Damon's gaze fixed on the sword, his desire evident. With an unwavering tone, he simply uttered, "I want that sword." His longing for the weapon was clear, leaving no room for doubt.

Sani looked at Damon with concern etched on her face. "What are you saying, Damon? No one can pull that sword," she warned. "Every day, thousands try, but no one succeeds. They've tried everything."

Damon's eyes hardened as he replied, "Sani, that sword is the only thing that can help me fight those guys. You told me a single commander could destroy a country, that means leader are even stronger, right? This is my only hope to take them down and become strong."

Damon asserted, "This is my problem, Sani. I must take responsibility and finish this. It's something only I can do." Determined and resolute, he understood that he alone had the power to bring this chapter to a close.

Sani: "But how can you?

Johan scoffed at Damon's resolve. "Are you stupid? Do you think you're the protagonist of some heroic tale? Justice and morals won't magically make you achieve anything. You're just being childish, thinking you can do it all. Wake up from your dream."

Damon's gaze grew somber as he recounted a haunting memory. "When I saw Poki's lifeless body on the floor, I realized he must have been a skilled swordsman."

Johan, unaware of Damon's past, remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

Damon continued, his voice steady yet introspective. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I've simply relied on determination alone. But I don't see it as a bad way of thinking. It gives me confidence, even in my powerlessness. It's who I am." He turned to Johan, a tinge of remorse in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Johan. I know you've endured your own tragic past, but I came here with a sole purpose: to confront and eliminate someone who wields immense strength."

A small crowd observed Damon and Johan's heated argument, their whispers carrying gossip through the air. Speculation swirled as they discussed the determined duo, intrigued by their contrasting perspectives and shared purpose.

Johan's voice boomed with frustration. "I never asked for your help! You're just a weakling!"

Sani intervened, her voice firm. "Both of you, stop fighting right now!" She turned to Damon. "Apologize to Johan immediately.

Before Damon could respond, the crowd erupted into a frenzy. Whispers and speculations filled the air. "He's here! He's back again?" someone exclaimed. "I wonder what kind of power he'll use to pull that sword out? Has it been a month already?" The attention shifted towards a figure emerging from the crowd, a notorious gang member named "Leo Brandon," the first commander of the feared "Zero Gang."

Damon's gaze locked onto Leo Brandon, his face filled with determination. "This is my chance," he muttered under his breath.

Johan, temporarily forgotten in the chaos, watched with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "Who is that?" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

Sani's voice trembled slightly. "That's Leo Brandon, the first commander of the Zero Gang. He's incredibly powerful, Damon."

Damon turned to Sani, seeking clarification. "I assumed 'Zero Gang' is another one of the seven gangs, right?"

Sani nodded in confirmation. "Yes, it is."

Damon's eyes gleamed with a newfound determination. "I must defeat him. It's the only way to prove myself."

Leo Brandon's gaze scanned the crowd as he bellowed, "What's up, everyone? Missed me, your lovely Leo?" The crowd erupted into cheers, fueling his ego. "I know you're all dying to see how I pull this sword out, right?"

The crowd responded in unison, their voices echoing, "Right...right...right!"

The crowd's adoration reached a fever pitch as they cheered Leo Brandon's name. Their voices filled with admiration, exclaiming his awesomeness and proclaiming him the best. Eagerly, they requested the privilege of capturing a moment with him, urging him to pose for photos.

Damon appeared perplexed as he observed the crowd's positive reaction towards Leo Brandon. Turning to Sani, he voiced his confusion, "Hey Sani, people here seem to like him. I thought he was a bad guy. What's going on here?"

Sani shared Damon's surprise. "I'm equally taken aback. I expected him to be similar to his fellow commanders, but he appears different."

Curiosity piqued, Damon inquired further, "Didn't you see him during the tournament in your hometown?"

Sani shook her head. "Actually, he never participated in the tournament. I had only assumed he would be like the others based on their notorious reputation. Perhaps I was wrong about him."

As they watched Leo bask in the admiration of the crowd, Damon's mind raced with questions. "There must be more to him than meets the eye. We can't underestimate his abilities or the loyalty he commands."

Sani glanced around but couldn't spot Johan. Concerned, she asked Damon if he had seen him. Damon's voice carried guilt as he responded, "It's my fault. He's probably angry with me. Don't worry, he'll be back. He can't go on his own anyway."

Sani sighed, hoping Johan would return soon. "Let's give him some time."

Damon's curiosity shifted towards Leo's power. "By the way, what kind of power does this Leo guy possess? As the leader's right hand, he must be incredibly strong."

Sani's voice carried a tinge of dread. "He holds the title of 'Firefist King.' There are rumors that he singlehandedly faced and obliterated two countries' military forces, reducing them to ashes. If he were to unleash his full power, even for just 10 seconds here, this country would be destroyed."

Damon's expression changed, realization sinking in. "I take back what I said earlier. Defeating him now would be reckless." What am I saying?

Acknowledging the immense threat Leo Brandon posed, Damon's focus shifted to strategy and the importance of biding their time. They understood the grave consequences of underestimating Leo's power and the need for careful planning.

The crowd erupted in cheers, urging Leo onward. Their voices echoed, proclaiming him as the last hope to pull the sword, declaring him the sole deserving candidate. Leo basked in the support, fueled by the belief that he alone possessed the necessary qualities to claim the coveted weapon.

Damon and Sani watched in anticipation, astonished by Leo Brandon's emotional response to the crowd's adoration. As Leo wiped away his tears, he declared his intention to give them an unprecedented spectacle, something he had never used on the boulder before. The crowd erupted in even louder cheers, amplifying Damon and Sani's curiosity.

They exchanged bewildered glances, unable to comprehend what Leo had in store. "What is he planning?" Damon whispered.

Leo Brandon's proclamation echoed through the air as he shouted, "Finally, today I am going to use my 'FULL POWER.'"

Damon and Sani's jaws dropped in disbelief as they heard Leo's declaration of using his "full power."