
Chapter 11 - Biolab Exploration

"Is it really? We found a bunch of Tegoth inside, Those were definitely escaped experiments right?" Asked Johnny to pathfinder.

"The possibility is high." Pathfinder nodded. "I found records that said that they're the result of this particular biolab's experimentation.

"What sort of things that can we found inside the ruins?" I asked pathfinder.

"Lot's of things. Things like low level relics, medical texts, and maybe a silver case if we lucky."

"Ca-can We found panacea in this place?"

"Panacea? Well possibily, but I wouldn't count on it, that thing is rare as hell." Pathfinder said as he shook his head.

Johnny patted my back as I hear what pathfinder was saying trying to reassure me.

"Anymore question? We better hurry up unless we want to throw away our fifty minutes talking about the ruins instead of exploring it."

"Alright then let's get on to it! Team Johnny Let's go!!" Johnny enthusiastically said as he raises his clamped hand up and tried to lift up the espirit de corps of our three man team.

"O-ooouuu!" Pathfinder nervously followed Johnny while I only look down crossed my arms and shook my head smiling.

After that little bit of charade we then entered the biolab ruins. We entered through the sewer entrance. Now that the Tegoths are gone I can finally observe the ruins closely. Thankfully even though we entered the sewer entrance we didn't smell anything horrid. The ruined sewer for some reason has a pretty clear water that looks good enough to drink. We continued our trek until we reached the area where Johnny and I Found the Tegoth's Lair.

It was a large room with many test tube. Most of the test tube are already destroyed while some are still intact although the intact one didn't have anything inside of it. There are several console that may have been used to record research data and some books that are scattered over here and there. Someone then clapped and I looked at the source of the clap.

"Alright, lightly search the area. Johnny you try to collect anything that looked like to be important, I'm gonna shift through some of these journals, Kain try to find anything in the console that might be important." Pathfinder commanded to us.

"Aye aye captain!" Johnny then looked around the room trying to find anything that might be of value

"Alright…" I on the other hand try to boot up some of the console. Only few of them even booted up and even though they botted up it instead shows an error message. I continue to shift through some of the console until I finally found one that works.

"I found one console that works!" I yelled to pathfinder.

"Alright do you have your portable? Try to copy as much data as you can into it!" Pathfinder yelled back to me. I then fished out my handheld portable console that saved both me and Johnny in this dungeon before. I copied the research data into the portable while I looked at some of the research data.

'The project is currently on course. The diagram prediction shows that we will complete the project in a year. Compared to the other project that I have worked on, this project's progress is quite quick. I suppose that is to be expected with professor Giaccmo on the lead. We has successfully modified the test subject into these so called "Tegoth" creature, giving us a base example of what we could do to the test subject.'

So it's true! The scientist are the one who created the Tegoth. But why would they want to create them? What is the purpose of the project? What is a Diagram Prediction? Who is professor Giaccmo? There's so many question that needs to be answered. I finished copying whatever data that's in the console and returned back to Pathfinder. Pathfinder is leaning to a console whilst reading a journal that's on his hand he then turned his attention to me.

"You're back. What'd you find?" He asked to me.

I then shook my head and told him what I has found.

"Not much huh…"

"What about you? Do you find anything from shifting through those journals?"

"Same as you nothing much, except there's quite an info on professor Giaccmo. He appear to be a prominent member of the old empire research community and quite an expert on the field of genetic modification. His works include creating a virus bomb and genetically modified monsters to be used as shock troopers." Pathfinder then showed me a page of the journal that he has in his hand, it showed a creature that is more teeth than flesh something that is out a horror holotape monster that prowled the dark hallway of an abandoned ship. I felt myself shiver at the thought of having to face this creature.

"I also found this." Pathfinder showed me a red keycard. "I found it in between this journal pages, I think this will be useful for us."

Before we could continue to talk, we heard a huge sound coming from the room adjacent to us.

"Oh my goddd!!!" loudly uttered the sound that is Johnny's and we both immediately went to that room to check what happened.

"Johnny?! What ha—Oh." All worries immediately went away after I saw what happened.

The room that Johnny was in was a mess, a book case has just fallen and dust flew out to the sky making the wannabe hero to cough.

"Jeez… What the hell are you doing?" asked pathfinder as he pulled up his scarf to cover his nose.

"It's just fell! I didn't do nothin!"

"Yeah right." I said to him

"Ok I was pushing the bookcase away from the wall because I saw a crevice showing something like a console behind it."

I then walked towards the console that Johnny has found. It offers a slot for a keycard.

"Let's try the keycard on this Pathfinder." I told the explorer without looking away from the console.

"Here catch." I then turned away to face him and caught the security card with both of my hands.

"Alright, I'm inserting the keycard now, anyone objects to this?"


"Might as well test it now."

I then inserted the card into the console, the console then made some beeping sound and then it went silent. I then looked towards Johnny and Pathfinder. Johnny shrugged while Pathfinder walked closer to me.

Before pathfinder can take the first step the floor that I stood on suddenly disappeared and I fell into the abyss below.