Hazard stood before the altar, contemplating what to do with the spirits of the heroes he possessed—whether they were from the million-strong army of darkness or the army of Duke Lamorak's heroes. After a long time of struggling with his thoughts, he decided to keep only the level five and above spirits, absorbing the rest into the altar. As the altar shone brightly, his unit points displayed a staggering 19,278,472, a number so immense that it left Hazard bewildered. Holding such a high figure, he glanced at the units he could summon with those points.

"Mercenaries of the Death Heaven"

Level: ?

Life: -

Power: -

Agility: -

Mana (Dark): -

Endurance: -

Talent: -[100,000 points]

His imagination could hardly grasp it. Did this mean he could now summon 192 Mercenaries of the Death Heaven? Wasn't this equivalent to having 192 beings like Ashar by his side? An army composed of nearly two hundred legendary-ranked entities? With that thought, his hands reached toward the altar.

"Come forth! Come forth!"

Instantly, his points plummeted to 78,472, and the entire altar trembled, shaking the whole castle. This reminded Hazard that it had been a long time since he last checked the state of his domain's buildings.

But that didn't matter now. A massive portal opened in the Divine Desert of Death, and an legendary being appeared above it—a figure wielding a massive death scythe and cloaked in darkness, watching the insane immortals running around below.

"Only 192 shall pass! Charge forth for the honor of death! Know that I, the servant of annihilation, have summoned you! Do not disgrace the face of the God of Death before his faithful servants of destruction!"

With that, the undead beings, whose lifespans exceeded even that of some stars, leapt forward, unleashing their power to outpace their comrades. In the process, dozens of legendary undead were annihilated, but since they were within the realm of the God of Death, they resurrected immediately. However, they quickly realized that the legendary guardian had blocked the portal's entrance with his scythe, shredding any who attempted to cross—signaling that the limit had been reached.

"Any more of you who dare step forward—I swear, with my true aura, I will send you to the River of Emptiness!"

Terrified by the eternal death aura radiating from the scythe, the mad undead backed away as the portal vanished, and the legendary guardian departed while muttering to himself.

"What kind of lunatic could possibly manage two hundred insane elders?"

On the other side of the portal, before the altar, strange and grotesque undead creatures—with blades protruding from their bodies or fused, amalgamated forms—began pouring out like a flood, filling the hall of the altar until Hazard shouted out:


At his command, the Death Silcopers swung open the massive doors, unleashing the undead horde. A shiver ran down Hazard's spine as he felt the power of each one. The shock of it left him uncertain about what to do.

"They're all legendary rank!"

The insane undead began climbing over each other, either crawling aside or rising to their feet, immediately starting arguments among themselves.

"You dried up the Honeyfall all by yourself with a broomstick!"

"What nonsense are you spouting? Wasn't it YOU who set the apples on fire?"

"I'm planting radishes here—maybe the bananas that grow afterward will sell well!"

"Among all my wives, why did I bring the gardener to the classroom?"

Listening to the mad ramblings of these elderly undead, Hazard realized it was far too soon to celebrate his new army. He now faced a far greater threat—managing nearly two hundred troublemakers. Seeing them, he was reminded of Ashar, who just yesterday was caught caressing the castle walls and towers of vengeful spirits.

"Oh no…."

Without hesitation, he ordered the Death Silcopers to push them toward the exit.

"Why are you killing me? Don't you know I can't control my bladder!?"

"Are we being taken to eat dirt?"

"I feel old—just like when I was a newborn!""If you take me along, I'll teach you how to swim!"

Unable to endure the madness of nearly two hundred lunatics, Hazard locked them all up in the castle's underground prison, alongside Ashar.

"I don't think I can rely on them too much."

He then pondered how to make use of them, coming up with only a few ideas—he could release them in defense scenarios or teleport them into enemy territory.

But as he left the castle, Hezhna was staring at him, eyes wide with shock.


Hazard immediately understood why Hezhna was so alarmed. After all, the aura of nearly two hundred legendary beings wasn't something that could be ignored.

"They're a bunch of lunatics. You need to keep an eye on them—if even ONE of them is seen outside the prison, let me know immediately."

With that, Hazard left Hezhna standing there, her mouth agape, as she remembered the massive skeletal worm-like creature from yesterday—rubbing itself against the castle walls and making strange noises.

"Nearly two hundred of those… are they all like him!?"

She ran toward Hazard, hoping he would accept her resignation or at least send her and the girls somewhere else. But Hazard simply flicked her forehead and sent her back to work.

After that, he turned to the market chat.

"Hmm… are these good?"

With his financial account now holding nearly ten billion gold coins, he was ready to burn all fifty servers under his control. Using filters, he searched for the most expensive undead-related buildings, encountering insanely costly structures that he hadn't expected.

[Titan Undead Tomb]Level: 7Unlocks Undead Titan Warlord units500,000,000 gold coins

[Tomb of Living Armors]Level: 5Unlocks Living Armor Summoning branch2,000,000,000 gold coins

[God of Death's Defensive Structure]Level: 9Provides God of Death's magical shield protection999,999,999,999 gold coins

Hazard hesitated. Seeing that the level five Living Armors were more expensive than level seven Titans, he searched for an explanation—after all, demon kings weren't foolish enough to set unreasonable prices when listing their items for sale.

He also zoomed in on the last option. If someone owned such an item, they had likely overcome a challenge of that scale, which was bad news for him. However, seeing that it belonged to a different world server, he breathed a small sigh of relief.

He then examined the Living Armor unit stats, and what he saw shocked him.

(Stats of Elite Living Armor, Captain, Commander, and General...)

Hazard was losing his mind. Even he didn't possess S-rank skills, yet this unit had SSS-rank weapon mastery at just the Warlord tier. Comparing his own stats to the Living Armor General, he felt a deep unease.

[Name: Hazard]

Race: Final Evolution – Half-Death God

Level: 7

Life: 10,500

Power: 6,000

Agility: 2,500

Mana (Miasma): 101,500

Skills: ...

With that, there was only one thing left to dobuy a new building and reshape his army, hoping to strengthen its foundation for the future.