart still held the weight of Poki's untimely

death at the hands of an unknown assailant.

It fueled his relentless pursuit of strength

and a new purpose: to find the person

responsible. Every day, as he worked to

protect his grandmother and honed his

physical abilities, he also sharpened his

instincts for justice. Damon knew that one

day, he would confront the individual who

had taken Poki's life. With unwavering

belief in his determination, he vowed to

track dowm the perpetrator, driven by the

conviction that justice would ultimately


Unbeknownst to Damon, he unknowingly

ventured deep into the very forest where

Poki had met her tragic end. Lost in his

thoughts while chopping wood, he came

dangerously close to the place that held

haunting memories. The air felt heavy, as if

whispering the secrets of that fateful day.

Unsettling emotions stirred within him, an

eerie familiarity that he couldn't ignore.

Though unaware of the proximity, the

forest seemed to remind Damon of his

unresolved quest for justice, heightening his determination to find the one

responsible for Poki's demise.

Venturing deeper into the forest, Damon's

ears caught the faint sound of cascading

water. Intrigued, he pondered aloud,

questioning the origin of the soothing

melody. Was it truly the sound of a hidden

waterfall? Suddenly, a rush of memories

flooded his mind, reminding him of a

conversation he once shared with Poki.

They had spoken of a secret waterfall within

this very forest, a place imbued with ancient

magic and wondrous tales. The realization

struck him with renewed purpose. Guided

by the echoes of their past conversation,

Damon resolved to uncover the truth and

perhaps find solace amidst the enchanting

beauty of the hidden waterfall.

Damon, frustrated and determined,

ventured deeper into the forest, following

the tantalizing sound of the waterfall. He

strained his eyes, searching for its elusive

source, but it remained hidden from his

sight. "Where are you, waterfall?" he

shouted in exasperation, his voice echoing

through the trees. The forest seemed to

respond with an eerie silence, as if teasing

him with its secrets. Undeterred, Damon

pressed on, refusing to give up.

As Damon's frustration grew, a small,

unexpected visitor, a vibrant blue bird,

appeared seemingly out of nowhere. At first, Damon was annoyed by its presence,

dismissing it as a mere distraction.

However, as time passed, he began to

perceive the bird's actions as intentional,

guiding him towards something significant.

Intrigued, he decided to trust the avian

guide and followed its lead through the


For an hour, Damon persisted, keeping his

gaze fixed on the bird's flight. And then, a

breathtaking sight unfolded before his eyes

-the legendary waterfall he had sought.

But shock enveloped him as he

comprehended the impossible: the cascades

flowed upward, defying gravity, their

majestic descent obstructed by a veil of

clouds. It was a scene beyond the bounds of

ordinary reality.

Despite the initial astonishment, Damon's

determination burned brighter than ever.

This extraordinary waterfall held untold

secrets, and he was resolved to unravel its

mysteries, eager to uncover the truths that

lay hidden amidst the ethereal wonder of

water flowing skyward.

As Damon approached the astounding sight

of the inverted waterfall, he was ambushed

by two men clad in black robes. However,

the intervening years had transformed

Damon, molding him into a formidable

force. His newfound strength surged through his veins as he unleashed a flurry of

power, swiftly overpowering the assailants.

The tables had turned, and Damon now

stood as the victor, his determination and

training paying off in that crucial moment.

With the threat subdued, he stood amidst

the surreal surroundings, his resolve


Black Robe Man 1: Are you a friend of that

little girl?

Damon: (pauses, assessing the situation)

What little girl are you referring to?

Black Robe Man 2: Don't play dumb with us.

We know you've been searching for the

curse gem.

Damon: (narrows his eyes) The curse gem?

What do you know about it?

Black Robe Man 1: We know enough to

understand its power and the danger it

poses. We won't let anyone interfere with

our plans to retrieve it.

Damon: (firmly) Plans? What do you intend

to do with it?

Black Robe Man 2: That's none of your

concern. Just know that it's in your best

interest to stay out of our way.

Damon: Wait! Tell me more about the curse


Black Robe Man 1: (grinning) You're too

late, It's not just us after it. There are others who seek its power.

Damon: (determined) Who are they? And

what is their connection to the little girl?

Black Robe Man 2: (sinisterly) You won't be

finding out anytime soon.

(Before Damon could react, a third black-

robed figure lunged at him, catching him off

guard. The assailant, who had been chasing

the little girl, swiftly incapacitated Damon.

As Damon struggled to regain his senses,

the trio of black-robed figures vanished into

thin air.

Damon: (with seething anger) Bastards! You

won't get away with this!

[In the aftermath of the sudden attack and

their escape, Damon's frustration and rage

consumed him. He cursed at the vanished

black-robed figures, venting his anger at

their elusive disappearance]

Damon's gaze fell upon a little girl

emerging from the bushes, catching his

attention in an instant.

Damon: (startled) You.. You're the little girl

they were after, right?(still catching his

breath) Hi there. I'm Damon. Are you okay?

Sani Nani: (giggling) Yes, I'm fine now.

Thank you for saving me. My name is Sani


Damon: (smiling) My name is Damon. It's

nice to meet you, Sani Nani. What were those men after? They mentioned

something about a curse gem.

Sani Nani: (softly) The curse gem... It's a

powerful artifact that my father, who is a

statue maker, discovered. But its influence

has brought chaos and suffering to our

town, PATHRIM. Those men seek to harness

its power for their own dark purposes.

Damon: (curious) Where is this PATHRIM

Town? I've never heard of it before.

Sani: (smiling) PATHRIM Town is located

just above these waterfalls.

Damon: (shocked) Whaattttt?

Sani: (giggling) Yes, it's hidden away,

nestled in the beauty of nature.

Damon: (astonished) That's incredible! I

had no idea such a place existed here.

Damon: Who were those black-robed guys?

Where did they come from?

Sani: (surprised) You don't know them?

They're the infamous C.G also known as

"Carang Gang".!!

(Damon's face paled, rendered speechless

by the revelation. He took a deep breath, his

gaze fixed upon the waterfall above,

contemplating the gravity of the situation.)



CHAPTER3- Hunter Appears