Damon and Sani found themselves

teleported above a magnificent waterfall in

the heart of the jungle. As they marveled at

their surroundings, their attention was

captured by a young boy being pursued

gang of menacing robbers. To their

astonishment, the boy unleashed a surge of

extraordinary powers, causing the robbers

to crumble before him.

Caught off guard, Damon and Sani observed

the boy's every move, captivated by his

abilities. However, their watchful eyes did

not go unnoticed. Sensing their presence,

the boy abruptly changed direction and

sprinted towards them with light speed.

Realizing the imminent danger, Damon and

Sani attempted to flee, their hearts

pounding with fear.

But fate seemed determined to entwine

their destinies. In a matter of moments, the

boy caught up with them, his eyes gleaming

with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

Damon and Sani stood frozen, their minds

racing with questions about the incredible

powers this boy possessed and what his

unexpected arrival meant for their own

journey in this mystifying jungle.

In a sudden twist, the boy seized Damon's

neck in mid-air, casting doubt on their

intentions and leaving Damon and Sani

grappling with uncertainty and fear.

Damon struggled to speak as the boy's grip

tightened around his neck. Gasping for air,

he managed to choke out his words.

"Please... let go... we mean you no harm," he

wheezed, his voice strained. "We... we were

just exploring the jungle when we saw those

robbers chasing you."

Sani, her eyes wide with fear, pleaded with

the boy. "It's true! We were just trying to get

out of this forest and we stumbled upon you

by accident.

As the boy tightened his grip on Damon's

neck, he demanded answers. "Why should I

believe your words? Tell me, who sent you?

Did they send you to kll me too?" he

questioned, his voice filled with suspicion

and fear.

Struggling to breathe, Damon managed to

respond through the pain. "No, we weren't

sent by anybody," he gasped. "We're just

lost travelers, trying to survive in this


Sani, her voice trembling, stepped forward.

"Look at me," she pleaded. "'Do you think

anybody would send a little girl to kill

somebody? We stumbled upon you by

chance, and we want to help."

The boy's gaze shifted towards Sani, his

expression softening ever so slightly. He

loosened his grip on Damon's neck, giving

him a moment to catch his breath. "I've been chased for days," he confessed. "I

don't know who to trust anymore."

Damon, now able to speak more clearly,

empathized with the boy's predicament.

"We understand your fear," he said

earnestly. "But we can't survive alone

either. Let us prove our intentions. We can

watch each other's backs."

The boy hesitated, uncertainty flickering in

his eyes. Slowly, he released Damon's neck,

taking a step back.

Damon and Sani relieved that their words

had reached the boy's heart.

The boy's resolve remained firnm. "Don't get

me wrong, I don't plan to join you guys. I'm

on my way," he stated, determination in his


Sani, her eyes pleading, made a request.

"Can we just walk with you until we leave

this forest? With you, we won't have to

worry about robbers and thieves, and we

can navigate our way out of this jungle more

easily. We won't get in your way, I


The boy considered her words for a moment

before finlly relenting. "Fine," he replied,

his tone begrudgingly accepting, but don't

slow me down.

Relieved by his agreement, Damon and Sani

exchanged grateful glances. Together, this

unlikely trio set off, each driven by their own motivations, hoping to find safety and

a way out of the treacherous jungle.

As they walked through the dense jungle,

Damon couldn't help but dwell on the boy's

extraordinary abilities.

After a few minutes,

he mustered the courage to inquire, "I can't

believe you grabbed my neck and lifted me

in the air. You looks younger than me, yet

incredibly strong. And you move so fast, it's

like a blur. How did you do that?"

The boy remained silent for a moment

before finally responding, "Don't talk to

me. "

Damon's annoyance grew, and he persisted,

"Come on, what's the problem? I, too, have

my own purpose and need to become

stronger. Can't you share some tips with


The boy's silence persisted, further

frustrating Damon. "Okay, fine," Damon

grumbled. "If you don't want to talk about

that, can you at least tell me your name?"

The boy's voice was cold as he replied, "It's

Johan. Now, don't ask anything else."

Damon, genuinely curious, responded, "So

your name is Johan? That's a pretty cool

name. Are you from around here? Where's

your home?"

Johan's voice carried a weight of sorrow as

he replied, "My home? They are gone."

Sani's eyes widened with curiosity, but she held back her questions for the moment.

Damon, still unaware of the significance,

pressed further, "Gone? Are they on

vacation or something?" His gaze shifted to

the mark on Johan's left hand. "By the way,

that's a pretty cool mark. What's it for?"

Sani's eyes widened in realization, and she

hesitantly asked Johan, "Are you from the

"Trisuli Clan'?"

Johan's anger flared, and he attempted to

grab Sani. Reacting swiftly, Damon

intervened, kicking Johan away. "What's

your problem?" Damon demanded. "Why

are you being a psychopath?"

