
Chapter 15 - Crossfire


The sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the hall. The officer that once threatened me with a gun has fallen into the ground like a puppet whose string has been cut. The rest of the soldiers seeing this immediately went into alert mode and looked at the direction of the gunshot sound, I too looked at it.

There's nothing there. But suddenly a muzzle flash and a sound of a gun firing repeated again and one of the soldiers fell down. At this moment a figure immediately ran from the direction of the gunshot to us. The soldier seeing this shoots their submachinegun at the figure, however the figure is too fast for them to properly aim their gun at the figure.

Plasma blade then suddenly appeared from the figure's hand and he began to incapacitate the soldiers one by one. At the end the figure made a jump and did a hero landing, with a pose and all of that jazz. Johnny then looked at us with a grin.

"How's that?! That was cool right?!" Johnny asked me with a bit of a flair.

I let out a breath of relived sigh and shook my head.

"Aw c'mon, It was cool." Johnny whined after seeing my head shaking. I then saw pathfinder approaching us with a gun in his hand, it's seems to be a large caliber hand cannon. He then looked at the direction of the girl that I met inside the glass tube.

"This is… uh… Who are you again?" I asked the girl, unsure of the girl's name.


"Right, this is Marion. I met her when she was inside a glass tube?"

"Glass tube?" Pathfinder then turned his attention to the girl. "Are you from the old golden age?" He asked the girl. The girl only gave pathfinder a confused gaze.

"You don't know huh…" The girl then nodded, she then turned towards me and pointed at me.

"I'm imprinted to him."

"What?" Said both pathfinder and Johnny in a flat note.

"Didja did something inappropriate to her Kain?"

"Oi oi oi… there's no way to treat a lady who just came out from a glass tube Kain."

"Ei!! I didn't do nothing but fiddle with a silver case! Just ask this girl! And you don't say something that will incriminate me with something weird." I reprimanded the girl.

"Uhm… Okay…" She said to me in a dejected tone, looking like a puppy that I was just kicked.

"Just don't say anything weird…" I then sighed at her response.

"But a silver case you say? What's inside it Kain?" asked Johnny.

"I dunno, it just contain some electronics. I fiddled with it for a bit and then it said imprinting complete or something along those lines. Then the soldiers came before I could fiddle more with it. I think they're looking for the case or this girl." I pointed at the girl with my thumb. "Or maybe they looking for both."

"Interesting… Is that the case that you're talking about?" Asked pathfinder as he directed his gaze towards one of the fallen soldier next to him is a silver case that's slightly open.

"Yeah that's the thing." We then approached the case and pathfinder examined it for a moment from every angle possible.

"Hmm… I've never seen anything like this before, we better take this back to the flagger master." I nodded at his suggestion in affirmation.


The sound of a gun being fired once again echoed in the hall. We looked towards the direction of the gunshot and saw one of the soldiers sitting against the wall. In his hand is a pistol that is aimed at us 

"You bastard! You killed them! You killed my comrades!" He yelled to us.

Pathfinder and johnny looked at each other and nodded before turning their attention on the soldier.

"And what are you going to do about it? Kill us?" Asked Pathfinder to the soldier.

"I'll kill all four of you and send your souls all to Gehena!" Johnny then moved a step forward towards the soldier.

"D-don't move!" Johnny then used his fast reflex to instantly grabbed the gun and dissembled it in a flash by pulling out it's muzzle from the gun.

"I don't think so bud."

"Gods be damned to all of you!" The soldier then dropped his gun to the ground and pounded on the floor with his fist. He then looked up to see Johnny towering over him. "I-I won't spill any secrets! I am trained in resisting emotional and psychological to-torture! You won't get anything from me!"

"Geez, we ain't gonna do anything like that." Johnny said as he rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. "We ain't the Imperial Remnant."

"Then you are a fool or a liar! If you truly wanted to know something about this facility then you would torture me to get the information." He retorted back to Johnny.

"Hoo so you wanna get some of that battlefield torture technique huh?"

"E-ekk!! No that's not what I meant!" The soldier said putting a hand on where his mouth is on his gasmask.

"So, spill it." Pathfinder said- no, commanded the soldier.

  "I-I don't know anything we didn't get properly briefed by the officer! All we were told are we need to capture a silver case and a girl! Other than that I don't know anything! Honest."

"Hoo really? I think you're holding information." Pathfinder then aimed the revolver at the soldier's leg and looked at him. "Talk or I blow your knee."

Geez, now it looks like we're the villain here.

"N-no! That's all that we know! Other than that, he said that we're collecting a spare part!"

"Now that's not so hard isn't it?" Pathfinder calmly said after hearing the soldier he then looked towards Marion. "I suppose you don't know what he's talking about?" Marion shook her head not knowing what the soldier was talking about.

"Alright, but you'll be coming with us. We still have much to—"

Then the sound of a wolf howling could be heard through out the halls.