
Chapter 17 - Brief Respite

Few days has passed since the delve into the dungeon.

We sold some of the salvage that we've gained from it and earned quite a few credits from it. We also asked the Master about the girl that we found inside the glass tube, Marion.

"So boss, we found this girl inside a glass tube inside the ruins, you know anything about that?" Asked Johnny to the older man. The girl in question only looked at them with an emotionless stare and tilted her head in confusion. The Master then took a look at the girl and I could see some emotions are raising inside him.

The flagger Master then looked at Marion carefully examining the girl with his eyes. He put a hand on his chin in a thinking manner. He then closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I've heard rumors about people being found on inside ruins but, I don't know who she is. She does however looked familiar though. Where have I seen you before." The master thought outloud.

The girl then looked dejected and her shoulders dropped as she looked to the ground.

"I'm sorry…" She apologized to us.

"Hmm? Why are you apologizing?" Asked the master.

"It's just that I don't know anything about myself and I'm troubling everyone…"

"Nah don't worry about it. Ain't no use worrying about stuff that is out of your control haha!" Johnny said to the girl waving her worries away from clouding her mind.

"Yeah don't worry about it." Pathfinder also chimed in.

Eh? Should I say something to her too? Something to eases her mind? I don't really have anything in mind!

"O-oh, yeah!" That's the best that you can do? C'mon Kain you can squeeze out a better comforting words than that.

"Alright for now you guys should take a rest for a while, It gonna take a while to sell all of your relics." The master said to us and we agreed to him.

After all of that scuffle all we get is a measly credits of around 100k and we split it between the four of us. Yeah the four of us, after all of that trouble the master made Marion into a hunter like us, seeing how her combat capabilities especially in the melee aspect are clearly better than all of us combined, well maybe not Johnny, but still…

Now all of us are sitting in a circular table doing whatever what we consider to be important, slacking off. Johnny is talking with the guy from a table next to us. Pathfinder is fiddling with his communicator. Marion is eating a parfait, and I'm drinking the free complimentary drink of the flagger, water.

"Man, what a slow day this is." I said to the group as I looked at them before drinking my water.

"I know right?" Johnny said, reverting his attention to us. "Pathfinder, say something funny."

"You picking a fight huh?"

"See Kain? Isn't that one funny?"

I sighed at their banter and looked towards the now empty glass that I drank before. Guess it's better to look for a random job for now. I stood up and walked towards the job board. There are several other people that is looking at the job board, but not too much, most of the job are already taken in the morning when the master first posted them, now it's mostly jobs that nobody would take.

"It's sure a slow day for you guys huh." The master said as he walked closer to our table.

"It sure is!~"

"Oi oi oi. You better get yourself some jobs, or you can't pay your tab. Especially you pathfinder."

"Geh" Pathfinder flinched as the master commented on his financial situation.

"Well it's not like we don't want to take a job, it's just that the good paying one are already been taken. I'm not unclogging the sewers just to get a small amount of credits." Complained Johnny to the master.

"Well it just happened that I have a job that nobody haven't taken yet."

"Didn't you listen? We ain't gonna take a job that's unclogging some sewers."

"No, it's not a job like that, it's a simple cargo lifting job, you won't complain about something like that right?"

"Eeh… It's still a tedious job…" Pathfinder complained at what the master has just offered us.

"How much is the pay anyway?" Asked Johnny to the master.

"It's enough, standard pay." Answered the old man to the wannabe hero.

"So it's just a meager pay huh…"

"Haaa… It's alright, I take it." *I said to the master standing up.

"O-oi Kain are you gonna sacrifice yourself for us?! No come back! It's not too late!" Yelled Johnny to me.

"Why are you even acting like I'm going to a warzone?! It's just lifting some cargo!" I yelled back at him.

Hearing this Marion nodded to herself as she finished her parfait. Cleaning everything in one large glup.

"It's ok. I'm also going with him." Marion said to us calmly. Now that's what I want to hear with her monstrous strength, it's gonna be over in a jiffy.

"Can you tell us more about the job boss?" I asked the flagger master.

"What can I tell you? It's a standard cargo lifting job, you lift some boxes from a ship and carry it to the warehouse."

"I thought there's no traffic to out and enter this world because of the atmospherical storm?" I asked him confused.

"Yes that is the case but the local ship still can transport goods from between cities as long as they flew low enough."

"There's another city in this dump of a planet other than this place?"

"Oi oi oi… what kind of a anarchic ruin do you think this planet is?"

"Uh… I don't know I just thought that this is a space port."

"Oh yeah? Then tell me what's the name of the space port."

"It's uh…" For some reason the name of the port eludes me. It's like there's some divine power that is obscuring my memories because they haven't had the chance to name the city that we're in. Funny how that works. I looked towards Johnny, Pathfinder, and Marion.

"Oi oi oi, I know you're clueless, but I don't think that you'll be this clueless Kain."

"No really what's the name of this place anyway?"

"It's Central Hub." Answered Pathfinder looking up from the device that he's currently fiddling.

"Oooh right! Central Hub. Of course I know that already pft- what kind of a simpleton that you think I am?" I asked them outloud.

"And now you're actin' all high up huh…" Johnny commented on the side.

"Enough about that, c'mon Marry, we got a cargo to unload." I said to them pulling Marion away from her parfait and heading out from the flagger and started our trek towards the port.