Sani urged Damon to hold back, realizing

her mistake. "Wait, Damon. Johan I am

sorry, so sorry. I didn't know that you were

from there."

Damon, still trying to grasp the situation,

questioned, "What's going on here?"

Sani's voice quivered as she explained, "The

"Trisuli Clan' was wiped out last year. There

are no survivors, except Johan. That's why

he was scared of us."

Johan's voice turned icy, filled with

warning, "Don't talk about my family, or I

will kill you."

The weight of tragedy and a deeply

wounded past now hung heavily in the air,

leaving Damon and Sani grappling with the

fragile threads of understanding and the pressing need to navigate this newfound

knowledge with caution.

As Johan sat lost in his thoughts, Damon

and Sani maintained a respectful distance,

keeping a watchful eye on him.

Damon couldn't contain his curiosity any longer

and turned to Sani, asking, "Can you tell me

more about his clan and what happened?"

Sani nodded, her voice filled with a mix of

sadness and knowledge. "The Trisuli Clan

had a population of around 400. They all

possessed the Trisul mark, a birthmark that

holds some kind of power. It grants them

enhanced speed and emits a spiritual

pressure capable of knocking out others."

Damon's eyebrows furrowed in

contemplation. "So, were they wiped out

because they had these special powers?" he


Sani sighed, her gaze fixed on Johan. "It's

complicated," she replied. "There were

rumors that some factions sought to

eliminate the Trisuli Clan due to their

abilities. They were seen as a threat, and

sadly, last year, tragedy struck, and the clan

was wiped out. Johan may be the last


Damon's heart sank as he absorbed the

weight of their history. He understood the

fear and pain Johan carried within him, the

weight of loss and the burden of being the sole remnant of a once-thriving clan.

Damon, still grappling with the disturbing

revelations, turned to Sani with a puzzled

expression. "So, they were killed just

because people were afraid of their super-

fast power and spiritual pressure? Is that


Sani corrected Damon's understanding. "If

it were just about speed and spiritual

pressure, then something like this couldn't

have happened," she clarified, emphasizing

the magnitude of the situation. The Trisuli

Clan's fate was not merely a consequence of

their abilities but a deeper truth that had yet

to be uncovered.

As Damon listened to Sani's words, a mix of

shock and anger welled up inside him. "If it

was just their powers, it wouldn't be a

problem?" he repeated incredulously.

"What were they afraid of then?"

Sani's voice turned somber. "The Trisul's

true awakening. It was just a rumor from

the past, but three years ago, it was

confirmed as a possibility. That's when they

made their move, orchestrating the

massacre in a single night."

Damon clenched his fists, his anger

burning.'"And who were the ones behind

it?" he demanded, his voice seething with


Sani's gaze dropped, filled with sorrow. "The Elite Gang No.4 commander and the

Carang Gang No.5 commander," she

revealed. "You're already familiar with

Carang Gang, and the Elite Gang is one of

the seven notorious gangs. They were

dispatched to carry out this mission."

Damon's face twisted with fury. The weight

of injustice and betrayal pressed upon him.

Words failed him as the enormity of the

tragedy sank in. He could only imagine the

pain and loss that Johan carried, being the

sole survivor of such an atrocity.

Silence hung heavy in the air as Damon and

Sani absorbed the truth, their hearts heavy

with the weight of the past.

Johan sat alone, lost in the painful

memories of his hometown. In his mind, he

saw a vivid image of his mother and father,

their voices echoing in his ears.

"Johan, you must run," his father had

pleaded, fear etched on his face. "Protect

yourself. We'll hold them off"

Tears welled up in Johan's eyes as he

remembered his mother's gentle voice.

"Stay strong, my son," she had whispered,

tears streaming down her face. "Find a way

to survive."

In that haunting moment, the Elite Gang

No.4 commander and the Carang Gang No.5

commander descended upon their village,

their ruthlessness palpable. Johan's parents fought valiantly, until the end.

The memory of that tragic night was etched

into Johan's soul. The screams of pain, the

sight of bloodshed, and the feeling of

helplessness consumed him. He was left all

alone, the last survivor of the Trisuli Clan,

burdened with the weight of his family's


The sorrow and anger welled up within

Johan, and he clenched his fists, feeling the

urge for vengeance burn in his heart. The

memories served as a constant reminder of

the merciless actions of the Elite and Carang

gangs. The pain of losing his parents, the

injustice inflicted upon his clan, fueled his

determination to seek justice and to honor

his family's memory.

With tears streaming down his face, Johan

vowed to find a way to unveil the truth, to

expose those responsible for the

annihilation of his clan. Every step he took

would be dedicated to the memory of his

beloved parents, their love forever etched in

his heart.