Johan's eyes still burned with rage as he stood over the broken and battered Kasim. The weight of the revelation about his parents' killers had pushed him to the edge, and his powers seemed to surge uncontrollably. Kasim, in excruciating pain, managed to gasp out his defiant words amidst his suffering.

Kasim: (gritting his teeth) "You just snapped by hearing my brother's position? Did he do something to you in the past?"

In a fit of rage, Johan snaps and attacks Kasim, breaking his arms.

Kasim: (in tears) "Ahhhh! Wait, you bastard! Don't you move! If you kill me, my brother, Khalik Mongol, will avenge me! He's the recognized 5th commander of the Carang gang!" He will come for you.

Johan: (coldly) "I cannot wait for that!

Kasim's desperate attempt to use his legs failed, and Johan's fury only intensified. He took a deep breath, gathering his power for one final attack.

Kasim: (panicking) "Wait! You think you can defeat my brother? He's known as the 'destroyer'! You're dead now!"

Johan's palm unleashed a devastating attack, obliterating Kasim's body but leaving his head intact. Silence fell upon the room as Johan stared at the lifeless form before him. The weight of his actions sank in, and the rage slowly subsided, leaving him overwhelmed by conflicting emotions.

Johan slowly regained consciousness, bewildered by the power he had just unleashed. Examining his trembling palm, he questioned, "What was that? How did I get this power? Is it the Awakening of the Trisuli clan?"

As he pondered, an excruciating headache overwhelmed him, and his eyes turned crimson once again. Panic set in as he struggled to control himself, but the surge of energy was uncontrollable. With a single move, he inadvertently obliterated the entire bar he was in.

Johan: (distressed) "I can't control it! This power is overwhelming me!"

The weight of his abilities and the consequences of his actions weighed heavily on him.

A massive explosion at the bar draws Damon and Sani to the scene, where they find Johan in distress, unable to control his overwhelming power.

As the smoke from the explosion cleared, Leo Brandon emerged alongside Damon and Sani. Leo immediately noticed Johan's distress but warned the others to keep their distance for safety.

Leo: "Hey kid, get back! You can't be here; you might get hurt. Leave this matter to me."

While Leo spoke with Damon and Sani, Johan's red-eyed state triggered his super-speed, and he instinctively lunged at Leo with a punch. However, to everyone's surprise, the blow failed to land as a protective barrier surrounded Leo, shielding him from the attack.

Leo: (smirking) "Look at this. I was talking, and you attacked me? That's such bad manners."

Leo conjured a fireball in his hand, naming the attack "Fireball Crash." He launched it towards Johan, who was still unable to control his powers, sending him hurtling through at least 6 or 7 buildings.

Damon: (concerned) "Leo, stop! He's not in control!"

Sani: "We need to find a way to help Johan before things get worse."

As Leo Brandon prepared to face the enraged Johan, Damon intervened, urging him to stop.

Damon: "Leo, please! You can't just kill him. He's not himself right now. Something must have happened to him."

Leo: "What do you mean, 'stop'? He's like a wild beast! If I don't stop him, he'll destroy this whole town!"

Damon: "He's our friend, Leo! We can't just abandon him in his time of need. We have to help him."

Sani joined the conversation, pleading with Leo not to harm Johan.

Sani: "Leo, he just lost his parents. He's in pain and doesn't know how to control his powers. Please, don't kill him. Stall him for some time, and I'll try to reach him."

Leo: (frustrated) "What a pain in the ass... Are you sure you can stop him from going berserk?"

Sani: "Yes, I believe I can. Trust me."

With a determined look, Leo flew towards Johan, ready to engage him in combat.

Leo: "Don't take too much time kid.

Sani nodded, acknowledging the urgency.

As Damon and Sani hurried towards Johan, Damon couldn't help but express his concern.

Damon: "Sani, how are we going to stop him? Leo seems to be struggling, and Johan's powers are out of control."

Sani: "Don't worry, Damon. I have an idea. We just need to get through to him somehow."

Meanwhile, Leo Brandon confronted the berserk Johan, attempting to subdue him with his own strength. He landed a powerful punch that created a massive hole, but Johan swiftly recovered, seemingly unaffected.

Leo: "What a pain... Don't you feel anything after getting hit by me? My power is way beyond this, but still, it should have an impact!"

Johan's speed impressed Leo, but the situation grew intense as Johan continued to circle him with lightning-fast movements.

Leo: "Alright, kid. You're fast, I'll give you that. But let me show you the difference in our power."

Johan charged at Leo, launching a palm attack that Leo deflected using his barrier.

Leo: "This isn't getting us anywhere. I have to get through to him somehow."

Determined, Leo closed the distance between them, grabbing Johan's neck. However, before he could do more, Sani and Damon arrived, intervening just in time.

Sani: "Leo, wait! Don't hurt him! We can't give up on our friend."

Damon: "Johan, snap out of it! You're not alone; we're here to help you."

Johan's red eyes flickered again, but the darkness still consumed him. The situation was critical, and as Leo released his grip, they knew they had to find a way to bring Johan back before his destructive power harmed them all.

As Sani rushed to Johan's aid, she pulled out a small ball from her bag and threw it at him. The ball hit Johan, causing him to fall asleep instantly. Leo Brandon looked surprised and recognized the object.

Leo: "What was that, kid? Isn't that the magic stone that induces prolonged sleep?"

Sani: "Yes, it's a sleeping stone. He'll be asleep for ten days."

Damon: "Ten days? That's a long time."

Sani: "I know, but it was the only way to stop him from causing more harm."

Leo chuckled, impressed by Sani's resourcefulness.

Leo: "You're small, but you're brave, kid. Are you both travelers? Not from around here, I assume?"

Sani: "Yes, that's correct. We're just passing through and stopped for some supplies."

Leo Brandon laughed heartily.

Leo: "Well, your friend won't be waking up for ten days. What will you do now?"

Sani: "We'll have to wait for him to wake up."

Leo then made an unexpected offer.

Leo: "Why don't you both come to the palace with me? You can stay there until your friend wakes up."

Sani was taken aback.

Sani: "In the palace? Rajmal Palace?"

Leo Brandon smirked confidently.

Leo: "Yes, don't worry. The king likes me; I'm quite popular."

Damon hesitated but eventually agreed.

Damon: "Okay, we can go to the palace. Thank you for the offer."

Sani was surprised by Damon's acceptance.

Sani: "Are you sure about this?"

Damon: "Why not? It might be the safest place for us, and we can keep an eye on Johan there."

Leo Brandon smiled warmly at their decision.

Leo: "Great! Follow me. I'll take you to the palace, and don't worry; I'll make sure no one bothers you there."

As they followed Leo to the grand Rajmal Palace, uncertainty and curiosity filled their minds. Little did they know that their encounter with Leo would lead to unexpected adventures and discoveries in the days to come.



CHAPTER 11- I Want To Get Strong