
Chapter 5 - Lone Hero

Kain left the area, leaving Johnny with the Tegoths. Would he be able to handle all of them? no, probably not. Probably he would die a horrible death. Probably the Tegoths would kill him drain his blood and then do the same to Kain. He should've run and leave Kain to die there alone. but it doesn't matter won't it? He would probably die sooner or later anyway, this is Rayleh anyway, people die all the time in here. If he's gonna die then might as well go out with a bang. But going out in a dark, damp and shady lab is not really a bang is it?


He could hear it. Tegoth would give off a growl when they're angry, he could use that to track them.


Three of them. One is already a problem but three of them is another problem. They could've get past them if Kain didn't shot the first Tegoth. They're normally docile creatures if they're not hungry, well most of the time anyway. Well look at the bright side at least! That's one Tegoth less to worry about! Instead of four Tegoth there's three! What a relief! Thought the guy.

"You guys having fun too?" said johnny. "You're about to face the great Johnny, the hero of Shaggoth. I'll show you how we hunter have some fun." Continued johnny. The creatures answered his statement with a screech. They're mindless beast after all, they wouldn't understand him.

Johnny then quickly moved to his left. And now there's a Tegoth sticking it's claw on where he used to stand. Its claw struck the concrete floor where he used to stand. If he's struck by that claws then it'll be an instant end for him, no question asked dead right at that spot.

"Chance strike!" Yelled johnny. Johnny immediately moved and thrusts his gauntlet energy blade at the creature. It struck true, and hits the creature right in the head. The Tegoth screamed in agony, but johnny didn't stop there he grinded the energy blade on where he just stabbed the creature. The creature continued to scream in agony. johnny then sensed the other Tegoths attacking him. He immediately pulled out his blade and dodged the attack, the attack hits the other Tegoth that he just attacked instead crushing the said creature to be a splattered all across the floor.

What is this? Is it really this easy? He could see and sense all of the Tegoth's attacks! It's not as hard as what they said! They said they're almost like killing machine! If it's this easy then he'll finish this in a flash. He felt himself grinning in this situation. The creatures seems to have realized that they just killed their one of their own and screeched. But it won't have any effect on johnny. He got this In a clinch. He immediately moved and attacked before they could finish their screeching.

"Chance strike!" He then moved in and did the same thing that he did before. Attacking the creature when it's pre-occupied. But the creature seems to be not that stupid it's saw the attack and and swatted him when he's moving with it's long arm.

Or so it thought but an energy blade immediately impaled him from behind.

"Slide ender."

Johnny immediately sled to the left and moved behind the creature quickly and impaled it. But it's not going to fall without a fight like the last one. The other Tegoth then moved and tried to slash johnny.


He once again dodged the attack. Once again the attack hits the other Tegoth instead. If he they said they're killing machine then might as well make them attack each other accidently in the midst of the battle. In the end they're mindless creatures after all, they won't be able to think tactically in the midst of the battle.

"Now it's one on one. "

The last Tegoth then pounced at him, he immediately dodged the attack too. The Tegoth noticed this and swatted him with it's big hands. He immediately get thrown over across the room, crashing into a bunch of machinery. It's painful for him, but he don't care, the thrill of fighting to the death already exhilarated him. He then switched his energy gauntlet to ranged mode and fired the Tegoth with energy bullets. The Tegoth defended itself with it's big hands. Making it a makeshift shield. Tegoth's other body part are soft you could slice through it like hot butter. But it's hands are a different kind of story. The skins on it's arms are something akin to an armor on armored vehicle. Whilst Johnny was shooting the creature it's moving closer to johnny.


Johnny then pulled out a cylindrical tube with a pin on it, he pulled the pin and throws the tube at the Tegoth. It's exploded But it doesn't ends there. Instead of incapacitating the Tegoth it enraged it instead, it then pounced straight into him. Johnny won't have any chance of dodging it, the crash that he just experienced gives him a bleeding that prevents him from moving fast the Tegoth would crash him into bloody pulp and then procced to lick his scattered corpse for nourishment.

Guess this will be his end, at least Kain will get out of here that'll give him some hero point right? Thought the guy. But when the creature just about to pounce him. The creature then immediately got stormed by bullets instead. It ripped apart the creature into pieces. But that's doesn't mean he escaped his death yet.


The shooting then stopped. He's covered in guts and gore but overall he's fine. His injuries is not that life threatening. He looked over to where the shooting came from and saw a security turret sticking out from the celling. He gave the turret a thumbs up. Seems like someone is able to activate the security system. And for that he's glad that this isn't the end for him, though the injuries is a bit of a pain but he'll manage… and besides it'll make him look cool if he went home covered in blood and guts, makes him looks like one of those badass heroes on those holotapes shows.