Chapter 1 – Welcoming Party

I wonder how it come to this…

I worked so hard for it. Spending 4 years collecting my work salary. Spending 4 years kissing up to my boss, to those people who saw tormented me, to those people that enslaved me. And all of that gone in a flash.


After I get the Money I immediately take off from the company mine without much thought and bought a certain item that I really need. But who would have thought that it'll would get stolen almost immediately… if I know this would I happen I would act more carefully. But the seller would only sell it in this planet, Rayleh on the Zola star system. The once star of the galaxy where science and progress shined, now it's only a planet that's scattered with ruins from the civil war back a few years ago, filled with scavengers, stragglers, and criminals now.


Now not only I feel miserable I also feel hungry. Now what should I do. I've spent all of my money on the item and I planning to get out from here soon but it's almost impossible with this atmospheric storm. And besides it'll be pointless for me to leave this planet if I don't get the item, I need it no matter what's the problem is.

But I'm still hungry. And that guy sitting across of my bench sitting there eating his sandwich is only making me even more hungry. And eat your food properly you uncivilized cur, you're making a mess of yourself. The guy seemed to notice that I was staring at him and stopped for a moment, our eyes met and an eternity seemed to have passed. This guy… I'm sure that he has sensed my predicament and will give me a piece of his sandwich, I don't care if he already eaten half of it but I'm really-really hungry!

He gave me a smug grin and immediately wolfed the sandwich, not caring about me. This bastard… Rage swelled in me, but it immediately subdued.

"You ain't getting any of it." Said the guy.

You know what? I don't even care anymore I just bask in my own problem and miserableness. I continued to look up at the sky. There's only dark cloud and thunder occasionally appeared every now and then, great even the weather itself is bad.


"Now, now, don't be sad, here have this sandwich instead." Said a voice next to me.

I looked to my left and saw that guy sitting on my left grinning without any problem "Thanks" I accepted it and ate the sandwich that I just received. It tasted… different but who cares I'm hungry as heck.

"So, what's seems to be the problem mi amigo?" asked the guy.

"My stuff just got stolen."

"Woah, now that's sucks. "

"I know right?"

"Is it really important to you or something?"

"I spent 4 years salary on it."

"Hahaha, now that's really sucks."

Yeah, it's sucked please don't rub upon it anymore. I'm already sore as it is. The atmosphere of the space port seemed to be getting to be deserted except for a few people, seems like everyone thinking that it'll be alright for everyone to leave their space ship behind. After all who would be stupid enough to fly through this atmospheric storm.

"Usually how long does this storm last?" I asked the guy.

"Around six months or something."

"SIX MONTHS?! What kind of storm would last for six months?!"

The guy just laughed "Well mi amigo this is Rayleh after all. Strange things happens all the time over here. I think it's all because of the research that happened here before the war but I don't know the specifics." Said the guy.

My sense of dread only continues to Intensifies. Now I also don't have any lodging. For the next six months I need to sleep on the street and live the hobo life. But what about food? What should I do with about it? Do I need to scavenge the trash for leftovers?

"Well don't worry about it. It'll go better overtime hahaha." Laughed the guy cheerfully without any thought. I can only sigh to myself at this guy. "I'll help you out newbie, I'll introduce you to this good inn that I know. I'm sure you could work something out." Continued the guy. Well, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

"You know that I don't have any Money right?" I asked the guy with a joking tone.

"Then work something out~" replied the guy cheerfully.

But a feeling of dread continued to assault me. What if, just what if this guy is a criminal or something. What If he's in cahoots with the people that just stole my item? What if he'll send me to a detainment camp and be forced to work in the mines?! Nooooooo! I don't want to go back to the mines, I'm sick of it!

"For the records… just for the records anyway." The guy looked at me confusedly. "Why are you helping me anyway? After all we're just strangers." The guy then looked at me then smiled a thousand watt smile. His eyes showed me innocence and happiness "You looked so happy when you ate the sandwich that I just gave you. Fufufu, my friend that's not a normal sandwich you see, that's a sandwich that's crafted by Miss O'hara! And nobody can't be a bad guy if they enjoyed her sandwich!" who the heck judge someone based on that and who the heck is Miss O'hara anyway? "But mainly because you're so miserable that even I got miserable from looking at you."


"And besides, I'm Johnny Goodluck! The hero of this city, the city of Shaggoth, of course I would help people!" said Johnny with vigor. Ahahaha, I don't even care anymore. The absurdity of this planet already becoming tiring for me I had enough of it for now, I don't even care if he leads me to a slavery camp. I just want to sleep for now really.


I then continued to follow him. For a dead planet, the city of Shaggoth is not really in a bad shape. Sure there's some ruined skyscraper here and there but overall the people seems to be doing fine for themselves. The market are still bustling with interaction, kids are still playing around in the streets, and it's still crowded. I guess people will always find a way to make best of their situations. I too then should try my best, even in this situation, I ain't gonna lose to these people. Awrite! I'm gonna do my best you see!

After a few minutes of walk he then exclaimed something "Alright, this is the place." The building he took me into looks like somekind of a rundown building. If you look it from the outside there's nothing really special about it. Theres barrels littering around the building's front and other sundries. There's also a sign that's says 'Ruined Flagger' on the top of the door. He then entered the building and I too followed him.

The insides of the building is… pretty surprising to be honest. Well, the insides is not luxurious or anything, but It kinda give off the feeling of warmness and comfort. It's an inn after all, they probably have some kind of drinking facility, or an eatery of some kind. There some people sitting around the tables of the inn. Some are drinking, some are eating, and some are just talking with the people around them. I continued to follow him to the bar counter some people greeted Johnny along the way, seems like he's quite well known around here. There's a man behind the counter, from behind he looks to be a normal old man, his graying hair and hunched posture seems like his glory days are almost over.

"Oi, master! A little help over here!" Shouted the guy. The old man then turned around. His face shows wrinkles on them, his eyes Shows wisdom and kindness but at the same time there's a certain feeling of strictness on them. The guy then sat on the bar stool and I too followed the same.

The old man only sighed at him. "Oh, it's you, what is it now? I don't have any information on a case right now." Said the old man tiredly. He then sat on a chair behind the counter and bring a glass and wiped it. "Hahaha, for now just bring out the drinks first Master." Laughed the guy.

"The usual?"

"The usual! Actually, make it two by the way."

The old man then went over to the counter behind him and take out another glass. He then walked to the tap machine one the other side and filled it with some kind of a liquid. Booze? Well, I guess that'll calm me for a moment. This situation had made me anxious and all. My seniors at the mines once said that booze is humankind best friend, they'll make you forget all of your problems for a while and they would never betray you. Well, I don't know about that, but I guess there's a sense in his saying.

The old man then put the glasses in front of us. The guy then immediately drank the glass with a vigor. And enjoyed the taste of the liquid. I bought it to my mouth too and drank it.