
With The Mask*** 😷💥

Authoress FG,


Matthew drove Aria back home. He carried her on his arms and got into the elevator.

Luckily, I take my training at the gym seriously. Why's she so weighty? Matt complained in his head as he stared at Aria with a frown.

They got out of the elevator and he head to Aria's flat.

"Oh no, I should have asked her manager what her password is" Matt uttered and he gently sat Aria down next to her door.

"Why am I even doing this? Why do I care? You clearly told me not to cross the lines the last time we met and here I am, trying to save you from the public's taunt" Matthew said slowly as he sat next to her.

Jimmy ran out of the elevator as he got to Aria's floor.

"What's going on here? Why's Aria on the floor?" Jimmy asked seriously and Matt rolled his eyes tiredly.

"Why else? I forgot to ask for her password"

"Thanks for not asking. Aria would have had more reasons to slit my poor throat" Jimmy said and he secretly inserted the password on the lock pad at the door.

Jimmy tried to help Aria up and Matt exhaled deeply.

"You will end up doing that for the rest of the night. Move, let me do it" Matt said and carried Aria from the floor.

They all head into her apartment.

Bloody boxes were found on the floor with scary looking pictures of Aria being damaged with blood on curses on it.

Matt stepped back in shock, same with Jimmy.

"What's all this? Have Aria been receiving threats from fans?" Matt asked seriously.

"I have no idea what all this are doing here. Aria never told me about it. I'm as shocked as you. I will clear it all up" Jimmy said and rushed to clear up the floor.

"How can she be quiet about such threats? Her life is in so much danger and she didn't share it with anyone. The company should be aware of this no matter the circumstances. After all, all the artists gifts and messages are given through the agency" Matt said seriously and Jimmy cleared up the floor with shaky hands.

Matt layed Aria on the couch and helped in clearing the floor.

"I guess this is her reason for drinking so much. I also found it strange that she got herself in a gathering like that" Jimmy uttered and Matt picked one of the letters.

~ "Stay away from my oppa Matt. He's mine alone and don't even dream of pushing through with your relationship with him" ~

"What's this?" Matthew gasped and Jimmy snatched the letter from his hand to have a look as well.

"It's from Aria haters. You happened to be the sole reason for all this. Well, I suggest you leave now before anyone notices anything. Your relationship with Aria wasn't even real and she's already receiving threats, imagine when she really pushed through with the contract relationship" Jimmy said seriously.

"I was the one who didn't want to push through with it and how's it my fault that my fans got devious and send her threatening messages" Matt said.

"Please you should leave before Aria wakes up. You shouldn't be here right now. You've driven her back home so please leave before she wakes up" Jimmy instructed and Matt had a glimpse at his wristwatch.

"Isn't it time for you to go home as well? It's getting pretty late do I will leave as well but I will love it if the both of us leave together. I don't trust you, she's intoxicated right now and I have no idea what you might to do to her when I leave" Matt said and Jimmy laughed out loud.

"Hey, Mr Matthew. I've been Aria's manager for the past seven years so what do you think you're saying? Luckily you said that when we're indoors. You shouldn't go out saying things like that, it might get you into trouble and for your information, I'm married so stop insinuating impossible things. You should leave before we wake Aria up" Jimmy said seriously and Matthew sat down at the other couch.

"I'm not leaving until you leave or we leave together or we just spend the night here. After all, reporters might properly be hanging around this building and area. It's quite risky for me to leave now and if you're worried I might do something to Aria then you're mistaking. I'm a Christian, I respect a lady's dignity and coupled with what Aria's going through right now. I don't wish to add to it. You know exactly how an idol hater can be. They're quite dangerous and who knows what will happen to Aria if the reporters get a glimpse of my visit to Aria's building" Matt said and Jimmy held his head.

"Then it's best we both spend the night here. I can't just trust anyone with my artist. You've probably got a grudge against Aria too for always having her way with you and snubbing you as well, you've got your grudges piling up for her so don't act like you're some kind of Saint who's trying to be of help. Your help isn't needed here so please..."

"Of course, I'm still upset with Aria for always acting so rudely towards me but that doesn't mean I won't help if I see her in danger. You're her manager and you still don't know about the threats she's been receiving. Can you be anymore irresponsible" Matt cursed and Jimmy glared at him but his phone started ringing.

He moved to a corner then took the call.

"Yes honey, why did you call?" Jimmy said over the phone.

"Can't it wait till tomorrow? I really have to put an eye on Aria right now. How about we shift it till tomorrow.. Alright fine, I will be on my way" Jimmy said and hung up.

Matt scoffed on hearing that.

"Why did you have to get married at a young age? What an headache you've got yourself into" Matt sneered and Jimmy walked closer to him.

"It's none of your business. I'm leaving you here doesn't mean I've given you the permission to disrespect Aria but I just want to avoid any further trouble and that's why you will be spending the night here but don't you dare step your foot into Aria's room when you take her in" Jimmy said seriously but Matt kept mute.


