
Chapter 9 - Relaxing Days 2

"Holy molly. The heck are you people doing?" asked the figure nonchalantly.

"Oh Pathfinder. You've come back already?" asked the master as he rubbed his eyes. It seems all of the commotions has woken the old man up.

"Yes I'm here to give my findings." The guy then walked towards the master, pulled his facemask and goggle then bring out a terminal from his cloak.

"Hey who's that?" I asked one of the flagger regulars.

"That Johnny, is Pathfinder. He's like a scout for the flaggers here. He scouts out the wilds searching the war torn ruins and wasteland mapping them for us hunters and the civilians." Explained the guy.

Heee… so he's a cartographer of sorts. From his appearance alone he looks like even younger than me. It's kind of surprising seeing the people that dabbles in the dangers of rayleh. While it's worrying seeing that he's basically a kid, but he's kinda cool. Scouring Rayleh for safe passage to aid others, I definitely respect someone like that.

"Ugh, my head." Grumbled Johnny while getting up and messaging his head. Pablo still out cold it seems. He then looked at the counter and looked at the counter and saw Pathfinder. "AAA!! Pathfinder!!" Shouted Johnny as he pointed his finger at the cloaked figure.


"Hey! You're ignoring me aren't you?!"

"Uuu, I'm definitely not Pathfinder my friend. I'm just a random mapper that stopping by to sell my new maps." Replied the figure while trying to distort his own voice, even from here I can see him sweating. "No-now thanks for the patronage old man, I now will go back to the wilderness. See you later my good people." Continued pathfinder as he slowly power walked towards the door.

"Like hell I'll let you that!" Said Johnny as he ran and grabbed the cartographer by the collar

"Wa-wait Johnny don't be hasty. I'll definitely pay you back after this I promise!! I just need to pay my tab at the O'haras." Told Pathfinder panically while trying to make a room between the two.

"Then when's will I get my money back?"

"After I paid Boris, Santiago, Ms. Robertson, Jiang—"

"Haaa… basically next year or something right?"

"Well actually I got this wad of cash a few days ago…"

"Good now that you can pay me."

"Well I can't…."

"And the reason is…."

"Teehee~" pathfinder just used the classic laugh wile winking and bumping your head with your fist pose.

"Don't teehee me dumbass!!!" Said johnny angrily as he shook Pathfinder by holding his collar.

"*Shss* Johnny be quiet! What if Pablo woke up? I still have to pay him back for the drinks a few months back." Replied path finder as he trying to calm Johnny down. "Anyway it's not like I threw the money away or anything." He then pulled some sort of an item from his coat. "Look at this man, a true tripozedon crystal, this baby here can detect cases easily from a distance. I got it only for 1 million credits. Paying you back is an easy thing!" said Pathfinder with a smug smile.

"Ah, that's fake. There's no such thing as a case detector. Since you haven't been in town for a few months you probably didn't notice the flagger circulatory notice about the tripozedon scam." Explained the master calmly.

"N-no way old man! Those people must've been sold by the scammers! This is a real thing I tell you!" Said Pathfinder in a tone that started to show his panic. "I hope that this is real, please I beg you be real tripozedon." Continued Pathfinder as he looked at the crystal in his hand and raised it to the sky in hope of some divine intervention


Actually I take that back. Give me back my feeling of admiration! I thought that this guy is some really cool guy but who would have thought that the reason that he went out to the wasteland is to hide from all of those debts and spend his money on scam. I is utterly disappointed. Guess all people in this planet has this strange quirks.

"Well enough about the debt, there's something that I want to talk with you guys, Kain you too come over here." Said the master as he also beaconed me to come closer to him. "As you know that you've found another passageway in Throttle disco's garage base, before we couldn't really explore the inside of the base itself. Only little bits from when his gang haven't occupied the base so much of the lower levels are still unexplored.".

"Hooo!! Is this what I think it is?! Master?! It is isn't it?!" said Johnny excitedly.

"Since you two are the one who found the place I'll let you two explore the place first. I already had Pathfinder map the first few levels for you. You fill out the rest."

"You better not take all of the good stuff findy."

"Wh-who do you think I am? I'm not a small cartographer that would be lured by the scent of monetary things so please as a reward for mapping erase my debt!" told path finder angrily.

"More like you're afraid of the security system in the lower levels."

"N-no way master haha! S-so who are you?" asked Pathfinder to me hoping to change the topic of conversation.

"I'm Kain Bloodrune, I'm Johnny new partner I guess." I replied as I scratched the back of my head.

Hearing this Pathfinder immediately gives me a look of pity in his eyes.

"Hooo.. You're the one eh?" asked Pathfinder as he looked at me from different angle. "Well good luck about it my friend, you'll need it." He continued as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"If it's about the guy who fell to the trash compactor then I already knew about it."

"Oh that's golden! But his partner is more than that guy, I remember when I and him got temporarily partnered…. Haaa.. I never want to go through that again." Said pathfinder as he shivered to himself.

"O-oh what happened?"


"Hey! Stop scaring my partner you shitty mapper!" interrupted Johnny.

"Huh?! Try saying that to my face once more!"

"Oh yeah I'll say again for you shitty mapper!"

"Ehm… Moving on…" *Said the master as he attempted to regain the flow of conversation.

"Eh? Master this is kinda related to my life though? Ain't I supposed to hear this through?!" I yelled to him frantically

"In any case, Head down to the lower levels and explore it anything that you want down there you can take it, it's your honor for finding that place." Explained the master as he crossed his arms and grinned at Johnny.

"You hear that findy? I've been honored." Smugly told the guy as he nudged the shorter guy with his elbow.

"Oh good. Since you're honorable you'll erase my debt right?"

"I reject my honor masteeerrr!!!"

"Mister Pathfinder, do you have any guess what kind of thing we might encounter and what kind of place that we'll be delving into?"

"Oh no need for the mister! Please call me findy!" He said as he smiled and attempted to give me a really friendly smile with a hand on his chest and another on his hips. Now that I properly look at him for some reason I can see that he's pretty cute…

I immediately stopped that line of thought and crashed my head into the wall surprising all of the people in the room. I could hear pathfinder asking what's wrong with me, Johnny Saying something among the line of how my head is bleeding and I can imagine the master looked at me like I've just grown a third head on me.

Hooooo Kain stop that line of thinking, it doesn't matter that after looking at him closely, he looked like a real cute androgynous girl. Remember do not walk into a trap! That's still a tower of babel that's you're looking at!

"No problem! I just saw an insect at the wall." I calmly explained to them even though my head is bleeding.

"Uh your head is bleeding though." Pointed Johnny.

"It's was a mosquito."

"Iyaaa, even if it's a mosquito, that amount of blood is too much!" Exclaimed pathfinder as he looked at me with a flabbergasted expression.

"Never mind that! Time is the essence here!" I yelled out to them with a raised fist. "We can't dwindle no more! The more time we wasted the more chance for whatever danger lurking down there to strike us down! We must protect the revolution and the people of Shaggoth! Ruined Flagger hunter banzaii!!!"

"O-oh I don't get it but as expected of my partner! Banzaai!!" Exclaimed my partner as he raised his voice in an attempt to raise his own morale.

"Ba-banzai!!" Nervously followed pathfinder

"Y-you have your own quirk too huh? Guess that's telling for how long you've stayed here." Pointed the master in a tone that's is akin to a father that has heard a great surprising revelation from his own son about his own sexua—

No perish the thought Kain, this skit has gone long enough!