Chapter 1 Rebirth of a scientist

Leonard : Long ago scientists from all over the world were coming together because they wanted to test the limits of science so that they could create an infinite energy source, they succeeded however an accident occurred which cost them they're lives, and since then people started developing strange powers called the "nuclei", but this phenomenon effected minority of the population but this caused an imbalance in the world's physics as well thus there were those who acquired power by sacrificing a part of themselves to the alchemy, some used they're new found power for crime and so scientists and law enforcement to stop the abuse of the nuclei one particular scientist introduced schools all over the world to educate and help the generation understand they're power in hopes to find the solution to this global problem. My name is Leonard Storm and my goal is....

Flashback : Primary School 2046

Leonard : To become the greatest scientist ever!

Teacher : Ohhh another aspiring scientist hay Leonard?

Leonard : Not just any scientist, one who'll save the world.

Teacher : Well I'm sure you're going to do just that.


Kid 1 : Hmph...yeah right.

Kid 2 : Just another nerd spouting nonsense.

A boy wearing glasses looks from afar.

(Outside class during break)

The same boy saw Leonard sitting alone and went to him.

Boy : Sitting alone huh?

Leonard : Huh?! Oh yeah, well I haven't made any friends.

Boy : I'm guessing it's from your little speech in class.

Leonard : Yeah I think so too...but I was just being honest I have my reasons anyway.

Boy : Well that's good but don't forget we live in a world says the nuclei isn't normal we have to take pills because if we don't we risk our powers going outta control. People probably believe since you're normal you don't know what you're talking about.

Leonard : Wait how do yo...

Boy : I have a nuclei, people who have can read other people's atomic level.

Leonard : That's so cool. You know I'm actually jealous of you guys.

Boy : Jealous?! Seriously?!

Leonard : Yeah. And since I was born without one, I wanna help in anyway I can.

Boy : (This guy) [starts smirking to himself]

The boy puts out his right hand.

Boy : can expect a helping hand from me.

Leonard completely stunned while someone creeps up from behind.

Boy 2 : Me too!

Leonard : Ahhhhhh! [falls down]

Boy 1 : You've been listening the whole time what the heck Kevin?

Kevin : I've been looking for you this whole time dude, and now my break's almost over thanks alot Sam.

Kevin helps Leonard up

Kevin : And by the way we share that goal of yours so you can expect us to work together from now on.

The bell rings.

Leonard : [with a huge grin on his face] Thanks alot!

Kevin : Come on! Let's move it to class!

Leonard : And ever since that day Sam and Kevin have been my best friends.

Present day High School 2052

Leonard's getting dressed, he gets his ipad and puts it in his back as he walks towards the door.

Letoya : Aren't you gonna eat anything?

Leonard : Nahhh I'm good. I'll get something along the way, right now I'm killing time.

Letoya : Okay?

As Leonard steps out the door.

Lucy : Hey Leonard! I'm going out too, want me to give you a ride?!

Leonard : Uhhh it's okay mom! I'mma walk with Sam and Kevin!

Lucy : Okay honey have a nice day, and be safe out there!

Leonard : You too! Bye mom! Later Toya.

Leonard walks down the stairs and as he reaches the gate he suddenly gets splashed by water.

Kevin : Hahahahahaha! Ohhh yeah that was goooood!

Leonard : Ha...ha...[with a sour look on his face]

Sam : Oh no don't give us that face why the hell did you take so long?

Kevin : He probably tried to build a robotic girlfriend and failed too.

Leonard : Haaa! Try procrastination, oh wait sorry too big for your vocabulary.

Sam : Ugh! You think too much. Let's get going.

Leonard : Great. Now I have to go to school in wet cloths.

Kevin : Oh come on it'll dry off.

After school the trio are passing homeless people, holograms of news happening all over the city, however the trio stop to take a look at a familiar spot surrounded by restricted tape holograms.

Sam : Really....again?

Kevin : Seriously why do you us stop here every single day?

Leonard : Cause I feel like there's more to this place then meets the eye, especially when it comes to the incident.

Kevin : Like what? We've been told this

story a thousand times. An experiment gone wrong a bunch of scientist going "Ahhhhhh.....nooooo" and ka-boom people gone and then ta-daaa the Elephant footprint was born.

Sam : Wow....anyway take this.

Leonard : A chunk of rock?

Sam : It's from the footprint.

Leonard : Whaaa....are you ins....

Sam : Shuuuush....I ran some tests on it and I'm giving it to you cause there's something I want to see, since you're so obsessed with this place.

Leonard : You sure about this? I don't really have the necessary facilities.

Sam : Hmph...[with a smirk on his face]....and the that's why I registered us for the Neutron Institution.


Kevin : You did what now?

Sam : You heard me. I mean we got the necessary requirements.

Leonard : You forgot me.

Sam : I haven't, I'm sure your situation can be overlooked fact is....

A notification comes on Sam's phone as he checks he's quiet for a brief moment and grinds his teeth.

Kevin : What's wrong?

Sam shows them the phone and it shows that both Kevin and Sam have been accepted while Leonard's application was denied. The group remain quiet.

Leonard : Hehehehe, told ya it wasn't such a great idea Sam. Anyway we should get going I'll see you guys later.

Kevin : Later man.

Sam : (I guess there's one stop I have to make after all.) See ya!

The trio part ways and Leonard is at home sitting in a tree looking at the rock.

Leonard : I gotta find a place to see what's up with you.

Lucy : Leonard you should come inside dinner's gonna be ready soon!

Leonard : Right there mom! (Man it got chilly all of a sudden.) Rain? Yeah I should really get going.

All of sudden yellow lightening strikes the tree that Leonard was sitting on, Leonard falls out of the tree with smoke coming out of his mouth as he lands on the ground.

Meanwhile Sam and Kevin looking out of their windows.

Kevin : Wait. It's over already.

Sam : That was quick.

And as Leonard was still holding on to the rock the clouds that were blocking the sky were gone and Leonard's eyes start to close.

Leonard : Heh. Little did I know that's when my life changed forever.

To be continued in the next chapter