Nolan was done having dinner with Sam and Alina.

"Thank you so much for the food. Let me do the dishes" Nolan said as he stood up to pack the plates but Alina snatched it from his hands.

"You're a guest so you can't do the dishes and please can you go now. You're done eating and it's getting pretty late" Alina reminded with a frown.

"Alina, where's your manners? Considering Nolan's position at the hospital, you should still respect him outside the hospital so watch it" Sam scolded and Alina shook her head and took the dishes to the washing sink to wash.

"It's okay father. It's only natural that she finds me uncomfortable in her house since it's my first time visiting" Nolan said politely and Sam smiled.

"You're not only good looking but considerate as well. Since you're here, have some beer with me before leaving but you're not driving right?" Sam asked.

"Not at all. I came with the bus. I left my car at home" Nolan said.

They both sat down at the couch.

"I should go get us some beer" Sam said as he stood up but Nolan stood up quickly.

"Don't worry father. I will get it, please sit down" Nolan said and walked to the fridge.

He stared at Alina from where he was standing. He watched her do the dishes and she struggled to brush her hair behind her ears with the back of her palms.

Nolan shook his head and smiled. He brought out the beer and went back to Sam. He placed on the table and head to the kitchen.

Nolan gently brushed Alina's hair behind her ears. She looked at him in shock as her heart skipped a beat.

Alina moved backwards as she felt Nolan's true feelings got to her.

"Are you okay now?" Nolan asked slowly and Alina nodded.

Sam watched the whole scene from his couch and he smiled.

She found herself a good one. My girl. Sam said in his head with a smile.

Nolan came back to the sitting room.

"Cheers" Sam said then they clicked their cans.

They both gulped down a sip.

Nolan's eyes caught the family album under the table.

"Can I?" Nolan asked pointing at the album and Sam brought it out.

Nolan smiled as he opened the album. The first photo he saw was photo of Alina when she was a baby.

"She has quite a mean face for a baby" Nolan uttered with a smile and Sam laughed.

"Everyone thought she would be a fighter when she grows up" Sam laughed.

"I agree completely" Nolan said and kept going through the photos but then a photo fell out of the album.

Nolan bent over to pick up the photo and he had a glimpse at the photo.

Why does Alina look that way? Nolan questioned in his head but Alina appeared from no where and snatched the photo album from Nolan's hands.

"Don't you understand the word, don't got through people's things. You're done eating, I think it's time you leave professor" Alina said with cold eyes.

"Alina!" Sam called out.

"No dad, he has to leave now. I feel uncomfortable with him around and he had dinner already. What's he doing here?" Alina half yelled then walked to her room and banged the door.

"It's okay, father. I will take my leave now. Thank you for the warm welcome, I appreciate a lot" Nolan said politely with a bow.

"Visit some other time okay. Alina doesn't really act this way around visitors. I guess she's had a bad day" Sam explained and Nolan smiled.

"I will leave now. Bye father" Nolan said and Sam stood up.

"Let me walk you to the door" Sam said slowly.

He walked him to the gate.

"Father, please help me tell Alina I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her that way. If I knew she would feel this bad, I wouldn't go through the pictures in the first place" Nolan said slowly.

Sam laughed and tapped his shoulders.

"Don't whine over it. Alina is only being sentimental. She will get over it, don't get yourself worked up. Have a safe trip back home and thanks for visiting" Sam said politely and Nolan nodded.

"Alright. Please go back in"

"Alright" Sam said and went back inside.

He walked to Alina's room and knocked on the door.

"Alina, how could you be so disrespectful to the guest. I get it that you're upset he went through your photos but what are you sensitive over that? My photos were in it as well so why are you so angry?" Sam asked seriously.

"Dad, you don't even know him so well and yet you gave him our family photo album. What if he goes out and tell silly stories to people. You know exactly what I went through in elementary school and junior high because of my looks. If professor Nolan begins to treat me that way, would you like that? Dad, just go to bed. I'm sleepy" Alina half yelled then switched off the lights.

A message from Nolan popped on Alina's phone.

~ "I'm sorry Alina. I invaded your privacy, I'm sorry for that" ~


Aria opened her eyes slowly and her eyes landed on Matthew who was doing the laundry without a shirt on.

"Where did I manage to get such a hot looking man? Oh my eyes, so sexy" Aria said with her sleepy tone as she wore a smile.

"You're finally awake? That means I can go home now" Matt uttered in a deep tone.

"His voice is sexy as well" Aria smiled.

Wait a minute, that voice sounds familiar. Aria said in her head and she sat up immediately.

"What! What are you doing in my bedroom? In my house?" Aria gasped in shock as she covered herself with her blanket.

"And...why ... Don't you have your... Shirt on?" Aria stuttered looking away.


Sensitive Alina 😒

Protective Aria 😆

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