"Look who it is."
The voice--a familiar one--sends a shiver down my spine.
Turning on the trail, I face the man with a smirk on his face. It’s the same guy from earlier--the one that Jack chased off for me.
And his buddy, the woman, is with him too.
A lump forms in my throat. I've been through so much since arriving in the underworld. I've run and fought an endless amount. I don't know how much more I can keep this up.
The woman studies Alec. "Who’s your friend?"
I protectively step closer to Alec. "None of your business."
We've been walking for the last few hours or so without seeing any wisps or hellhounds. We did find a spring, though, that fed into the river. I was able to fill my water bottle there. Things felt like they were looking up.
But now this.
Apparently I can't get more than a few hours of peace in this place.
"Who are they?" Alec asks.