
Chapter 13 - Biolab Spelunker (Part B)

"AAAHHHHH!!!" I screamed my lungs out as I slide down through the hole, I would try to stop my decent by holding on to the walls of the hole but is that even safe? I pushed such thought away as I continue to fall through the darkness.

Before I knew it, I fell down into a pool of clear blue colored liquid, the liquid ware very cold it felt like someone threw a bucket of cold water while I still deep asleep all of my senses immediately went overdrive. I then tried to swim upwards.

"Uhk! Grah!" I groaned as I regained my breath, I looked around the room that I had fell into, it was a dark room but for some reason the water(?) That I fell into gave up something akin to a bioluminescence glow. I saw some sort of a stair on the edge of the pool so I swam that way.

As I pulled myself off the pool and back into the dry zone I realized something. Even though I just fell into a pool of liquid, I'm not wet. Sure I felt cold but the liquid didn't stick to me. It is something that is strange. I can now finally and calmly see what kind of room that I just fell into. Other than the enchanting pool that emanates a soft, ethereal glow, the pool was located in the center of the room, inside an oval shaped reservoir, droplets of liquid fell down from the hole that I came into the pool below gives off a ripple that further cast an iridescent glow upon the laboratory's surroundings.

The room also has several console that are embedded with unknown looking control panels and holographic displays, showing some numbers that I don't recognize. There's also strange tubing and energy cores that are positioned near the pool.

"What the hell is this place?" I thought outloud.

I then moved to one of the console trying to find out what kind of place that I has stumbled into. After getting used to the console for a few minutes I found out that this place is called the spawning pool, what kind of things that they spawned are not exactly explained but whatever it is it doesn't sound good to me. 

The door that on the left side of the room then suddenly opened, I immediately looked towards that direction and saw nothing. No that is incorrect. There may be something inside this room with me. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what Johnny has told me before about the creature that we previously encountered. Try to calm down Kain, panic leads to downfall.




I then immediately turned around and fired a shot of my shotgun. The shells hits a creature with tentacle for it's mouth. It is a Tegoth, a creature that we encountered before. The creature crumpled like paper to the ground and it twitched for a moment before becoming entirely still. I let out a sigh of relief after seeing that it finally dead. After my pathetic actions from when we first entered the ruins Johnny and the master has trained me on weapon handling and combat behavior. No longer I will fall down to the ground and accept my fate, I will continue to struggle to the end.

There's only one way out of this room and that is through the door that the Tegoth came. I unconsciously swallowed my own spit as I make my way out of this room. It was a dark hallway, I contemplated on whether I should turn on the flashlight attachment on the gun or not but in the end it's better to have a clear view of the room so that I don't trip on things.

I traversed the hallway. There are dead remains of people in gray and black armor and along with fallen furniture. It is as if this hallway has become some sort of a chokepoint and the people in armor tried to break through This could also mean that the hole that I fell into is an entry point for these armored people? But how would they get inside the hole? The only way inside is through the hole on the office that I was previously was right? If not, then there might be a network of holes that they could infiltrated and made them arrive at the spawning pool.

I shook my head. There's no use of thinking about it, it won't help with my current situation. I continued my stride until I was faced with fork in the road. To the left there's a holographic sign that is flickering that says main lab. To the right however shows a sign that say subject life support systems.

"A hunter must trust their own luck."

That's one of the thing that the Flagger master has taught me. I want to deny it by saying that it's something that is uncontrollable but in the end here we are counting on my luck to guide me. I took out a coin and flipped it.

It shows head.

I then returned the coin back to my pocket and proceeded to the main lab. As I walked along the hall remains of people in black and gray armor are scattered over here and there, like before there's also makeshift barricade that block the way. I could only wonder what kind of thing that prompted these people into combat.

I then arrived at a huge entrance point. There's a blast door that is closed. The blast door is shined by a spotlight that is flickering. There's more people remains, more than what I have encountered before. It seems that this is their last stronghold. There's also some turrets in the ceilings however they all are already broken from the looks of it with sparks coming out from them. I noticed that there's a console that I assume to be connected to the blast door.

I fiddled with the console for a moment. There's a journal entry on it for some reason. I read it for a moment, it tells me how they are a valiant defense force who's protecting something called the panacea.

Panacea! This is it! This is what I'm looking for!

The journal tells that the enemy advance is relentless and they always come in huge waves but thankfully to the turrets that they have they have successfully defended the blast door, the writer hopes that they could abandon the area and retreat off planet as they think that the planet has been capitulated.

I felt my hand shakes. Could this be it? The end of my search?