We make our way towards the boiler room. My heart is pounding, and my mind is racing with all sorts of terrible scenarios that could happen. What if the passageway is blocked off? What if the Silver Hunters catch us before I even get there?
But then I remember why I'm doing this. Nora needs my help. She was a total badass taking on all those Silver Hunters herself, and honestly kind of my hero. I'm not backing out now, and I'm not letting her down.
We manage to cross the bridge and get onto the island where the school is, probably thanks to the cover of dusk. With the light barely there, we press our shoulders against the main building and run around its exterior.
The boiler room is a short distance from the main building, right next to the river. As we approach, I can hear the hum of the boiler and the sound of rushing water. But I can also hear something else. Footsteps. Coming from inside the room.