The wind is ferocious on the little island with the lighthouse. Standing on the rocks, I survey the area. The place looks deserted, the lighthouse an automated one that probably hasn't been run by a human in decades.
This is it. The last place Gray Finnegan and her Silver Hunter team were seen.
My lips turn down into a frown. She was supposed to retrieve the Golden Coin, but I know for a fact that she never did, thanks to my skills in remote viewing.
Instead, that stupid Winter Grace has the Golden Coin.
I feel like an idiot. I knew she was clever, just like her parents. Really, though, I should have kept a better watch on her--and I shouldn't have sent some senseless Silver Hunters to nab the coin. I should have just done it myself.
Heat rising in my chest, I stride to the lighthouse's door. The door is unlocked, and it leads to a winding staircase. My jaw tight, I take it two steps at a time.
When I reach the top, I stop in shock.